Company Type: Sector in NGO

  • Evaluation of the Knowledge Management Programme of HORIZONT3000 in East Africa

    Evaluation of the Knowledge Management Programme of HORIZONT3000 in East Africa

    The evaluation is intended to mainly contribute to internal learning (‘improving’) and accountability towards our stakeholders (‘proving’):

    Learning: insights and knowledge gained through the evaluation will contribute to the steering and implementation of the ongoing and planning of the future phase of the KNOWHOW3000 programme 2019-2022. Examples of good practices that have helped maximise results is an integral part for such learning.
    Accountability: the outcome of the evaluation will deliver insights on how the KNOWHOW3000 Programme achieves results. It will be crucially important for the accountability towards stakeholders, especially the HORIZONT3000 member organisations and the Austrian Development Agency.
    Recommendations: The evaluation report will be valuable in terms of recommendations on how to increase positive impact in the field of knowledge management for local partner organizations as well as possible improvements of the management, steering and coordination processes involved in the implementation of the programme.

    The main objective of the evaluation is to assess the fulfilment of goals and achievement of expected results of the KNOWHOW3000 Programme in East Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania). The evaluation shall assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the KNOWHOW3000 programme, as well as the involved (project) management processes for implementing the programme in the programme region in focus (East Africa).
    Focus and Scope
    The evaluation shall assess the design, implementation and results of the KNOWHOW3000 Programme in East Africa.
    Due to the geographical focus, the evaluation will mainly focus on result 1: Learning & Sharing: HORIZONT3000 partner organisations and Member Organisations partner organisations are enabled to learn from their and/ or other organisations’ experiences. Accordingly it will focus on the main direct target group of Result 1: HORIZONT3000 partner organizations, who participated in KNOWHOW3000 activities under Result 1.
    Assessments concerning Result 2 (Internet Platform) and Result 3 (Organizational Development) shall be included whenever possible. HORIZONT3000 Technical Advisors and HORIZONT3000 regional staff are considered the primary target group of activities under R2 and R3 in East Africa.
    The evaluation shall assess the current phase of the programme (2016, 2017, first half of 2018) and also take into account the last year of the previous phase of the programme (2015). Thus, the period to assess is 3.5 years.
    Main guiding questions
    The evaluation shall assess the fulfilment of the main objective of the KNOWHOW3000 Programme, the intervention logic of the programme and the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the programme in East Africa by addressing the following main guiding questions:

    To what extent is learning and knowledge sharing important for improving partner organization’s performance?
    · Are the topics addressed and instruments applied appropriate to achieve the desired objective?
    To what extent does the planning and implementation process involve the partner network in East Africa?
    To what extent are cross-cutting topics (gender equality, poverty reduction, democracy and environment) considered in the planning and implementation of activities?


    To what extent has the objective of the programme been achieved in East Africa? Which are relevant factors for (not) achieving the objective?
    What kind of evidence exists concerning the contribution of the programme to strengthened capacities and improved performance of partner organizations?
    Which instruments did (not) prove to be effective in order to support learning and sharing processes at and among partner organizations (R1)?
    Do partner organizations use capacities developed by the programme to strengthen organizational learning processes? If yes How? If no why?
    To what extent do the internet platform and the OD toolbox support their main target groups (Technical Advisors and programme officers) in East Africa in their work with partner organizations (R2+R3)?
    How effectively are synergies with the Technical Assistance Programme used in East Africa (e.g. borrow-a-Technical Advisor, etc.)?


    Have financial resources and inputs been used efficiently to achieve objectives and results?
    How do participants who have attended training workshop/knowledge management activites transfer the knowledge and skills gained into their organisation?
    Are there alternative, more cost-efficient measures to achieve envisioned results?
    What are the strengths and weaknesses of the (project) management processes of the programme in East Africa (internal systems and responsibilities)?


    What was the ultimate benefit of the participation in KNOWHOW3000 activities for the partner organisation?
    To what extent was the programme exemplary, created structures and had an impact in terms of leverage (e.g. adaption at target groups)?


    How far are attained improvements and changes sustainable? Does knowledge gained/ capacities developed stay in the organization; is it anchored in the organization?
    To what extent are economic, social and cultural factors taken into account in order to support sustainability of the results?
    To what extent has ownership and leadership for the programme been fostered among partner organizations and the regional office?

    It is up to the consultants, to suggest the methodology and action plan as part of the offer and it is expected that the consultants clearly define the intended approach.
    For the desk study, the consultants will be provided with the following documents:

    KNOWHOW3000 programme in general: Application of the framework programme and the programme intervention; yearly progress reports 2016 and 2017; Final report 2015; review report of the previous project phase (2013-2015); management response (to the previous review); access to the internet platform;
    KNOWHOW3000 programme in East Africa: Documentation Reports and Survey Results of KNOWHOW3000 events (trainings, sharing events, etc.); Annual Planning of Activities 2018
    Additional material: overview/ description of Technical Advisor-Programme; HORIZONT3000 Regional Strategy for Eastern Africa

    Due to the characteristics of the programme, data collection shall focus on direct target groups, and not cover indirect beneficiaries (target groups of the partner organization’s projects). It is suggested that the following actors, stakeholders and beneficiaries are involved in visits, interviews and/or surveys:

    Key programme staff in the Regional Office East Africa (Director and Programme Officers)
    Programme Coordinators East Africa and Knowledge Management Team at HORIZONT3000 Vienna
    Project desks at member organizations having participated / having had a role in the KNOWHOW3000 Programme in East Africa
    Partner Organizations, who participated in KNOWHOW3000 activities during the period of assessment: not less than 9 Partners in Uganda, 3 Partners in Kenya and 3 Partners in Tanzania (Consultants will be provided with an overview of partner organizations and the activities they participated in)
    Selected Technical Advisors, who participated in KNOWHOW3000 activities

    Data should be collected and interpreted if possible in a gender-disaggregated manner. OECD DAC Evaluation Quality Standards are to be applied and the compliance of the latter needs to be comprehensible in the evaluation.
    Plan of Activities and Deliverables
    Besides appointments, meetings and interviews for the data collection according to the methodological approach of the consultants, the plan of activities shall include the following two meetings:

    Kick-off meeting in the Regional Office East Africa (ROEA) in Kampala: After the desk review is conducted, a meeting shall take place in order to review the action plan, which includes a programme of activities as well as instruments and methods to be applied for the development of the evaluation report. The consultant is also required to prepare and submit an inception report prior to conducting field visits.
    Feedback meeting in the ROEA Kampala: After completing the data collection, a meeting shall take place where provisional results are presented and discussed with the Regional Director and Programme Officers in the ROEA.

    The consultants shall present a draft report at latest two weeks after the presentation of provisional results in the feedback meeting. The draft report will be assessed by HORIZONT3000 as to its comprehensibility and comprehensiveness and the consultants are expected to integrate feedback in the final report.
    The final report shall have a maximum of 20 pages (without annexes and index) and include: title page, table of content, list of abbreviations, executive summary, background, introduction, methods, findings, conclusions, lessons learnt, recommendations and Annexes (Logframe, terms of reference and schedule of the evaluation, list of key informants, list of documents used, questionnaires or other instruments used; Reports prepared for the field study; Information regarding the evaluators, and other document the consultants consider relevant).
    The general coordination of the evaluation including the selection, contracting and feedback processes is assumed by Kristina Kroyer, Project Coordinator Knowledge Management at HORIZONT3000 Vienna
    The regional office in Kampala is responsible for the local and operative coordination of the evaluation and will provide back-up services for logistical and technical issues. Person in charge in the regional office is Jennifer Okusia, Senior Programme Officer for financing projects
    Time Frame
    The evaluation shall take place between June and September, with the final report completed by latest end of September 2018.
    The total budget available for the evaluation is max EUR 15.000.
    This value must cover all costs relating to the assignment including fees, taxes, food, accommodation, national/international transportation, office materials, insurances, etc.;
    Payment of the fee will be made in two tranches:

    50% at signing of the contract
    50% after submission of final report[1] Development cooperation agency of the Austrian Catholic Children’s Movement – DKA, Austrian Catholic Men Movement – KMBÖ, Austrian Catholic Women Movement – kfb, Bruder und Schwester in Not – Diocese Innsbruck, Bruder und Schwester in Not – Katholische Aktion Kärnten, Caritas Austria, Welthaus of the Diocese Graz-Seckau, plan: g, as well as Referat Mission und Entwicklung of the Archdiocese of Vienna

  • Terms of Reference – Translation Services

    Terms of Reference – Translation Services

    Project: NEAR
    Study/Assessment Topic: Translation Services
    Duration: 3 – 6 months
    Reporting To: Communications Officer
    Working With: Programs Team & Adeso Operations Department
    Starting Date: Immediately
    Application Deadline: 27th May, 2018. Applications will be reviewed on rolling basis.
    NEAR is a global network that spans across many continents therefore we would like to contract a firm or consultants to provide translation services of various documents related to NEAR’s programs which include a series of humanitarian research reports, membership documents and general communications contents to be disseminated across our network that includes members who speak French, Arabic, Spanish, Nepali and more.

    Written translation of NEAR publications in French, Arabic and other languages (as needed).
    Written translation of NEAR programs and membership documents in French, Arabic and other languages (as needed).
    Translation of web content and other communications (as needed).

    May to July, 2018 (may be extended).

    Relevant experience of delivering quality translation services with NGOs, government agencies or international bodies.
    Excellent communications and writing skills.
    Ability to interpret and translate oral information to written form and vice versa.
    Familiarity with speaking and writing in more than one language, preferably French, Arabic and/or Spanish.
    Ability to interact with clients from diverse background in a multicultural environment.
    Excellent team work and participatory process skills.
    Flexible in working hours-ability to work evening and weekends, if necessary.
    Ability to plan and prioritize work duties as well as work competently under pressure and tight deadlines.
    Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.

    In consideration of the fees paid, the Consultant expressly assigns to NEAR any copyright arising from the works the consultant produces while executing this contract. All images (whether used for online or print purposes) must however bear the consultant’s photo credit, as specified by international intellectual property rights. The consultant may not use, reproduce or otherwise disseminate or authorize others to use, reproduce or disseminate such works without prior consent from NEAR.

  • IMAPCT Project Director of Finance Administration

    IMAPCT Project Director of Finance Administration

    Job Details
    Africare is rolling out the Improved Approach to Community-based Nutrition in Turkana (IMPACT) project in Kenya. The goal of IMPACT is to significantly improve nutrition outcomes for pregnant and lactating women and infants and young children (defined as <2 years of age) in Turkana County. Africare aims thereby to sustainably increase diet diversity, and reduce malnutrition and hunger. Africare will serve as lead in delivering the IMPACT Program. IMPACT currently targets villages in Katilu and Turkana South Wards where the program seeks to increase the quality and quantity of nutritious foods available to households via community gardening and improved nutrition services via health worker training and capacitation, in addition to promoting improved optimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and hygiene practices, and micronutrient supplementation via a set behavior change package owned by Africare; all of which will be delivered via specified channels at the health facility and community levels. Duties & Responsibilities: As the senior most finance and administrative staff member of the Country Office team, he/she will be expected to maintain cordial and productive relations with all Africare stakeholders including donors, government, collaborating partners and communities, adequately espousing Africare principles at all times. He/she will be required to assist the Chief of Party ensuring full staff compliance with Africare’s Policies, Procedures and Code of Ethics. Working in close collaboration with the COP, the Director of Finance will be responsible for overseeing all Financial, Human Resource and Procurement Management (among other things): Analyzing, preparing and submitting timely and accurate budgets, financial and related compliance reports; Assuring that all funds and monies received in-country are properly deposited, secured and accounted for and reconciled on a monthly basis; Preparing and implementing tender and purchasing documents in accordance to USG rules, regulations and best practices; Supervising, implementing and organizing Africare’s in-country insurance, licensing, contracts, supplier relationships, and import-export requirements; Managing and providing regular financial planning for the prevention, mitigation and rectification of unnecessary exposure and in-country risks; and Ensuring that all country office financial record keeping is properly maintained and consistent with all applicable Africare, USG, donor rules, regulations and best practices. Strategic duties shall include but not limited to the following: Assist the COP in the preparation of the annual budgets and any other proposals to be submitted timely to Africare HQ.Advising the COP on financial strategy and its impact on in-country objectives, providing input when the financial performance of the country office has been compromised and/or is inconsistent with budgets both on a projected and actual basis.Regularly reviewing financial reports and compare outcomes against actual and projected spending; assist the COP to analyze successes and failings, and suggest means of improvements; Periodically visit project sites as needed for review of field financial management matters. Participate in developing the annual work plan and assist in program/project budget preparation with respect to updating the LOA pipeline spending analysis and projections.Oversee and help manage any specific program audits that may be requested and actively participate in the preparation of Africare’s annual financial audit. Managerial Duties shall include but not limited to the following: Day-to-day direction and leadership to in-country accounting, administration and logistics staff to insure quality assurance, recruitment, selection, training and promotion of financial and administrative staff.Responsible for all financial and accounting procedures, contracts and payroll. Assist the COP to address all financial aspects associated with contracts and procurements, including administrative and financial control screening of sub-grantee partners. Provide support and training of all junior finance staff and sub-grantees to ensure that they comply with generally accepted accounting and business practices, and insure that they meet donor and Africare standards with respect to and the safeguarding and responsible use of all activity-procured materials and equipment. Regular coordination and communication on financial management matters with Africare’s home office. Routine responsibilities will include but not limited to the following: Financial and Cash Management In coordination with the COP and other staff, make sure that monthly financial reports and Quarterly Fund Requests are accurately prepared and submitted to Africare HQ timely, Ensure that the minimum amount of funds required to implement projects and meet all Africare’s financial engagements are available in country in timely manner. Prepare periodic cash flow projections for programs and/or project as required by HQ. Maintain control over the in-country financial and accounting systems, including bank accounts. Review and approve all invoices and payments to ascertain compliance with Africare procedures including availability of funds before seeking COP approval. Perform periodic reviews and certify the general ledger, cash book, trial balance and other pertinent reports generated in financial accounting system monthly in time to meet the monthly reporting to HQ (including but not limited to expenditures, credit, bank statement and reconciliation report). Maintain accounts receivables (A/R) for all program staff advances including all in-country travel, and ensure the timely and proper settlement of all cash advances within specified timeframe as per Africare policy. Prepare financial reports as per donor requirements and timeline, in addition to Africare financial formats. Insure the integrity and accounting of all monies held in country. Budgeting and Reporting Work with the COP to develop and/or review annual operating budgets in accordance with Africare guidelines. Develop and maintain budgetary controls of expenses, in consultation with the COP and program staff. Prepare donor billings and financial reports, and submit to donors within the agreed schedules. Grants Management and Facilitation of Audits Oversee the facilitation and management of the sub-grant making process as per Africare Grants manual, in tandem with donors’ rules and regulations on financial management. In accordance with donor requirements, organize, prepare and facilitate external audits as appropriate in consultation with HQ. Procurement and Management of Goods and Services Work closely with Africare’s logistics and support staff to ensure that all policies and procedures are complied with, including the maintenance of the assets registry. Ensure that adequate internal controls and procedures are in place, understood and fully adhered to. Maintain service agreements with Africare contractors/providers of goods and services. Develop and system to keep track of all assets and their disposition. With respect to Human Resources, provide general oversight, guidance and management to respective HR staff over functions and activities to include, but not limited to the following: Oversee the recruitment and selection of qualified program field staff; recommend promotions, disciplinary action and termination of staff in consultation of the Country Director. Ensure that HR staff adheres to Africare’s policy and procedures when it comes to the hiring and employment of all national staff. In close coordination with HQ, ensure that employment contracts are prepared, renewed or terminated in a timely fashion. Ensure that Host Country Reports due to HQ are accurate and submitted timely. Ensure that the Country Office maintains compliance to local labor laws including contracts, compensation packages and working hours, and recommend amendments to HQ’s. Regularly monitor time, attendance and reporting for accuracy. Maintain open lines of communication with all field staff. Qualifications: Education: Minimum of a Bachelors degree (four-year college degree) in Finance or Accounting from an accredited institution, plus a CPA (accounting certification); Master’s degree preferred. Working knowledge and understanding of GAAP a must; Prior Work Experience and Other Requirements: A minimum of 8-10 years of prior financial supervisory and management experience at an organization, responsible for a diverse folio of funds in excess of $10 million from either the USG and/or private donors for sizable and complex development projects. Minimum 3-4 years’ experience with USAID/USG funds management, rules and reporting. Appropriate knowledge and skills in using computer software and systems for accounting, preparation of financial statements and payroll reporting and systems. Demonstrated, hands-on experience and proficiency using Microsoft Excel, Word and QuickBooks is a must. Track record in grants management as it relates to compliance and reporting of government, corporate and foundation grants is essential. Must be fluent in English both verbal and written skills, and be an effective communicator. Excellent presentation skills. Proven leadership capabilities required. Additionally Preferred/Not required: Knowledge and skills in using Lawson software is a plus. Some International Travel may be required. Applicants must have a valid passport with a validity date of at least six months.

  • Terms Of Reference For Carrying Out A Comprehensive Job Evaluation Exercise For Hand In Hand Ea 

Training On Results Based Management And Project Management

    Terms Of Reference For Carrying Out A Comprehensive Job Evaluation Exercise For Hand In Hand Ea Training On Results Based Management And Project Management

    Terms of reference for carrying out a comprehensive job evaluation exercise for Hand in Hand EA (HiH EA)
    Objectives of the Assignment
    The specific objectives of the consultancy are as follows;

    To embark on revising the salary grading structure appropriate to HiH EA and address the inequalities and disparities in similar functions. Set the foundation for implementation of HR initiatives in the area of performance management and talent management with the aim of retaining high performing staff.
    To generate a remuneration criteria that aligns remuneration, functions and grade levels that reflect the basic concept of equal pay for work of equal value.

    The Exercise is purposed to achieve the following requirements:

    Involve employees in entrenching a fair and non-discriminative workplace perception
    Create and develop internal capacity in job analysis and evaluation
    Apply thorough and systematic gathering of information
    Ensure a consistent method of evaluation
    Furnish a rationale for the resultant job grading system and organization chart.

    Scope of work
    The scope of work involves:

    Obtain and review recent reports on internal and external on surveys on compensation and employee satisfaction.
    from internal comments made by staff and management on the current salary and benefits structure to understand the outstanding questions that should be addressed by this study.
    Carryout a jobs/ Functions analysis; Carry out a job analysis, on all the positions and propose job descriptions for each position specifying the minimum competencies required for each position. The consultant will be expected to train and ensure participation of identified job analysts from the ORGANIZATON in the job analysis process.
    Agreement on benchmark job classifications within HiH EA organization structure.
    Study Review salary levels and steps for each job category- To review/assess the current HiH EA Salary Structure, Job Descriptions or Position Profiles (Not just Job Title) in terms of qualifications, experience/seniority, knowledge/ skills, nature of work for comparison and clarity within the organization.
    Grade all jobs and recommend a new grading for all jobs in the organization structure.
    Study the current organization structure and apply the job analysis and job evaluation findings to make recommendations for review to ensure it is aligned to the strategic direction of the organization.
    Recommendations on effective implementation of the outputs of the job evaluation exercise.
    Link job evaluation results to salary and benefits and come up with revised salary and benefits structure.
    Prepare Career Progression guidelines in which the duties and responsibilities are clearly defined and designed to meet the functional and organizational needs of HiH EA.

    The consultant will propose an implementation road map for each of the recommendations made. The Road map should outline the actions required and timelines.
    It is expected that that the job evaluation will provide HiH EA with:

    A rational basis for making defensible decisions on job grades and rates
    A consistent approach for the determination and management of relativities between jobs
    An equitable pay structure across HiH EA based on a logical method of measuring relative job sizes
    A strategic framework within which rational decisions can be made in response to changing organization structure and roles and to market rate pressures
    A logical and consistent approach to measuring the relative sizes of jobs with HiH EA.

    Core activities

    Carry out a literature review of the already available in-house information related to this assignment
    Develop and share with the HiH EA an inception report for this assignment
    Hold meetings with HiH EA CEO Heads of Department and HiH EA HR and nominations Committee.
    Train HiH EA management, job analysis team and the job evaluation panel.
    Professional collect and analyze all information on jobs and prepare job analysis and evaluation reports – both in draft and the final copy.
    Develop with justification a revised salaries and benefits structure for HiH EA with an implementation arrangement.
    Facilitate and provide explanation to questions on managements and boards meeting on the exercise.

    Expected Deliverables

    Proposed organization structure
    Job Descriptions for each position
    A competency framework for all proposed positions with clear personal and position specifications.
    Train HiH EA management, job analysis team and job evaluation panel to build their capacity on job analysis and familiarization with job evaluation.
    A final Grading structure for all positions in the organization in line with the proposed organization structure
    A clear job classification and recommended remuneration structure for each grade
    A scheme of service (Career Paths) for all established positions
    A detailed proposal on implementation road map for the new recommendations
    Proposed change management approach
    An Inception Report
    Final Report

    Submission of Expression of Interest
    Human Resource Management and/or Organization Development professionals to submit a proposal for conducting an employee climate survey, analysis and reporting as outlined here below.

    go to method of application »

  • Request for Proposal for the provision of Editors

    Request for Proposal for the provision of Editors

    Scope of Requirement
    World Animal Protection is looking to appoint an Editor supplier to satisfy the following requirements for the period ending 30th December 2018
    Duties and Responsibilities of Editor

    Provide substantive editorial support (i.e., ‘heavy’ editing and rewriting where needed, content reorganization and, in limited cases, producing original draft text to fit purpose.
    Copy editing of the entire volume through detailed line edit, ready for final content approval;
    Follow up as needed with authors to ensure clarity and inclusion of the latest available information, as well as the best photos available;
    Ensure clarity and consistency of chapter abstracts, key messages and of all body text;
    Editing the presentation style of the document and its suitability for intended audiences;
    Advise on the continuity of style and content across/between different chapters, and the overall presentation of the report;
    Proofread text and all tables and graphic elements;
    Proofread the final designed publication for accuracy and clarity, and work with the designer to rectify any problems and/or provide any minor editing that may be occasioned by the final design.
    Provide writing/editing support as needed in the development of forewords, prefaces and acknowledgements;
    Compile a list of acronyms;
    Edit other content for World Animal Protection ensuring that text is informative and interesting and paying close attention to narrative flow, messaging, accuracy, tone and house style.


    Deliver short materials edited (typically news and stories for website no longer that 2 pages) not later than 2-3days after receiving the text;
    Deliver edited ‘how to series’ of between 25-30 pages within two weeks of receiving materials.

    Functional Competencies:

    Ability to think analytically, synthesize and clearly present complex processes and issues to service the information needs of heterogeneous audiences
    Excellent writing skills – ability to write in a structured, lucid and concise manner
    Demonstrated ability in substantively editing animal science/ veterinary related/ highly academic pieces and transform to readable pieces for wider audience.
    Ability to work under tight deadlines

    Required Skills and Experience
    University degree (Masters is preferred) in English or in any related field such as other languages, literature, veterinary science or related studies.

    At least 2 years of progressively relevant experience as an editor/ proof reader or relevant field;
    Proved experience in editing and proofreading of English texts;
    Proved experience of editing (applicants will be required to provide samples of their editing work that was published)
    Experience working with texts related to agriculture/development especially in Africa.
    Progressive relevant professional experience in data analysis, report writing, and editing of research text on agriculture and development.

  • Personal Assistant To The Executive Director

    Personal Assistant To The Executive Director

    Job Description

    Overall Responsibility
    The overall responsibility of the Personal Assistant (PA) to support the Executive Director (ED) in the fulfillment and execution of duties to ensure efficient management of the ED’s office, and effective liaison with external partners and contacts as delegated. The PA will be responsible for some human resource management responsibilities. The PA is expected to operate and perform to the highest professional standards, with considerable independence, diversified secretarial duties and designated administrative duties using initiative and judgment, high level organizational skills and knowledge of ACTS policies. 

    Specific Responsibilities

    Support the Director in his/her daily administrative, planning and execution, and travel (including reservations and itineraries) related matters by maintaining a calendar of schedules, events, and meetings.
    Convene and/or coordinate requests for relevant meetings inside and outside ACTS, and support the ED in the planning and preparation of such meetings, including the production of agenda papers, produce succinct, error-free notes and minutes, and provide general assistance during presentations.
    Manage office correspondence with individuals and agencies, often corresponding on behalf of the Director as delegated. These include drafting/editing and/or sending general correspondence or proposals.
    Serve as the first point of contact for the ED with people from both inside and outside the office. This includes coordination of all appointments for the ED and arranging hospitality as required.
    Handle sensitive project information with great tact, discretion and judgment and perform such other tasks as assigned by the ED.
    Coordinate/liaise with other staff to follow-up on deadlines required by the ED.
    Liaise with other staff to order supplies for the ED’s office.
    Maintain an effective filing system both in electronic and hard formats.
    Receive, sign for and acknowledge the receipt of postal packages on behalf of the ED.
    Perform general secretarial duties including, but not limited to, typing, photocopying, filing and mailing.
    Keep abreast of ACTS research activities to be able to deliver briefings as necessary.
    Receive general calls and correspondence, responding/forwarding as appropriate. Keep all contact directories updated, including letters, emails, etc.
    Conduct extensive research and generate error-free write-ups on matters of critical importance to the Director’s planning and decision-making tasks.
    Coordinate human resource functions including: maintenance of human resource files; recruitment and induction of new staff, staff contract and leave management, staff welfare, medical cover and staff insurance.
    Support the Senior Management Team in implementing staff performance management activities.
    Support the development and implementation of human resource development plans.
    Coordinate the procurement, contracting and payments of of consultants.

    Minimum Qualifications

    Degree in a relevant course like secretarial, human resource management, or a relevant social science from a recognized university.
    Three years experience in a similar position.
    Excellent knowledge of protocol procedures.
    Strong diplomatic and communications skills in English. Knowledge of additional UN language(s) preferably French is an added advantage

    Key competencies
    The Personal Assistant to the ED shall demonstrate the following competencies:

    Able to administer and execute administrative processes and transactions.
    Able to perform work of confidential nature and handle a large volume of work.
    Able to maintain calm and composure even under pressure.
    Shows good knowledge of administrative rules and regulations.
    Focused on results and responds positively to feedback.
    Excellent knowledge in MS office applications.

    Contract terms: 3 yearsReports to: Executive Director

  • Pharmaceutical Technologist

    Pharmaceutical Technologist


    Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology
    Valid Practicing license
    Two years experience in a similar/related role, preferably working in a Hospital

    Key Duties

    Review prescriptions to ensure accuracy, to ascertain the needed ingredients, and to evaluate their suitability.
    Provide information and advice to patients regarding drug interactions, side effects, dosage, and proper medication storage.
    Assess the identity, strength, or purity of medications
    Maintain records, such as pharmacy files, inventories, control records for narcotics, or controlled drugs.
    Compound and dispense medications as prescribed by doctors and dentists, by calculating, weighing, measuring, and mixing ingredients, or oversee these activities
    Plan, implement, or maintain procedures for packaging, or labeling pharmaceuticals, according to policy and legal requirements, to ensure quality, security, and proper disposal.
    Train pharmacy students serving as interns in preparation for their graduation or licensure
    Advise customers on the selection of medication brands or healthcare supplies.
    Collaborate with other health care professionals to plan, monitor, review, or evaluate the quality or effectiveness of drugs or drug regimens, providing advice on drug applications or characteristics.
    Analyze prescribing trends to monitor patient compliance and to prevent excessive usage or harmful interactions
    Order and purchase pharmaceutical supplies, medical supplies, or drugs, maintaining stock and storing and handling it properly

  • Communication Specialist 

Procurement Specialist

    Communication Specialist Procurement Specialist

    The World University Service of Canada’s Field Support Services Project (FSSP) is contracting the services of a Communication Specialist to support Global Affairs Canada (GAC) in Kenya in the delivery of all its programming areas over a 2-year period.
    The main objective of Communication Specialist position is to provide technical assistance to Canada’s development programming in Kenya and other countries of accreditation in order to improve its visibility on social media and other platforms. The Communications Specialist will work part-time to assist with the development of communication products and publications focused on GAC’s country development strategy as well as lead the production of high quality, brand-compliant, multimedia information products and visual assets.
    Under the general supervision of the FSSP Kenya Manager, the Communications Specialist will be responsible for all requests coming fromGAC, including visibility on social media, managing the Facebook page and working with the Technical Specialists on a monthly newsletter/digital brief for use by GAC. In addition, the Specialist will provide advice, analysis of the promotional context and advice to support GAC’s programming visibility in Kenya. The Specialist will, upon request from GAC or the FSSP Manager, participate in meetings organised on various topical themes to appropriately raise the visibility of Canada’s programs and projects in Kenya. In particular, the Specialist will work closely with GAC’s partners to achieve effective visibility and recognition of Canada’s international assistance contributions.

    Social Media and Media Monitoring
    The Communications Specialist will be responsible for managing Canadian projects’ presence in social media and for the creation of content necessary to grow GAC’s engagement within the media sector. The Specialist will also focus on content creation, basic online graphics and development of products and messages for public access and online platforms including GAC website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other similar social media platforms.
    Author brief social media messages with corresponding links and source appropriate images for the postings on GAC’s programme and projects implemented by GAC’s partners.
    Schedule and post social media content as per the content calendar and obtain GAC’s approvals for content prior to publishing.
    Produce social media toolkits and contribute to the management of several accounts such as the Canadian Education Partners Forum (Facebook and twitter) accounts.
    Provide analytics, identify trends and develop creative inputs.
    Review daily press and produce media monitoring reports.
    Event Coverage
    Work closely with the GAC/FSSP TAs to provide communication and media support to events/workshops/meetings and conferences.
    Prepare website stories.
    Engage in media calls and prepare press kits.
    Take, edit and post photos.
    Update media contact lists.
    Prepare event specific media monitoring reports.
    Gathering Content from the Field
    Work with GAC/FSSP TAs and partners to undertakes field visits and to write impact stories/success stories/case studies.
    Support and coordinate photography and videography activities for field activities
    Gather stories from implementing partners via field visits at the discretion of the GAC Head of Cooperation.
    Produce stories from the field projects that reflect GAC’s reach and impact with a human-development interest focus.
    Prepare content for use in other publications including annual reports, e-newsletters and brochures and videos.
    Strategic Planning
    Design and implement an effective and innovative communications strategy to further enhance GAC’s profile in Kenya and other countries of accreditation;
    Provide regular input into GAC’s country strategy and investment plan activities;
    Review and assesses GAC’s communications activities using indicators established by the overall communications strategy;
    Highlight successes, challenges and recommendations;
    Synthesize journalist participation and press coverage;
    Pitch potential stories or identify gaps in content based on field work and research.
    Support coordination of regular briefings with GAC staff.
    Build and maintain a photo library of all photos and videos of the GAC, a database with photos and videos taken during events, which can be easily found by date, events, names of participants or other functional types of classification;
    Participate in various meetings with sectoral teams to help ensure the strategic positioning and visibility of GAC in Kenya and countries of accreditation;
    Develop and maintain a network of strategic contacts to support communication activities in Canada’s programming area in the country.

    This assignment is a part-time position from 1st July 2018 to 30th June 2020. A 50% level of effort (approximately ten days per month) will be required. The estimated distribution of the 50% level of effort will be as follows:

    Visibility of Canadian programming in Kenya and Countries of accreditation: 85%
    Other tasks for GAC and FSSP: 15%

    The Communication Specialist will operate form Field Support Services Office in Nairobi during the period of the assignment.
    The Communication Specialist will produce quarterly work plans, which will detail the deliverables expected for that period. The work plan will be based on needs identified by Global Affairs Canada and the Specialist’s recommended priorities which will require approval by Global Affairs Canada. The work plan must be submitted to the GAC Head of Cooperation in Kenya or an officer with a delegated authority from the Head of Cooperation. The work plan will be reviewed and updated monthly, taking into account changing priorities in the Global Affairs Canada Program and/or the countries’ context.
    The Specialist reports directly to the Manager of the Field Support Services Project based in Nairobi, Kenya who has responsibility for the administration of the contract. Day to day management of deliverables and performance will be coordinated by the GAC Head of Cooperation in Kenya or an officer with a delegated responsibility, including approval of work plans, service requisitions and deliverables, authorization of travel, evaluation of the quality of services and deliverables against work plans and performance indicators, etc.
    The Communication Specialist will be expected to keep the respective Development Officers at the Canadian High Commission in Nairobi and GAC HQs informed and updated about the implementation and progress of his/her work. The Specialist will submit monthly reports on her/his activities related to communication, consistent with the priorities established in the work plan.
    The monthly report (max 2 pages) will:

    Highlight tasks and results achieved; problems encountered and how they were dealt with;
    Outline innovative initiatives, work plan/activities/expected results for the following month.
    Highlight relevant information of use to the Program and projects, such as: outstanding issues and constraints, innovative initiatives, best practices, and lessons learned;
    Identify new opportunities, and make recommendations for the next work plan period; and
    Identify key issues for Global Affairs Canada’s attention, and make recommendations for follow-up;


    Bachelor’s Degree in journalism, communications or a relevant related field of study from a recognized university. A master’s degree will be an added advantage.
    3-5 years of related public relations, public outreach or communications for development experience;
    Demonstrated experience in drafting, producing and editing written products such as news/blog articles, reports, fact sheets, speeches, success stories, and press releases
    Expertise in using social media and other media platforms including drafting and sharing messages on Twitter, Facebook, etc.
    English language skills to perform communications technical services;
    Ability to travel as needed throughout Kenya and other countries of accreditation;
    Knowledge of GAC policies and procedures is a plus;
    Have an excellent ability to archive information such as for the photo library;
    Have good judgment and ability to give relevant opinions and recommendations;
    Mastery of ICT tools and basic computer software such as Microsoft Office, email and other social media tools.


    Ability to synthesize and develop high quality knowledge products from diverse programmatic materials and tools;
    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to develop strong working and organizational boundaries with internal and external stakeholders;
    Works well independently with little supervision, as well as within a dynamic team;
    Superior English communication proficiency and writing skills; proficiency in French is an asset;
    A good team player.

    go to method of application »

  • Program Manager

    Program Manager

    Job Description


    Assist the Country Director with preparing and completing work plans and budgets; serve as a key partner to ensure productivity, quality, and partnership standards; determining system improvements and implementing change;
    Build strong relationships with government, NGOs, international organizations, donors and relevant private sector organizations in order to secure their support for increasing and diversifying the funding base of UMR programs stakeholders.
    Develop new partnerships and joint programming initiatives by working with the relevant local stakeholders.
    Represent UMR in cooperation with the Country Director at various external meetings, forums and events, and establish firm relationships with local communities and community based organizations.
    Ensure that effective and secure budgetary control of programs’ finances
    Work with Country Director for conducting needs assessments and develop concept notes and project proposals for UMR HQ and donors.
    Must be able to deliver a range of humanitarian and development programs to the specific requirements of UMR HQ and external funders.


    Master’s degree in social work, economics, health or any relevant field required.
    At least 5 years’ of direct project management experience in a humanitarian/development, and non-profit setting.
    Demonstrated experience of designing of successful project proposals for institutional donors. Experience in direct administration of programs and budgets.
    Must be able to read, write and speak the English language fluently.
    The position is open to Kenyan nationals only.

  • Project Facilitator – Western Kenya

    Project Facilitator – Western Kenya

    Job Description

    Salary negotiated depending on experience 
    40 hours per week, 1 year Fixed Term Contract
    Send a Cow Kenya (SACK) is looking for a project facilitator to implement Send a Cow Kenya activities in the field efficiently and effectively according to objectives of the Integrated farm systems and donkey welfare project. The Project facilitator will be on the forefront of project implementation, working daily and directly with farmers, farmers groups and other stakeholders in the project area. He/she will establish and maintain relationships with Farmer Groups, liaise with stakeholders and spearhead capacity building to the beneficiaries. Reporting to the Project Officer, Integrated Farm Systems & Donkey Welfare project. 
    Does this sound like you? If so we would love to hear from you.
    Applications close 11th May 2018 at 1.00pm East Africa Time with the successful candidate starting by 1st June 2018.