Company Type: Sector in NGO

  • Manager, Hydro-Meteorological Applications

    Manager, Hydro-Meteorological Applications

    Accountable to: Director, ICPAC
    Division/Department: Climate Application
    Program / Project Number: IGAD – IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre, Nairobi Kenya.
    Location of assignment: IGAD/ICPAC Office, Nairobi
    Nationalities eligible to apply: Appropriately qualified applicants from countries in the IGAD Region are eligible to apply;
    Expected Start Date: 1st August 2018
    Duration of the Assignment: The contract is for a period of 5 years, renewable at the end of period, based on the availability of funds and satisfactory performance
    Overall Purpose
    To provide overall coordination of the implementation and leading of ICPAC activities related to applications of climate products and services needed by the water resources and related sectors
    Core Duties and Responsibilities

    Assist in the Implementation and lead ICPAC activities related to applications of climate products and services needed by the water resources and related sectors.
    Conduct gaps and needs assessment.
    Co-ordinate the development of regional strategies for enhanced applications of climate products and services in water resources risks assessment and management.
    Provide impacts of observed climate conditions and forecasts on regional hydrological systems on decadal, monthly, seasonal time scales and any other relevant time scales.
    Co-ordinate capacity building activities related to applications of climate products and services in water resources risks assessment and management.
    Co-ordinate ICPAC’s regional programmes for improving meteorological and hydrological observations and database management.
    Prepare plans for assessing and mapping the impacts of climate change/ variability to water resources potential to build scenarios for future adaptation and mitigation strategies
    Co-ordinate the development and use of climate information systems in hydrological forecasting and water resources management practices including decision support tools (systems).
    Prepare periodic progress reports and annual reports as required by ICPAC.
    Coordinate generation of downscaled tailored climate products, relevant hydro meteorological applications including generation of large basins seasonal regional water risks outlooks based on seasonal climate outlooks and other related products.
    And any other related activities assigned from time to time.

    Minimum Qualifications and Experience

    Master of Science Degree in Hydrology, Water Resources or other related fields
    Five (5) years of working experience in hydrological or water resources modelling
    Good knowledge of computer applications in hydrology and water resources

    Key Skills and Competencies

    Good communication skills both oral and written
    Ability to prepare written reports in a clear, concise and meaningful manner
    Ability to work with minimum supervision
    Fluency in English
    Knowledge of French is an advantage

  • Short-term Consultancy – Development of a Communication Strategy for KILIMO VC Programme

    Short-term Consultancy – Development of a Communication Strategy for KILIMO VC Programme

    Assignment type Short-term Consultancy
    Title of the Assignment Development of a Communication Strategy for KILIMO VC Programme
    Duration 25 Days
    Self Help Africa is seeking a consultant to develop a communication strategy for its new KILIMO – Value Chains programme which, aims to increase sustainable investment in agribusinesses with smallholders as suppliers or customers in Kenya and increase the involvement of poorer smallholders in value chains.
    KILIMO – Value Chains: Kenyan Initiative for Long-term Integration of Market Operators in Value Chains is a EUR 24m five-year agribusiness support programme that is part of the European Union’s Kenya-AGRIFI programme that supports productive, adapted and market integrated smallholder agriculture, including a contribution to the Africa Investment Facility.
    Self Help Africa and Imani Development are the Fund Managers for the challenge fund managed under the KILIMO-VC programme.
    Self Help Africa is an international NGO dedicated to the vision of an economically thriving and resilient rural Africa. SHA has 50 years’ experience working with smallholder farmers, farmer associations, cooperatives and agribusinesses across Africa to help farmers grow and sell more food, improve diets, diversify incomes and make their livelihoods more sustainable and resilient to external shocks.
    Imani Development is a private economic and development consultancy firm that facilitates the process of economic growth and poverty reduction in the developing world. Imani has been active in East and Southern Africa, the Caribbean, South East Asia and the Pacific for over 30 years, advising policy makers, governments, development agencies, regional and international organisations, and the private sector in our core areas of work.
    The overall objective of the KILIMO-VC programme is to improve the capacity of 100,000 smallholder farmers/pastoralists to practise environmentally sustainable and climate-smart agriculture as a business in inclusive value chains. Self Help Africa (SHA) and Imani Development are the fund managers for the programme which will work with 50 value chain partnership deliver:

    10,000 net equivalent jobs within sustainable agri-enterprises
    A 70% increase in smallholder/ pastoralist production marketed
    At least 20,000 hectares under climate-smart land management practices.
    Increased turnover for at least 50 agri-enterprises
    Increased incomes for at least 100,000 smallholders/ pastoralists as agri-enterprises expand in their markets
    90,000 households with increased dietary diversity and decision-making power of female farmers

    KILIMO-VC’s interventions seek to catalyse positive and sustained change in the behaviour of market players involved in agricultural VCs in Kenya, including the livestock and fisheries sectors. KILIMO-VC will:

    Establish a funding scheme blending investments and commercial loans.
    Implement agreed business plans that will support investments in at least 50 firms / value chain partnerships to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of priority agricultural value chains and the integration of smallholders/pastoralists within them. This will increase capacity of 100,000 smallholders/ pastoralists and downstream VC actors to collaborate in inclusive agriculture value chains
    Provide a technical advisory services component for 50 agri-enterprise actors.
    Increase access to finance (credit, banks, investment) for complementary investments by downstream VC actors, primary through working with Kenyan banking partners of the European Investment Bank.

    Through a programme inputs and activities, that include setting up match-funded investments based on robust and viable business plans (loans, grants and firm’s own resources) and providing technical assistance to agri-enterprise actors in the selected VCs, KILIMO-VC will contribute to market system change to make value chains work more efficiently and inclusively, responding to the needs of poor people, especially smallholders and pastoralists (in particular youth and women). We anticipate this will result in greater resilience (anticipatory, absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacity) in VCs for the smallholder/pastoralist, thus reducing poverty through increased production and incomes, and increased profits and jobs created in agri-businesses. Through targeted technical assistance, the action will improve the investmentreadiness of agri-enterprise actors and contribute to increasing financial investments into the agricultural sector in Kenya.
    There will be three funding windows which as fund managers would like to create as much publicity and marketing as possible to potential applicants. KILIMO-VC will use a two-stage process of concept notes and full proposals/business plans, and there will be three distinct call windows. Call I will be launched in month eight (August, 2018) of the project with the theme ‘climate-smart inputs’. This will raise visibility of the newly-launched Challenge Fund and will contract 10-15 agri-enterprises. Call II will be launched in quarter one of 2019, and will draw on lessons from Call I, making any necessary refinements to the application process. Call II’s theme will be ‘Inclusive climate-smart agriculture value chains’ and we expect to contract 30-40 firms. Call III, launched in month 18, which will be a ‘gap-filling’ call with a theme agreed upon following a review of the contracted portfolio at that stage. We expect to contract 5-10 grants in the final window. In total we expect to contract 50 agri-based SMEs into the project.
    The European Commission and the Government of Kenya signed a Financing Agreement called AGRIFI Kenya: Support to productive, adapted and market integrated smallholder agriculture, including a contribution to the Africa Investment Facility (hereafter AGRIFI Kenya). This component includes also the complementary EIB Kenya Agriculture Value Chain Facility to Financial Institutions in Kenya, which has been be funded through credit line(s) provided by the EIB combined with a grant from the Africa Investment Facility and implemented by the European Investment Bank (EIB) through local banks in Kenya.
    The AGRIFI is the 11th EDF National Indicative Programme Focal Sector 1: Food Security and Resilience to climate shocks in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands. The said programme contributes to Result 2 for this focal sector, namely for Productive climate resilient agriculture and community investments to safeguard productivity against climatic shocks. The rationale of AGRIFI Kenya is based on the need to ensure sustainable food security and growth of agriculture, livestock and fisheries sector with more intensive farming systems as indicated in the Kenyan Agriculture Sector Development Strategy 2010 – 2020 (ASDS), the Medium Term Plan 2 and the Medium Term Economic Framework for Agriculture. Smallholders can greatly benefit from stronger integration in their value chain, by partnering with agribusinesses who can facilitate input and output market access.
    Objectives of the AGRIFI Programme
    The global objective is: Capacity of smallholder farmers/pastoralists to practice environmentally sustainable and climate smart agriculture as a business in market-integrated value chain on functional and equitable terms improved.
    The specific objective is: Smallholder farmers/pastoralists are better integrated within their value chain through the establishment of a funding scheme blending grants and commercial loans providing incentives to investments in the agribusiness sector in Kenya.
    An innovative and effective communication strategy is therefore, important to ensure smooth information flow among project partners and beneficiaries and to support coordination. In addition, the strategy will ensure that all external audiences including partners and beneficiaries are aware of the progress and achievements made in the project. The strategy will ensure that smallholder farmers and other stakeholders who stand to benefit from agri-enterprises remain sufficiently informed and engaged. Finally, the communication strategy will support the project overall goal which is to ensure that 100,000 smallholder farmers and pastoralists are better integrated in inclusive value chains.
    The communication function will be key to this transformation and will play an even more crucial role in ensuring that stories of change, impact and messages are identified, packaged and disseminated to their intended recipients by use of multiple platforms.

    Conduct a needs assessment. This includes a situation analysis to identify needs and a media content analysis. The inputs require desk research, a perception survey, and indepth interviews and focus groups discussions. Outputs include an analysis of the findings of the needs assessment, a SWOT analysis and implications for the findings on the communications strategy
    Develop and deliver the project’s 5-year communications strategy with clear audience definitions, context, objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), key media to communicate and effective messengers. This should cover aspects like branding, media engagement and the digital aspect in appropriate forums etc
    Identify and develop communication strategies and a messaging framework for each of the targeted audiences
    Carry out a risk analysis based on the project’s risk management framework and develop a crisis response communication plan to manage any reputational risks for the project and all the partners involved
    Provide a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the communications function of the project
    Develop a 2-year workplan with clear deliverables and milestones, indicators and tools for the implementation of the strategy.

    The services above are to be carried out over a period of approximately 25 working days.
    The consultant is expected to submit the following deliverables.

    Inception report – Submission of detailed methodology demonstrating a good understanding of the literature review, detailed work plan (indicating dates and activities), an outline of the communication and visibility strategy and data collection tools
    Draft Communication Strategy
    Final Communication Strategy revised according to comments provided, and approved by the Country Director

    Note: Actual days and dates for each deliverable will be discussed and agreed upon by the successful candidate
    30% will be paid upon submission of the Inception Report 70% will be paid upon successful completion of the work

    Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent), preferably in communications, journalism, public relations or another related field.
    Knowledge in agriculture and trade in the Kenyan context
    Demonstrated experience in writing communication strategies

    The total contract value will be negotiated based on the agreed scope of work and the consultant’s qualification and experience.

  • Technical Coordinator – Marine and Coastal Resilience Programme

    Technical Coordinator – Marine and Coastal Resilience Programme

    Job Details
    The Marine and Coastal Resilience Programme is in charge of marine and coastal issues, including biodiversity conservation, development and management of marine protected areas and their networks, ecosystem & fisheries management, marine spatial planning, marine pollution, integrated management and governance of coastal areas, adaptation to climate change and disasters risks reduction. The Marine and Coastal Resilience Programme has been developed on the basis of a situation analysis and on lessons learned by IUCN Mangroves for the Future (MFF) Asia programme, initially catalysed by the December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. The Programme addresses the high level of vulnerability of ecosystems and livelihoods by increasing their resilience using a “resilience framework” that integrates four components:

    Ecological and Social Diversity,
    Innovative and sustainable infrastructure and technology,
    Equitable and resilient governance systems, and
    Data and information for adaptive management, and has been designed to advance resilience-based management of socio-ecological systems in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region as well as build programmatic linkages between the IUCN-GMPP and IUCN-ESARO.

    The Technical Coordinator – Marine and Coastal Resilience Program reports directly to the IUCN ESARO Regional Programme Coordinator and functionally to the Director – Global Marine and Polar Programme. He/she will serve as both a senior member of the Regional senior management team and the IUCN global Marine and Polar Programme team that helps set strategic directions and define priorities for IUCN’s broader engagement on Marine and Coastal issues. The Technical Coordinator is also a senior member of the ESARO Technical Coordination Group (TCG) and, accordingly, works with the other members of the Group in strategic planning; monitoring and evaluation; and learning, innovation and knowledge generation at the overall Intersessional Programme level. This also includes (when requested) contributing to the development of and adhering to IUCN/ESARO policies and procedures related to both organizational and Programme management.
    The Technical Coordinator will develop, resource, and manage IUCN ESARO’s Marine and coastal resilience programme activities in the region in close collaboration with other relevant IUCN programmes, Members, Commissions and partners. He/she will be responsible for the overall management of Marine and coastal resilience programme activities, ensuring that they are coherent and consistent with IUCN’s “one programme” approach, build on and align with IUCN’s Marine and coastal conservation framework and add value to regionally and nationally defined priorities. is responsible for:

    Guiding the strategic direction and development of the thematic area, including development and marketing of project proposals with donors;
    Ensuring that programmatic activities within the thematic area are effectively and efficiently implemented;
    Promoting learning, knowledge generation and innovation within both the thematic area and in relation to the ESARO and GMPP Intersessional Programme and Strategy; and
    Ensuring that progress and performance of the regional Marine Programme is regularly monitored and evaluated.

  • Terms of Reference for Final Project Evaluation 2018

    Terms of Reference for Final Project Evaluation 2018

    Project Title: Strengthening the capacity of National Child Helpline 116 Service as a key component of the Child protection System in Kenya.
    Background and Context
    Description of the project
    This project, entitled “Strengthening the capacity of National Child Helpline 116 Service as a key component of the Child protection System”, is a 3-year project implemented by Childline Kenya and funded by UNICEF from February 2016 to February 2018 with a no-cost extension to April 2018.
    Specifically for CLK, this PCA contributes to its Strategic Plan 2013-2017 (Strategic Direction-SD 1 and 3); i.e.
    SD 1: Support Government to provide quality child protection services through the national helpline 116 platform
    SD 3. Provide technical support to partners, families, and communities for effective child protection in Kenya.
    For UNICEF, the work of Childline Kenya contributes to all the four outputs of Outcome 4 of the GoK/UNICEF Joint Programme 2014-2018.
    The services of child line 116 have increased over the years since its inception in 2006, moving from 9,798 calls received in the year 2006/7 to 1,152,409 in 2014. In total the Helpline received 4,645,552 calls from 2006 – 2014. The Helpline responded to a total of 2,606,318 child protection cases, with 31,330 being abuse cases. These include child abductions, murder, sexual exploitation, physical abuse and neglect where Childline Kenya moved in to provide support through rescue, medical care, court representation, provision of survival kits etc.
    However, the work of Childline has faced serious challenges starting from 2013 occasioned by Internet challenges, power outages and technical problems with the Customer Relationship Management system used by Childline. This has been made worse by a high staff turnover due to non-attractive terms of service for personnel. Currently (2015), about 3,000 calls are received per day with approximately 1,000 requiring direct intervention from Childline Kenya. Approximately, 2,000 calls per day are either abandoned because of the long waiting period, or are silent or are not related to Childline services and are therefore referred to other service providers. At any one time the number of callers waiting on the queue is not less than 15 and at peak hours this increases to 30 and beyond. Of the calls coming through to the helpline only a maximum of 40% are answered due to low capacity at the Call Centre. This partnership sought to address these challenges hence increase the number of persons accessing services of the Childline Kenya.
    At the same time and in line with the child protection system approach, this programme supported three other components implemented at County and community levels. They include:

    Capacity strengthening of County Children Coordinators in six selected counties to manage cases that are from the child help line centre. These are cases for children who are found in their geographical jurisdiction. The work of CCC is to oversee and manage coordination of agencies giving services to the child and also support the building of a strong referral mechanism at county level. The process of developing the Case Management Guidelines is almost at its completion and UNICEF will work with CLK to support it implementation in the six counties
    Training on parenting skills in Siaya and Nairobi counties for parents accused of neglecting their children. CLK worked together with Court users committee and DCS to implement this component.
    Child online protection where CLK worked with Parent Teachers Association and boys and girls in 20 schools in one informal settlement of Nairobi and Nakuru Counties respectively. This is part of UNICEF initiate for child online protection known as “WePROTECT”.

    Key partners involved in the project, including the implementing partners and other key stakeholders.
    The project was implemented in partnership with the Department of Children Services. In addition, Childline Kenya, whose operations are hinged on partnerships, continued to work with both referral partners, development partners, community stakeholders and other Government institutions to implement the activities in this PCA.
    Purpose of the evaluation

    Why the evaluation needs to be done?: This is a mandatory final project evaluation required by UNICEF as part of the project agreement. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the effectiveness, relevance, efficiency, sustainability, and impact of the “Strengthening the capacity of National Child Helpline 116 Service as a key component of the Child protection System” project.
    How the evaluation results will be used: The results of this evaluation will be used to generate information on best practices in targeting and reducing violence against children and child neglect, and to provide insight and recommendations into improving future interventions targeting children through the Child Helpline Service.
    What decisions will be taken after the evaluation is completed?: Learning arising from the evaluation will be used to inform future programme development as appropriate. In addition, learning will be shared with key stakeholders in the child protection sector to continue to strengthen interventions to address child protection concerns.

    Evaluation objectives and scope
    Scope of evaluation
    The evaluation will cover the entire project duration, from February 2016 to April 2018.
    The evaluation will assess project outcomes at all levels. The evaluation will cover all areas of implementation, including activities delivered by the grant holder as well as partners.
    The evaluation will assess the impact of the project on targeted beneficiaries both primary and secondary beneficiaries.
    Objectives of evaluation
    The overall objectives of the evaluation are:

    To evaluate the entire project in terms of effectiveness, relevance, efficiency, sustainability, and impact, with a strong focus on assessing the results at the outcome and project goals level
    To generate key lessons and identify promising practices for learning
    To identify areas for continued advocacy and intervention at the county and national level in child protection

    Evaluation Questions
    The key questions that need to be answered by this evaluation are divided into five categories of analysis including effectiveness, relevance, efficiency, sustainability, impact and knowledge generation.
    The mandatory Evaluation Questions to be answered are as follows:

    To what extent were the intended project goal, outcomes and outputs achieved and how?
    To what extent did the project reach the targeted beneficiaries at the project goal and outcome levels?
    How many beneficiaries have been reached?
    To what extent has this project generated positive (or negative) changes in the lives of targeted (and untargeted) beneficiaries in relation to specific forms of violence addressed by this project? Why?
    What are the key changes in the lives of those beneficiaries?
    What internal and external factors contributed to the achievement and/or failure of the intended project goal, outcomes and outputs? How?


    To what extent was the project strategy and activities implemented relevant to national child policies and strategies in responding to the needs of children?
    To what extent do achieved results (project goal, outcomes and outputs) continue to be relevant to the needs of children?

    How efficiently and timely has this project been implemented and managed in accordance with the Project Document? Specifically have resources been used well and strategies’ to implementation been appropriate?
    How are the achieved results, especially the positive changes generated by the project in the lives of women and girls at the project goal level, going to be sustained after this project ends?
    What are the unintended consequences (positive and negative) that resulted from the project?
    Knowledge Generation

    What are the key lessons learned that can be shared with other practitioners on Ending Violence against children?
    Are there any promising practices? If yes, what are they and how can these promising practices can be replicated in other projects and/or in other countries that have similar interventions?
    What outstanding advocacy and implementation priorities still require action and commitment from district and national-level stakeholders?

    Length of Assignment, Financial Allocation and Application
    This assignment should be concluded by 15th July 2018. The allocated budget is KES500,000/

  • Project Manager 

Social Worker

    Project Manager Social Worker

    We World is looking for a dynamic Kenyan for the position of Project Manager to be based in Narok with frequent travel to the Project sites and sometime to the Nairobi office. The purpose of this position is to plays a lead role in delivering day-to-day planning, initiation and implementation of “Child sponsorship” project, executed by We World Kenya Foundation in Narok County.The project entitled Kuboresha, Kudumisha na Kulinda (3 K) Narok Project is designed to improve the well-being of school going children in Narok South, North and East sub-counties of Narok County by increasing school retention rates, improving school health and nutritional status and strengthening child protection systems.
    The Project manager will ensure implementation of all project related activities that may include among others: training, awareness raising and forums with opinion leaders etc. liaising with Nairobi office. The manager will ensure that the highest standards of service delivery are maintained across target Sub Counties in this project.
    Vacancy Code: PM/WWKF/KEN/001/2018
    Date Issued: 29th June 2018
    Apply before: 4th July 2018
    Start Date: ASAP
    Location: Narok with frequent missions in project villages (Narok County) and sometimes Nairobi
    Responsibilities and Tasks

    Oversee project budgets and spending, analyzing the burn rate and budget versus actual monthly expenses.
    Provide timely inputs for the project to We World Nairobi office for planning, monitoring, reporting, and budgeting processes
    Review staff and partners reports and project progress reports.
    Responsible for submitting activity monthly, quarterly, and annual narrative and financial reports, and activity based project budgets in line with We World reporting and financial procedures.
    Work effectively with government representatives, for-profit private sector entities, local community organizations, donors and other stakeholders, particularly at the Sub County and County level.
    Support AACs to improve planning, coordination, and communication among social service system actors across the county.
    Ensure effective data collection of all activities implemented at the county level.
    Document project results and impact in various forms, including lessons learned, case studies, etc.
    Represent Weworld at the county-level, attend meetings, make presentations at meetings and conferences on matters related to the project capacity and system strengthening.
    Undertake regular field monitoring visits to assess progress and identify implementation issues, provide solutions and implement modifications as required
    Carry out monitoring of project infrastructure (classrooms, latrines and handwashing facilities) in schools and monitor the dissemination/roll out of project designed trainings) in liaison with relevant government departments
    Support We World long distance sponsorship team (LDS) in executing their work in Narok.
    Complete administrative and operational tasks related to every project activity
    Perform other related duties as required

    Qualification and Experience

    At least 5 years’ experience in community development sectors
    Previous experience with NGOs
    Bachelor’s degree in a related field
    Demonstrated experience in managing, coordinating and supervising a project.
    Demonstrated experience working with local community organizations, and government departments
    Proficient spoken and written English and Kiswahili
    Strong communication skills, both written and spoken, about program activities, outcomes and impact
    Experience in development projects (especially child protection, education, health and economic development)
    Preferable: driving license (car and motorcycle)
    Proficiency in MS Office applications especially Excel, word, PowerPoint and outlook
    Experience as trainer on Adolescence Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH), Child Protection, HIV/AIDS, familiarity with School Health Policy (SHP) is a bonus

    Personal Skills

    Strong organizational skills
    Rigor and autonomy
    Ability to quickly learn new systems, processes and procedures
    Ability to work under pressure
    Very flexible, patient and with a positive attitude
    Excellent communication skills
    Ability to negotiate/mediate/interpret
    Strong observation, analytical and listening skills

    Type Contract: 1 year contract renewable (after 3 months of successful probation period)

    go to method of application »

  • Project Driver

    Project Driver

    Sustainet Group Limited is looking for well-organized and highly motivated Kenyan citizen who is result oriented to fill the position of a Project Driver. The driver will be stationed in Kisumu.
    Responsibilities and Tasks:

    Under the overall supervision of the Project Team Leader and Project Administrator, the project driver/office assistant will perform the following tasks;
    Drive staff and authorized visitors to scheduled destination as directed by the Project Team Leader/Project Administrator.
    Ensure the general maintenance of the motor vehicle (proper and timely service, mechanical repairs, valid insurance stickers and other road requirements).
    Maintain a valid driving license at all times while driving the office vehicle.
    Maintain the cleanliness of the motor vehicle at all times and ensure that it is in perfect condition at all times.
    Ensure timely reporting of any mechanical problem, accidents or incidences to the Project Administrator and the responsible officer while in the field.
    Maintain proper and updated mileage records for the vehicle.
    Ensure that the office mails are picked from the post office twice a week and are well distributed to the relevant persons.
    Assist in getting quotations, invoices and receipts from the prospective suppliers and the current ones.
    Assist in the filing, photocopy, faxing and scanning of office documents.
    Perform any other office duties as assigned by the Team Leader and Project Administrator.

    Education: KCSE Certificate
    Experience: Minimum of 5 years driving experience and past experience as a Project Driver will be an added advantage

    Valid driving licence and certificate of good conduct
    Excellent written and spoken English
    Must be computer literate
    Working conditions
    Use of double cabin pick-up.

  • Enteprise Development Coordinator

    Enteprise Development Coordinator

    Salary Band (Kenya): 10
    Location: Nairobi Kenya
    Hours: 37.5 hours per week [FTE]
    Joining a small team based in Nairobi the Enterprise Development Co-ordinator will be responsible for driving economic growth in agricultural value chains through the provision of business solutions for Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSME’s) and ensuing fair returns to small producers and workers in East Africa. Delivering on a range of business development activities within different projects, the post holder will work directly with MSME’s to improve their operations, systems, governance, access to finance, social responsibility and overall management to stimulate growth and profit by providing diagnosis services and solutions; including the design and delivery of training. The postholder will also build relationships and the profile of Traidcraft Exchange with new private sector players.
    The postholder will have a relevant Advanced University degree and direct and in-depth experience of working with businesses in East Africa with a commitment to trade justice. They will have experience in delivering integrated business solutions for MSMEs and will be an excellent communicator.

  • Projects Development Assistant (PDA) (German proficiency) (Kenyan national)

    Projects Development Assistant (PDA) (German proficiency) (Kenyan national)

    Overall job purpose
    The overall objective of the position is to assist and support the Head of Mission Kenya-Djibouti-Zimbabwe on grant management, ensuring grants compliance and in overseeing proposals development and reports writing processes as to ensure high-quality proposals and reporting specifically for the Kenya program.

    On relationship with partners and the coordination team

    Establish and maintaining at all time, an open, transparent, constructive relationship with the partners.
    Maintain at all time, a strong and positive working relationship with the HoM and M&E Coordinator as to contribute the delivery of quality outputs during project cycle including preparation, implementation, review and reporting phases.

    On the humanitarian context

    Constantly monitor and remained informed on the evolving humanitarian situation in the country.
    Participate in health cluster meetings and other cluster meetings as relevant.
    When possible, participate in refuge programming coordination meetings.

    On project designs, project reports and compliance/ grant management

    Create and circulate monthly reporting schedules, send timely reminders to partner, field teams, coordination team to ensure adherence to reporting schedules as to ensure smooth completion of work responsibilities related to project designs and reporting;
    Receive, review and finalize with the partners, their project reports
    Lead the finalization of the donor reports (programmatic)
    Under the lead of the M&E Coordinator, organize and facilitate the design sessions with the partners for new proposal, coordinate closely with M&E Coordinator on the logic of the interventions and the quality of the indicators
    Ensuring high-quality reporting and proposal writing for all projects in close collaboration with the CD, M&E Coordinator and Desk Officer Berlin.
    Identify and develop strategies to optimize the grants administration process
    Coordinate grant opening meetings, BvA meetings, and 90 days end-of-project meetings; take minutes and follow-up on action points for aforementioned meetings.
    Ensure that all performance records from distributions, supplies, trainings, sensitizations, etc. are complete, available and properly filed.
    Translate relevant documents from English into German and/or English and vice versa as required and as it may be needed by the Country Office and the Head of Mission.

    On donor information

    Proactively gather information on new call for proposals as they arise.
    Stay conversant on new trends and developments relevant for funding with a specific focus on German institutional funding.

    On Country Strategy

    Contribute to country strategy and annual planning with the CD and M&E Coordinator.
    Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe (Johanniter) is working with Africa Inland Church Health Ministries (AICHM) in Kenya.
    Professional Qualification and Experience:
    BSc or MSc degree in a relevant field.
    Experience in working with German public donors (Federal Foreign Office, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation) including funding mechanisms, rules, regulations, strategies, etc., and of donor reporting requirements.
    Proficiency in both German and English.
    Confident and proficient in the use of MS Office.

    Prior work experience in an INGO.
    Demonstrated strong writing and revision skills (in terms of content, structuring and copy-editing).
    Highly organized and detail-oriented.
    Able and willing to work under stress and with tight deadlines.
    Able and willing to work in a multicultural context as a respectful team player.

  • Human Resource Officer

    Human Resource Officer

    Job Description

    In charge of Recruiting and staffing;
    Performance management and improvement systems;
    Employment and compliance with regulatory concerns regarding employees;
    Human Resource Policy development and documentation;
    Compensation and benefits administration;
    Designs, directs, and manages a company-wide process of organization development that addresses issues such as succession planning, superior workforce development, key employee retention, organization design, and change management.
    Manages employee communication and feedback through such avenues as company meetings, suggestion programs, employee satisfaction surveys, newsletters, employee focus groups, one-on-one meetings, and Intranet use.
    Participates in a process of organization development to plan, communicate, and integrate the results of strategic planning throughout the organization.
    Manages the company-wide committees including the wellness, training, environmental health and safety, activity, and culture and communications committees.


    Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Human Resources, Business, or Organization Development.
    A minimum of 5 years of progressive leadership experience in Human Resources positions.
    Specialized training in employment law, compensation, organizational planning, organization development, employee relations, safety, training, and preventive labor relations, preferred.
    Active affiliation with appropriate Human Resources networks and organizations and ongoing community involvement, preferred.


    Knowledge and experience in employment law, compensation, organizational planning, recruitment, organization development, employee relations, safety, employee engagement, and employee development.
    Outstanding interpersonal relationship building and employee coaching skills. Demonstrated ability to lead and develop HR department staff members.
    Demonstrated ability to serve as a knowledgeable resource to the executive management team that provides overall company leadership and direction.
    Excellent computer skills in a Microsoft Windows environment.
    Must include knowledge of Excel and skills in Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS).
    Excellent organizational management skills.

  • Chief Laboratory Technologist 

Research Assistant 

Data Internships

    Chief Laboratory Technologist Research Assistant Data Internships

    Reports to: Principal Investigator
    Job Purpose:
    The Chief Laboratory Technologist will be responsible for the management of operations and coordination of laboratory activities.
    Job Responsibilities

    Responsible for assisting the laboratory Director in the overall direction of the Clinical Research Centre Laboratory.
    Responsible for assisting the Director in the design and implementation of the Quality management program.
    Ensuring that the laboratory produces quality clinical results by directly participating in testing a supervising.
    Responsible for supervising all the laboratory functions including but not limited to clinical laboratory SOP development and maintenance, proficiency testing, phlebotomy (policy and procedure).
    Serve as the primary point of contact for all clinical laboratory related issues, results, interpretation and logistics.
    Responsible for developing and facilitating a good management structure within the laboratory.
    Conducting protocol for specific laboratory tests & procedures
    Writing and implementing an analytical laboratory plan for newly implemented research and/or clinical studies
    Management of overall in charge of shipments- by obtaining permission from ERC & MOH and Liaises with couriers and Seattle for shipment of samples.
    Liaising with Clinic on matters related to the study and promoting Lab – Clinic interface.
    Responsible for the coordination of all regulatory and compliance activities and training requirements for the laboratory.
    Oversee annual review of lab SOPs & initiate updates as needed; collect signatures and maintain inventory of archived documents.
    Managing the QA program including EQA and IQC.
    Responsible for the overall maintenance of the laboratory equipment.
    Maintaining laboratory records, data management and good documentation practices.
    Preparing duty Rota and ensures all sections are adequately covered.
    Conducting lab staff performance and appraisals, orientation and training new employees on Human subject, GCP.
    Supervising laboratory technologists in the collection, processing and storage of samples.
    Ensures adherence to study protocols and proper handling of bio-hazardous materials.
    Coordinating collaborations with other laboratories
    Serves as liaison to internal and external investigators and collaborators.
    Ensures on-going integrity of laboratory samples by overseeing all handling and repository projects while assuring accurate documentation and adherence to protocols and to timelines.
    Responsible for assisting the laboratory Director in the overall direction of the Clinical Trials Research Laboratory.
    Advising the laboratory director on technical issues within the laboratory.


    Possess Degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences or related discipline.
    A Masters’ Degree in a Science related field.
    At least seven (7) years’ experience in a busy clinical research laboratory.
    At least five (5) years’ experience in management position

    Job Knowledge and Skills:

    Experience in carrying out laboratory testing for research and/or clinical trials.
    Experience in usage of Laboratory information Management systems (LIMS)
    Must possess a scientific imagination commensurate with the independent execution of research projects
    Trained on Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP)
    Experience in laboratory audit processes
    Must have an aptitude for technical problem solving
    Ability to effectively supervise laboratory staff, interns and students on attachment in the laboratory.
    Good communication and management skills
    Knowledge of basic word processing and basic statistical skills of analyzing laboratory data and evaluation of quality control laboratory data

    Terms of Employment
    Employment is on a one year renewable contract with a probation period for the first 3 months. Salary is negotiable within the appropriate grade depending on education, experience and demonstrated competency.

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