Company Founded: Founded in 1996

  • Consultancy to Conduct Endline Evaluation of Project for Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee Camps and Host Communities in Kakuma/Kalobeyei

    Consultancy to Conduct Endline Evaluation of Project for Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee Camps and Host Communities in Kakuma/Kalobeyei

    The project has also been focusing on supporting women and girls from both the refugee and host communities to have new sources of income and economic opportunities through skills and livelihood development. The project implemented the activities as indicated below:

    Trained 30 women and youth equipped with automotive technician and driving skills and gained job opportunities at a modern automotive garage established through this project.
    Established and equip a modern automotive garage, fully equipped with required machineries and equipment which meet the standards of a CFAO Motors Kenya [CFAO] (formerly Toyota Kenya Ltd) certified service center
    The 30 boda-boda riders are trained as trainers on safe driving skills and practice, safe road traffic regulation, compliance, and gender-based violence and provided with driving licenses.
    Participation and satisfaction of the 150 members of Kalobeyei Women Handcraft Cooperative increase through expansion of the workspace and establishment of a childcare space in the Kalobeyei Business Incubation Center
    A total 80 women and youth tailors gain and improve knowledge and skills on producing and marketing personal hygiene commodities such as reusable sanitary pads, reusable diapers, and incontinence pads.
    An enterprise consisting of 30 women and youth which produces and markets reusable sanitary pads and other personal hygiene products is established in Kalobeyei settlement and Kakuma camp.

    Indicators of the project
    The following indicators will be measured during the endline monitoring;
    Output 1: Assess the current knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the target population regarding livelihood programs, household decision-making, access to financial resources, and accessing timely humanitarian and protection services.

    Indicator 1.1: Percentage of respondents who demonstrate adequate knowledge of available livelihood programs.
    Indicator 1.2: Percentage of respondents who report involvement in household decision-making.
    Indicator 1.3: Percentage of respondents who have access to financial resources or increased income.

    Output 2: Identify the existing income levels and sources of income for women participating in livelihood programs.

    Indicator 2.1: Average income level of women participating in livelihood programs.
    Indicator 2.2: Percentage of income generated through different sources (e.g., employment, entrepreneurship, government support).

    Output 3: Establish a baseline measurement for key indicators related to women’s economic empowerment, household decision-making, access to financial resources, and access to humanitarian and protection services.

    Indicator 3.1: Proportion of women reporting involvement in household decision-making.
    Indicator 3.2: Proportion of women with access to financial resources or increased income.
    Indicator 3.3: Proportion of women who have accessed timely humanitarian and protection services.

    Objectives of the assignment
    The consultancy task is to conduct an end of evaluation assessment for “Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee Camps and Host Communities Project in Kakuma/Kalobeyei” Project.
    The consultancy objectives are to:

    Assess and document the project results based on the project indicators
    Document project’s good practices in Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee Camps and Host Communities in Kakuma and Kalobeyei.
    Document challenges/barriers that prevent women’s empowerment to access financial support to improve their livelihoods.
    Document the effectiveness of the structures put up for improving the livelihoods of women and youth in both refuge and host communities e.g., the Business Incubation Center, Modern Automotive garage and Childcare Room in Kalobeyei
    Make recommendations for effective project activities for increasing access to resilience of both women and girls in the refugee camps and in the host communities
    Evaluate the situation on SGBV in both the Refugee and Host Communities

    Skills acquisition for women and youth has been the core of this project and there is need for the evaluation to focus on the demand for sustainability of the services and trainings provided to the target groups in the project. The evaluation will further recommend how best to scale access to such services and how the results of the intervention can be scaled and sustained in Kakuma and Kalobeyei.
    Scope of the work
    The evaluator will be required to carry out the following tasks:

    Design the evaluation approach and tools
    Conduct Desk review, secondary data collection, and field data collection
    Prepare analysis of the collected data to bring out findings on project’s key achievements, challenges that prevent women’s empowerment to access financial support to improve their livelihoods, effectiveness of the structures put up for improving the livelihoods of women and youth in both refuge and host communities
    Assess the current knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the target population regarding livelihood programs, household decision-making, access to financial resources, and accessing timely humanitarian and protection services.
    Document case studies/ change stories for at least 2 individual beneficiaries from different beneficiary categories
    Prepare an evaluation report, separate executive summary, PowerPoint presentation for dissemination and case studies/ stories of change


    The evaluator is ultimately responsible for the approach and design of the evaluation and is expected to propose methodologies that they consider most appropriate to achieve the aims of this evaluation. However, the evaluation should use a participatory and gender-sensitive approach engaging those impacted by the project activities. Both quantitative and qualitative data should be utilized during the evaluation exercise to ensure that findings are broadly representative of the views of the beneficiary population. Data collection methods shall include interviews with relevant stakeholders, survey questionnaires, field visits, and desk review of relevant documents.

    At inception PWJ and the evaluator will refine the scope and methodology of this evaluation and agree on a detailed evaluation plan. The evaluation expert should present a detailed statement of the proposed review methods in the technical proposal. The consultant is encouraged to incorporate the following activities in the final scope of the evaluation methodology to generate comprehensive information:

    Review of key documents
    Focus group discussions (FGDs)
    Key informant interviews (KIIs) with various individuals drawn from subject matter experts, youth and women leaders, UNHCR and government personnel, and project staff
    Case studies/ Stories of change

    The key deliverables for this assignment are as follows:

    Inception Report
    Detailed evaluation methodology, data collection tools, updated work plan incorporating inception meeting minutes
    MS Word & PDF
    1 week after contract signing
    Draft Evaluation Report
    Evaluation report findings, executive summary, 2 case studies/ stories of change, raw and cleaned data set (including transcripts of qualitative data) and data analysis results
    MS Word, PDF, MS Excel (data)
    4 weeks after contract signing
    Dissemination meeting
    PPt Presentation, Summary of comments/ feedback during meeting
    MS PPt, MS Word
    5 weeks after contract signing
    Final Evaluation Report
    Final evaluation report, executive summary, 2 case studies/ stories of change incorporating feedback from dissemination meeting and all relevant annexes
    MS Word, PDF
    6 weeks after contract signing

    Coordination and Reporting

    The consultant will work with Peace Winds team in Kakuma, with overall guidance of the Program Coordinator. Day to day supervision will be done by the MEAL Officer.

    Assignment Duration
    The assignment is planned to take place between November and December with the field activities scheduled for November 2023. The anticipated level of effort (LoE) is approximately 20 days.

    An indicative work Plan for the endline evaluation is as shown in the table below.


    Procurement of consultant
    Contract signing
    Inception & Desk Review
    Field Data collection
    Data Cleaning & Analysis
    Draft Report Writing
    Presentation and Dissemination
    Final Report

    Required Qualification and Experience
    The consultant to be engaged in this assignment must have the following qualifications and experience;

    Advanced degree (at least Masters) in economics, public policy, or related social science field, with at least 8 years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation. Relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation (at least 12 – 15 years) will be considered in lieu of a Masters degree.
    Experience as the lead in evaluation of entrepreneurship and business development support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for at least 2 interventions of similar nature.
    Experience in conducting both quantitative and qualitative (participatory) research on youth and women empowerment in similar contexts.
    Highly proficient in STATA/ SPSS/ R, and proficient in handling and analyzing primary and secondary data sets, both survey and administrative data
    Knowledge and experience of the ASAL and humanitarian setting will be an added advantage.
    Demonstrated track record in preparation of documents, project proposals, evaluation reports.
    Communicates effectively in English and Swahili language (verbally and in writing) in a cross-cultural environment.


    Must be a results-oriented team player with excellent interpersonal skills, including enthusiasm, tact, diplomacy and high integrity;
    Concise and analytical thinking;
    Must be able to Ability to work with minimal supervision

    Support to be provided by the Client

    Flights (Nairobi – Kakuma) and transport during field work will be provided by the Client
    Support and facilitation in accessing project sites, project stakeholders and beneficiaries
    Available projects documents including monitoring data, reports and any other relevant information

    Technical Proposal
    The consultant’s technical proposal shall contain the following:

    Clear understanding of the terms of reference including any relevant comments
    A clear methodology on how the consultants intend to undertake the evaluation
    Work Plan with clear duties and responsibilities for each team member
    Summary of Consultants experience in undertaking assignments of similar scope and/or complexity (clearly highlighting similar assignments within the last 5 years)
    Summary of Evaluator’s qualifications
    Evaluator’s CV/s
    Two (2) samples of reports from previous assignments
    Contact details of a minimum of 3 references from organizations that the consultant has worked with over the past 3 years clearly indicating description of assignment, date/s of execution, name of organization and details of contact person (e-mail and telephone contact)

    Financial Proposal
    The consultant will utilize the following budget template for their financial proposal
    Rate (KSh)
    Amount (KSh)

    Consultants professional Fee
    Enumerator costs
    Communication costs
    Accommodation (and meals)
    Taxes (indicate relevant tax) %

    Evaluation and Selection Criteria

    The selection of the consultant will be based on a competitive process, through a Quality-Cost Based Selection (QCBS) considering the applicants’ qualifications, experience, and proposed approach to training delivery. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview or request to provide additional information or references.

    Scoring of Technical Proposal
    The technical proposal shall be evaluated against a total mark of 80% with pass mark of 60%.
    Total Score (%)
    Demonstrates clear understanding of the terms of reference

    excellent understanding ToR = 9-10
    some gaps in understanding of ToR = 5-8
    poor demonstration of understanding ToR <5 10 Clear methodology and approach to assignment clear methodology which includes all critical aspects and comprehensive approach to assignment = 16 - 20 methodology missing some aspects which are not critical to assignment = 10 - 15 methodology missing critical aspects < 10 20 Experience in undertaking assignments of similar scope and/or complexity (last 3 years) Experience in 5 or more relevant assignment of similar complexity/ more advanced nature (over the last 5 years) = 16-20 Experience in at least 3 - 5 relevant assignments of similar complexity/more advanced nature (over the last 5 years) = 10-15 Experience at least 2 relevant assignment/ not adequate (over the last 5 years) <10 20 Experience and Qualifications of Lead Consultant (CV attached) The team lead meets the academic requirements with at least a Masters and 8 years of relevant experience OR bachelor’s degree with at least 15 years relevant experience and 5 or more years conducting similar assignments = 8-10 The team lead meets the academic requirements with at least a Masters and 8 years of relevant experience OR bachelor’s degree with at least 12 years relevant experience and 3 or more years conducting similar assignments = 5-7 The team lead meets the academic requirements with at least a Masters and 8 years of relevant experience OR bachelor’s degree with at least 12 years relevant experience and 2 or more years conducting similar assignments <5-10 Sample reports from previous evaluation assignments (Reports attached) Each relevant report will be allocated a score of 5 for a combined total score of 10 for any 2 sample reports provided and zero otherwise. 10 Realistic work plan attached Detailed and comprehensive work plan which captures all the key activities = 4-5 Work plan misses some of the activities = 2-3 Workplan missing critical aspects or not included <2 5 Minimum of 3 References Provided Minimum of 3 references provided as required =5 2 References provided = 3 Only 1 reference provided or none = 0 5 Interested candidates or organizations should submit electronic copies of technical and financial proposals with the e-mail clearly headed “Proposal for Consultancy to Conduct Endline Evaluation of Project for Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee Camps and Host Communities in Kakuma/Kalobeyei.” with the technical and financial proposal documents clearly labeled as ‘TECHNICAL PROPOSAL’ and ‘FINANCIAL PROPOSAL’ respectively.All submissions should be made to on or before 1st DECEMBER 2023 at 3:00PM EAT. Apply via :

  • Finance and Budget Assistant (6 Months) Multiple

    Finance and Budget Assistant (6 Months) Multiple


    Assist in the collection of data for preparation of cost estimates and budget proposals in terms of staff and non-staff requirements for regular budget and extra-budgetary resources under UNON Administration; 
    Assist with the data extract for and preparation of various reports to management; 
    Assist in monitoring budget implementation and performance; 
    Assist with ensuring that requisitions for goods and services are in line with authorized budgets, the priorities of the organization and the UN financial rules and regulations.


    Process of financial documents in line with the financial rules and regulations; 
    Assist in the review and analysis of various accounting data; 
    Scrutinize supporting documents for completeness, accuracy and validity of requests in line with applicable policies, procedure, rules and regulations; 
    Assist in the analysis of open item managed accounts (OIM) in the ERP system (Umoja) and initiate corrective action.


    Receive and distribute various documents received in the unit/section;
    Respond to queries and draft correspondence to clients and other stakeholders in a timely and effective manner; 
    Assist in ensuring that accurate and complete accounting and internal control systems are functioning and that all relevant records are maintained; 
    Assist with data extraction for preparation of regular and ad hoc reports; 
    Perform duties as backup for other team members when required;
    Assists with the collection and analysis of data as well as preparation of data presentations and reports for information sharing, responding to queries, knowledge management, planning and decision making;
    Assists with visualizations and updating information material such as web pages or brochures;
    Performs other related duties as required by Section, Unit Chief or team supervisors.


    PROFESSIONALISM: Knowledge of, and ability to apply financial rules, regulations and procedures in the UN environment; Knowledge, skills and ability to extract, interpret, analyse and format data across the full range of finance and budget functions; Shows pride in work and in achievements; Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; Remains calm in stressful situations; Commitment to implementing the goal of gender equality by ensuring the equal participation and full involvement of women and men in all aspects of work.
    TEAMWORK: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; Is willing to learn from others; Places team agenda before personal agenda; Supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.
    ACCOUNTABILITY: Takes ownership of all responsibilities and honors commitments; Delivers outputs for which one has responsibility within the prescribed time, cost and quality standards; Operates in compliance with organizational regulations and rules; supports subordinates, provides oversight and takes responsibility for delegated assignments; Takes personal responsibility for his/her own shortcomings and those of the work unit, where applicable.


    Completion of High school diploma or equivalent is required. 
    Additional qualifications in finance, administration or project management is desirable.

    Work Experience

    A minimum of three (3) years of progressively responsible work experience in finance, budget or related area is required. The minimum years of relevant experience is reduced by two years for candidates who possess a first level University degree.
    Experience of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and finance system such as Oracle or SAP is desirable.
    Experience with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) is desirable.
    Experience in handling budgetary, accounting and treasury related work such as bank reconciliation, accounts payables or accounts receivables, including IOV (Inter Office Voucher) processing is desirable.
    Experience in preparing reports for clients is desirable.
    Experience in reconciling financial data from two or more sources is desirable.
    One year of experience of assisting in the review and accounts analysis, monitoring financial transactions, identifying, and analyzing trends is desirable.
    One (1) year or more of experience in data analytics or related area is desirable.


    English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the post advertised, fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official United Nations language is desirable.
    NOTE: “fluency equals a rating of “fluent” in all four areas (read, write, speak, understand) and ” Knowledge of” equals a rating of ” confident” in two of the four areas.

    Apply via :

  • Pupillage


    To be considered for our pupillage program, you must be enrolled in the Advocates Training Programme offered by the Kenya School of Law. The ideal candidate must hold an LLB degree from a Kenyan or foreign university with no less than an Second-Class (Upper) Honours.
    All pupillage applications should be addressed to our Human Resource Manager and must comprise the following documents:

    a cover letter;
    Curriculum Vitae highlighting your educational qualifications;
    relevant work experience and extracurricular activities (if any);
    copies of all academic certificates (primary, secondary and university), including transcripts;
    a copy of your national identity card or passport; and,
    List of references.

    Applications for the 2024 Pupillage Programme are open until the 24th November 2023. Interviews for pupillage will take place in the first week of December.Address the Application to:Ahmednasir Abdullahi Advocates LLPFCB Mihrab, 12th Floor,Lenana Road,P.O. Box 57731-00200,NAIROBI.Email:    

    Apply via :

  • Human Resources Assistant (Duration 3 months) 

Lifeguard / Swimming Instructor

    Human Resources Assistant (Duration 3 months) Lifeguard / Swimming Instructor


    Takes over from the Talent Acquisition Unit and completes onboarding process of locally recruited candidates, processes personnel action (PA) for the candidate, prepares Letter of Appointment for signature and conducts new staff member induction, monitors contract expiration dates and processes requests for contract extension.
    Processes temporary and permanent movements and its related administrative actions, such as temporary assignments, and special post allowance (SPA); reviews eligibility and processes long-service step; initiates and processes locally administered separation (Separation PA and Separation Payment personnel actions) and hands over to payroll colleagues for final payments, UNJSPF/ASHI related actions, as applicable. Reviews and prepares submission of cases to the Pension Board for disability cases.
    Advises staff on UN entitlements and benefits; determines entitlements for staff based on contractual status; takes necessary action to maintain family status of staff members and administers respective entitlements by processing required personnel actions in Umoja. Monitors payment of dependency allowances and takes necessary actions to keep them up-to-date. Reviews requests for change of personal status and takes necessary actions.
    Reviews and approves maternity leave requests and takes necessary actions; establishes paternity leave quota; certifies sick leave up to 20 days and monitors sick leave entitlements; reviews and approves requests for special leave without pay (SLWOP); reviews and processes other types of special leave; and administers danger pay for locally recruited staff; follows up with respective Time Administrators to monitor attendance records as required; liaises with Joint Medical Services and client offices to reconcile sick leave records.
    Monitors implementation and compliance with existing regulations through review of personnel actions processed in Umoja; monitors Umoja Enterprise Central Component (ECC) reports and staffing tables for a variety of human resources activities, e.g. appointments, retirement, expiration of appointments, temporary and permanent movements, special post allowances, expiration of appointments, retirements and other separations from service, including disability and death cases; advises staff members regarding conditions of service and entitlements. Refers complex cases to the supervisor and the Operational Support Desk (OSD).
    Assists with the collection and analysis of data as well as preparation of data presentations and reports for information sharing, responding to queries, knowledge management, planning and decision making.
    Assists with visualizations and updating information material such as web pages or brochures.
    Performs other duties as required.


    PROFESSIONALISM: Knowledge of the human resources policies, procedures and practices and ability to apply them in an organizational setting; Ability to perform analysis, modeling and interpretation of data in support of decision-making; Demonstrates use of initiative and makes appropriate linkages in work requirements and anticipates next steps; Shows pride in work and in achievements; Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; Shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; Remains calm in stressful situations; Commitment to implementing the goal of gender equality by ensuring the equal participation and full involvement of women and men in all aspects of work.
    COMMUNICATION:  Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; Asks questions to clarify and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; Tailors language, tone, style and format to match the audience; Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.
    CLIENT ORIENTATION: Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view; Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect; Identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions; Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed and anticipate problems; Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects; Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client.


    Completion of High school diploma or equivalent is required.
    Supplemental training in human resources, administration or related area is required.

    Job – Specific Qualification

    Supplementary courses or additional training and certification as ERP Human Resources (HR) partner is desirable.

    Work Experience

    A minimum of five (5) years of experience in human resources management, administrative services or related area is required. The minimum years of relevant experience is reduced by two (2) years for candidates with a first-level University degree.
    Experience in the use of a staff member administration module (entitlements and benefits)  in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is desirable.
    Work experience in administering staff entitlements and benefits in a large international organization similar to the UN is desirable.
    Work experience in serving staff members in geographically dispersed locations is desirable.
    One (1) year or more of experience in data analytics or related area is desirable.


    English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the post advertised, fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official United Nations language is desirable.
    NOTE: “Fluency equals a rating of “fluent” in all four areas (read, write, speak, understand) and ” Knowledge of” equals a rating of ” confident” in two of the four areas.

    Deadline : Nov 26, 2023

    go to method of application »

    Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.  

    Apply via :

  • Plant Electrician

    Plant Electrician


    Reporting to the Plant Maintenance Foreman, the Plant Electrician will be responsible for the general maintenance, servicing and repairs of all Solar, Generator electrical equipment and components. He / she will ensure maintaining of safe working conditions to avoid risk that may cause injury and loss to him as well as others and the Organization.


    Carry out service and preventive maintenance of compounds and boreholes generators including minor and major overhauls of electrical components.
    Responsible for repair, maintenance of generator mechanical and electro-mechanical accessories on engine s and other components.
    Keep proper records of maintenance and repairs carried out in each generator.
    Prepare a list of spare parts for preventive maintenance and electrical installation and submit to the Workshop Officer.
    Prepare a service schedule and plan for repair and service in accordance with the Manufacturers’ recommendations.
    Ensure safe working conditions to avoid risk that may cause injury to him as well as others.
    Responsible for motor rewinding of generators, alternators, household appliances and use of correct sizes, gauges, thickness of wires required for the task.
    Responsible for the maintenance of office/residence household appliances/equipment such as; heaters, air cooler, pumps, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, fans, air conditioning.
    Maintain maintenance records for generators and other electrical equipment for easy verifications and reference reports that may be required.
    Ensure proper use of tools, equipment and safekeeping of the working area.
    Execute routine maintenance, servicing to the electrical equipment, generators, pumps and others and will check for any signs of crack or loose fittings, leaks, or worn-out parts.
    Comply with all applicable standards, policies, and procedures, including safety procedures and the maintenance of a clean work area.
    Recommend, develop, and perform preventive and general maintenance procedures such as cleaning, power-washing and vacuuming equipment, oiling parts, and changing filters.
    Train Generator Assistants on the safe operation of generators, and reporting of faults.
    Assist in identifying needed tools or equipment for future needs.
    Records management on the job card.
    General Maintenance, Servicing and Repairs of all Generators and other assets
    Ability to generate Technical Reports.
    Perform and carry out other duties that may be assigned by the Supervisor.


    Diploma in Electrical Engineering.
    EPPRA license Class B or A1.
    Solar PV Technician license Class T1/2
    Knowledge in Microsoft Office.
    Knowledge & Experience on operation and maintenance of the hybrid solar and diesel, generator water pumping systems.
    Knowledgeable on operation and maintenance of the hybrid solar and diesel generator water pumping systems.
    Skill in understanding schematic diagram and lay out of all electrical aspects of generator installation, including connecting generators to the electrical systems of the residences and offices safely and with evenly distributed voltage.
    Wiring and installations, servicing, repairing and maintenance of diesel and petrol driven generators ranging from 4KVA to 550 KVA units or higher skill.
    Warehousing and inventory management, record keeping and experience in commodity tracking and reconciliation.
    Good working knowledge of Logistics procedures and system.
    Ability to work effectively in a multicultural environment as a team player
    Flexibility and willing to adapt to changing environment.
    Good communication, writing, organizational, planning and writing skills.

    Professional experience

    At least 5 years proven work experience in operation and maintenance of plant electrical system, diesel-run generators and other electrical equipment in a busy workshop or institution including frequency adjustments to suit the various electrical current requirements.
    Experience in repair, maintenance and installation of generators and electrical pumps (boosters & submersible), wiring and repair of electrical control panels, commissioning, surveying, and pre-delivery inspection, and load designing.
    Experience in borehole equipment, retrieval and installation of submersible pumps, knowledge in bore drilling/development is an added advantage.
    3 years’ experience of working with INGO in a similar capacity will be an added advantage.

    This position is based in Dadaab, Garissa County, Kenya.We are looking to recruit national candidates only. Interested and qualified candidates are cordially invited to send a cover letter (1 page) and resume (2 pages) as one pdf document no later than 28th November, 2023 to: In your cover letter please reflect on your motivation for taking this post. Due to the urgency to fill this position, shortlisting and interviews will be conducted on rolling basis.

    Apply via :

  • Senior Contracts Administrative Assistant (For Rostering Purposes)

    Senior Contracts Administrative Assistant (For Rostering Purposes)


    Manage in collaboration with all internal and external stakeholders contract amendment or extension. 
    Monitor and track the state of all contracts and initiate and perform contract administration actions to prevent occurrence of contractual or operational risks.
    Prepare periodic reports on state of all contracts as well as pertinent issues, actions, risks, etc. that may arise during the contract administration phase. 
    Closely collaborate with procurement team as well as clients on strategizing acquisition exercises. 
    Identify, memorialize, and disseminate best practices and lessons learnt from administering a contract.
    Manage a proper contract closure, record retention, maintenance of the contract file, and handling security instruments (e.g. Performance Security), Assist in resolution of contractual dispute in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders. 
    Ensure maintenance of relevant proper record retention (electronic, hardcopy or both) pertinent to a contract, internal databases, and files; keeps track of any contractual agreements, direct provisioning contracts, etc. and informs affected users of contractual rights and obligations. 
    Establish performance indicators in relation to Contract Administration. 
    Ensure that the Section maintains complete and accurate electronic and hard copy records to ensure proper accountability. 
    Coordinate with all stakeholders in preparing for internal and external audit exercises. 
    Drafts a variety of correspondence relevant to contract administration. 
    Supervises and assigns and reviews the work of more junior staff. 
    Assists with the collection and analysis of data as well as preparation of data presentations and reports for information sharing, responding to queries, knowledge management, planning and decision making. 
    Assists with visualizations and updating information material such as web pages or brochures.
    Perform other duties as assigned.


    PROFESSIONALISM: Knowledge of internationally recognized procurement standards and of all phases of international procurement techniques and operations used in contracting for highly complex and technologically advanced goods and services; Knowledge of contract law and expertise in handling complex procurement and contract issues; Knowledge of quantitative methods to measure supplier capacity systems and ability to identify sources of supply, market trends and pricing; ability to shape and influence agreements with requisitioning units and vendors; Ability to apply technical expertise to resolve a range of complex and/or sensitive issues/problems; Ability to develop procurement policies, procedures and new programmes; Ability to analyze and interpret data in support of decision-making and convey resulting information to management; Shows pride in work and in achievements; Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; Shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; Remains calm in stressful situations; Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.
    PLANNING AND ORGANIZING: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; Identifies priority activities and assignments; Adjusts priorities as required; Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; Uses time efficiently.
    CLIENT ORIENTATION: Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view; Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect; Identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions; Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed and anticipate problems; Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects; Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client.


    Completion of secondary education/ high school diploma is required.
    Supplementary courses or additional training in procurement functions is desirable.

    Job – Specific Qualification

    Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supplies (CIPS) Level 4 or equivalent certification is desirable.

    Work Experience

    A minimum of ten (10) years of progressively responsible experience in procurement, contract management, administration, supply chain management and/ or related area is required. The minimum years of relevant experience is reduced by two years for candidates who possess a first level University degree.
    At least three (3) years’ experience in administration of procurement related contracts that supports the needs of multiple organizations such as UN Entities or similar organizations; such experience shall include data analysis and preparing report on various contract administration matrices, is required.
    At least one year experience in participating in collaborative procurement working group or similar network which involves multiple organizations such as UN Entities or similar organizations is desirable.
    Experience working with a Systems, Application and Products (SAP) system or other Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is desirable.
    One (1) year or more of experience in data analytics or related area is desirable.


    English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the position advertised, fluency in oral and written English is required. Working knowledge of another UN language is desirable.
    NOTE: “fluency equals a rating of “fluent” in all four areas (read, write, speak, understand) and ” Knowledge of” equals a rating of ” confident” in two of the four areas

    Apply via :

  • Global Business Director Malaria

    Global Business Director Malaria

    Major Accountabilities

    Participate in the Global Program team and collaborates with the Global Business Executive Director (GBED) to create and execute an effective and innovative program strategy.
    Contribute to the development of the Malaria program strategy across all customer groups and channels and collaborate with other functions to ensure business strategy execution.
    Support strategic portfolio activities and work with the global/regional and cluster teams to support commercial assessments, , forecasting, product in-licensing and lifecycle management.
    Drive and oversee the launch planning and execution of upcoming key launches by ensuring seamless cross-functional and (as applicable) cross-divisional collaboration.
    Credible in external environment while engaging with external partners and stakeholders Leads the insight gathering from external environment, key stakeholders and key countries and drives their consolidation; integrating learnings from competitive intelligence into strategies leads the design of market research studies using primary/secondary data and competitive intelligence and prelaunch activities.
    Partner cross functionally with Market Access and Pricing, Finance, Account Management, Insights and Analytics and other teams, to develop and execute synergistic strategies to leverage latest learning and insights.
    Anticipate impact of environmental factors on key customer segments (legislative, economic, clinical, advocacy) to develop proactive tools and resources addressing customer needs.
    Coordinate and integrate cross-functional teams (including regional team) to effectively execute the aligned and agreed global strategy.
    Collaborate and support Regional and local team execution and support launch excellence framework implementation.
    Ensure adherence and compliance to all Novartis policies and procedures.

    Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion:
    We are committed to building an outstanding, inclusive work environment and diverse teams representative of the patients and communities we serve.
    Role Requirements

    MSc / MBA, or equivalent degree in Science and / or Business.
    Computer literate; MS office, excel and PowerPoint


    Fluency in English as a business language. Other languages such as French will be a plus.

    Minimum Requirements

    Minimum 10+ years of marketing-related analytic experience is required, experience in data science.
    Previous Therapeutic Area experience or pharmaceutical industry experience is strongly desirable.
    Commercial / Marketing / pricing /market access experience.
    Proven ability to lead in a matrix organization and drive collaboration and accountability within x-functional teams.
    Self-starter with agility to define strategy, execute end to end with limited support and in a in a lean environment with limited resources.
    Mental agility and sound strategic and analytical thinking.
    Must possess excellent communication and presentation skills with the proven record of effective translation of complex analysis to business solutions, strong project management experience, and the ability to synthesize & simplify input from multiple stakeholders in order to provide recommendations that can impact business.
    Must excel in problem-solving, be curious, possess the will to win, and must demonstrate innovative thinking in a matrix organization.
    Solid Knowledge of global health systems, landscape and markets in Low-Middle Income countries.
    Establish strong business partnerships with external partners, local internal affiliates colleagues in LICs & LMICs as well as global health organizations.
    Travel as required.
    While entrepreneurial, ability to maintain the highest degree of integrity, represent the company’s high ethics, moral behavior, and professionalism.
    The highest ethics and moral standards; unquestioned integrity needed for the complexity of this role.

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  • Head Instructor 

Special Class Instructors 

Beauty Therapist/ Masseuse 

Tennis / Squash Instructor 

Fitness Instructor

    Head Instructor Special Class Instructors Beauty Therapist/ Masseuse Tennis / Squash Instructor Fitness Instructor

    UNRC is seeking a head instructor to provide professional fitness activities that include coaching, teaching classes and program design to United Nations Recreation Centre members and guests. The head instructor works towards creating excellence in the fitness centre. Incumbent will report directly to the UNRC manager and below are the responsibilities.

    Incorporating “integrity, respect for diversity, professionalism” into all aspects of the position, to ensure UN values are and integrated into UNRC culture and programs. And be a role model to other instructors.
    Maintaining a consistent professional image through dress, actions and relationships with others.
    Proving report on faulty/damaged gym equipment for quick repair turnaround.
    Responding to incident, accident, and behaviour concerns from both members and instructors.
    Ensuring that the appearance of fellow instructors is in line with UNRC standards when on duty.
    Facilitating gym use, including but not limited to set-up, monitoring, and tear down of special sports events/tournaments.
    Confidently, tactfully and dissenting respectfully while enforcing UNRC policies.
    Connecting, interacting, and developing positive relationships with members and ensure that all activities are run smoothly. 
    Ensure the safety and well-being of members while in the gym.
    Ensuring members are using facilities and equipment in a proper manner.
    Maintaining good public relations with members and always represent the best interests of the UNRC and create and enjoyable and welcoming environment.
    Be responsible and fulfil his/her commitments to shifts and fitness schedules.
    Ensuring that the gym facilities and services provided are to a high level.
    Undertaking such other duties that may be reasonably required.
    Providing a warm UNRC welcome and continually improve the overall member experience.
    Ensuring the cleanliness of the gym and maintenance of the gym equipment in line with UNRC standards.
    Delivering informative inductions for new members to the gym.
    Rotating through the gym, interacting with all members offering advice or alternative training techniques.
    Ensuring gym rules are observed by members and guest for their safety and wellbeing.
    Actively manage the performance and operations of UNRC individual contractors, including floor circulation and prepare
    Monthly gym floor schedule and fitness class schedule. 
    The head instructor’s name should also appear on the monthly gym floor instructor’s schedule, the days and times he/she is on/off duty. Just like other instructors, he will not provide personal training services while on duty. PTs must be arranged when he is off duty.
    Performing all responsibilities of a fitness instructor position while serving as head instructor and sign in when reporting on duty and sign out when going home, comply with the Individual Contractor code of conduct as signed.

    Qualifications/special skills

    Candidates/Diploma of High School Certificate is required.
    Certificate in fitness from ACE, ITEC or related qualifications is required. 
    Proven experience of CPR and First Aid desirable.
    A minimum of 2 years experience from a reputable organization/setting is required.
    Knowledge of fitness as a service, fitness products and equipment is required.


    Fluency in oral and written English is required.

    go to method of application »

    Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.  

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  • Procurement Assistant 

Finance and Budget Assistant

    Procurement Assistant Finance and Budget Assistant

    Under the overall supervision of the Chief, Procurement Section, the incumbent will perform the following duties:

     Provides procurement, logistical and administrative support to a team of Procurement Officers in the acquisition of a wide variety of goods and services.
     Reviews, records and prioritizes purchasing requests and obtains additional information/documentation as required; determines the availability of vendors and funding sources.
     Monitors status of existing requisitions, maintain contact with suppliers to ensure timely delivery of goods and services, coordinates shipment of goods/commodities/equipment to HQ and field missions, verifies receipt and inspection of deliverables and accurately reports, as and if required.
     Produces tender documents (e.g., Invitations to Bids, Requests for Proposals and Requests for Quotation) based on the nature of requirements and cost of procurement involved.
     Prepares abstracts of offers and compile data contained in quotations, proposals and bids to determine which supplier can deliver the required goods/services at the best terms and lowest costs possible under the guidance of Procurement Officers.
     Finalizes purchase orders and contracts for approval by the Procurement Officer; may authorize purchases in line with delegated signature authority, and, if required, prepares submission to the Contracts Committee for review and subsequent approval by the authorized official.
     Assists relevant officers in more complex, higher value purchasing operations; coordinates distribution of pertinent documents to concerned parties, ensures appropriate follow-up action, etc.
     Maintains relevant internal databases and files; keeps track of any contractual agreements, systems contracts, etc. and informs affected users of contractual rights and obligations.
     Researches, retrieves and presents information from a variety of internal and external sources on sources of supply, vendors by commodity, etc., as well as obtain specifications for new products and equipment on the market.
     Drafts routine correspondence.
     Assists with the collection and analysis of data as well as preparation of data presentations and reports for information sharing, responding to queries, knowledge management, planning and decision making.
     Assists with visualizations and updating information material such as web pages or brochures.
     Performs other related duties as assigned.


    Completion of secondary education/ high school diploma is required.
    Supplementary courses or additional training in procurement functions is highly desirable.

    Job – Specific Qualification
    Work Experience

    A minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in procurement or related area is required. The minimum years of relevant experience is reduced by two years for candidates who possess a first level University degree.
    Experience working with a Systems, Application and Products (SAP) system or an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is desirable.
    One (1) year or more of experience in data analytics or related area is desirable.

    go to method of application »

    Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.  

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  • Receiving and Inspection Assistant

    Receiving and Inspection Assistant

    Receiving and Inspection:

    Process receipt of goods.
    Receive, inspect and certify acceptance/rejection of goods delivered by vendor(s) or contractor(s), as specified on the Purchase Orders as well as contracts involving commodities delivered to, or provided in support of, UNON, UNEP and UN-Habitat.
    Barcode equipment.
    Raise Discrepancy report if appropriate.  
    Maintain a record of all incoming shipments in the Receiving and Inspection (R&I) Register.
    Notify the Equipment Focal Point (EFP)/requisitioner of the arrival, acceptance or rejection of part or all of a consignment.
    Advise Procurement of receipt of the goods and instruct Accounts Section to effect payment to the vendor.
    Oversee and coordinate the movement of received goods from the receiving area to the EFP/requsitioner/end user.
    Ensure signing of R&I reports by the EFP/requsitioner/end user after delivery of their items/goods.
    Ensure accurate and comprehensive Receiving and Inspection (R&I) data is entered in the Asset Management System, as well as in the manual and electronic R&I registers.
    Maintain files with R&I reports and related documents.

    Other functions:

    Participate in physical verification exercises of the assets of UNON, UNEP and UN-Habitat.
    Assist the Disposal Assistant in receiving and disposing of assets approved for disposal.
    Conduct physical verification of items requested to be taken out of the UN Complex and update the electronic gate pass system accordingly.
    Assists with the collection and analysis of data as well as preparation of data presentations and reports for information sharing, responding to queries, knowledge management, planning and decision making.
    Assists with visualizations and updating information material such as web pages or brochures.
    Any other duties that may be assigned by the supervisor(s), including but not limited to, covering for colleagues in the Unit during their absence.


    PROFESSIONALISM: Knowledge of the United Nations property control and inventory procedures; the ability to perform analysis, modeling and interpretation of data in support of decision-making; shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.
    TEAMWORK:  Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.
    PLANNING & ORGANIZING:  Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.


    Completion of secondary education/ high school diploma is required.
    Supplementary technical training in assets management or related area is desirable

    Work Experience

    A minimum of three (3) years of progressively responsible experience in receiving and inspection, Property Management, property disposal, or related area is required. The minimum years of relevant experience is reduced by two years for candidates who possess a first level University degree.
    Experience in receiving/shipping for IT and Non-IT property is required.
    Experience working with Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP Umoja) is required
    Experience in the UN administrative processes or comparable organization is desirable.
    One (1) year or more of experience in data analytics or related area is desirable.


    English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the position advertised, fluency in English is required. Working knowledge of another UN language is desirable.
    NOTE: “fluency equals a rating of “fluent” in all four areas (read, write, speak, understand) and ” Knowledge of” equals a rating of ” confident” in two of the four areas.

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