Company Founded: Founded in 2017

  • External Evaluation of the Project Empowered Communities of Mt Elgon Working Together for Nutritious Food, Savings and Resilience Implemented by SOET

    External Evaluation of the Project Empowered Communities of Mt Elgon Working Together for Nutritious Food, Savings and Resilience Implemented by SOET

    The project works through solidarity groups as units of community entry and implementation. By 2022, 961 (M209, F752) members had been mobilized into 48 functional groups. In the course of implementation, the project had empowered targeted community members and had recorded several results:

    Common labor was being practiced by all the 48 SGs on their fields in addition 42 SGs undertaking common labour at three community seedling nursery sites.
    The 48 SGs had been trained on Bio-intensive kitchen gardening and 961 kitchen gardens had been established with diverse crop varieties. A total of 191,400 vegetable seedlings and 50kg of assorted seeds were planted.
    Member of 41 SGs had been trained on food forest establishment and management. A total of 12,180 trees had been planted with 820 food forests with the seven layers having been established
    Three community nurseries had been established and were functional.
    11 SGs had been trained on Fastenaktion approach on saving procedures and credit management.


    The solidarity groups have accompaniers referred to as ‘community animators’ while the nurseries are managed by appointed community members called ‘nursery managers’. The animators facilitate training of groups, offer close monitoring and ensure the implementation of the trained approaches. The animators also ensure that the groups are well coordinated; conduct trainings at group level and regularly conduct home visits to group members to ascertain progress of each group and each individual/member and address any emerging challenges. The community animators continuously visit the farms of their respective farmers to offer technical support and report on progress of each group on monthly basis outlining progress made and any challenges observed.  

    The project team constitutes of: Programme Coordinator who is also the CEO of the organization, a Project Officer, Technical Advisor – Agroecology, Project Accountant, Nursery Managers and Community Animators. They meet once monthly for reporting and planning and also exchange on challenges and lessons learnt.


    The target project areas are characterised by good climatic conditions (soils & weather pattern) suitable for vegetable and fruit production, cash crop growing and livestock production. The area experiences two rain seasons with the main one running from March to July and the short rains September to October recording approximately 1400mm to 1800mm annually. Soils are well drained and characterized by shallow rocks. Despite these, the area has been impacted by effects of climate change due to deforestation and harmful farming practices that have resulted to increased soil erosion. Of late, the area has experienced recurrent hail stones which had been destroying crops.

    Due to high inflation rate and difficult global economic situation, the country has experienced an increase in price of basic commodities and this has affected the well-being of the people targeted by the project as well as negatively affected the operations of the project. An increase in the cost of production means that the people can only produce less food further deepening the food crisis. The major crops grown are maize and beans mostly for home consumption but the surplus is sold. The Mt. Elgon people have been a farming community who continue trading away their produce at reduced prices to brokers and middlemen. According to Bungoma County Integrated Development Plan, poverty level in Mt. Elgon is estimated at 56 percent.

    The socio-cultural aspect of the community is characterized by most men meeting in social clubs and outdoor activities while women mostly engage in domestic activities and economically productive work. They thus are like the heads of their households even though women are also subordinated in most homes and in community decision-making processes. The issue of land ownership and control of resource’s is still capitalised by men which to some extent affects production.


    The evaluation should in a very clear manner:

    Assess and document the extent to which the project objectives have been achieved (outcome and impact level), clearly outlining and describing the impacts, both positive and negative (intended and unintended), realized so far per each specific objective.
    Give insight into the key elements of the implementation process which explain why the reported changes occurred and shed light on how such changes were achieved or caused. We expect that an assessment of impact and understanding of key processes will support the generation of Project recommendations that could be considered for the design of future project phases.
    Elaborate strengths and weaknesses of the project, and document best practices and lessons learnt. The evaluation should clearly document and highlight any programming adjustments that might be required to achieve the project desired objectives.



    The primary users of the evaluation are:

    SOET: Project team and management
    Fastenaktion: Country Programme Unit, Programme Manager and Head Office Programme Development Team
    Fastenaktion’s Programme Development section
    Right holders especially members of solidarity groups involved in the project to best understand effective strategies for bringing about desired change.



    This being an external evaluation, it is expected to comply with the international evaluation standards (OECD), provide a space for learning around best practices for supporting target communities. The evaluation will be undertaken in Elgon Ward with a sampling frame of 19 villages.  Fastenaktion is seeking to identify a consultancy team, which will undertake this evaluation within the agreed terms of reference. Selection of the study sites will be agreed upon with the consultancy team. The consultancy team has to prioritize the field research questions in order to maximize on time. The evaluation process will include engagement with direct and indirect beneficiaries as well as other stakeholders.


    In line with objectives of the evaluation, the evaluation will be expected to answer the following questions:



    The evaluation should conduct an analysis of the appropriateness of the project design, activities, strategies and approaches in the light of the operational context, the timeliness of the response and its adaptation to the livelihoods security situations. It will involve assessing the extent to which the activities are suited to the priorities of the target groups, target households, and donors as well as the prevailing policy environment. Key questions to be addressed:

    To what extent are the intended project outcomes and actual activities in line with the needs of the target group (women and men)?
    Has the project adapted appropriately to relevant changing needs and context after its onset?
    How are the different aspects of the project implementation relevant in attaining cross cutting themes of gender equality, Leave No One Behind (LNOB), and climate change adaptability?


    The focus will be on the extent to which project outcomes and objectives are being achieved. Key questions to be addressed:

    How has the food security and wellbeing of the target group (women and men) changed due to the interventions? What other context factors had an effect on possible changes and to what degree has the project tampered with or reinforced them? (cases of success stories can be highlighted and annexed)
    What is the degree of achievement of the planned results at outcome and impact level of the project?
    Are there any unintended project results (positive or negative)? eg. multiplier effects
    Did the project results reflect contribution to the principle of LNOB? How and to what extent? 


    The evaluation will outline the extent to which the interventions have delivered, or are likely to deliver results in an economic and timely way. Key questions to be addressed:

    Are costs (including time and human resources) and benefits in an appropriate relationship?
    Are there organizational and/or management issues that hinder implementation and/or effectiveness of the project?  
    Are there unique or practical ways in which the quality of the project can be improved in a next phase? Which are the proposed approaches and how can they be executed?


    Within the scope of this assignment, the evaluator(s) should assess the extent to which the project interventions took into consideration longer term needs of the target population and to what extent project results or benefits will be sustainable after project closure. Key elements to be reviewed include environmental, operational and financial sustainability of the project. Key questions to be addressed:

    Which benefits are likely to sustain beyond the life time of the project?
    Did the project incorporate adequate measures and strategies to ensure sustainability of results over time (regarding the partner organisation and the target group)? Which measures and strategies are these and how effective are they in influencing the sustainability prospects of the gained benefits?
    Can this project be expanded in other geographic and programmatic areas in Kenya based on need?



    How effective was the community feedback mechanisms that was in place and the capacity of the organization to respond to comments received? Is there any evidence that feedback has or is influencing decision making?


    6.7 GENDER

    Did the interventions contribute to furthering (or hindering) gender equality within the project area? If so, how and to what extent?  If it did contribute to furthering gender equality, why not?


    The evaluator(s) is welcome to suggest an appropriate methodological approach to successfully deliver a quality evaluation.  The evaluation methodology should be consultative and participatory, entailing a combination of desk review, key informant interviews, face to face household surveys, interviews and/or FGDs. While interviews are a key instrument, the evaluators will triangulate a range of data sources to ensure that the evaluation is sound and objective. The evaluator(s) will further elaborate on the method and approach in a manner commensurate with the assignment at hand and reflect this in the inception report, which will subsequently be approved by the programme team in consultation with key stakeholders.

    A final agreement on the evaluation design and methodology will be discussed on the basis of the submitted offer and/or the inception report.

    Some of the key primary data sources include:

    Interviews with key staff such as the Project Coordinator, Project Officer, Project Technical Advisor, Community Animators, Nursery Managers and others as deemed necessary by the evaluation team.
    Interviews with stakeholders including respective county government departments, and community leaders
    Household surveys, interviews and/or FGDs with women and men of the target group, and field observation in project sites within the project locations

    Secondary data will be made available and it is expected that the evaluator(s) will have a comprehensive desk review of project documents. Some of the documents include project proposal and budgets, Log frame, baseline report, annual and quarterly reports, study reports among other as shall be deemed necessary by the evaluation team.


    The following deliverables are expected to be produced by the evaluation team:

    Inception report (after initial meeting with the partner organization and Fastenaktion)

    The report will include a detailed plan of the evaluation process including a revised evaluation approach, an evaluation matrix stipulating for each evaluation question the data/methods that will be used, as well as the sampling method, data collection plan including methods and timelines, and feedback loops.


    Survey tools (with the inception report)


    The tools should be developed in cooperation with Fastenaktion and the Partner organization. The field data collection should be informed by the evaluation objectives, evaluation questions and criteria. The survey tools and all raw data, statistical tables and coding lists (as appropriate), as well as transcripts have to be provided to Fastenaktion and the partner organization at the end of the evaluation. Data has to be disaggregated according to location and gender (minimum requirement). The evaluation team can decide to further disaggregate data in a way that improves answering of the evaluation questions.


    Draft evaluation report (not more than 30 pages) pages excluding annexes (after the field work) plus a power point presentation


    The draft evaluation report is to be presented to the partner organization during a staff meeting to collect feedback. A PowerPoint presentation should be prepared for this purpose.


    Final evaluation report including PowerPoint presentation

    The final evaluation report shall incorporate the feedback from the partner organization and any other stakeholder. The PowerPoint presentation shall be adapted to these revisions.


    Cover page with name of the project, logos for partner organisation and donor, name and contact details of evaluator(s), including one representative photos of the project (best option: photo from the evaluation exercise).
    Executive summary (maximum 5 pages). This should be a section that can be used independently from the full report and should therefore cover: background to the programme, brief overview of aims of the evaluation, brief summary of the methodology, key findings per evaluation criteria and on the achievement of indicators, best practices and lessons learnt, conclusions, recommendations, and a summary of management response
    Introduction (1 page)
    Description of evaluation methodology (maximum 2  pages)
     Situation analysis with regards to the outcomes, outputs and partnership strategies (maximum 2 pages)
    Presentation and discussion of the findings (this will be the main part of the document). This section of the report should be clearly structured to show evidence-based answers to the evaluation questions (maximum 15 pages)
    Key findings, best practices and lessons learnt, and conclusions derived from the findings (maximum 5 pages)
    Clear and concise recommendations derived from the findings and conclusions to provide guidance for future programming (maximum 5 pages)
    Annexes: Terms of reference; Data-collection instruments, incl. information on informed consent handling; Project planning matrix / logframe; Travel and work schedule; debriefing power point presentation (final version); Sources (e.g. bibliography, people interviewed); Management response matrix; maps, photos


    After a validation and stakeholder workshop, the final report will be submitted to Fastenaktion headquarters for final review and endorsement by the Programme Development Unit. This process will declare the report to the donors and the wider public.


    All documents and data collected will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate this evaluation. Interviewees and their pictures will not be quoted in the reports without their permission. It is expected that the evaluators will used consent forms as appropriate, and hand over to the project team. The deliverables as well as all material linked to the evaluation (produced by the evaluator(s) or the organization itself)is confidential and remains at all times the property of the contracting party.


     The Evaluation should take 15 days preferably beginning from September 4th 2023.




    4 days

    Initial briefings of the Programme
    Desk review of key documents 
    Draft inception report detailing evaluation tools
    Final inception report before the start of the consultancy

    Consultancy team for interview schedule and inception
    Fastenaktion is responsible for sharing all relevant documents and arranging meetings with key staff and stakeholders

     5 days

    Field work
    Data collection

    Consultancy team
    Coordination office

    6 days

    Data analysis
    Draft evaluation report which is circulated internally for comments
    Presentation of key findings , feedback on draft evaluation, report, preparation of final report/presentation

    Consultancy team
    SOET, Fastenaktion, coordination office


    The suggested team for this assignment includes:

    An agroecology or sustainable agriculture expert (essential)
    MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning) Expert with experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods and data analysis (essential)
    A gender and inclusion expert with experience in rural livelihoods / development (essential)

    The consultancy team should be mixed in gender.


    All the materials, information and reports, the output of the evaluation exercise shall be the property of Fastenaktion and the consultancy team is bound by Fastenaktion’s confidentiality requirements. All data sets and transcripts must be provided to Fastenaktion Coordination Office and Head Office in electronic copies and on a CD (2). The evaluators will not be allowed, without prior authorization in writing, to present any of the analytical results as his or her own or to make use of the evaluation results for private publication purposes.


    The evaluation team commits itself to conclude (and any one contracted by the team) must commit to execute the contract in accordance with the local labour law, respect human rights, and not to allow discrimination based on gender, lifestyles, ethnic origin, religious affiliation or political opinions. The partner organization will not tolerate sexual or other abuse. The Fastenaktion Guideline on preventing and combating the abuse of power (2020) will apply to the contract.


    14.HOW TO APPLY:

    Submission of Proposals

    Based on the above, Fastenaktion is inviting interested parties to submit expressions of interest entailing technical and financial proposals. Individuals or firms applying shall detail the following:

    Consultants’ profile and capability statement describing the technical capacity and experience of the firm or group of individuals;
    Names and resume of individuals or team members proposed and their roles in the achievement of the assignment. This should also entail the proposed team structure for the evaluation;
    3 professional referees (preferably previous clients) and sample reports of similar assignments taken in the recent past;
    Understanding of the Terms of Reference (TORs);
    Detailed evaluation design with implementation plan and timeframe; and
    A detailed budget, which should be presented in Kenya Shillings and must include all taxes and other anticipated expenses,
    Quality Control and Quality Assessment for the Evaluation

    All field visits costs including transport in the field, meals and accommodation during field work will be catered by the contracting agent.

    Interested candidates should submit their application to the following email address: with “EXTERNAL EVALUATION, SOET 2023” as the subject of the e-mail. Deadline for submission is August 18th 2023
     Kindly don’t forget to submit samples of your previous work (reference calls shall be made to validate your work)

    Apply via :

  • External Evaluation of the Project Community Social-economic Empowerment through Agro Ecology Project- Kimaeti Farmers Association

    External Evaluation of the Project Community Social-economic Empowerment through Agro Ecology Project- Kimaeti Farmers Association

    The project works through solidarity groups as units of community entry and implementation. The project targeted to build the capacity of 1325 members (947 female and 378 men) organised into 73 solidarity groups. The solidarity groups have accompaniers referred to as ‘community animators’ while the nurseries are managed by appointed community members called ‘nursery managers’. The animators facilitate training of groups, offer close monitoring and ensure the implementation of the trained approaches. The animators also ensure that the groups are well coordinated; conduct trainings at group level and regularly conduct home visits to group members to ascertain progress of each group and each individual/member and address any emerging challenges. The community animators continuously visit the farms of their respective farmers to offer technical support and report on progress of each group on monthly basis outlining progress made and any challenges observed.  

    The project team constitutes of: An Administrator, Project Officer, Technical Advisor – Agroecology, Nursery Managers and Community Animators. They meet once monthly for reporting and planning and also exchange on challenges and lessons learnt


    The project areas is a low land that receives its rainfall in two main seasons of the year i.e. long rains between March- June while the short rain seasons in August-October in the year. Most farms within the area have sandy soils except for the wetlands/riparian areas that have some clay soils. The Kocholia location has a large land mass that is also covered with rocks and shallow horizons leaving very small parcels of lands for farming.

    The main economic activities in the area are farming though some are involved in small businesses. It is from the farming practices of either crops or rearing of livestock’s i.e. cattle and poultry that they are able to meet their basic daily needs.

    The communities residing within the project working areas are majorly the Teso and Bukusu tribes although the other tribes are also available though not dominant. In regards to gender roles, men are considered as the head of the households with their major responsibility being to provide for the family and participate in critical family decision touching on family investments as well access, control and ownership of family productive resources such as land. In most families women are allowed access to the productive resources such as land in terms of tilling and farming practices but very few own them though they have window of making decision in regards to the kind of meals to be prepared, cloths to be bought for children, households items such as utensils, furniture and what/when to be planted on the farm which is majorly participatory between men and women. Most of community related conflicts in the area are handled by the established council of elders both from Teso and Bukusu sub-tribes


    The evaluation should in a very clear manner:

    Assess and document the extent to which the project objectives have been achieved (outcome and impact level), clearly outlining and describing the impacts, both positive and negative (intended and unintended), realized so far per each specific objective.
    Give insight into the key elements of the implementation process which explain why the reported changes occurred and shed light on how such changes were achieved or caused. We expect that an assessment of impact and understanding of key processes will support the generation of Project recommendations that could be considered for the design of future project phases.
    Elaborate strengths and weaknesses of the project, and document nest practices and lessons learnt. The evaluation should clearly document and highlight any programming adjustments that might be required to achieve the project desired objectives.


    The primary users of the evaluation are:

    KIMAETI: Project team and management
    Fastenaktion: Country Programme Unit, Programme Manager and Head Office Programme Development Team
    Fastenaktion’s Programme Development section
    Right holders especially members of solidarity groups involved in the project to best understand effective strategies for bringing about desired change.


    This being an external evaluation, it is expected to comply with the international evaluation standards (OECD), provide a space for learning around best practices for supporting target communities. The evaluation will be undertaken in Kocholia and Kimaeti locations.  Fastenaktion is seeking to identify a consultancy team, which will undertake this evaluation within the agreed terms of reference. Selection of the study sites will be agreed upon with the consultancy team. The consultancy team has to prioritize the field research questions in order to maximize on time. The evaluation process will include engagement with direct and indirect beneficiaries as well as other stakeholders.


    In line with objectives of the evaluation, the evaluation will be expected to answer the following questions:


    The evaluation should conduct an analysis of the appropriateness of the project design, activities, strategies and approaches in the light of the operational context, the timeliness of the response and its adaptation to the livelihoods security situations. It will involve assessing the extent to which the activities are suited to the priorities of the target groups, target households, and donors as well as the prevailing policy environment. Key questions to be addressed:

    To what extent are the intended project outcomes and actual activities in line with the needs of the target group (women and men)?
    Has the project adapted appropriately to relevant changing needs and context after its onset?
    How are the different aspects of the project implementation relevant in attaining cross cutting themes of gender equality, Leave No One Behind (LNOB), and climate change adaptability?


    The focus will be on the extent to which project outcomes and objectives are being achieved. Key questions to be addressed:

    How has the food security and wellbeing of the target group (women and men) changed due to the interventions? What other context factors had an effect on possible changes and to what degree has the project tampered with or reinforced them? (cases of success stories can be highlighted and annexed)
    What is the degree of achievement of the planned results at outcome and impact level of the project?
    Are there any unintended project results (positive or negative)? eg. multiplier effects
    Did the project results reflect contribution to the principle of LNOB? How and to what extent? 


    The evaluation will outline the extent to which the interventions have delivered, or are likely to deliver results in an economic and timely way. Key questions to be addressed:

    Are costs (including time and human resources) and benefits in an appropriate relationship?
    Are there organizational and/or management issues that hinder implementation and/or effectiveness of the project?  
    Are there unique or practical ways in which the quality of the project can be improved in a next phase? Which are the proposed approaches and how can they be executed?


    Within the scope of this assignment, the evaluator(s) should assess the extent to which the project interventions took into consideration longer term needs of the target population and to what extent project results or benefits will be sustainable after project closure. Key elements to be reviewed include environmental, operational and financial sustainability of the project. Key questions to be addressed:

    Which benefits are likely to sustain beyond the life time of the project?
    Did the project incorporate adequate measures and strategies to ensure sustainability of results over time (regarding the partner organisation and the target group)? Which measures and strategies are these and how effective are they in influencing the sustainability prospects of the gained benefits?
    Can this project be expanded in other geographic and programmatic areas in Kenya based on need?



    How effective was the community feedback mechanisms that was in place and the capacity of the organization to respond to comments received? Is there any evidence that feedback has or is influencing decision making?

    6.7 GENDER

    Did the interventions contribute to furthering (or hindering) gender equality within the project area? If so, how and to what extent?  If it did contribute to furthering gender equality, why not?


    The evaluator(s) is welcome to suggest an appropriate methodological approach to successfully deliver a quality evaluation.  The evaluation methodology should be consultative and participatory, entailing a combination of desk review, key informant interviews, face to face household surveys, interviews and/or FGDs. While interviews are a key instrument, the evaluators will triangulate a range of data sources to ensure that the evaluation is sound and objective. The evaluator(s) will further elaborate on the method and approach in a manner commensurate with the assignment at hand and reflect this in the inception report, which will subsequently be approved by the programme team in consultation with key stakeholders.

    A final agreement on the evaluation design and methodology will be discussed on the basis of the submitted offer and/or the inception report.

    Some of the key primary data sources include:

    Interviews with key staff such as the Project Coordinator, Project Officer, Project Technical Advisor, Community Animators, Nursery Managers and others as deemed necessary by the evaluation team.
    Interviews with stakeholders including respective county government departments, and community leaders
    Household surveys, interviews and/or FGDs with women and men of the target group, and field observation in project sites within the project locations

    Secondary data will be made available and it is expected that the evaluator(s) will have a comprehensive desk review of project documents. Some of the documents include project proposal and budgets, Log frame, baseline report, annual and quarterly reports, study reports among other as shall be deemed necessary by the evaluation team.



    The following deliverables are expected to be produced by the evaluation team:


    Inception report (after initial meeting with the partner organization and Fastenaktion)

    The report will include a detailed plan of the evaluation process including a revised evaluation approach, an evaluation matrix stipulating for each evaluation question the data/methods that will be used, as well as the sampling method, data collection plan including methods and timelines, and feedback loops.

    Survey tools (with the inception report)

    The tools should be developed in cooperation with Fastenaktion and the Partner organization. The field data collection should be informed by the evaluation objectives, evaluation questions and criteria. The survey tools and all raw data, statistical tables and coding lists (as appropriate), as well as transcripts have to be provided to Fastenaktion and the partner organization at the end of the evaluation. Data has to be disaggregated according to location and gender (minimum requirement). The evaluation team can decide to further disaggregate data in a way that improves answering of the evaluation questions.

    Draft evaluation report (not more than 30 pages) pages excluding annexes (after the field work) plus a power point presentation

    The draft evaluation report is to be presented to the partner organization during a staff meeting to collect feedback. A PowerPoint presentation should be prepared for this purpose.

    Final evaluation report including PowerPoint presentation

    The final evaluation report shall incorporate the feedback from the partner organization and any other stakeholder. The PowerPoint presentation shall be adapted to these revisions.


    Cover page with name of the project, logos for partner organisation and donor, name and contact details of evaluator(s), including one representative photos of the project (best option: photo from the evaluation exercise).
    Executive summary (maximum 5 pages). This should be a section that can be used independently from the full report and should therefore cover: background to the programme, brief overview of aims of the evaluation, brief summary of the methodology, key findings per evaluation criteria and on the achievement of indicators, best practices and lessons learnt, conclusions, recommendations, and a summary of management response
    Introduction (1 page)
    Description of evaluation methodology (maximum 2  pages)
     Situation analysis with regards to the outcomes, outputs and partnership strategies (maximum 2 pages)
    Presentation and discussion of the findings (this will be the main part of the document). This section of the report should be clearly structured to show evidence-based answers to the evaluation questions (maximum 15 pages)
    Key findings, best practices and lessons learnt, and conclusions derived from the findings (maximum 5 pages)
    Clear and concise recommendations derived from the findings and conclusions to provide guidance for future programming (maximum 5 pages)
    Annexes: Terms of reference; Data-collection instruments, incl. information on informed consent handling; Project planning matrix / logframe; Travel and work schedule; debriefing power point presentation (final version); Sources (e.g. bibliography, people interviewed); Management response matrix; maps, photos


    After a validation and stakeholder workshop, the final report will be submitted to Fastenaktion headquarters for final review and endorsement by the Programme Development Unit. This process will declare the report to the donors and the wider public.


    All documents and data collected will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate this evaluation. Interviewees and their pictures will not be quoted in the reports without their permission. It is expected that the evaluators will used consent forms as appropriate, and hand over to the project team. The deliverables as well as all material linked to the evaluation (produced by the evaluator(s) or the organization itself)is confidential and remains at all times the property of the contracting party.


     The Evaluation should take 15 days preferably beginning from September 4th 2023.




    4 days

    Initial briefings of the Programme
    Desk review of key documents 
    Draft inception report detailing evaluation tools
    Final inception report before the start of the consultancy

    Consultancy team for interview schedule and inception
    Fastenaktion is responsible for sharing all relevant documents and arranging meetings with key staff and stakeholders

     5 days

    Field work
    Data collection

    Consultancy team
    KIMAETI Farmers
    Coordination office

    6 days

    Data analysis
    Draft evaluation report which is circulated internally for comments
    Presentation of key findings , feedback on draft evaluation, report, preparation of final report/presentation

    Consultancy team
    KIMAETI Farmers, Fastenaktion, coordination office


    The suggested team for this assignment includes:

    An agroecology or sustainable agriculture expert (essential)
    MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning) Expert with experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods and data analysis (essential)
    A gender and inclusion expert with experience in rural livelihoods / development (essential)

    The consultancy team should be mixed in gender.


    All the materials, information and reports, the output of the evaluation exercise shall be the property of Fastenaktion and the consultancy team is bound by Fastenaktion’s confidentiality requirements. All data sets and transcripts must be provided to Fastenaktion Coordination Office and Head Office in electronic copies and on a CD (2). The evaluators will not be allowed, without prior authorization in writing, to present any of the analytical results as his or her own or to make use of the evaluation results for private publication purposes.


    The evaluation team commits itself to conclude (and any one contracted by the team) must commit to execute the contract in accordance with the local labour law, respect human rights, and not to allow discrimination based on gender, lifestyles, ethnic origin, religious affiliation or political opinions. The partner organization will not tolerate sexual or other abuse. The Fastenaktion Guideline on preventing and combating the abuse of power (2020) will apply to the contract.

    Apply via :

  • Trainer in Music Production 


            Office Administrator 


            Trainer in TV and Film Production 


            Trainer in Tailoring, Dressmaking and Machine Knitting 


            Trainer in ICT 


            Trainer in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy

    Trainer in Music Production Office Administrator Trainer in TV and Film Production Trainer in Tailoring, Dressmaking and Machine Knitting Trainer in ICT Trainer in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy

    Duties and responsibilities:

    Teach and facilitate learning at diploma, certificate and artisan levels through lecturers, seminars, projects, tutorials and other learning situations as assigned by the HOD from time to time.
    Participate in the development, administration, and marking of exams, assignments, projects and continuous assessment tests.
    Assist in the development of learning materials, preparing schemes of work and maintaining records to monitor student progress, achievement and attendance.
    Provide advice, guidance and feedback to students to support their academic progress and refer students to support services as appropriate.
    Participate in supervision and assisting of diploma, certificate and artisan students in their projects.
    Contribute to departmental, academic and/or college working groups or committees as needed.
    Undertake continuous professional development and participate in staff development and training activities to update and enhance skills.
    Maintain proper records of students’ examinations, assignments, projects and continuous assessments tests and ensure marks are submitted to the academic dean in time.
    Attend departmental, academic and college staff meetings.

    Qualifications, skills and competences 

    Have proven experience in the following areas:

    Acoustics Fundamentals
    History of Music & Music Technology
    Intro to Live Sound and Live Sound Setup
    Critical Listening
    Basics of Music Production
    Songwriting and composition
    Artist Development – Performance
    Composing for Media and Games
    Music Business
    Advanced Acoustics – Studio
    Digital Audio Editing
    Intro and Advanced Mixing
    Advanced Music Production
    Music Synthesis
    DJing & Half Life
    Live Sound Concert
    Multitrack Recording for Studio & Live
    Digital Audio Environment
    At least 2 years’ teaching experience at college level Experience with TVET CDACC curriculum will be an added advantage.
    Competent in the use of computer packages.
    Able to communicate clearly; written and spoken.
    Team player, proactive, adaptable and a problem solver.
    Good time management, organizational and record keeping skills

    go to method of application »

    The Principal,Talanta InstituteP.0. Box 76961-00620,Nairobi, KenyaUse the title of the position as the subject of the email. Kindly note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted

    Apply via :

  • College Principal

    College Principal

    Job Description

    The college principal will be responsible for the leadership and administration of the school.

    Duties and responsibilities:

    Provide leadership and direction to the school, employees and students
    Institute, implement and enforce academic policies and curricula
    Promote compliance with school policies and values by all stakeholders
    Oversee the preparation and delivery of time-tables, lesson plans, lectures and connected activities
    Spearhead the recruitment and admission of students
    Responsible for students’ disciplinary matters
    Supervise the process of internal & external examinations and registration
    Supervise staff and ensure adherence to teaching standards, policies and work ethics
    Maintain an atmosphere of trust and engagement among students and staff
    Develop and track benchmarks/KPIs for measuring institutional success
    Create and implement programs within the school to meet the needs and interests of the students
    Act as a liaison between student departments, staff and the BOD
    Develop, implement and review procedures, policies, processes and goals
    Manage stakeholder relationships and regularly hold meetings with key stakeholders
    Responsible for the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the tutorial school
    Any other duties that may arise consistently with the role.

    Minimum Qualifications:

    Bachelor’s degree in business/hospitality/beauty/fashion or related course
    At least 5 years of working experience with at least two years of working experience as a school head or principal
    Leadership and problem-solving skills
    Pedagogy course certification will be an added advantage
    Demonstrates strong passion, and good knowledge and understanding of the higher education environment.
    Great team management skills, a firm and assertive implementer.

    The Managing Director,Talanta InstituteP.O. Box 76961-00620,Nairobi, KenyaUse College Principal as the subject of the email. Kindly note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

    Apply via :

  • Digital Marketing Executive

    Digital Marketing Executive

    We are a media training college, focusing on whole youth development with an aim to produce market-relevant graduates through an emphasis on mentorship and practical training, entrepreneurship, the workplace, and life skills.

    Job Description

    If you live and breathe digital marketing, we want to talk to you.

    The candidate will develop, implement, and manage marketing campaigns promoting the organization’s products and services. The candidate will majorly enhance brand awareness, drive web and social media traffic, and acquire leads and customers.

    Duties and responsibilities:

    Engage and manage marketing events virtually, which consist of media relations, advertising and promotion, social media platforms, and public event management.
    Create, develop, and expand dynamic content on social media platforms, e.g., LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.
    Organize, develop, and implement effective marketing communication campaigns.
    Coordinate, design, and manage graphical content for all platforms, including websites and social media.
    Coordinate the production of videos, photography, animated graphics, and other electronic multimedia.
    Actively participate in team brainstorming and concept development sessions.
    Complete projects by coordinating with the marketing, academic, and production teams.
    Identify the target market, create a brand image, and maintain marketing campaigns for our student intakes.
    Increase brand awareness and promote company products and services to increase student numbers.

    Qualifications, skills, and competences

    Bachelor’s degree or diploma in marketing, business, communication, or a related field
    A course in digital marketing is an added advantage.
    Proven 1+ years’ experience of related work.
    Middle-level Adobe Creative Suite Skills (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator)
    Knowledge in key areas of marketing (SEO, social media, content marketing, email marketing, PPC, and SEM)
    A good working knowledge of online campaign management.
    Excellent Microsoft Office Skills (Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel).
    Ability to learn and work with other emerging internet technologies.
    Focused on providing excellent customer-oriented solutions and feedback.
    Knowledge of social media scheduling tools.
    Possess very strong communication skills, both written and verbal.
    Team player, proactive, adaptable, and a problem solver.
    Good time management, organizational, and record-keeping skills

    Each application shall be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae, copies of relevant academic and professional certificates, testimonials, and other relevant supporting documents.Electronic scanned copies in PDF format (as one running document) are to be sent to the following e-mail: Applications must be submitted on or before Friday, August 4, 2023, and be addressed to:
    Talanta Institute
    P.O. Box 76961-00620,
    Nairobi, Kenya

    Use the title of the position as the subject of the email.

    Apply via :

  • Business Development Coordinator 


            Business Development Manager

    Business Development Coordinator Business Development Manager

    Job purpose:

    The Business Development Coordinator’s (BDC) role is pivotal in contributing to Generation Kenya’s strategic objective of sustainability. The BDC’s efforts will play a crucial role in ensuring the long-term viability of the organization by establishing and nurturing relationships with employers who align with our mission.
    Additionally, h/she plays a critical role in establishing and maintaining relationships with employers, ensuring that they recognize the value of hiring entry-level talent through Generation Kenya’s programs. The individual will need to be proactive demonstrating effective sales strategies, in collaboration with the Head of Business Development, to contribute to the organization’s mission of connecting youth to meaningful employment opportunities.

    Knowledge, Qualifications And Experience

    University degree in business or international development.
    3+ years’ proven sales track record with consistent achievement of targets
    Strong understanding of Kenyan employers and the private sector landscape, with a view on their entry level trends.
    Knowledge of sales process from initiation to close, CRM software, and MS Office (particularly Excel)

    Skills, Abilities and Personal Qualities

    Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills
    Goal-oriented and results-driven, consistently motivated to achieve and exceed sales targets
    Strong time management and organizational abilities to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines
    Resolutely data-driven in problem-solving approach
    Warm, empathetic, and able to build trust-based relationships with diverse stakeholders
    Thrives in high-energy, fast-paced environments, pushing others to raise the bar
    Demonstrates high levels of integrity aligned with Generation’s vision, mission, and values
    Charismatic and persuasive, engaging and influencing employers positively
    Resilient and persistent, maintaining focus on achieving sales targets despite setbacks
    Confident and assertive in presenting Generation Kenya’s offerings effectively
    Proactive problem-solver, finding creative solutions for customer objections
    Adaptable and flexible, quickly adjusting to changing market conditions and preferences
    Collaborative team player, fostering a supportive sales environment with colleagues
    Energetic and enthusiastic attitude, inspiring customers and colleagues alike
    Quick learner, absorbing relevant knowledge and sales techniques rapidly
    Proficient in MS Office 365 applications

    Other requirements

    You are located in Kenya and speak and writes fluently in English and Swahili.
    You have the right to work in Kenya.
    You are able and open to traveling frequently within Kenya, and where relevant other regions.

    Employer Relationships — 70%

    Employer Engagement:

    Engage in outreach, field visits, cold calling, and online platforms to expand Generation Kenya’s employer base.
    Generate leads and identify employer opportunities through referrals and online platforms.

    Targeted Employer Acquisition:

    Bring in employers who hire entry-level employees and pay above minimum wage.
    Sell the full array of services offered by Generation Kenya, emphasizing their relevance to the employer’s needs.

    Cross-Selling and Collaboration:

    Recognize and refer cross-sell opportunities, fostering comprehensive service adoption.
    Support in collaborating with employers to understand their staffing and talent requirements.

    Sales Reporting and Strategic Growth:

    Prepare and submit timely weekly sales reports for the assigned sector, tracking progress toward sustainability goals.
    Continually identify business growth opportunities aligned with the strategic direction of the assigned market.

    Collaboration with Business Development Manager (BDM):

    Work closely with the BDM to develop and implement tailored sales plans and initiatives.
    Support in Identifying new potential paying employers to secure payments based on set Generation Kenya targets.

    Coordination with Internal Team — 20%

    Effectively communicate important updates and relevant employer engagement information to other Generation employees. Also, collaborate closely with the Operations team to schedule and manage employer presentations for candidates and coordinate employer interview days.
    Work closely with the Operations team to ensure a seamless process once job placements have been made, ensuring successful candidate onboarding and integration into their new roles. Additionally, coordinate with the internal team to streamline employer engagement and candidate placement processes, ensuring efficient operations.
    Share key data and insights from employer interactions with the internal team to inform decision-making and refine plans, initiatives and strategies. Collaborate also with the Head of Business Development and other GPK teams to analyze trends and identify growth opportunities in line with Generation Kenya’s goals.

    Brand and knowledge Building — 10%

    Participate in conferences, exhibitions, and other relevant venues to increase and maintain Generation’s visibility. This includes brand building at conferences, learning events, and other channels.
    Maintain professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops, reviewing professional publications, establishing personal networks, benchmarking state-of-the-art practices, and participating in professional societies.

    Any other responsibilities may be assigned from time to time.

    go to method of application »

    Interested candidates please submit your applications to attaching your latest resume and application. Shortlisting / Interviews will be conducted until the position is filled. Kindly indicate in the Email subject: Business Development Coordinator. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.Application deadline: 8-August-2023

    Apply via :

  • Digital Marketer

    Digital Marketer

    Job Summary:

    Host Masters Limited is seeking a highly motivated, talented and skilled Digital Marketing Candidate to join our in-house team. As a Digital Marketing Officer, you will play a key role in driving our digital marketing efforts and elevating our online presence. We are looking for a passionate individual with a proven track record in digital marketing, including Google and social media advertising expertise.


    Develop and implement comprehensive digital marketing strategies to enhance brand visibility, attract new customers, and drive engagement across various digital platforms.
    Manage and optimize digital advertising campaigns on Google Ads and social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) to achieve targeted goals and maximize returns.
    Conduct in-depth market research and competitor analysis to identify trends, opportunities, and areas for improvement in our digital marketing efforts.
    Create and curate engaging content for digital platforms, including website, social media, blogs, and email campaigns.
    Monitor and analyze website and social media analytics, generating reports to evaluate performance and make data-driven decisions to enhance results.
    Stay updated on industry trends, best practices, and emerging digital marketing technologies to ensure continuous innovation and optimization.
    Manage and maintain our online presence, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all digital channels.
    Oversee the development and execution of email marketing campaigns and lead nurturing activities.
    Utilize SEO techniques to optimize website content and improve organic search rankings.


    Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Communications, or any related field.
    Professional certifications in digital marketing from reputable organizations.
    Minimum of 2 years of experience in digital marketing, with a proven track record of successful campaigns and achievements.
    Proficiency in running Google Ads and social media advertising campaigns.
    Strong analytical skills and the ability to interpret data to make informed marketing decisions.
    Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to create compelling content for different digital platforms.
    Solid understanding of SEO best practices and website analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics).
    Creative mindset with a passion for staying abreast of the latest digital marketing trends and technologies.
    Strong project management skills and the ability to multitask and meet tight deadlines.
    Experience in ICT industry is a plus, but not mandatory.

    Apply now by sending your CV to :-

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  • Head of PR and Communications 


            Head of Sales

    Head of PR and Communications Head of Sales

    Job Summary

    As the Head of PR & Communications you will highly contribute in enhancing the company’s image, reputation, and brand awareness through strategic messaging and effective media relations. The Head of PR and Communications will work closely with various internal teams, stakeholders, and external partners to ensure consistent and compelling communication across all channels. Ultimately, the Head of PR and Communications will play a vital role in shaping the organization’s public image, building strong relationships with the media and the public, and driving positive brand perception to support the company’s overall goals and objectives.


    PR Strategy and Planning

    Develop and implement comprehensive PR and communications strategies aligned with business goals and objectives.
    Define key messaging and positioning to effectively communicate the company’s value proposition and brand story.
    Identify target media outlets and develop relationships with journalists and industry influencers.

    Media Relations

    Cultivate and maintain relationships with media contacts.
    Pitch story ideas, news releases, and expert commentary to secure media coverage.
    Manage media inquiries, interview requests, and press conferences.

    Content Creation

    Develop engaging and impactful content for press releases, articles, blogs, social media, website, and other communication channels.
    Collaborate with internal stakeholders to gather information, conduct interviews, and create compelling content.
    Ensure consistent messaging across all communication materials.

    Crisis Communication

    Develop and implement crisis communication plans to effectively manage and mitigate any potential reputational risks.
    Act as the primary spokesperson in times of crisis, ensuring timely and accurate communication with internal and external stakeholders.

    Internal Communications

    Develop and execute internal communication strategies to keep employees informed and engaged.
    Coordinate company-wide announcements, newsletters, and employee communications.
    Support internal events and initiatives to foster a positive and inclusive company culture.

    Stakeholder Engagement

    Develop and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, including customers, industry organizations, and community partners.
    Identify opportunities for strategic partnerships, sponsorships, and collaborations to enhance brand visibility and reputation.

    Measurement and Reporting

    Monitor and evaluate PR and communications efforts, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics.
    Prepare reports and presentations to highlight results, insights, and recommendations for continuous improvement.

    Professional and academic qualifications

    Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations, Communications, Journalism, or a related field. A higher-level degree is a plus.
    Minimum 5 years working experience in public relations, media relations or corporate communications preferably within the ISP industry.

    Key competence and behavioral skills

    Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite.
    Strong understanding of PR strategies, crisis communication, and media relations best practices.
    Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to craft compelling content for various platforms and audiences.
    Experience in managing media relations, securing media coverage, and building relationships with journalists.
    Proficiency in using social media platforms and digital tools for communication and PR purposes.
    Strong organizational and project management skills, with the ability to multitask and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment.
    Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams and stakeholders at all levels of the organization.
    Flexibility to adapt to changing priorities and business needs.
    Knowledge of the ISP industry, technology trends, and competitive landscape is desirable.

    go to method of application »

    Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.  

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  • Fundraising Manager

    Fundraising Manager

    Job purpose:

    This role will be tasked with raising funds for the organization from donors. You will be required to work in collaboration with partnerships, finance and business development functions among others. You will be required to manage, retain and acquire new funding opportunities for Generation Programme Kenya.

    Knowledge, Qualifications and Experience

    A Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as Finance, Business Administration, or Commerce is preferred
    At 3-5 years of fundraising experience in a non-profit organization or a similar environment is usually required. This experience should include managing major grants, creating and implementing successful fundraising strategies and writing successful grant proposals.
    Strong analytical skills to assess the effectiveness of fundraising strategies, analyzing donor data, and making informed decisions about fundraising initiatives.
    Proficiency in using fundraising and donor management software, social media platforms, and other online tools

    Skills and Abilities

    Demonstrate high levels of integrity and aligned with Generation vision, mission, and values.
    Strong data analysis and experience creating, managing and monitoring budgets
    Proficient in MS Excel and financial modeling, as well as other Office 365 applications

    Personal Qualities

    Ability to explain complex ideas in easily accessible ways tailored to different audiences.
    Commitment to own continuing personal and professional development.
    Ability to thrive in a high-energy, fast-paced environment and will continually push yourself and others to raise the bar
    Believe in our mission, that fulfilling employment can change lives, and are passionate about doing social good
    Demonstrate high levels of integrity and aligned with Generation vision, mission, and values.

    Other requirements

    You are located in Kenya and speak and write fluent English.
    Ability to travel frequently within Kenya, and potential occasional travel in the region and internationally.

    Roles & Responsibilities

    Working with project teams to define the scope and budget for projects
    Implementing the organization’s fundraising plan
    Identifying fundraising opportunities and organizing fundraising campaigns
    Researching on funding opportunities
    Developing and managing budgets for fundraising activities
    Preparing fundraising data and performance metrics across the set budgets
    Writing of proposals and key fundraising documentation as and when need arises
    Collaborating with other local and global Generation colleagues such as marketing, communications, partnerships, business development & innovation, finance and risk to ensure that fundraising efforts are aligned with organizational goals and messaging.

     INTERESTED candidates please submit your applications to attaching your latest resume and application.Shortlisting / Interviews will be conducted until the position is filled. Kindly indicate in the Email subject: Fundraising Manager. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

    Apply via :

  • Telesales Specialist

    Telesales Specialist


    The successful candidate will ensure retention and acquisition of high value customers through telesales. You will contribute to generating sales and promoting Card Usage for our company and be responsible for closing sales deals over the phone and maintaining good customer relationships.

    As the Telesales Specialist you will be required to:

    Tele-selling: Calling our existing customers to upgrade them to NPU (New Paying Users) and RPU (Repeat Paying Users), upsell and cross sell any other products which the company has to offer.
    Ensure all engagement communications meet the quality and consistency standards for the company.
    Talk time objectives: To adhere to expected talk time benchmarks to maximize productivity.
    Provide existing and prospective clients with service information by explaining procedures, answering questions and queries, and providing information in accordance with the Company’s policies and procedures.
    Identify and escalate priority issues to management and follow-up of customer concerns.
    Accurately document all customer interaction information as per standard operating procedures.
    Identify customer service process gaps and recommend improvement in procedures.
    Troubleshoot Mobile App Related issues and provide first level resolutions to the users.


    Must be an excellent communicator and have superior people skills.
    Experience (>3 years) working in a Telesales or Customer Experience environment is an added advantage.
    Fintech product knowledge: especially Cards, is an added advantage.
    Proven sales experience and performance.
    Excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills.
    Must be comfortable presenting products or services over the phone as well as dealing with complaints.
    Prior experience using a CRM system is a must.

    Apply via :