Job Details
Terms of Reference
Project: “Expanding and Sustaining the CAP-BEST Program and Model in Kenya”
In Partnership with The MasterCard Foundation:
Consultancy to Carry out Baseline Survey
Duration: 3 Months
Start Date: January 2017
Reporting to: Executive Director, CAP YEI
Background: Between 2011 and 2016, CAP YEI, in Partnership with The MasterCard Foundation implemented program to empower vurlnerable youth with basic employment skills and support in diverse sectors industry.
This was guided by its Basic Employability Skills Training (BEST) model – a demand led, a nine-step framework of activities guided by objectives including to:
Ensure that disadvantaged youth learn and acquire life skills, relevant job market skills, savings education, and small business development training
Facilitate disadvantaged youth to access to internships and job opportunities;
Ensure youth receive vital pre and post job placement counseling support.
This program was quite succesful leading to the training and support of over 14,000 youth in Kenya and a succesful employability placement rate (jobs and small business) exceeding 80%. CAP YEI also started a capacity building program to train partners from 46 VTC about the BEST model and how to adapt its key principles to their programs and, this way, improve learning and placement outcomes for youth.
The MasterCard Foundation has approved a grant to CAP YEI to undertake a second phase of this program and address the added challenges of ensuring scale up and sustainability as well as improve inclusiveness and outreach to more marginalised youth and communities in Kenya.
The objectives of this new phase are:
(i) Provide 23,030 marginalized youth with employability skills and support to access internship and job opportunities, through CAP’s Basic Employability Skills Training (CAP-BEST) model in 20 existing and new demonstration and replication centres that will function as accredited vocational training centers within the Kenyan TVET sector.
(ii) Facilitate adoption of the CAP-BEST model components into the Kenyan TVET system through training and capacity building of 500 VTC instructors and managers to improve learning outcomes in their TVET institutions, in order to reach 39,000 young Kenyans with improved market-relevant soft and technical skills.
(iii) Provide 4,000 graduates of the CAP-BEST model support to establish and grow micro-businesses in the agriculture, digital, manufacturing and service sectors through demonstration, replication and VTC partner centers.
We are seeking the sevices of a consultant individual or firm to help us set out the baseline for this project by gathering and analysing both internal as well as external environment data to establish the current possition in as afar youth employability/skills training and support in Kenya and in the areas specifically targeted by CAP YEI are concerned. The consultancy will seek to provide analysis against each of the program objectives. The scope will be both national and regional (depending on the strategy and reach identified under each project objective).
The Consultancy will aim to answer the following questions among others:
1. CAP YEI state of performance by the three different strategies: demonstration, replication and capacity building: number of centers, VTC partners, training output dissagregated by gender etc) , profile of average youth enroled; completion/drop out rates; transition to earning rates etc; efficciency and effectives of each and ratio of cost per strategy
2. State of TVET in Kenya (with a particular focus on VTC’s) – number of providers and staff (government, private, other) numbers reached by providers (dissagregated by gender region etc), programs offered; course completion rates, drop out rates, transition to employability rates (jobs, business), transition to further learning; major changes expected in the sector; summary of major challenges faced by the sector and what is being done about them
3. Demand led, market driven youth employability programs in Kenya: who are the key actors and where are they; different models and approaches; comparative against- successful transition to earning rates, cost per graduate, delivery mechanisms, partnerships and reach including collaboration with government etc. Analysis of the major challenges faced by industry in securing appropriate workers; mismatch between skills and employer requirements what is industry/government/civil society, others, doing about it it?
4. Youth entrpreneurship – state of youth entprepreneurship in Kenya, broad types of youth led businesses, other actors in this field and what they are doing; analysis against – business types; business survival rates, size, number of employess, summary of major challenges faced by youth and what is being done about it; estimate of the youth led business sector by value, econimic and social contribution etc
5. Role of Government: data against each objective above (support to TVET system; sector reforms, introduction of competemcy based, demand driven approaches; support to youth business). Provide current state of government investment and a projection of the same to 2021; major policy reforms planned or under way.
6. Review of CAP YEI – state of M&E, MIS, HR, Quality controll systems, partners, staff complement, orhganisational stracture, profiles of training centres and offerings etc – basically an assement of organisational capacity to deliver on this program.
Expression of interest:
As part of expressing interest to undertake the tasks listed, the consultant is expected to:
(i) Present a proposal on survey design clearly indicating the objectives, sample size, sectors, tools to be used for the survey, scope and coverage, expected outcomes/deliverables, time frame and schedules
(ii) Budget of the activity, including professional costs (total budget should not exceed Ksh3.5M)
(iii) The profile and qualification of the lead and support persons involved in the project contract
Final Deliverables:
A pre activity inception report describing the strategies adopted and the timelines for delivery
Draft report for partner’s discussions, and presentation of same to the partners.
One bound report of final report based on the findings, after incorporating the suggestions from partners.
Summary of the final report in power point presentation or similarly suitable format
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