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  • KANCO CSO’s Immunization Advocacy Framework Consultant

    KANCO CSO’s Immunization Advocacy Framework Consultant

    Terms of Reference
    Request for Expression of Interest: Consultancy to Develop a CSO’s Immunization Advocacy Framework
    KANCO is the primary recipient of the GAVI Health System Strengthening funding in Kenya, the CSO component.
    The grant aims at achieving two objectives that will contribute to improved immunization outcomes:
    These are:

    Accelerating strong political engagement, improve governance and financial sustainability for immunization outcomes in line with devolution by 2020
    Achieving equitable access to and utilization of routine immunisation services in 17 focus counties and in special populations in Nairobi County by 2020

    The GAVI HSS grant is being implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Health -Kenya in seventeen high priority counties in Kenya. To achieve these two objectives, advocacy, strong and strategic partnerships are important.
    With devolution, effective partnerships and advocacy engagements with County Governments, Civil society, the media and partners at the county and community level are required for improved health outcomes.
    The media is a key ally in advocacy and thus the need to develop a close working relationship.
    Civil Society plays an important role in increasing immunisation coverage and equity. Civil Society Organisations often contribute to immunisation and health systems by creating demand for and uptake of immunisation services. There is need to build the capacity of CSOs, provide leadership and platforms for CSOs to engage effectively in immunization advocacy.
    To enable CSOs effectively hold decision and policy makers accountable, there is need to develop an advocacy framework, focusing on immunization and child health.
    This is essential in guiding CSOs in holding policy and decision makers to account, how to address immunization coverage and help reduce inequity. When CSOs join forces and coordinate their lobbying and advocacy instruments and methods, their overall effectiveness will be enhanced.
    The Importance of CSO Immunization Advocacy Frame work
    The framework will guide the CSOs in undertaking advocacy at national and county level in Kenya to improve coverage and equity. It will support in identifying relevant advocacy issues that when taken up through the comparative advantage of CSOs will help improve immunizations outcome.
    Additionally, the framework will support in the documentation of CSOs contributions towards the impact of immunisations in a systematic way including attributing to systems and services. Having a clear CSO advocacy framework is key in measuring and sharing the impact of their work.
    The consultant is expected to:

    Develop inception report for the assignment.
    Engage CSOs to inform the development of draft CSO advocacy framework.
    Organize a review and consultative forum on the Draft Advocacy framework with MOH, GAVI HSS Implementing Partners and CSO’s.
    Solicit and incorporate feedback on the draft framework.
    Finalize the advocacy framework and support the dissemination.

    Expected outputs:

    A CSO Immunization Advocacy Frame work.


    Duration of the consultancy – 20 working days.
    Development of first draft of the framework and associated tools – 1st week of January 2019.
    Review the draft framework with Key immunization stakeholders and update in readiness for dissemination meeting – 3rd week of January 2019.
    Submission of the finalised CSO advocacy immunization framework – 1st Week of February 2019.
    Support the dissemination of CSO advocacy immunization framework at the national level – End of February 2019.

    Qualifications and experience required:
    The consultant should possess the following qualifications

    Masters in Public Health, Social Sciences, Development Policy or related fields.
    Relevant experiences in immunisation and health systems strengthening
    Familiarity and experience with the GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance is desirable.
    Experience in designing or developing CSO related frameworks e.g advocacy, communication
    Country-level experience in policy and advocacy engagements in health.

  • Documentation Consultant In Kenya – Good Practices and Lessons Learnt On Global Fund

    Documentation Consultant In Kenya – Good Practices and Lessons Learnt On Global Fund

    Job Description

    Terms of Reference (TORS)
    Request for Expression of Interest – Documentation of Good Practices and Lessons Learnt on Global Fund on AIDS, TB and Malaria, Tuberculosis and Nutrition Programming Related to Advocacy in Kenya and the African Region.
    The projects focused on increased allocation of resources for health and to strengthen capacity of leaderships for them to have effective engagements at different levels of governance structures.
    To implement these projects KANCO has collaborated with the government of Kenya through the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation, the County Governments, National Assembly and Members of Parliament. It is the desire of KANCO to document success stories and lessons learned during the implementation of these project to be used in advocacy and for dissemination to the wider public to guide future actions.
    Documenting lessons learned and success stories from implementing these projects helps to promote sharing of evidence-based practices that have shown to be successful in improving nutrition and TB prevention services.
    This will stimulate program enhancement and maximization of available resources within KANCO but also for KANCO partners both nationally and international by acting as a mechanism for continuous learning, feedback, reflection and analysis of what did and did not work, how it worked and why.
    The lessons learned could then be used to inform scaling up or replication of proven critical success factors and lessons learnt so as to increase coverage of quality services and accelerate progress towards universal access to good nutrition and TB prevention services.
    It is also intended to demonstrate the value that KANCO has added through the projects to programming in the area of Nutrition and TB prevention services that could be used for KANCOs overall advocacy and resource mobilisation efforts.
    Objectives of the assignment
    KANCO would like to document achievements realized in implementing advocacy projects in a structured manner, focusing on identifying the specific factors of success, summarizing the actual actions being undertaken on the ground and describing the impact of interventions on the lives of those for whom it is being implemented.
    The documentation will also attempt to propose some promising practices that can be maintained and replicated or scaled up in the future. The documentation will combine human stories and voices of beneficiaries with results based on official reports and accounts of technical staff and community leaders. These stories will be shared with Government authorities, development partners and the general public.
    The specific Objectives of the assignment are as follows:

    Document success stories and lessons learned from the implementation of the projects in terms of improving the overall health status of individuals, improving access to quality services e.t.c
    Create an information pack from compiled material for distribution to KANCO stakeholders

    Tasks and Responsibilities
    In order to achieve the envisaged objectives, the consultant under the overall supervision of KANCO

    Will work in collaboration with KANCO to determine the exact scope of the stories; identify and develop topics and agree communities/facilities to be visited
    Prepare tools and formats that will be used for documenting the stories.
    Conduct field work in the selected communities with KANCO program and partner staff. This will include focus group discussions, interviews, observations and visits to beneficiaries to elicit their views
    Prepare success stories by analyzing and presenting relevant information about project implementation
    Produce the text, photographs and infographics for an info-pack (15-20pages) highlighting success stories and including voices of beneficiaries and other stakeholders.

    Deliverables and Timeframe:
    The consultant will deliver to KANCO

    An inception report demonstrating understanding of the tasks in the ToR and how they propose to accomplish the required tasks. It is envisaged that the assignment will take 20 working days.
    A high quality information pack ( 15-20pages ) of success stories
    All deliverables should be submitted to KANCO within 5 weeks of signing of contract.

    Performance and Evaluation:
    The work will be evaluated against such criteria as: timeliness, accuracy, originality and quality of the product delivered.
    Quality/Content Control:
    KANCO will have editorial control over the all materials produced.
    The consultant will work under the direct supervision of KANCO.
    Qualifications and experience required:
    The consultant should possess the following qualifications

    Diploma in Journalism, Communications or related field;
    At least five years of professional experience in investigative and human impact story writing, preferably on TB and Nutrition;
    Proven experience in working with national organisations
    Photography skills and experience;
    Ability to analyze and synthesize relevant information and develop highly analytical reports;
    Excellent editing skills and ability to integrate human interest with statistics and technical reports to present credible content;
    High sense of journalistic ethics and in-depth understanding of human right issues;
    Fluent in English (spoken and written);
    Ability to deliver products on time against tight deadlines;
    Demonstrates initiative, creativity and flexibility.

  • Evaluation Experts

    Evaluation Experts

    Job Details
    The regional project is named as the “HIV and Harm Reduction in Eastern Africa Regional Project”, and is being implemented in the following countries; Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius, Seychelles, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania (Mainland), and United Republic of Tanzania (Zanzibar).
    The goal of the overall project is to increase access to essential HIV and harm reduction services for people who inject drugs in Eastern Africa.
    There are three linked overall objectives:

    Creating an enabling environment to conduct harm reduction activities in Eastern Africa;
    Strengthening of community systems for a sustained HIV response among people who inject drugs in eastern Africa; and
    Generating and utilizing strategic information on drug use related interventions in the region.

    Requirements for Expression of Interest
    KANCO is seeking to recruit evaluation expert/s to design and conduct the end-line evaluation as per the ToRs provided.
    The key areas of expertise required are:

    Advanced university degree in social sciences, medicine or public health, with specialized training in evaluation and project/program management;
    At least 5 years of international experience in designing and managing program/project evaluations including in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention and care services for most-at-risk groups (injecting drug users, inmates, sex workers);
    Proven experience in conducting independent evaluations of HIV prevention projects/programmes; experience in evaluating HIV prevention projects targeting IDUs is an asset.
    Familiarity with HIV/AIDS epidemics and substance abuse in the Eastern Africa region;
    Knowledge of the UN guiding principles/recommendations on HIV/AIDS prevention and care among injecting drug users and in prison settings, policies and guidelines;
    Personal skills: good communication, analytical and drafting skills, sensitive to Key populations as well as People Living with HIV;
    Fluency in English and working knowledge of French language is an asset.

  • Finance Officer

    Finance Officer

    Job Responsibilities 

    Ensure timely accounting for all grants and in accordance with the donor grant agreement(s) and KANCO policies.
    Support in preparation of budgets, cash flow forecasts and implementing appropriate budgetary controls;
    Reviewing and ensuring that all payments support documentation are in line with the laid down policies and procedures before processing of payments are made;
    Ensuring that the finance system’s accounting routine actions are adequately handled .
    Monitoring bank accounts and ensuring adequate liquidity is maintained Developing financial analysis tools that can generate financial information for decision making based on the Accounting database;
    Managing of  petty cash
    Preparing timely and accurate  monthly  quarterly and annual  financial reports
    Support in the preparation of  organization audits;


    Degree in Finance/Business Administration with additional professional qualification (CPA)
    Atleast 5 years of finance and accounting experience in a similar post in the NGO sector with adequate exposure to project accounting, financial management including budgeting, grants and contracts.
    Understanding of finance records reconciliations.
    Must have demonstrable hands-on experience with an accounting system. Experience
    Ability to work independently in a rapidly changing professional environment with a view towards establishing administrative procedures and protocol that will ensure optimal functioning of the operation
    Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills;