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  • Junior Officer, Human Resources

    Junior Officer, Human Resources

    Job Description
    The incumbent will be responsible for general HR administrative support together with processing monthly national payroll. Includes undertaking a range of administrative duties, following processes and managing HR data & systems to ensure accuracy at all times.

    Preparing longlisting matrix for submission to hiring manager
    Scheduling of interviews including contacting candidates, booking venues etc.
    Identifying and notifying the interview panel of time and date of interview
    Coordinating collation of practical tests and interview questions and interview reports from interview panelists
    Assisting in conducting interviews for support positions
    Reference checking and providing interview feedback to unsuccessful candidates
    Organizing pre/post-employment medical check-ups for staff
    Liaison with ICT for creation of new ICT users and disablement of leavers
    Scheduling and conducting induction/orientation for new staff with other departments
    Assisting new staff in appropriately completing induction forms, creating and maintaining hard and soft files for new staff

    HR Administrative Roles:

    Timely submission of complete & correct medical, life, WIBA and AMREF cover memberships forms (where applicable) for new staff and termination of the same appropriately at exit
    Issuing and retrieving IDs and smart cards to staff
    Maintaining files for staff medical, life, WIBA and AMREF covers
    Maintaining leave/TOIL records
    Archiving staff records six (6) months after end of employment
    Tracking and updating on supplies requests and other HR related requests
    Facilitating timely approval, receipt and payments for HR services
    Dispatching and ensuring receipt of all staff documents while maintaining relevant records

    Benefits Administration:

    Processing national payroll and all statutory payments
    Administration of staff welfare, insurance (medical, personal accident and life) and pension scheme benefits

    Contracts Management and Staff Separation

    Issue contracts to new staff and process contract extensions, monitor contract expiry dates and notify Line Manager and HODs for further direction
    Coordinate probation reviews and confirmation and report to the Manager on PIP actions.
    Advise and facilitate staff in the clearance process including preparing final payments and terminal benefits

    Data Analytics

    Collating of HR data, storage and retrieval, keeping the staff database up to date
    Data organization in HR Master/Paymaster, spreadsheets and other forms
    Data cleaning to ensure there is no duplication or error and incompleteness

    Policies, Procedures & Best Practices

    Ensure staff are aware and understand their terms and conditions of service and any changes that may be applicable
    Contribute to the review, dissemination and implementation of HR and administration policies and procedures
    Monitoring for compliance with employment law, policies and procedures


    Reporting grievances and complaints to Line Manager for further action
    Scheduling HR related activities and initiatives e.g. staff meetings/briefs, learning forums e.g. brown bags, staff support visits etc.

    Responding to Emergencies:

    Participating and contributing towards Concern’s emergency response, as and when necessary
    Complying with Concern’s health, safety and security guidelines during emergencies

    Concern Code of Conduct and Associated Policies:

    Adhering to the standards of conduct outlined in the Concern Code of Conduct & Associated Policies
    Supporting and promoting the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct & Associated Policies to the team, partner organisations and beneficiaries, and being committed to providing a safe working environment

    In line with Concern’s commitments under the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS):

    actively promote meaningful community participation and consultation at all stages of the project cycle (planning, implementation, M&E);
    work with relevant colleagues to ensure that the Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) is functional and accessible, that feedback and complaints are welcomed and addressed;
    work with relevant colleagues to ensure that information about CRM, safeguarding and expected staff behaviour is disseminated among programme participants and communities.

    Education, Qualifications & Experience Required

    Bachelors’ degree in Human Resources Management, Administration, Business Management or relevant field.
    At least two (2) year working experience. Previous experience in an international NGO is an added advantage.
    Excellent coordination, interpersonal and communication, skills
    Attention to detail, confidentiality, integrity and ability to handle sensitive situations and a team player **
    Excellent writing and oral skills in English and Kiswahili.

    Interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, should send a detailed CV with three referees and Cover Letter Only to with the subject of the email as ‘Junior Officer Human Resources – Nairobi’ on or before Friday 1st October, 2021.Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

    Apply via :

  • Consultancy to support the development of the Concern Kenya Country Strategic Plan (CSP) for 2022-2026

    Consultancy to support the development of the Concern Kenya Country Strategic Plan (CSP) for 2022-2026

    Background and Context
    Concern Kenya’s experience of working within the framework of a five-year strategic plan has been a positive one, Concern Kenya plans to design its fourth five-year plan. Through an in-depth analysis of the context, a re-examination of poverty including through the eyes of the poor, and critical analysis of strategic options taking into account Concern’s global direction, Concern Kenya will determine its niche for the next five years.
    The current strategic plan (2017-2021) provided the necessary structure to focus and guide the Kenya’s Country team in its pursuit to alleviate extreme poverty. It created a foundation for cohesive team and strong ownership throughout the organization. It was flexible enough to accommodate emergencies, both predicable and unanticipated, yet focused enough to achieve results for Kenya’s poor – as evidenced in the annual reports. A midterm review conducted at the beginning of 2020 revealed that the programme had met the vast majority of its objectives, either wholly or partly.
    The development of the 2022-2026 Country Strategy Plan (CSP) will mainly entail a review and update of the current strategic objectives, appropriate modification of basic service delivery, and governance taking into account that implementation will be in the context of 3rd term of Kenya’s devolved governance. The country programme anticipates some changes in the livelihoods sector strategies, partnership strategy as well as system strengthening approaches.
    A Country Core Steering Group that comprises of Programme Director (PD), Systems Director (SD), M&E Manager, Senior Manager Governance, Country Financial Controller (CFC), and Country Director (CD) is in place to provide oversight on the CSP development process. Additionally a Technical Heads Working Group – comprised of Sector Leads for Education, Livelihoods, Governance, Health and Nutrition, County Programme Managers for Nairobi, Marsabit, Turkana, Tana River and Isiolo, M&E team will participate in the CSP development process. The Programme Support Unit will provide secretariat support in the process. Additionally, the Regional Director (RD) for Horn of Africa and Strategy, Advocacy Learning (SAL) team and the Concern Kenya Board will contribute to this process.
    Purpose and Objective
    The consultant will assist the Concern Kenya country programme to develop its 2022-2026 CSP. The consultant will contribute updating the existing External Analysis report, undertake an internal analysis, development of options paper, make presentation during strategy development workshop that will be facilitated by the SAL, and develop first draft of the country strategic plan based on the strategy development workshop deliberations.
    Given the time and intense nature of the development of the strategic plan, bring an external view and need for fresh objective analyses process, Concern Kenya seeks an external consultant to assist the country programme to support the process.
    Methodology and Technical Approach
    Proposed approaches are listed below. Concern will be flexible for adjustments and adaptations to ensure tasks are delivered in line with the government guidelines for the prevention of COVID 19.
    For the external analysis
    The consultant will liaise closely with Concern Kenya staff to produce an external analysis report on the external factors that are likely to influence and inform the strategic options for Concern. Sector Leads for Livelihoods, Education, Governance, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Health and Nutrition programmes will propose to the consultant the key government policy documents, sector strategies, statistical reports as well as government implementation reports. The Sector Leads will undertake stakeholder analysis of key stakeholder including government bodies, INGOs, aid agencies and donors (with focus on Concern target areas and above sectors) and provide input to draft external analysis reports.
    The consultant will undertake the following tasks:

    Review key government policy documents, sector strategies for livelihoods, education, governance, WASH, health and nutrition, statistical reports as well as government implementation reports using How Concern Understands Extreme Poverty (HCUEP) Approach
    Source and review key international, external or other independent analyses or trends in the counties, country and the region, particularly on socio-economic, governance, extreme poverty and access to basic rights issues produced by reputable institutions
    Review the data collected to ensure it enhances the in-depth understanding of vulnerabilities of extreme poor using HCUEP approach with focus on disaggregation (gender, area/county, target group)
    Conduct and include analysis of Concern’s crosscutting themes [Disaster Risk Reduction, Gender, HIV Risk, COVID Risk, Poverty] from our intervention in last 5 years (livelihoods, education, governance, WASH, health and nutrition)
    Compile a draft external analysis report of trends and contingencies in the operating environment, as well as opportunities and possible niches for Concern
    Facilitate a one-day feedback and implications workshop on the external analysis report
    Develop final external analysis report incorporating feedback received from staff

    For the internal analysis
    The consultant will work jointly with Concern staff from Nairobi and field offices to facilitate two SWOT Analysis workshops to identify strengths and weaknesses over the past strategy period and opportunity and threats in the coming 5 years.
    The consultant will undertake the following tasks

    Facilitate two SWOT analysis workshops of Concern staff with mix of Nairobi and field teams. The workshops also to include reflection on the previous five-year CSP achievements, what was done well, and not so well, both for programmes and systems
    Desk review of internal documents – such as internal and external evaluations (focusing on lessons and recommendations); HQ Emergency Department and SAL Adviser reports; Annual Progress Reports, project evaluation reports, the Annual Review and Reporting on the delivery of Accountability Commitments, research reports, Contextual Analysis reports , partnership reviews and audit reports
    Facilitate inputs from government and non-government stakeholders and programme participants (lists to be provided by Concern) to provide external viewpoints of Concern’s strengths and weaknesses
    Compile a draft Internal Analysis report for Concern feedback
    Incorporate staff feedback and draft final Internal Analysis report**Development of Options Paper**

    The Country Core Steering Group will liaise with SAL team to produce a range of options based on the Internal and External analyses. This process will be through email correspondence and virtual meetings. The role of the consultant will include:

    Support Country Team to develop draft options paper from communication between Country Team and Strategy , Advocacy Learning (SAL) team in Dublin

    For the strategy development workshop and writing of the CSP
    The Regional Director and SAL team will facilitate the strategy development workshop. The consultant will undertake the following tasks:

    Make presentation during strategy workshop providing highlights from the External Analysis , Internal Analysis and Options Paper
    Develop draft CSP from deliberations in the Strategy Development Workshop
    Incorporate feedback from staff and produce final report

    Outputs and Deliverables:

    Inception report detailing the understanding of the assignment: i.e. Literature review drawing heavily from external and internal analysis, methodology, work plan/schedule and draft data collection tools.
    Final external analysis report
    Transcribed stakeholder and programme participant Key Informant Interviews and Focus Group Discussions
    Internal Analysis report
    Strategic options paper
    Presentation during strategy development workshop on external analysis, internal analyses and options paper
    Draft country strategic plan from deliberations at the strategy development workshop for further action by Concern

    Timeframe and Level of Effort (LOE)
    The duration of the contract will be 35 days from October 2021 – January 2022; as per below Key deliverables, LOE and timelines:
    External analysis:

    Inception Meeting; to be held three days after signing contract; LOE 1; by 12 October 2021
    Submit inception report; LOE 1; by 15 October 2021
    Concern to provide lists of key government policy documents, sector strategies , statistical reports as well as government implementation reports; LOE 0; by 15th October 2021
    Review key government policy documents, sector strategies , statistical reports as well as government implementation reports using HCUEP Approach; LOE 2; by 20th October 2021
    Source and review key international, external or other independent analyses of trends in the counties, country, region, especially in the political/governance, economic and social spheres. Key analyses of regional and country political trends, papers on key rights issues produced by Human Rights institutions; LOE 2; by 23rd October 2021
    Review the data collected to ensure it enhances the understanding of extreme poverty using HCUEP approach with specific focus on disaggregation (gender, area/county, target group); LOE 1; by 27 October 2021
    Conduct analysis of the crosscutting issues (DRR, Gender, HIV Risk, COVID Risk, Poverty ) across all sectors from an equality perspective to bring out the differences between various groups in society; LOE 3; by 29 October 2021
    Submit a draft External Analysis report to Concern for circulation to Concern Kenya Staff & Board Advisory Committee for critical comment and input; LOE 1 by 01November 2021
    Draft 1 of External Analysis Report circulated to Staff and Board for comments and inputs; LOE 0 by 2-5 November 2021
    Submission of staff and Board input to consultant; LOE 0; 08 November 2021
    Facilitate a one-day feedback and implications workshop; LOE 1; by 11 November 2021
    External Analysis Final Report; LOE 2; by 15 November 2021

    Internal analysis

    Facilitate two SWOT Analysis workshops with Concern team ‘including’ review of the previous Country Strategic Plan, and get the team to consider whether they have achieved the objectives they set for themselves in the previous five-year period, and if not why not; LOE 2; by 18 &19 November 2021

    Internal Analysis -Synthesis of Data (Consider what is being done well, and not so well, by the country team, both in terms of programmes and systems); LOE 2; by 21 November 2021

    Desk review of internal documents – such as internal and external evaluations (focusing on lessons and recommendations); Annual Progress Reports, the Annual Review and Reporting on the delivery of Accountability Commitments, research reports, Contextual Analysis reports; LOE 2; by 26 November 2021

    Concern to provide lists of key stakeholders; LOE 0; by 18 &19 November 2021

    Facilitate inputs from government and non-government stakeholders and programme participants to provide external viewpoints and analyses on Concern’s strengths and weaknesses, identify opportunities for Concern’s future work; LOE 3; by 29 November 2021

    Compile a and share draft Internal Analysis report; LOE 2; by 3 December 2021

    Draft 1 of Internal Analysis Report circulated to Staff and Board for critical input; LOE 0; by 3-9 December 2021

    Incorporate staff feedback and final combined (external and internal) report; LOE 1; 13 December 2021

    Option analysis:
    Develop draft options paper from the options analysis correspondence that will be spearheaded by Concern Country Core Steering Group, Sector Leads at Nairobi Office and County Programme Managers and SAL; LOE 2;by 13-17 December 2021
    Strategy development:
    Participation and Presentation during strategy workshop providing highlights from the External Analysis, Internal Analysis and options paper; LOE 3; by 20-22 December
    Writing of CSP:

    Develop Draft CSP; LOE 2; by 7 January 2022

    Review feedback and produce final report; LOE 2; by 21 January 2022

    Concern will make payment after satisfactory delivery of agreed outcomes. Concern will make payments as per the schedule below

    Submission of Inception Report: 20%
    Submission of External Analysis Report: 30%
    Submission of Internal Analysis Report: 25%
    Submission of Draft Country Strategic Plan: 25%

    Financial proposal
    Kindly provide your financial proposal, clearly indicating rate payable per day, VAT/Tax component (if applicable) and total cost.
    Working conditions
    The Programme Director, will manage the consultancy on behalf of the Country Core Steering Group (CCSG). The consultant will treat all documents and data collected in the process of the consultancy will be treated as confidential and use them solely to facilitate the consultancy assignment. All information accessed by the consultant shall at all times be treated as the property of Concern and shall not be disclosed save for where express permission has been granted. Concern will have copy rights of all work produced under this consultancy assignment.
    In the course of work, the Consultant(s) may come into contact with vulnerable groups (women and/or children). It is expected that the Consultant(s) shall ensure the safeguarding of all programme participants and avoid involvement in any activities that are illegal, contravene human rights, or compromise the work of Concern

    A minimum of a post graduate qualification in the field of Administration/strategic management, Organizational Development and/ or management or in a related field
    At least five years professional experience in undertaking strategic planning and management, organizational and change management for international non –governmental humanitarian organizations. Certificate of completion of similar tasks for international non –governmental humanitarian organizatio

    To apply the consultant(s) should submit an Expression of Interest of not more than 15 pages. This shall contain the consultant’s understanding of the ToR, how the consultant(s) will undertake the CSP development process, how the consultant(s) meet the requirements and proposed work plan.Attach also Company registration/ID card copy, copies of previous work/experience, company profile, CVs of key staff, PIN certificate, Tax compliance certificate and evidence of ETR (if applicable).Applicants shall submit their Expression of Interest to by 4:00pm Kenyan time on 17 September 2021, with email subject “SR84028 – Consultancy for Country Strategic Plan”.

    Apply via :

  • Survey and Surveillance Manager (Maternity Cover).

    Survey and Surveillance Manager (Maternity Cover).

    Reports to: Senior Manager, M&E
    Job Location: Nairobi with frequent visits to the field ( Candidates must be legally entitled to work in Kenya at the time of application)
    Direct Reports: County M&E officers
    Contracts Details: 6 months – Maternity Cover
    Job Summary:
    The job holder will be responsible for planning, coordination, implementation and analysis of surveys, surveillance, coverage survey, operational research and other assessments. The Manager will strengthen the capacity of Concern Kenya program team in assessment design, implementation and create a pool of staff able to implement assessments. In addition, the job holder will build the capacity of line Ministry and Partner staff in conducting assessments, produce county profiles and county situational analysis and represent Concern at the National forums. Within delegated responsibilities, s/he will deputize the Senior M&E manager in the areas of reporting, budgeting management (costed work plans) and provide technical oversight and supervision on the work of county M&E officers in as far as surveys/surveillance are concerned.
    Main Duties & Responsibilities:
    Capacity Building

    Build and Strengthen Capacity of Various Stakeholders including the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) in Health and Nutrition Surveys, Surveillances, Coverage Surveys and other Assessments such as Maternal and New-Born Child Health KPC Surveys
    Provide technical support and trainings to program team in collaboration with the respective technical focusing on appropriate approaches and methodologies; conceptual and practical frameworks; Sphere standards and analysis tools for effective and quality delivery of program. In addition, Support Health and Nutrition Team in Health and Nutrition MEAL activities- analysis and capitalisation of health and nutrition programme data.
    Ensure maximum collaboration with various stakeholders especially line ministries and participate in guidelines development, reviews, short and long rain assessment and validations.

    Coordination and Implementation

    Planning, Designing and Implementation of the Integrated Health and Nutrition Surveys, Evaluation , livelihood assessments, Programme Coverage, Maternal and New-Born Child Health KPC Surveys and Surveillance in adherence with Government of Kenya Procedures / Protocols / Guidelines.
    Develop Survey Methodologies in according with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health and Ensure survey proposal/methodology/results preparation and validation process is done in the required time and Ensure that proper, timely and adequate literature review is done prior to the implementation of health and nutrition surveys and assessments.
    Oversee training of the survey team, supervision of data collection, supervision of data entry, and ensuring quality data is collected in all supported assessments
    Lead the survey team to conduct data analysis and production of draft and final report of the preliminary results in addition to field report

    Monitoring and Evaluation

    Develop the program log frame in close collaboration of the Technical heads and Senior M&E manager , define the program indicators and verify program level tool kits
    Participation in the programme strategy, narrative and financial parts of the program proposals of the country program.
    Participate and contribute in the writing of the quarterly, semi-annual and annual program reports
    Periodic monitoring of the existing database management system, assist in periodic review of program performance and provide supportive supervisory visits to partners to monitor implementation.
    Document and disseminate experiences and lessons learned on each of the programme areas to ensure Concern’s profile is raised at national and international levels.
    Compile high quality situational analysis, infographics and presentation.
    Lead the design of operational research methodology and support implementation and dissemination
    Publish program learning in knowledge management and other forums


    Represent Concern Kenya in national level meetings especially survey and surveillance forums and give relevant feedback.
    Actively participate in relevant forum to include the Nutrition Information Working Group and NDMA
    Writing articles for sharing through the NIWG bulletin and field exchanges

    Maintain the Gender Minimum Standards

    Be strongly committed to Gender Equality and the Humanitarian Principals.
    Promote Gender Equality within the humanitarian and development work.

    Responding to Emergencies:

    Participating and contributing, towards Concern’s emergency response, as and when necessary
    Complying with Concern’s health, safety and security guidelines during emergencies

    Concern Code of Conduct and Associated Policies:

    Adhering to the standards of conduct outlined in the Concern Code of Conduct & Associated Policies
    Supporting and promoting the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct & Associated Policies to their team, partner organisations and beneficiaries, and being committed to providing a safe working environment.

    In line with Concern’s commitments under the Core Humanitarian Standard

    actively promote meaningful community participation and consultation at all stages of the project cycle (planning, implementation, M&E);
    work with relevant colleagues to ensure that the Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) is functional and accessible, that feedback and complaints are welcomed and addressed;
    work with relevant colleagues to ensure that information about CRM, safeguarding and expected staff behaviour is disseminated among programme participants and communities.

    Job Specification:

    A degree in Statistics, Epidemiology, Economics with a strong statistical focus and survey/surveillance background.
    At least five (5) years’ experience in surveillance and surveys (SMART, SQUEAC and LQAS methodology) and in data management including data analysis for large data sets
    Proficiency in statistical software (Epi Info, ENA, SPSS, STATA and ArcGIS) and digital data gathering technologies
    Proven competency in ethical principles of research, statistical analysis and complex survey design and analysis
    Excellent report writing, communication, interpersonal, ToT, networking and coordination skills
    Proficient in the use of computer applications
    Fluent in both spoken and written English and Kiswahili.

    Concern has an organizational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organization, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context, staff have a responsibility to the organization to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Concern Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies. Additionally, Concern is committed to the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults and children in our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work or volunteer with vulnerable adults and children are recruited by us for such roles. Subsequently, working or volunteering with Concern is subject to a range of vetting checks, including criminal background checking.

    Interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, should send a detailed CV with three referees and Cover Letter Only to with the subject of the email as ‘Survey and Surveillance Manager ’ on or before Tuesday 24th August, 2021.Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.CONCERN WORLDWIDE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DOES NOT CHARGE FOR RECRUITMENT

    Apply via :

  • Survey & Surveillance Manager

    Survey & Surveillance Manager

    Reports to: Senior Manager, M&E
    Job Location: Nairobi with frequent visits to the field ( Candidates must be legally entitled to work in Kenya at the time of application)
    Direct Reports: County M&E officers
    Contracts Details: 6 months – Maternity Cover
    Job Summary:
    The job holder will be responsible for planning, coordination, implementation and analysis of surveys, surveillance, coverage survey, operational research and other assessments. The Manager will strengthen the capacity of Concern Kenya program team in assessment design, implementation and create a pool of staff able to implement assessments. In addition, the job holder will build the capacity of line Ministry and Partner staff in conducting assessments, produce county profiles and county situational analysis and represent Concern at the National forums. Within delegated responsibilities, s/he will deputize the Senior M&E manager in the areas of reporting, budgeting management (costed work plans) and provide technical oversight and supervision on the work of county M&E officers in as far as surveys/surveillance are concerned.
    Main Duties & Responsibilities:
    Capacity Building

    Build and Strengthen Capacity of Various Stakeholders including the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) in Health and Nutrition Surveys, Surveillances, Coverage Surveys and other Assessments such as Maternal and New-Born Child Health KPC Surveys
    Provide technical support and trainings to program team in collaboration with the respective technical focusing on appropriate approaches and methodologies; conceptual and practical frameworks; Sphere standards and analysis tools for effective and quality delivery of program. In addition, Support Health and Nutrition Team in Health and Nutrition MEAL activities- analysis and capitalisation of health and nutrition programme data.
    Ensure maximum collaboration with various stakeholders especially line ministries and participate in guidelines development, reviews, short and long rain assessment and validations.

    Coordination and Implementation

    Planning, Designing and Implementation of the Integrated Health and Nutrition Surveys, Evaluation , livelihood assessments, Programme Coverage, Maternal and New-Born Child Health KPC Surveys and Surveillance in adherence with Government of Kenya Procedures / Protocols / Guidelines.
    Develop Survey Methodologies in according with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health and Ensure survey proposal/methodology/results preparation and validation process is done in the required time and Ensure that proper, timely and adequate literature review is done prior to the implementation of health and nutrition surveys and assessments.
    Oversee training of the survey team, supervision of data collection, supervision of data entry, and ensuring quality data is collected in all supported assessments
    Lead the survey team to conduct data analysis and production of draft and final report of the preliminary results in addition to field report

    Monitoring and Evaluation

    Develop the program log frame in close collaboration of the Technical heads and Senior M&E manager , define the program indicators and verify program level tool kits
    Participation in the programme strategy, narrative and financial parts of the program proposals of the country program.
    Participate and contribute in the writing of the quarterly, semi-annual and annual program reports
    Periodic monitoring of the existing database management system, assist in periodic review of program performance and provide supportive supervisory visits to partners to monitor implementation.
    Document and disseminate experiences and lessons learned on each of the programme areas to ensure Concern’s profile is raised at national and international levels.
    Compile high quality situational analysis, infographics and presentation.
    Lead the design of operational research methodology and support implementation and dissemination
    Publish program learning in knowledge management and other forums


    Represent Concern Kenya in national level meetings especially survey and surveillance forums and give relevant feedback.
    Actively participate in relevant forum to include the Nutrition Information Working Group and NDMA
    Writing articles for sharing through the NIWG bulletin and field exchanges

    Maintain the Gender Minimum Standards

    Be strongly committed to Gender Equality and the Humanitarian Principals.
    Promote Gender Equality within the humanitarian and development work.

    Responding to Emergencies:

    Participating and contributing, towards Concern’s emergency response, as and when necessary
    Complying with Concern’s health, safety and security guidelines during emergencies

    Concern Code of Conduct and Associated Policies:

    Adhering to the standards of conduct outlined in the Concern Code of Conduct & Associated Policies
    Supporting and promoting the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct & Associated Policies to their team, partner organisations and beneficiaries, and being committed to providing a safe working environment.

    In line with Concern’s commitments under the Core Humanitarian Standard

    actively promote meaningful community participation and consultation at all stages of the project cycle (planning, implementation, M&E);
    work with relevant colleagues to ensure that the Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) is functional and accessible, that feedback and complaints are welcomed and addressed;
    work with relevant colleagues to ensure that information about CRM, safeguarding and expected staff behaviour is disseminated among programme participants and communities.

    Job Specification:

    A degree in Statistics, Epidemiology, Economics with a strong statistical focus and survey/surveillance background.
    At least five (5) years’ experience in surveillance and surveys (SMART, SQUEAC and LQAS methodology) and in data management including data analysis for large data sets
    Proficiency in statistical software (Epi Info, ENA, SPSS, STATA and ArcGIS) and digital data gathering technologies
    Proven competency in ethical principles of research, statistical analysis and complex survey design and analysis
    Excellent report writing, communication, interpersonal, ToT, networking and coordination skills
    Proficient in the use of computer applications
    Fluent in both spoken and written English and Kiswahili.

    Concern has an organizational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organization, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context, staff have a responsibility to the organization to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Concern Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies. Additionally, Concern is committed to the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults and children in our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work or volunteer with vulnerable adults and children are recruited by us for such roles. Subsequently, working or volunteering with Concern is subject to a range of vetting checks, including criminal background checking.

    Interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, should send a detailed CV with three referees and Cover Letter Only to with the subject of the email as ‘Survey and Surveillance Manager ’ on or before Tuesday 24th August, 2021.Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.CONCERN WORLDWIDE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DOES NOT CHARGE FOR RECRUITMENT

    Apply via :

  • Livelihoods Coordinator

    Livelihoods Coordinator

    Duty Station: Nairobi with frequent travel to the FIM Programme areas in Marsabit, Tana River, Turkana and any other new Counties ( Candidates must be legally entitled to work in Kenya at the time of application)
    Reports to: Programme Director
    Direct reports: Senior Manager, Livelihoods and Manager Urban Livelihoods, Nairobi; Manager ASAL Livelihoods, Marsabit; Officer Livelihoods, Tana River and Officer ASAL Livelihoods, Turkana
    Job Summary
    To provide overall technical and strategic direction, oversee and coordinate the implementation of the Livelihoods programme in line with the country’s needs, as well as Concern’s country and global strategies
    Main duties & Responsibilities:
    Programme Management and Development

    Lead the Livelihoods programme strategy development process and ensure that it is aligned to the Kenya Country strategy as well as the global strategy and policies for Concern Worldwide
    Ensure that the programme is designed to address the following: Participatory methodologies, Disaster Risk Reduction, Community Development, Capacity Building, Equality (with an emphasis on gender and gender-based violence) and HIV&AIDS.
    Oversee and coordinate the implementation of Livelihoods and WASH programmes in line with the Country Program Strategy

    Coordinate partnership with the various levels of Government (i.e. National and County level) in the implementation of programme activities in the various programme locations and participate in Inter-agency and government meetings.

    Provide technical and strategic direction to the various components of the Livelihoods programme i.e. Urban, ASAL and WASH including emergency response

    Initiate and manage programme reviews, external evaluations, studies and consultancies.

    Produce quality programme proposals and budgets in a timely manner for submission to Concern HQ and donors.

    Lead research and advocacy interventions related to the programme at national and international level.

    Promote partnerships with national and international organizations working in the area of Livelihoods, including the development of capacity building strategies and skills to ensure adequate partner support

    Lead organisational capacity building of partners to ensure their development and sustainability

    Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

    Oversee the assessment, support and ongoing monitoring of partners involved in the implementation of the Livelihoods programme.
    Ensure M&E is incorporated into all programme plans and mechanisms are implemented.

    Staff Management:

    Support in recruitment and management of programme staff ensuring that there is a clearly defined structure and reporting mechanisms.
    Build the capacity of staff through the provision of technical support, training and advice.
    Conduct Performance and Development Review for programme staff on a timely manner.

    Financial Management:

    Lead the development of programme budget in consultation with the finance department and manage the budget, regular monitoring of expenditure in accordance with Concern financial procedures and guidelines.
    Develop a clear work and expenditure plan and ensure that the programme is implemented within the agreed/approved budget.

    Responding to Emergencies:

    Participating and contributing, towards Concern’s emergency response, as and when necessary
    Complying with Concern’s health, safety and security guidelines during emergencies

    Concern Code of Conduct and Associated Policies:

    Adhering to the standards of conduct outlined in the Concern Code of Conduct & Associated Policies
    Supporting and promoting the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct & Associated Policies to their team, partner organisations and beneficiaries, and being committed to providing a safe working environment.


    Promote and ensure compliance with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments and quality criteria
    Ensure that all staff are familiar with the principles underpinning accountability, safeguarding and Concern’s Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) and ensure that information about Concern’s commitments on accountability and safeguarding are disseminated among programme participants and communities
    Ensure that the CRM is functional, effectively implemented and accessible in all programmes’ locations, enabling safe reporting of both programmatic and sensitive complaints, including safeguarding concerns, ensure that complaints are welcomed, managed and responded to in a timely, fair and appropriate manner; ensure that sensitive complaints, including safeguarding concerns, are handled with utmost confidentiality and that the safety of the complainants and those affected is prioritized at all stages.

    Job Specification:

    Master’s degree in social sciences, development studies or a relevant field
    At least 10 years’ experience in managing a livelihoods, urban development, social protection or WASH programme
    At least 5 years’ experience in development programming at Programme Coordinator/ Manager level
    Proven competency in strategy development
    Excellent leadership, communication, analytical and problem solving skills
    Ability to work under pressure and as part of a team
    Strong coordination skills specifically with the ability to effectively coordinate influence and negotiate with government.
    Strong financial management and donor compliance skills.

    Interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, should send a detailed CV with three referees and Cover Letter Only to with the subject of the email as ‘Livelihoods Coordinator’ on or before Monday 10th August, 2021.Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.CONCERN WORLDWIDE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DOES NOT CHARGE FOR RECRUITMENT

    Apply via :

  • Project officer-Health and Nutrition – Tana River 

Project Officer Health and Nutrition-West Pokot

    Project officer-Health and Nutrition – Tana River Project Officer Health and Nutrition-West Pokot

    Reports to: Project Manager, Health and Nutrition
    Location : Tana River- Candidates must be legally entitled to work in Kenya at the time of application
    Job Purpose:
    The project Officer- Health and Nutrition will be responsible for implementing emergency nutrition and WASH response in the context of COVID 19. Specifically, the response will include: Management of Acute Malnutrition and Maternal Infant Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (MIYCN-E); and WASH – Hygiene Promotion, Water Supply and WASH NFIs based on the approved work plan. He/she will also coordinate with the relevant Sub county government(s) teams to implement the emergency response.
    Main duties & Responsibilities:

    Support the Sub county health management team (SCHMT) in implementing the Management of Acute Malnutrition and Maternal Infant Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (MIYCN-E); and WASH – Hygiene Promotion, Water Supply and WASH NFIs based on the approved work plan in the respective Sub County(s).
    Provide technical assistance to SCHMT) in the implementation of Nutrition and WASH actions.
    Support facilities and community units with technical assistance to implement a sustainable, Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) approach during emergency using the MIYCN –E approach.
    Support the Sub- County, facility and Community Capacity building activities on emergency nutrition and WASH actions.
    Support the county to conduct monthly pipeline and order management for facilities and ensure that there are no stock outs of any nutrition commodities
    Facilitate and/or conduct joint health facility supervision visits with sub county nutrition coordinator on inventory management and nutrition service data transcription and reporting practices
    Assist community units conduct demonstrations on food preparation at household level, strategies on diet diversity; also conduct health talks to mother to mother support groups and caregivers of children on basic food safety and WASH
    Implement and monitor progress of approved relevant nutrition sensitive activities contextualized to specific communities
    Prepare progress reports for all activities based on indicators identified in the performance monitoring plan
    Assist Sub County Coordination forum secretariat to organize, document and share key outcomes of these meetings
    Work with Concern staff to provide input to work plans, budgets, and quarterly and annual reports
    In consultation with Health and Nutrition Manager, act as a technical resource for sub county on issues relation to nutrition and respond to requests for technical information and assistance on nutrition and WASH.
    Represent Concern at key meetings at Sub County level, e.g., Sub County steering group, health stakeholder’s forum, any other forums on nutrition and health, as needed.
    Support the manager in report writing
    Provide technical support to the Sub County Health Management Teams on the implementation of the health and nutrition project.
    Assist the program manager to provide technical support to the SCHMT and other stakeholders in the implementation of the project at the community level.
    Work with the Sub County Teams to implement the joint work plans as agreed.
    Provide periodic reports on the health and nutrition project activities at the community level.
    Ensure programme quality control through implementation of monthly and quarterly M&E.

    Responding to Emergencies:

    Participate and contribute as necessary towards Concern’s Emergency response as and when necessary
    Comply with Concern’s health, safety and security guidelines during emergency

    Concern Code of Conduct & Associated Policies:

    To adhere to the standards of conduct outlined in the Concern Code of Conduct & Associated Policies
    To support and promote the standards outlined in the Concern Code of Conduct & Associated Policies to their team, partner organisations and beneficiaries, and be committed to providing a safe working environment.
    To contribute to the establishment of preventive measures to reduce the potential for abuse in Concern programme


    Promote and ensure compliance with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments and quality criteria
    Ensure that all staff are familiar with the principles underpinning accountability, safeguarding and Concern’s Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) and ensure that information about Concern’s commitments on accountability and safeguarding are disseminated among programme participants and communities
    Ensure that the CRM is functional, effectively implemented and accessible in all programmes’ locations, enabling safe reporting of both programmatic and sensitive complaints, including safeguarding concerns ensure that complaints are welcomed, managed and responded to in a timely, fair and appropriate manner; ensure that sensitive complaints, including safeguarding concerns, are handled with utmost confidentiality and that the safety of the complainants and those affected is prioritized at all stages.

    Job Specification:
    Education, Qualifications & Experience Required:

    A Degree in Food Science and Nutrition, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Public health or other Health Sciences or related course.
    At least two (2) years’ experience in implementing projects in a similar role.
    Experience working in implementing emergency nutrition programs.
    Strong written and oral communication, good computing and report writing skills.
    Be able to work independently, as well as in a team.
    Be willing to accept responsibility and to show good judgment, initiative, and resourcefulness.
    Fluency in both spoken and written language in English and Kiswahili.
    Computer literacy with good Excel, MS Word, Outlook, and Power Point skills.
    Residency in Tana River will be an added advantage.

    Concern has an organisational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organisation, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context, staff have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Concern Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies. Additionally, Concern is committed to the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults and children in our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work or volunteer with vulnerable adults and children are recruited by us for such roles. Subsequently, working or volunteering with Concern is subject to a range of vetting checks, including criminal background checking.
    Concern’ is the trading name of ‘Concern Worldwide’, a company limited by guarantee, registered number 39647; registered charity number CHY 5745, registered in Ireland, registered address is 52-55 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Follow Concern online:

    go to method of application »

    Interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, should send a detailed CV with three referees and Cover Letter Only to with the subject of the email as ‘Project Officer Health and Nutrition-Tana River’ or  ‘Project Officer Health and Nutrition-West Pokot’ on or before Wednesday 7th July 2021.Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

    Apply via :

  • Programme Director Kenya

    Programme Director Kenya

    Salary: €47,694 – €52,996
    Based in Country: Kenya
    Job Title: Programme Director
    Contract Type: Accompanied (fully) Fixed Term International Contract
    Annual Allowance: e1,500
    Benefits: See attached
    About the role: This is a 24 month, replacement role with accompanied terms based in Nairobi with a salary of Grade 5 €47, 694 – €52,996. Qualified Kenyan nationals are highly encouraged to apply and would be offered competitive national staff salary and benefits
    You will report to the CD and will line manage staff for our programmes in specific counties; work closely with the Programme Director who manages the other programme locations and staff; and with the systems staff.  We would like you to start in August
    Your purpose:
    As a member of the Senior Management Team and in close collaboration with the Country Director, contribute to the strategic development and management of the Concern Kenya Country Programme in line with organizational policies, values and frameworks and the Concern Worldwide Kenya Country Strategic Plan.  You will work on maintaining and strengthening focus on community empowerment, system strengthening and emergency preparedness. 
    You will be responsible for:
    Programme Development & Implementation:

    Ensuring programmes are designed and implemented in line with Concern Worldwide policies using a results-based management approach
    Identifying new programme interventions and opportunities in accordance with Country Strategic Plan, based on thorough contextual analysis and using “How Concern Understand Extreme Poverty” guidelines
    Ensuring programmes meet Core Humanitarian Standards of accountability and quality
    Ensuring Concern retains its capacity to respond to emergencies
    frequently visiting programme areas and providing feedback to managers and staff
    Assisting Programme Managers to produce reports in line with donor, government and Concern Requirements
    Developing effective linkages with Government, donors, strategic networks and partners

    Security Management:  

    Monitoring and reporting on security issues to the Security Focal Person when necessary
    Ensuring programme staff awareness and adherence to Country Security Management Plan and identifying security training needs where appropriate

    Budget Management

    Identifying potential sources of donor funding
    Monitoring under and over spending in each budget and advising solutions
    Coaching, mentoring and assisting budget holders to develop accurate budgets
    Ensuring budgets and revisions are prepared and submitted on time
    Reporting any suspected or actual financial irregularities to the Country Director

    People Management

    Ensuring sufficient human resources for programmes to meet their objectives
    Ensuring staff are adequately trained and understand the objectives for their role
    Coaching, mentoring and assisting budget holders to develop accurate budgets

    Networking & Representation:

    Representing Concern at relevant technical inter-agency, UN, Government and coordination meetings when requested by the Country Director

    Monitoring & Evaluation:

    Ensuring Monitoring & Evaluation plans and mechanisms are developed and rolled out

    Ensuring Programme Managers coordinate the monitoring and evaluation of all programmes (including partner programmes) within the agreed plans, budgets, time frames and donor guidelines

    Your skills and experience will include:

    Relevant post graduate qualification or primary degree with commensurate level of experience
    Five years’ experience in a programming position with an international NGO, with two years at a senior level.
    Experience managing programmes/projects in Kenya desired.
    Demonstrated experience understanding Kenya context and functioning of county governments an added benefit.
    Management of diverse and multi-sectoral programmes.
    Experience with any of the sectors an added benefit – livelihood, health and nutrition, Governance/advocacy, education or humanitarian response.
    Previous work in a similar context
    Management of a diverse team of senior staff
    Working with major international donors and securing external donor funding.
    Knowledge and experience of incorporating key people-centered approaches across programmes
    Knowledge and experience of working on systems strengthening approaches across sectors
    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and an ability to motivate others
    Delegation, time management and prioritizing skills
    Computer literate and good knowledge of Word and Excel.
    Excellent English
    Empathy with Concern’s mission, vision and goals, and our target group

    We would also like:

    You to be flexible and reliable
    You to be culturally sensitive and empathic to others
    You to be able to work under pressure and to strict deadlines;
    You to have some sense of humour
    You to travel frequently to rural field locations and spend periods of time in fairly basic conditions

    All applications should be submitted through our website at by closing date. CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length.

    Apply via :

  • Senior Management Accountant (Somalia Programme)

    Senior Management Accountant (Somalia Programme)

    Job Description/Requirements
    Reports to: Country Financial Controller (CFC) (Somalia Programme)
    Liaises with: Country Management Team (Somalia); Programme Coordinators/Managers; Field Finance Team; Programme Support Unit – Kenya Programme; Dublin Finance
    Duty Station: Nairobi with regular travel to Programme locations in Somalia & Somaliland
    Contract Details: Fixed Term Contract
    Job Summary:
    The incumbent will be responsible for general ledger maintenance, production of management accounts, assist in budget preparation and support in donor reporting. S/he will also support Concern’s fundamental accounting functions including partner financial management, payroll processing, recharges, preparation of journals and balance sheet reconciliations
    Main Duties & Responsibilities:
    General Ledger (System) Maintenance

    Receive, review, upload and post financial information from the field in Somalia and Somaliland cash and bankbooks and compare transactions to source data (PVs) for compliance, accuracy and completeness
    Prepare, upload and post in the system approved relevant journals.
    Undertake periodic joint review of management accounts with budget holders based on agreed upon arrangements
    Generate/assign codes to new activities, update codes list in the systems and issue to staff after budget revisions.
    Update periods in MGP at commencement of month end process.
    Reconcile balance sheet accounts for review
    Ensure that exchange rates are updated and match with FPL and field rates

    Recharges Management

    Preparation and distribution of accurate monthly recharge schedules to other Concern field offices and acting on those to Somalia on a timely basis.

    Month End Management

    Prepare and distribute draft/final management accounts for review and use by relevant stakeholders
    Prepare Support Costs allocations following Concern procedures and basis e.g. time sheets, vehicle log sheets leading to final management accounts
    Prepare reconciliation reports including balance sheet accounts and ensuring all supporting documentations are attached and filed
    Ensure all documentation associated with the month end process (CB/Journals etc.) are filed on a timely basis and easy to retrieve

    Budget and Donor Reporting

    Participate in the annual budget data consolidation process and subsequent revisions, prepare journals for budget upload into the system
    Update links and run draft FRP report on quarterly basis
    Contribute to code mapping, running donor allocation journals and assist in preparing draft donor reports as and when required

    Other Duties and Responsibilities

    Somalia staff payroll processing in line with statutory requirements
    Liaise with field finance teams and ensure that programme financial documents are delivered to Nairobi on quarterly basis for review and auditing purposes and proper custody.
    Assist in the management of audit processes
    To follow up with Nairobi Logistics, HR and Administration for outstanding programme issues when necessary (e.g. procurement, visas and travel arrangements, etc.)

    Responding to Emergencies

    Participate and contribute as necessary towards Concern’s Emergency response when required
    Comply with Concern’s health, safety and security guidelines during emergencies

    Code of Conduct and Associated Policies

    To adhere to, support and promote the standards of conduct outlined in the Concern Code of Conduct. and Associated Policies


    Promote and ensure compliance with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments and quality criteria
    Ensure that all staff are familiar with the principles underpinning accountability, safeguarding and Concern’s Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) and ensure that information about Concern’s commitments on accountability and safeguarding are disseminated among programme participants and communities
    Ensure that the CRM is functional, effectively implemented and accessible in all programmes’ locations, enabling safe reporting of both programmatic and sensitive complaints, including safeguarding concerns, ensure that complaints are welcomed, managed and responded to in a timely, fair and appropriate manner; ensure that sensitive complaints, including safeguarding concerns, are handled with utmost confidentiality and that the safety of the complainants and those affected is prioritized at all stages.

    Job specification:

    Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance or relevant field
    CPA (K) or ACCA professional certification
    At least five (5) years’ experience working in a similar role in an INGO
    Proficient in the use of computer accounting/financial software and applications preferably Microsoft Great Plains (MGP) and Word and Excel applications
    Excellent analytical, problem solving, communication and people skills
    Fluent in both spoken and written English and Kiswahili. Fluency in the local language is an added advantage
    A flexible, team player who is self-driven, willing and able to work under pressure with minimum supervision

    Please send a cover letter, a detailed cv with three referees with “Senior Management Accountant-Somalia Programme” on the reference line to on or before 11th June 2021.Only shortlisted qualified candidates will be notified. Candidates must be legally entitled to work in Kenya at the time of application

    Apply via :

  • Receptionist


    Reports to: Senior Officer Administration & Security

    Contract Details: One (1) Year

    Job Summary

    The incumbent will provide receptionist services for the Nairobi office and will support in the day-to-day management of some administrative processes thus enabling successful running of Concern’s operations.


    Main Duties & Responsibilities:

    Greeting visitors and dealing with their requests or directing them to the relevant staff member
    Answering the switch board and forwarding calls to the relevant staff member
    Daily checking of the Nairobi.admin email address and forwarding emails as appropriate
    Distribute incoming mail and prepare outgoing mail to be delivered or posted
    Sending and receiving courier items



    Accommodation bookings in Nairobi for staff and visitors; ensuring that all staff and visitors are advised in advance of where they will be staying
    Booking airport pick-up and drop-off for visitors
    Issuing a temporary phone to visitors, if necessary; ensuring that it is returned when the visitors leave; ensuring the asset issue form is signed for phones
    Top-up pre-paid visitor phone lines, as required
    Maintain an emergency contact card and issue to visitors on arrival
    Managing the scheduling of bookings for meeting rooms
    Prepare payments for administration services e.g. accommodation, telephone, flights; for telephone ensuring that staff identify personal calls and are charged for them
    Prepare payments for utilities for electricity, gas, water – post-paid and pre-paid; for pre-paid monitoring consumption and ensuring that top-ups are made before funds run out
    Maintain the key-holder/office opening/closing board
    Maintain the office notice board with up-to-date information
    Ensuring that paper recycling boxes are emptied regularly and that the paper is dispatched to the recycling facility
    Ensuring the printers and photocopies have adequate paper and toners; monitoring usage; facilitating replacement of toners
    Perform other admin duties such as filing and photocopying admin related documents
    Receive daily milk and newspaper supplies
    Support in Partial Clerical (Data entry) work for Kenya Finance Team
    Support in Logistics processes (facilitate signing of field related documents, prequalification process, Issuing stock adjustment reports
    Support in tagging office inventory
    Support in tracking office supplies stock and place orders (milk, newspaper, kitchen supplies, stationery store supplies, toners, printing papers, handwashing soap/foams, sanitizers)
    Liaison with Isiolo County offices to help with admin supplies replenishment (prompting if there is any need, facilitating approval of documents raised by Isiolo staff, support admin related services/supplies


    Management of the admin mini-stores which contain stationery, food items and cleaning materials; maintaining stores records, keeping the stores clean and tidy and ensuring that adequate stock levels are maintained
    Issue monthly stock reconciliation reports for the admin mini-stores

    Responding To Emergencies

    Participate and contribute as necessary towards Concern’s Emergency response as and when necessary
    Comply with Concern’s health, safety and security guidelines during emergencies

    Code Of Conduct And Associated Policies

    To adhere to the standards of conduct outlined in the Code of Conduct and associated policies
    To support and promote the standards outlined in the CoC and associated policies to their team, partner organisations and beneficiaries, and be committed to providing a safe working environment

    Job Specification

    Diploma or higher level qualification in Business Administration or other related discipline
    At least one (1) years working experience. Previous experience in an international NGO is an added advantage.
    Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
    Confidential, integrity and ability to handle sensitive situations**
    Excellent writing and oral skills in English and Kiswahili
    Proficiency in computer applications

    Interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, should send a detailed CV with three referees and Cover Letter Only to with the subject of the email as ‘Receptionist-Nairobi’ on or before Friday 16thApril 2021.Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.CONCERN WORLDWIDE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DOES NOT CHARGE FOR RECRUITMENTWe do our best to provide you the most accurate info, but closing dates may be wrong on our site. Please check on the recruiting organization’s page for the exact info. Candidates are responsible for complying with deadlines and are encouraged to submit applications well ahead.

    Apply via :

  • Finance and Systems Manager – Marsabit

    Finance and Systems Manager – Marsabit

    Reports to: Administratively to the Area Programme Manager based in Marsabit

    Technically to the Nairobi based Systems Director and Country Financial Controller

    Direct Reports: Logistics Officer – Transport & Procurement, Finance and Administration Officer

    Contract Details: One (1) Year Fixed Term Renewable Contract

    Job Summary

    To support the implementation of the Marsabit programme by ensuring that the systems are responsive to the needs of the programme. S/he will enhance planning and managerial skills of the systems (logistics, procurement, HR, administration, IT and security) and finance functions and develop an efficient and effective programme support system that is compliant with Concern’s policies and procedures, donor guidelines & best practices. S/he will lead the continuous improvement of programme support systems and will support programme coordination and provide effective and timely support to all programmes

    Main Duties & Responsibilities

    Logistics & Procurement Management

    Ensure implementation & maintenance of standard Concern systems and best practice for all logistics & procurement functions

    Ensure efficient and effective support and collaboration by logistics and procurement functions necessary for quality & timely programme delivery
    Oversee the transport function to ensure compliance with fleet & transport policy & procedures, coordinated movement planning and monthly reporting
    Oversee the management of Concern’s assets, inventory and stores so that they are correctly managed
    Ensure distributions of relief items to beneficiaries are in line with Sphere standards and Concern & donor requirements

    Oversee the procurement function and ensure compliance with Concern’s procurement policy and procedures, donor procurement guidelines and best practices/principles

    Contribute to Marsabit County level annual procurement plans and ensure that these are maintained, adhered to and regularly updated
    Ensure staff are trained on procurement procedures and documentation, to ensure that all necessary documentation is submitted for payment processing
    Assist in developing an efficient and effective supply chain with the aim of reducing operational cost while ensuring value for money & transparency
    Oversee the compilation and submission of logistics & procurement reports, analyse reports, recommend areas for improvement and follow through on approved improvement plans
    Work closely with the Nairobi office procurement team for vehicle hire procurements and any other procurements being carried out by the Nairobi office.
    Support, as required, in tenders and prequalifications in Marsabit County, as requested by the Logistics Coordinator and/or the Systems Director.
    Identify and anticipate any logistics challenges that may affect programme delivery and report immediately to the Systems Director
    Oversee the proper maintenance of logistics & procurement filing systems

    Human Resources Management

    Assist with planning and identification of staffing needs as well as assist in relevant recruitments and advise on career planning of systems & finance staff
    Build the capacity of all staff in Concern’s systems & finance policies & procedures
    Ensure that all staff Performance Development Reviews (PDRs) are done in a timely and proper manner
    Advise on, monitor the implementation and ensure consistent application of Concern’s HR policy and procedures at all levels

    Provide oversight to the systems & finance team to ensure efficient & effective delivery programme support services

    Administration and IT

    Oversee the maintenance and running of all Concern’s premises in Marsabit County ensuring adequate supplies, furniture, equipment and support services are in place

    Ensure compliance with occupational safety and health requirements, including COVID – 19 protocols, and oversee the maintenance of a hygienic & professional work environment
    Ensure that all IT & communications equipment and solutions are availed, operational and managed in line with policy & procedures and that requisite training is provided to staff and visitors on usage protocols

    Security Management

    Perform security management tasks as delegated by the Country Director

    Ensure that relevant standard operation procedures (SOP’s) are up to date and adhered to
    Ensure all staff and visitors are briefed on the security policy and the security management plan and are fully aware of their duties and responsibilities related to security
    Ensure that residences, offices and vehicles have a list of supplies and equipment required in case of emergency
    Update emergency and medical contact list and communication tree on a regular basis
    Report security incidents in Marsabit County and furnish the Area Programme Manager and Country Director with the same


    Provide input into transport and administration budgets as part of Concern’s annual budget processes
    Oversee finance function to ensure that all expenditure is in line with Concern’s financial procedures and donor requirements
    Ensure cash and bank books are regularly updated and submitted to HO together with scanned copies by 2 nd of the following month, and that at a later date the original copies are sent to Nairobi for storage.
    Ensure cash counts are done on daily basis
    Ensure that cash and bank reconciliations are done at month end
    Participate in managing end of donor contracts and year-end by making sure all unpaid costs have been accrued and timely submission of year-end requirements.
    Ensure timely submission of cash forecasts and cash requests to ensure timely transfer of funds
    Oversee the proper maintenance of finance filing systems

    Responding to EmergenciesConcern Code of Conduct and Associated Policies

    Participate and contribute as necessary towards Concern’s Emergency response as and when necessary
    Comply with Concern’s health, safety and security guidelines during emergencies
    To adhere to the standards of conduct outlined in the Concern Code of Conduct and Associated Policies
    To support and promote the standards outlined in the Concern Code of Conduct and Associated Policies to their team, partner organisations and beneficiaries, and be committed to providing a safe working environment.
    To contribute to the establishment of preventive measures to reduce the potential for abuse in Concern’s programme

    Job Specification

    A Degree in Logistics, Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Business Administration, Management or relevant field
    Relevant professional certification in supply chain management, business administration or relevant field and security training
    A relevant qualification in a Finance discipline, is an desirable
    At least five (5) years’ experience with at least two (2) years managerial experience in a similar role
    Experience in implementing programme support systems and in emergency response programming including setting up emergency logistics operations
    Some knowledge or experience with humanitarian law and principles of humanitarian action (international code of conduct and humanitarian charter, Sphere Guidelines and the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS).
    Experience of working in insecure environments and knowledge of security management systems and approaches for NGO’s
    Experience in people management and development including coaching, mentoring and training
    Knowledge of operational/business support systems and proficient in the use of computer applications with experience in the following areas: electricity, ICT, supply, communication HF and VHF communication system
    Excellent interpersonal, communication, planning, organizational, team, networking and negotiation skills
    Ability to work under pressure
    Fluent in both spoken and written English and Kiswahili. Fluency in the local language is an added advantage.
    Possessing a driver’s license is an added advantage

    Concern has an organisational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organisation, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context, staff have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Concern Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies. Additionally, Concern is committed to the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults and children in our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work or volunteer with vulnerable adults and children are recruited by us for such roles. Subsequently, working or volunteering with Concern is subject to a range of vetting checks, including criminal background checking.

    Concern’ is the trading name of ‘Concern Worldwide’, a company limited by guarantee, registered number 39647; registered charity number CHY 5745, registered in Ireland, registered address is 52-55 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Follow Concern online:

    Please send a cover letter, a detailed cv with three referees with ”**Finance & Systems Manager – Marsabit ”** on the reference line to on or before 2nd April 2021**.** Only shortlisted qualified candidates will be notified.
    Candidates must be legally entitled to work in Kenya at the time of applicationWe do our best to provide you the most accurate info, but closing dates may be wrong on our site. Please check on the recruiting organization’s page for the exact info. Candidates are responsible for complying with deadlines and are encouraged to submit applications well ahead.

    Apply via :