Background and Justification
In 2017, Kenya’s population was estimated to be 49.6 million with children between 0-18 years accounting for 49 per cent, adolescent 10-19 years make upto about 24 per cent. The Social Protection Sector Review Report of 2012 indicate that there are 3.2 million orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). Many of these children are cared for by their parents, extended family or other community members, while others are residing in institutions. The official number of children in private registered residential care (known as Charitable Children Institutions-CCIs) is 43,000 as of 2017. 2018 and 2019 data is not available. There are an estimated 1,500 children in the 29 government statutory institutions which include remand homes, rehabilitation homes and rescue centres.
Over the years, Kenya has put a lot of efforts and has shown commitment to embracing family-based care for children including orphans and vulnerable children; hence moving away from an over-reliance on residential care of children. For instance, in 2004, Government of Kenya (GoK) initiated a Cash Transfer programme for OVC (CT-OVC) to support families to cope with the increased burden of caring for OVC and hence prevent separation of children from their families and communities. As of 2018, the CT-OVC programme was reaching an estimated 1.2 million OVC. In 2005, GoK developed Regulations on Adoptions and also for Charitable Children Institutions (CCI). Recent programmes include the Presidential Bursary programme for children whose families are unable to pay for their school fees, the universal health care services including expansion of National Hospital Insurance Fund coverage, the free/subsidized primary and secondary education, among others. Funds and personnel to government agencies such as Department of Children Services (DCS), National Council of Children Services (NCCS), Child Welfare Society of Kenya (CWSK), Street Families Rehabilitation Trust Fund (SFRF) and Department of Social Development have also been increased for better protection and care of children and support of families.
To obtain a deeper understanding of policy and practice that support children without parental care, GoK in 2008 commissioned a study titled “Policy and Practice of Foster Care, Guardianship, Adoption and charitable children institutions”. With gaps identified in this study, GoK developed guiding documents for care and protection of children without parental care or at risk of separation from families. The documents are i) National Standards for Best Practices in CCI (2013), (ii) Guidelines for Alternative Family Care for Children in Kenya (2014), and (iii) Through Care Guidelines of 2013. Equally, a number of relevant policy directives have been issued including (a) issuance of moratorium on inter-country adoption-2014, (b) suspension of registration of new charitable children institutions in 2017 and (c) public Media statement by Cabinet Secretary of Labour and Social Protection in May 2019. The Children Act 2001 is also being reviewed to provide for more family-based care support as opposed to residential institutional care that has gained prominence over the years.
Furthermore, Kenya is currently experiencing increased government and civil society organizations’ implementation initiatives that promote retention of children in families, tracing and reunification and placement in alternative family-based care options. Family based care programmes have been initiated by government with support of partners in 6 counties (Kisumu, Nyamira, Kiambu, Kilifi, Murang’a and Nakuru), and a number of CCIs have started work on de-institutionalization of children from their CCIs. There are also a number of interest groups and networks that have been formed over the years, all to promote better care and protection of children without parental care. These include; Association for Alternative Family Care of children, the Association of Charitable Children’s Institutions in Kenya (ACCIK), Kenya Society of Care leavers (KESCA), Association of Adoptive Parents, Founders of Children’s Homes Association of Kenya, among others.
While there is momentum and increased understanding for improved care and protection of children without parental care, there is a need to strengthen coordination of efforts by government and CSOs. There is also a need for an overall Government strategy document that provide step-by-step roadmap on both immediate and long-term action with timelines, on moving from the heavy reliance on residential care to family and community-based care; and in recognition that only children who cannot be cared for in families and community are in residential care. The government, under the leadership of National Council of Children Services (NCCS) is currently spearheading other relevant government agencies in discussing an improved coordinated approach for policy and programming for children without parental care or at risk of separation. NCCS is the agency mandated to coordinate government and non-governmental agencies implementing of children programmes and services. It is against this backdrop, that NCCS intends to develop a National Care Reform Strategy to guide the development and implementation of policies and programmes to ensure children are taken care of in families and communities.
In Kenya, the Care Reform is being defined as containing four pillars namely;
Strengthening families to help prevent separation of children from families
Effective tracing, reunification and reintegration mechanisms and structures
De-institutionalization: As a process of replacing institutional child-care with family or family-type care.
Available and accessible alternative family and community-based care options.
The purpose of this consultancy is to develop a national Care Reform Strategy and implementation road-map for the government through consultative and consensus building engagements with stakeholders. The Care Reform Strategy will include: vision, objectives, scope, expected results, key areas of intervention, roles and responsibilities of different duty bearers, implementation timelines, M&E, estimated budgets among others.
Required qualifications, desired competencies, technical background and experience
The consultant should have a minimum of advanced degree in relevant social science such as social work, law, community development, M&E from recognized university.
Relevant Experience
Consultant must demonstrate
Having supported government to developed at least 3 similar documents of high standards and that the documents were endorsed by the relevant governments
Having worked with a group of diverse stakeholders
Additional Knowledge of the consultant
Demonstrated understanding of gender and child protection and how to apply the knowledge in the assignment
Competencies of the team members
Drive for results
Working with people
Analytical Skills
Technical knowledge in subject area
Excellent writing and communication skills with ability to present ideas and concepts concisely in written and oral form
Have the ability to write for a general audience of child rights advocates, policy makers and others interested in the well-being of children
Be able to work under minimum supervision and to meet tight deadlines
Languages required: Excellent written and spoken English.
All applications must include an all inclusive financial proposal indicating rate, travel expenses and any other miscellaneous expenses
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