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  • National Consultant – Rural Women Economic Empowerment Urban Food Systems Analyst

    National Consultant – Rural Women Economic Empowerment Urban Food Systems Analyst

    Job Details
    Contract Type: Personal Service Agreement
    Duty Station: Nairobi
    Organizational Unit: FAO Representation Office in Kenya
    Duration: 15 days when actually employed
    Eligible Candidates: Kenyan nationals
    Anticipated start date: April 2017
    Agriculture is the mainstay for many African countries; however, the agricultural sector is continuously underperforming in many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is partly, due to the fact that there are substantial rural gender inequalities, whereby rural women have limited access to critical resources, inputs, services and infrastructure they need to be more productive. This continues despite the evidence that shows just by giving women the same access as men to agricultural inputs like fertilizers and improved seeds could increase production substantially. Many countries in the region, together with development partners such as FAO, are increasingly committed to accelerating rural women’s empowerment through targeted interventions. Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls lies at the centre of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. In addition to the targets for SDG5 “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”, it is reflected and mainstreamed across all 17 SDGs. FAO recognizes that gender equality and the empowerment of rural women is inextricably linked to the strengthening of food systems to address hunger, malnutrition, and to achieve real gains for lives and livelihoods of rural people.
    In developing countries, women make up 45% of the agricultural labour force, ranging from 20% in Latin America to up to 60% in parts of Africa and Asia. Rural women’s roles span from being cultivators on their own or others’ plots – as unpaid or paid workers, employees or employers – to being wage labourers in on- and off-farm and entrepreneurs. Women play also a central role in food processing and marketing, as well as in household maintenance, caring for children and the elderly, ensuring nutrition diversity and minimizing food loss and waste. More sustained efforts to invest in rural women’s capacities as key agents of change are needed to achieve the goal of freeing the world from hunger and extreme poverty, while leaving no one behind.
    Enabling and empowering rural women therefore translates into improved overall well-being for children, households and communities, which contributes to building human capital for future generations and to long-term social and economic growth. Empowering rural women and girls is therefore not only critical for agricultural development and health/nutritional improvement, but also crucial to social and economic progress, and to sustainable development overall.
    Research, including the recently released 2016 Global Nutrition Report, has shown that as more women are empowered through education and skills development, the benefits translate not only into livelihood, improving the financial and social health of the family, but also to the overall wellness and nutrition status of their spouse, children and other family members thus contributing greatly to improved food security and reduction in child malnutrition.
    Correspondingly, although women make up the majority workforce in the agriculture sector in the sub-Saharan Africa, they are still relegated to subsistence farming which is also compromised with the heavy un paid care and domestic workload in the households, and the inadequate access/ownership to the capital assets like land and finances which deprives them an opportunity to improve on their livelihoods. According to the Africa Human Development Report (UNDP, 2016), these burdens and deprivations drive women and the entire families into inter-generational poverty and low human development.
    It is for this reason that FAO wishes to recruit a consultant to develop a regional proposal on promoting rural women’s economic empowerment in selected sites in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
    Reporting line and specific tasks
    Under the overall supervision of the FAO Representative in Kenya and direct supervision of the Gender and Livelihood Officer, the consultant will undertake the following tasks:
    Review/literature review of agriculture and nutrition related documents in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to identify the key rural gender inequalities and potential entry points for promoting rural women’s economic empowerment in each country. Document good practices/initiatives in the three countries on women economic empowerment focusing on rural women’s improved food and nutrition security; increased income and strengthened entrepreneurship and access to market opportunities; improved participation and leadership in formal and informal organizations and at community level; Gender responsive policy environment for the economic empowerment of rural women
    Carry out a stakeholder analysis in order to help FAO identify potential partners in the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women in agriculture.
    Prepare a project proposal on “Economic Empowerment of Rural women to reduce Poverty, Hunger and Malnutrition” covering the three countries and contextualizing the issues.
    Incorporate feedback and finalize the proposal with detailed budget and implementation plan.
    Prepare a project proposal on “Economic Empowerment of Rural women to reduce Poverty, Hunger and Malnutrition” covering the three countries and contextualizing the issues.
    Incorporate feedback and finalize the proposal with detailed budget and implementation plan.
    Minimum Requirements
    Academic Qualifications
    Advanced university degree in Sociology, Social Sciences, Economics, Development Economics, or other related disciplines
    Technical Competencies and Experience Requirements
    Over 5 years of significant experience in analysing and integrating the perspective of gender equality in nutrition sensitive agriculture and programme formulation in the context of agriculture and rural development and experience in socio-economic and gender analysis
    Experience working in the Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania agriculture or rural development sector– working experience with the Ministry of Agriculture, key line ministries and related institutions in either of the countries is an added advantage
    Excellent knowledge of the key gender equality, social equity and women’s empowerment issues in the region, in the context of agriculture and rural development
    Demonstrated ability (through publications in English language) to produce written analysis of socio-economic and gender issues
    Extensive knowledge of the UN System, its working and programming mechanisms, familiarity with FAO’s work would be an asset
    Excellent oral and written English language skills
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  • Consultant Food Systems Analyst Gender Consultant

    Consultant Food Systems Analyst Gender Consultant

    Responsibilities for the Consultant Job
    Review/literature review of agriculture and nutrition related documents in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to identify the key rural gender inequalities and potential entry points for promoting rural women’s economic empowerment in each country.
    Document good practices/initiatives in the three countries on women economic empowerment focusing on rural women’s improved food and nutrition security;
    Carry out a stakeholder analysis in order to help FAO identify potential partners in the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women in agriculture.
    Prepare a project proposal on “Economic Empowerment of Rural women to reduce Poverty, Hunger and Malnutrition” covering the three countries and contextualizing the issues.
    Incorporate feedback and finalize the proposal with detailed budget and implementation plan.
    Consultant Job Requirements
    Advanced university degree in Sociology, Social Sciences, Economics, Development Economics, or other related disciplines
    Over 5 years of significant experience in analysing and integrating the perspective of gender equality in nutrition sensitive agriculture and programme formulation in the context of agriculture and rural development and experience in socio-economic and gender analysis
    Experience working in the Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania agriculture or rural development sector – working experience with the Ministry of Agriculture, key line ministries and related institutions in either of the countries is an added advantage
    Excellent knowledge of the key gender equality, social equity and women’s empowerment issues in the region, in the context of agriculture and rural development
    Demonstrated ability (through publications in English language) to produce written analysis of socio-economic and gender issues
    Extensive knowledge of the UN System, its working and programming mechanisms, familiarity with FAO’s work would be an asset
    Excellent oral and written English language skills
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  • Forest and Landscape Restoration Policy and Implementation Specialist

    Forest and Landscape Restoration Policy and Implementation Specialist

    General description of tasks and objectives to be achieved
    The Restoration Initiative (TRI) Program has been developed to make a significant global contribution to restoring ecosystem functioning and improving livelihoods through the restoration of priority degraded and deforested landscapes, in support of the Bonn Challenge, and in response to the expressed needs of countries. Through the GEF programmatic approach, the TRI will create synergies, provide a wider array of tools and resources to national projects, and leverage key partnerships to yield cost savings and realize greater impact than possible under a fragmented, project-by-project approach.
    The Program consists of 11 national projects supported by a Global Learning, Financing, and Partnerships project to develop and disseminate best-practices and tools, catalyze investment in restoration, expand the scope of countries and actors engaged in forest and landscape restoration, and realize benefits at scale. The Restoration Initiative has been developed through collaboration between and will be steered by GEF Agencies IUCN, FAO, and UNEP.
    The global program document has been approved by the GEF Council on June 8th 2016. It is now expected that all country program develop project documents during the project preparation phase.
    The project is one of the 11 national Child projects under the TRI. As the other national Child project, it will focus on Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) in country working on policy, FLR implementation, capacity building, finance and upscaling as well as knowledge management.
    Reporting Line
    Under the overall guidance of the Lead Technical Officer (LTO) and the International Design Consultant, the direct supervision of the FAO Representative in Kenya, and in close collaboration with the GEF team at FAO, the consultant will be responsible for informing the development of the project in relation to Forest and Landscape Restoration policy improvement, FLR implementation on the ground and FLR financing for upscaling. The consultant will work in close collaboration with KEFRI (as the main executing partner), coordinating and consolidating existing data at KEFRI.
    In particular, the consultant will be responsible for the following activities (the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) is a great resources for the activities below):
    1. FLR Policy Development and Integration
    Coordinate and consolidate the assessments of knowledge gaps to underpin policy change and the current policy and legal frameworks in support of FLR
    On information available:
    Collect and consolidate information on the status of land degradation and restoration opportunities in project sites and in the status of existing domestic restoration targets and programs. Indicate how gaps can be filled, if any. Look into Land Degradation
    Assessment database (LADA) and other international land degradation programs and check if the information is available and/or used nationally.
    Indicate pathways to improve the knowledge base on benefits and co-benefits of forest and landscape restoration. Look into national natural capital accounting (UN Statistical Commission of the System for Environmental and Economic Accounts), The Economics of Ecosystem Services as well as national projects (check the work of the Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) partners) on costs benefits analysis.
    Identify partners able to support filling the knowledge gaps during the life of the project. Identify and budget the priority activities to fill these gaps.
    On legal frameworks for FLR:
    Identify and list national, regional and international commitments to forest and landscape restoration. For example, look into Bonn Challenge, AFR 100, CBD, The Central African Forest Initiative commitments, Plan de Convergence COMIFAC, etc and see how these are/can be supported.
    Assess the strengths and weaknesses of policies, legislations, regulations and strategies related to forest and landscape restoration, either (i) directly supporting it or (ii) complementary land-use policies and incentive mechanisms that promote forest and landscape restoration.
    Assess the policy environment to understand if it is favorable to bio-enterprise development and NTFP and FLR support activities such as incentives for ecosystem services, enhancement of alternative economic activities, etc. Identify gaps and entry points for improving existing provisions and mainstreaming bio enterprises, FLR and integrated landscape management.
    Assess the policy and legal framework for integration of sustainable charcoal production into FLR activities.
    2. Implementation of Restoration Programs and Bio enterprise development
    The Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) is particularly relevant for this section
    Assess (sub)-national FLR programs (and complementary programs) as well as existing bio-enterprise development
    Assess current restoration programs and complementary SLM programs: strengths and weaknesses. For this, look at projects supported by the government directly or by bilateral, multi-lateral donors (World Bank, African Development Bank, etc.) as well as private foundations etc. Private initiatives should also be considered. Pay a particular attention to other GEF programs. Identify if there are related donor groups to consult as well as the country Forest Investment Plan for the Forest Investment Program. In coordination with the project design Consultant, some of these could also be considered as baseline finance.
    Assess the overall status of NTFP in potential project sites, identify the main products that can be valued during the project implementation and the bio enterprise development potential for the main products.
    Define the main steps to undertake a value chain analysis for these products as part of the project implementation.
    Identify and budget the support needed for bio enterprise development in priority landscapes: technical assistance, strengthening of multi-stakeholders platforms, etc. The analysis of current and past program cross-checked with priority landscape in terms of degradation (cf part 1 above) will allow you to develop a list of potential sites.
    Identify relevant partners towards the development of possible bio-enterprise/NTFP bankable/investible projects – generating profits, e.g. financial and economic returns on investment – (to be developed over the course of the project) and pathways for the development of these bankable/investible projects (technical assistance need and budget).
    Assess the type of support needed to gather additional funding: proposal development need, linkages with potential donors and investors, tools for public-private partnerships, etc… as well as the potential for innovative source of funding (crowdfunding, remittances, payments for ecosystem services, etc.).
    Selection of sites and elaboration of activities for FLR (including integrated landscape management)
    Through literature reviews, meetings and interviews, and rapid site assessments, this activity will contribute to identify project sites (using synergies with other programs (cf above) and project site selection criteria developed during inception workshop), collect baseline biophysical information and restoration context (status quo at project sites and a national overview of forest and restoration and integrated landscape management), and elaborate possible activities for restoration activities in selected sites (they will need to be validated through multi-stakeholder processes over the life of the project). Specific activities will include the following:
    Through desk-based research, rapid site surveys and local consultations, gather biophysical information on the possible sites to be covered by the project.
    Analyze in detail the site-specific threats (drivers of forest and landscape degradation, etc.) to the landscapes covered by the project and the barriers for their sustainable management (this will include climate change risks and impacts).
    Gather information on past location specific experience, especially in terms of forestry/sustainable agriculture/restoration related interventions.
    Assess the capacities and identify capacity building needs at national, county and local levels in relation to forest and landscape restoration and integrated landscape management (agroforestry techniques, assisted natural regeneration, bushfire management, forest product value-addition, etc.).
    Using the information above and the socio-economic work (to be led by a specialized consultant), propose different scenario for forest and landscape restoration (including activity list and budget) to be chosen from/confirmed/implemented through multi-stakeholder processes during the project preparation phase and over the life of the project.
    3. Liaison with the International Design Consultant and support for the development of the final project document for GEF
    The consultant will also be responsible to answer any queries from the International Design Consultant in relation to FLR Policy, Implementation and Resources Mobilization, in order to satisfy the quality of documents needed by the GEF.
    Minimum requirements
    Degree in forestry, natural resources management, environment or natural resource economics, or related discipline
    At least 10 years of work experience in forestry & land restoration on the policy and implementation sides
    Experience and thorough familiarity with the forestry sector in the country both and the policy and field levels
    Experience in forest policy and institutional analysis
    Experience in monitoring & evaluation preferred
    Fluency in English and good writing skills

  • REDD+ Legal Preparedness Consultant

    REDD+ Legal Preparedness Consultant

    To update the report “Integrating REDD+ provisions in key legislation under development and review in Kenya” and “The assessment of the Policies, Laws and Regulations framework governing Tenure in the context of REDD+ in Kenya” in light of the recent adoption of the Community Land Act and the Forest Management and Conservation Act; and to highlight all legal provisions which could facilitate or hinder the REDD+ process in Kenya, as well as streamline proposals for subsidiary legislation or policies based on identified gaps
    Develop a policy brief on the basis of the updated report on the analysis of the integration of REDD+ provisions in key legislation under development and review in Kenya, including recommendations on next steps – including on land administration.
    Disseminate the updated report and present the policy brief through a final workshop (NB: Logistical support for the workshop will be provided by the FAO-Kenya office)
    Minimum requirements
    Master’s degree in natural resources management, forestry, law, policy and land administration or other relevant subject

  • Environment Officer Technical Officer Programme Manager Socio-economic and Multi-stakeholder Dialogue Specialist Junior Consultant IPC Regional Trainer and Data Analyst Driver Assistant Operations Officer

    Environment Officer Technical Officer Programme Manager Socio-economic and Multi-stakeholder Dialogue Specialist Junior Consultant IPC Regional Trainer and Data Analyst Driver Assistant Operations Officer

    Grade Level: SC8 Contract Type: Service Contract – NPP Duty Station: Tanariver, Turkana, Samburu, Marsabit, Baringo,Nandi, Westpokot and Laikipia Counties Duration: 6 months with possibility of extension Start Date: February 2017 Eligibility: Kenyan National Only
    Reporting Line
    Under the overall supervision of the FAO Representative in Kenya, the direct technical supervision of the Head of Sector Natural Resource Management, guidance from Lead Technical Officer (LTO) and in close collaboration with other sectors in FAO Kenya office, the National NRM and Environment Officer shall undertake the following duties:
    Responsibilities for the National NRM & Environment Officer Job
    Support the overall execution and management of the land programme;
    Support the identification and analysis of the major components and status of land and natural resources in the counties;
    Ensure the identification of capacity development needs of various stakeholder groups to sustainably manage natural resources;
    Ensure effective liaison with local and national authorities, key partners, and stakeholders on a regular basis;
    Mainstreaming of climate change agenda and disaster risk reduction in the land programme;
    Ensure the integration of indigenous knowledge and systems in land management;
    Development and review of work plans, budgets and procurement plans;
    Support the preparation of technical and training materials needed for the land programme or related projects;
    Support the preparation of programme periodic project reports and briefs and reviews;
    Preparing, monitoring and revising work plans, guidelines and budgets;
    Support resource mobilisation and creating linkages with related programmes at county and national level;
    Preparing operational project documents and reports;
    Represent FAO in relevant meetings and undertake any other duty as may be assigned from time to time.
    National NRM & Environment Officer Job Requirements
    Advanced degree in natural resource management, water, environment or related field
    5 years of professional experience in natural resource management or environmental issues.
    5 years of relevant experience in project management, design, monitoring and evaluation
    Experience in the ASAL development and climate change adaptation or mitigation
    Good communication and reporting skills
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  • Communication Consultant

    Communication Consultant

    Vacancy Announcement: 181077
    Contract type: Personal Service Agreement (PSA)
    Duration: 11 months
    Reporting line: The Communication Consultant will work under the overall direction and supervision of the FAO Representative, the Communication Consultant will provide strategic direction and communication support to enhance visibility of FAO’s programme in Kenya.
    They consultant will be in regular consultation and coordination with the communication focal points of the Regional Office for Africa, Office of Corporate Communications. and the Sub-regional Office of East Africa.
    Technical Focus
    The consultant will ensure the development and implementation of the country communication strategy. Activities and output under the strategies need coordination and coherence with the organizational/corporate communication policy and operational guidelines.
    Tasks and responsibilities

    Develop and implement country specific communication strategy by identifying stakeholders, goals, objectives and timelines and consulting with thematic and technical teams.
    Comply with the FAO corporate and regional communication strategies and closely coordinate plans and activities with the Regional Communication Officer.
    Develop communication plans for specific activities and target key messages tailored to certain audience (including donors, beneficiaries, partners, and the public), and disseminate information efficiently and effectively.
    Coordinate, produce and disseminate communication and advocacy materials, including brochures, human interest stories, posters and other visibility products in close coordination with focal points in RAF and in observance of corporate and branding guidelines.
    Develop a media database and partnerships with media organizations and journalists; interact and pitch stories of interest; organize media field visits.
    Coordinate media engagement during events and missions and collect visual and audio footage for archiving of events and missions.
    Create policy briefs and other strategic communication publications.
    Draft press releases and talking points; organize press conferences; prepare media kits; provide information to querying journalists; manage flagship FAO events (e.g.,
    World Food Day, project launches, workshops, etc.).
    Cover high-level and high-visibility events; ensure media coverage and disseminate live information to highlight messages.
    Produce content for online and social media channels such as the website, Flickr, Twitter, etc. Write and edit web posts and ensure content is interesting and visually appealing. Increase FAO Kenya’s social media engagement and feature stories that will appeal to audience.
    Work closely and train colleagues as communication champions and how to deal with the media by providing key messages and basic tips on media engagement.
    Participate and represent FAO in inter-agency communication meetings (UN Communication Group) and ensure FAO representation and participation in UN events.
    Monitor communication plans and address gaps to improve effectiveness and quality.
    Coordinate production of stories from the field such as documentaries and photo essays; this includes drafting TORs for production team, writing script, conducting interviews, managing vendors, arranging logistics, etc.


    University degree in communications, public relations or other relevant qualification.
    5 years of relevant experience at the national or international level.
    Working knowledge of English, communication skills, ability to operate under pressure.

    FAO Core Competencies

    Results Focus
    Building Effective Relationships
    Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement

    Technical/Functional Skills

    Work experience in more than one location or area of work, particularly in the Africa region, is desirable
    Extent and relevance of knowledge and field experience in a technical area of assignment listed above
    Extent and relevance of experience in providing policy advice at local, national, or regional levels
    Extent and relevance of knowledge in the implementation of international instruments related to pertinent field of expertise
    Extent and relevance of experience in project/programme formulation, implementation and monitoring in the pertinent field of expertise
    Extent and relevance of knowledge and understanding of the work of international organizations, regional entities and national governments
    Demonstrated ability to organize and conduct technical meetings, conferences and workshops when applicable
    Good judgment and ability to organize office work and prepare correspondence on own initiative.
    Knowledge and experience with communication for development tools.
    Proven knowledge of graphic design.
    Great understanding of overall organizational strategies and alignment of communication strategy to the same.
    Hands-on experience in journalism or public relations.
    Reporting and briefing skills is an additional asset to the position

  • County Programme Specialist 

Field Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

    County Programme Specialist Field Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

    Organizational Setting
    The post is located in the FAO Representation in Kenya.
    The County Programme Officer is recruited to spearhead implementation of a USAID funded project which is on Increasing Smallholder Productivity and Profitability (ISPP) and implemented by FAO-Kenya in five counties – Machakos, Makueni, Taita Taveta, Tharaka Nithi and Kitui. The project officer shall be based in FAO’s field officer at Machakos County within the offices of the department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
    Reporting Lines
    The County Programme Officer will be under the overall supervision of the FAO Representative and the direct supervision of the Senior Project Manager and Programme Coordinator
    Technical Focus
    Provide both technical coordination and operational support to the county governments on agriculture development and in line with FAO’s country programme framework
    Tasks and responsibilities
    The County Programme Officer (CPO) is expected to undertake the following functions among others:

    Work closely with the County Government and the department of Agriculture in the Implementation of the ISPP project;
    Support county agricultural and nutrition officers and partners in building capacity within the framework of FAO and USAID delivery modalities;
    Undertake to collect data on key USAID and FAO outcome indicators
    Establish and maintain partnerships with relevant stakeholders and initiatives at county level while identifying synergistic opportunities for collaboration;
    Actively participate in the updating of the County project management unit/coordination fora at the county on project progress
    Work closely with the public and private extension workers and the farmer associations (e.g. Water Users Association), cooperatives in selected counties to ensure consistency and quality of their extension work;
    Provide hands-on agronomical/technical support to the farmer cooperatives/groups and public and private extension workers;
    Organize regular meetings with component partners at field level to enhance experience sharing and upscaling of successes;
    In coordination with M&E officer, take lead in coordination of regular data collection, verification and progress monitoring of project activities;
    Timely submit to the Project Manager the monthly progress reports, work and travel plans on the program implementation at the respective counties;
    Perform other duties as required by FAOR and his assignees

    Minimum Requirements

    At least University degree or equivalent in Agriculture, Agribusiness or Agriculture economics or any other related field
    6-7 years of relevant working experience with University Degree or 3-4 years relevant working experience with Advanced University Degree.
    Good working knowledge (level C) of English and knowledge of local languages.

    FAO Core Competencies

    Results Focus
    Building Effective Relationships
    Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement

    Technical/Functional Skills            

    Work experience in similar position, particularly project management that relates to improving rural livelihoods in partnership with community and sub-national organization
    Relevant and extent of experience in technical coordination and operational support to the agricultural field offices
    Experience in linking producers-micro-financial organizations-agricultural market and development issues
    Working knowledge of UN agencies and their co-mandate in host counties
    Conversancy with key sustainable development goals in agricultural sector

    Selection Criteria

    Good knowledge of administration functions.
    Experience in working with UN bodies and/or on USAID projects.
    Computer proficiency and especially data collection applications.
    Good judgment and ability to organize office work and prepare correspondence on own initiative.
    Willingness to work as a team member and attention to detail.


    FAO does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview, processing).
    Please note that FAO will only consider academic credentials or degrees obtained from an educational institution recognized in the IAU/UNESCO list.
    Only language proficiency certificates from UN accredited external providers and/or FAO language official examinations (LPE, ILE, LRT) will be accepted as proof of the level of knowledge of languages indicated in the online applications.
    Candidates with acceptable language certificate/s should upload them when submitting their application. For details, visit
    For other issues, visit the FAO employment website:
    For further information on categories, contract duration and honoraria, please refer to the Conditions page.

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  • Field School Master Trainer

    Field School Master Trainer

    The main aim of the FAO country offices, which are headed by an FAO Representative, is to assist governments to develop policies, programmes and projects to achieve food security and to reduce hunger and malnutrition, to help develop the agricultural, fisheries and forestry sectors, and to use their environmental and natural resources in a sustainable manner.
    The post is located in the FAO Representation in Kenya.
    About one third of officially registered refugees in Kenya are hosted in Turkana County, specifically in Kakuma Refugee Camp. Initially set up for 100,000 people, as of 2016, Kakuma hosts about 163,192 refugees and asylum seekers, representing about 15% of the total population of Turkana County. To accommodate the increasing number of refugees in Kakuma, the County Government of Turkana allocated some 1,500 hectares of land in Kalobeyei for a new settlement on 19th June 2015. The Government of Kenya, the County government of Turkana and all key stakeholders agreed to use the land to develop a settlement that will promote the self-reliance of refugees and host communities by providing them with better livelihoods opportunities and integrated services and thus the KISEDP concept was born.
    The objective of KISEDP is “to create an evidence-based, innovative and sustainable development and protection solution for refugees and host communities in Kalobeyei through the establishment of an integrated settlement area, in which refugees and the host community live together peacefully, have access to social services and develop economic ties to build sustainable livelihoods”. For FAO the expected project outcome is “Support host communities and refugees to increasingly be able to ensure their own food and nutrition security”
    Under this outcome one of the outputs is “Establishment of Field Schools amongst the refugee and host communities” where the key activities include: establishment of 22 farmers’ schools within the Kalobeyei settlement, 34 pastoralists and livestock field schools amongst the host communities and 6 Junior farmer field and lives skills in Kalobeyei and its environs.
    The overall outcome expected from these activities is improved nutrition and improvements in incomes from agricultural activities for 2500 host and host community members.
    Reporting Lines
    The Field School Master Trainer Officer will work under the overall guidance of the FAO Representative in Kenya, the direct supervision of the Programme Coordinator, the direct technical supervision of the Project Manager RDPP – KISEDP and in close collaboration with the Head of FAO Kenya Turkana County Office.
    Technical Focus
    The Field School Master Trainer Officer will support the implementation of field schools and community based saving and loaning activities in Turkana West Sub-county and Turkana County in general under FAO Kenya’s KISEDP – EUTF.
    Tasks and responsibilities
    Be responsible for overseeing field implementation of KISEDP – EUTF activities in Turkana west sub-county of Turkana but when required for the specific sites in other parts
    Specific Objectives:

    The officer will take the lead in field implementation of the following components of the KISEDP project:
    Follow up and monitor the performance of all field schools established under KISEDP in the Kalobeyei refugees settlements and wider Turkana West Sub-county of Turkana (UNJP/KEN/086/EC)
    Support the establishment of table banking activities for groups targeted under KISEDP in the targeted 10 irrigated areas in the wider Turkana County
    Oversee the day to day issues related to management of the proposed 400 hectares agricultural land and other crop production activities within the refugee settlement
    Day to day management of the Kakuma field office
    Provide monthly reports on progress of project implementation
    Perform any other duties as assigned

    Minimum Requirements

    National of Kenya.
    University degree in social work, community development or related fields
    At least 5 years of proven experience as a Master trainer in Field Schools Approach, experience working in Turkana will be an added advantage
    Working knowledge of English and ability to communicate in Turkana

    FAO Core Competencies

    Results Focus
    Building Effective Relationships
    Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement
    Technical/Functional Skills
    Excellent at community mobilization
    Strong organizational skills and office management skills

    Additional Selection Criteria
    Previous experience working with the UN or International Organization will be an added advantage
    Please note that all candidates should adhere to FAO Values of Commitment to FAO,
    Respect for All and Integrity and Transparency
    FAO does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview, processing).
    Please note that FAO will only consider academic credentials or degrees obtained from an educational institution recognised in the IAU/UNESCO list.
    Only language proficiency certificates from UN accredited external providers and/or FAO language official examinations (LPE, ILE, LRT) will be accepted as proof of the level of knowledge of languages indicated in the online applications.
    Candidates with acceptable language certificate/s should upload them when submitting their application. For details, visit
    For other issues, visit the FAO employment website:
    For further information on categories, contract duration and honoraria, please refer to the Conditions page.

  • Communication Officer

    Communication Officer

    Vacancy Announcement: VA-003-2018
    Contract type: National Project Personnel (NPP)
    Grade: SC8
    Duration: 12 months with possibility of extension
    Closing Date: 3 April 2018
    The post is located in the FAO Representation in Kenya.
    Reporting line: The Communication Officer will work under the overall supervision of the FAO Representative in Kenya, the direct supervision of the Land Programme Manager.
    She/he will work in close collaboration with other project staff, national project partners, and Communications Officers at sub—regional and regional level to ensure coherence with FAO’s corporate communication policy and operational guidelines for all communication and information outputs.
    Technical Focus: The Communication officer will be responsible for the development of publishing materials as part of the Communication and Outreach strategy for FAO Kenya’s Land Programme.

  • National Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer –

    National Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer –

    Type of Requisition: National Project Personnel (NPP)
    Organizational Unit: FAO Representation in Kenya
    Duration:12 months with possibility of extension subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds
    Organizational Setting
    The tasks envisaged for this consultancy are to be carried out through the Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD), which is currently implementing a number of projects in various countries in Africa, Asia and Middle East. Within the ECTAD framework, the Animal Production and Health Division (AGA) is closely working with the Emergency and Rehabilitation Division (TCE) under the Strategic Program 5 to support various aspects of the animal health programme of FAO, including the USAID-funded Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT-2) and Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) Programmes. Since 2015, USAID has been investing in building M&E systems and capacities for EPT2/GHSA supported projects and countries.
    The post is located in the FAO Representation in Kenya, Nairobi.
    Reporting Lines
    The National Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer will work under the overall guidance of the FAO Representative (FAO-R) in Kenya, the direct supervision of the ECTAD Team Leader, the direct technical supervision of the M&E Global Coordinator of ECTAD/AGAH at the FAO HQ, and in close collaboration with the FAO Programme in the country and ECTAD Eastern Africa Regional teams.
    Technical Focus
    The M&E Officer will support the M&E reporting at country level including the quality assurance of the information for ECTAD projects in FAO Kenya.
    Tasks and responsibilities
    The incumbent will undertake the following duties and responsibilities:

    Collect and assure the quality of information required for reporting on project and programme-level indicators.
    Liaise with/backstopping of technical officers concerning M&E information provision and validation.
    Retrieve the required supporting documentation (means of verification) for the reported information.
    Enter information in the prescribed formats.
    Generate M&E and narrative reports in prescribed formats.
    Upkeep archiving systems up to date and in line with prescribed standards.
    Support M&E meetings and training activities as required.
    Develop M&E project frameworks and monitoring plans (PMPs) for projects at national level.
    Contribute to the development of project concept notes (CNs), proposals, and detail implementation plans (DIPs).
    Contribute to the preparation of progress and final project report.
    Perform other related duties as requested by the ECTAD Team Lead.

    Minimum Requirements

    National of Kenya.
    University degree with postgraduate qualification in social sciences, statistics, research methods, anthropology and/or related fields.
    At least 3 years of proven experience in M&E functions preferably in the agriculture/livestock domains or health related fields.
    Skills in statistics, data audit and data collection and management.
    Proficiency in English language.
    Experience in international institution, NGOs, etc. is an advantage

    FAO Core Competencies

    Results Focus
    Building Effective Relationships
    Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement

    Technical/Functional Skills

    Excellent mastery of MS Excel and/or Access, statistical software packages such as SPSS, SAS, etc.
    Good analytical skills with strong orientation to details.
    Work experience in multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary setting.
    Experience in project development, project report writing and data analysis.

    Tangible objectives to be achieved by the NPP and Key Performance Indicators

    Information required for reporting on project and programme-level indicators collected and quality assurance provided.
    Data collection and reporting formats developed and regularly revised.
    Ensure validation by liaising with backstopping of technical officers.
    Prepare supporting documentation (means of verification) as per the prescribed formats.
    M&E and narrative reports generated in prescribed formats on time.
    Archiving systems maintained and up to date per prescribed standards.
    Support M&E meetings and training activities.
    National level M&E project frameworks and PMPs developed.
    Active contribution to development proposal, preparation of DIPs and reports made.
    Existing M&E tools into a coherent system integrated.
    Analytical reports generated.