Company Founded: Founded in 1991

  • Membership Coordinator – NEAR Network

    Membership Coordinator – NEAR Network

    Organization: NEAR – Network for Empowered Aid Response,
    (Hosted by Adeso – African Development Solutions,
    Reporting To: Executive Director – NEAR
    Working With: The NEAR Secretariat and Adeso Staff
    Program/Duty Station: Nairobi, Kenya
    Duration: Six (6) Months
    Starting Date: Immediately
    Adeso together with other local and national NGOs have come together to form a global network which was launched in May 2016 at the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, Turkey. The network, NEAR (Network for Empowered Aid Response), is a movement of local organizations with a bold ambition – to reshape the top-down humanitarian and development system to one that is locally driven and owned, and is built around equitable, dignified and accountable partnerships.
    The Membership Coordinator will be responsible for implementing NEAR’s membership strategy under the guidance of the Executive Director. S/he will assist in building a vibrant, diverse, satisfied and growing membership and network of stakeholders that is truly representative of the NEAR vision and mission.
    NEAR is looking for a Membership Coordinator to implement the NEAR membership strategy under the guidance of the Executive Director. S/he will assist in building a vibrant, diverse, satisfied and growing membership and network of stakeholders that is truly representative of the NEAR vision and mission.
    The Membership Coordinator will be responsible for assisting with the day-to-day management of NEAR’s membership database and supporting with member recruitment and retention. The position holder will support the Executive Director with various tasks as required.

    Under the leadership of the Executive Director, establish and implement the NEAR membership strategy.
    Work with the Network Director to maintain frequent and productive communication with current and future members, identifying and following-up on potential funding opportunities for members
    Develop and maintain an accurate and up-to-date Membership database
    Process membership applications and renewals
    Provide regular and ad hoc membership lists, statistics, information and reports as required
    Respond promptly to member/potential member enquiries
    Follow-up lapsed members and produce reports on why members lapse
    Support member acquisition, retention and renewal campaigns and related activities
    Manage email address bounce backs and unsubscribes
    Support the engagement of the members in the activities of the network
    Support member involvement of the working groups, including minutes and development of all relevant documentation from working groups.
    Support the engagement of the members in the activities of the network
    Assist members to maximize website resources
    Other duties as necessary to contribute to the overall success of NEAR.

    This job description does not state or imply that these are the only duties to be performed by the employee occupying this position. Successful candidate will be required to follow any other job-related instructions and to perform any other job-related duties as requested by their supervisor

    A post-graduate degree relevant to Humanitarian Aid e.g. International Relations, Development Studies, Social Sciences or related qualification
    Experience in advocacy, partnership and networking at national and international levels
    Excellent organizational skills
    A good working knowledge of member relationship management
    Proficiency in MS Office, Word and Excel, and databases
    Fluent in oral and written English; knowledge in French and Arabic an added advantage
    Excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with staff, and senior leaders

  • Terms of Reference for Conducting Final Evaluation of a Project

    Terms of Reference for Conducting Final Evaluation of a Project

    Title of the Action
    Community Action for Improved Drought Response and Resilience (CAIDRR)
    Area of intervention
    Saku and Laisamis Sub Counties of Marsabit County, Kenya.
    Project Reference Number SHARE/CfP/1/10/2011
    Length of Project (Months) 36 months
    Start date of the Action October 2014
    End date of the Action February 2018.
    Based on these findings that VSFG and partners (CIFA and WRF) designed this project” Community Action for Improved Drought Response and Resilience (CAIDRR” – to contribute towards improving responses and building resilience of communities to drought in the ASAL areas of Marsabit County (covering Saku and Laisamis Sub-counties) with funding from European Union’s (EU) under Strengthening the Horn of Africa’s Resilience Programme – SHARE framework. The overall goal is ***“to contribute towards improving food security in ASAL livelihoods through enhanced Response and Resilience to drought.”*** in Marsabit County.
    This action was developed in tandem with priorities and plan of County Authorities and National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) in close coordination and cooperation with experts from local and national institutions.
    This action was designed and received grant from EU to implement it for three and half-years including a No-cost-extension (1st October 2014 to 28th February 2018).
    The action is being implemented through a consortium of three NGOs –VSF-Germany-(Lead), Community Initiatives Facilitation and Assistance-CIFA and Water Right Foundation-WRF in collaboration with public institutions and national and county levels and it is in the final quarter of implementation.
    The overall coordination of the project has been conducted by National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) in Marsabit with technical guidance from NDMA HQ in Nairobi. In addition, the project has collaborated closely with County Ministries of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries development (MoALFD), Water and Natural Resources which provide technical input to ensure success and attainment of its objective.
    The project targeted to improve communities’ access to services and management of livelihood resources and assets and ensure that the communities, in coordination with County Government are actively engaged in drought risk reduction and resilience building interventions in Marsabit County.
    Purpose of the evaluation
    To assess the impact of the project on the lives of direct beneficiaries and its contribution to the principle objective “to contribute towards improving food security in ASAL livelihoods through enhanced response and Resilience to drought” and achievements of the specific objective, “Communities in coordination with local Government actively participate in drought risk reduction and resilience building in Marsabit County”- outputs, outcomes, innovative practices and lessons learnt from the action.
    The specific objectives of the evaluation are:

    Assess whether or not this Action, in design and implementation strategies, was consistent with the overall goal of EU’ SHARE programme, national and county governments priorities, policies and action plans for the targeted project beneficiaries i.e. the extent to which the various interventions have contributed to priorities set under each of the above.
    Examine to what extent targeted communities and the County Government have participated in drought risk reduction and resilience building activities undertaken under the Action and how this has contributed to improved food security through enhanced response and resilience to drought of beneficiaries in Saku and Laisamis sub-counties.
    Examine the extent to which key result areas (1.Capacities and systems for local preparedness, response to asset protection and management actions are improved; 2. Access to services and management of livelihood resources and assets are improved; 3. Communities contribute to knowledge exchange and policy influence) were achieved and good practices applied.
    Assess the impact of the project on the targeted and final beneficiaries including, pastoralists; pastoralists drop-outs, customary authorities, County government employees, traders, CBOs and draw out key lessons learnt and opportunities for future programming in drought preparedness and response.

    Scope of work

    The evaluation is expected examine and quantify, where possible; (i) the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the overall and specific objectives and contributions of the Action towards improving food security and communities’ livelihoods through enhanced response and resilience to drought.
    The performance of the project should be measured through analysis of the project indicators –comparing the baseline and outcome information/ data, how the project was adapted to the evolving social and economic situation in target areas, approaches adopted and donor visibility.
    The consultant(s) shall review relevant documents on the project and interact with a wide range of informants including pastoralists; pastoralists drop-outs, customary authorities, County government staff, livestock keepers and traders, CBOs, women traders and fisher folk who directly benefitted from the project; consortium partners- CIFA and WRF and project coordination lead – NDMA and government authorities.

    Review project documents

    The consultant is expected to review available documents on the project to get back ground information and deep understanding of the project.

    Methodology of carrying out the task.

    The consultant will be required to develop clear methodology and tools that will be used to carry out the task. Such methodologies should clearly show how various stakeholders will be involved as well as the tools to be used in generating the evidence of change sought by the study.

    Collection data and assessment of impact

    The consultant(s) will examine five thematic components of the project in collaboration with consortium partners’ staff, government authorities and community groups through:
    Field visits to project locations and assessment of achievement for each of the activities under the five thematic areas.
    Document output and outcome attributed to the project activities.
    Present the first initial draft of documented findings to VSF Germany, CIFA and WRF.

    Validation workshop with project partners and stakeholders

    The consultant will make a presentation of the findings on the project output and outcome to project partners and stakeholders at a joint workshop. The purpose will be to enable the stakeholders have opportunity validate the findings and make any necessary input before finalization. The work shop will be organized by VSFG and partners at county level, Marsabit.

    Finalization of the report

    The consultant will incorporate the input from the stakeholders to finalize the report and present the final product to VSF Germany for sharing with other consortium partners (CIFA, and WRF and NDMA).

    Evaluation Methodology and Process

    In designing the evaluation process, reference is to be made to the EU guidance (DAC). The consultant shall prepare comprehensive participatory tools for undertaking this evaluation. The methodology must include but not limited to, literature reviews; meeting and interviewing project staff, officials in the relevant ministries at County level, project beneficiaries, local leaders, etc.) and stakeholder consultations. The consultant is expected to develop and use tools for data collection of quantitative and qualitative variables as appropriate for the task. The field visits and contact sessions with communities and groups must strive to reach/meet valid sample size of the targeted beneficiaries including government officials. VSFG will take responsibility for logistics, mobilization and facilitations in the field.
    Indicative Plan/Time frame
    The duration of the assignment is 25 calendar days and actual implementation plan could be discussed and greed by both parties. It is expected that the whole task should be finished within four weeks from the starting date.
    Assessment and awarding of contract
    Consultant’s Profile:

    A Degree or higher qualification preferably in Development studies, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Social Sciences, Natural Resource Management, Disaster Management or any other relevant degree from recognized institutions.
    At least 5 years experience of work or undertaking similar assignments under humanitarian and development frameworks in the ASAL of the Greater Horn of Africa.
    Sufficient knowledge and experience covering the key result areas of the project.
    Demonstrated understanding of evaluating Disaster Risk Reduction, Holistic Natural Resource Management, Reconstruction and Conservation of Natural Ecosystems, Livestock and Animal Health Interventions, Fishery Resources Value Chain and Economic Empowerment models at community level.
    Proven understanding and use of participatory methodologies in data collection.
    Strong analytical and writing skills to clearly present findings, practical conclusions and recommendations.
    Previous work experience on EU funded projects; knowledge of context of project area is a plus.
    Ability to deliver on the tasks within tight deadlines.
    Mastery of written and spoken English and Kiswahili.

    7. Expected Deliverables/reporting

    A draft report of key findings on output and results of the project (both positive and/or negative), and innovative approaches of the project within 13 days submitted ;(1 soft copy to VSF-G).
    A presentation of the key findings to key stakeholders at a workshop at the county level.
    A report incorporating input from the workshop held at county level with stakeholders not later 15th day of the assignment.
    Final report of the task with main body not more than 25 pages not later than 25 days of the assignment in 3 hard and 3 soft copies of each.
    A folder of photos taken during the field work in electronic form (CD).

    NOTE: Further works or revisions of the report may be required and if the final report does not meet the requirements of the TOR, it may not be accepted and the client will be at liberty to reject it with service provider bearing the liability.
    Expression of Interest

    Any person/firm interested in undertaking this task should send an expression of interest comprising:
    Technical proposal; The technical proposal should briefly and clearly describe the following aspects; Understanding of the task, Technical aspect of the proposal, Methodology (Evaluation strategy, Sampling design, Data collection tools, Data Processing & Analysis, Data quality control measures, operational plan, names and curriculum vitae (CV as an annex) of person(s) to do the work and with contact details of bidder.
    Financial proposal: The financial proposal/budget of the task should be broken down in details as follows: Consultancy fees, Questionnaire development cost, Data processing & analyzing, Communication, and Reporting cost Miscellaneous (stationeries, printing, etc). All the pages of the financial proposal should be signed by the bidder.

    NB: The costs of long meetings such as focus group discussions will be borne by the VSF Germany.

    Key issues of the project to study:

    The consultant should assess evidence of relevance and quality of design, efficiency of implementation, effectiveness and impact to date and analyze potential sustainability of the achievements. The issues to be studied are:


    Relevance is the extent to which the objectives and design of the action being evaluated fit with: current global/ regional policies, challenges and concerns; the needs, policies and priorities of intended beneficiary; EU operational guidance and the good practices principles developed by relevant ministries and others, the specific objectives, roles and comparative advantages of the implementing agencies (VSFG, CIFA and WRF). It is critical that evaluation looks especially at the adoption of the good practices and principles. Some of the considerations will include:
    Effectiveness: Is the extent to which the action has achieved its outputs and outcomes.

    is the extent to which an action has converted its resources and inputs (such as funds, expertise and time) economically into results in order to achieve the maximum possible outputs, outcomes, and impacts with the optimum possible inputs.
    Impact; The word impact can be used in different ways. In this task the e OECD‐DAC definition: “Impacts are positive and negative, primary and secondary long‐term effects produced by an action, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended” will be used. Impacts can be at the macro (sector) or micro (household or individual) level.
    The evaluator is expected to use a very practical approach and expect that he/she will systematically refer to the impact/ outcome indicators for the specific results. This is a critical element to strengthen the evidence base of the approaches for future advocacy and good practice promotion. The evaluators will also check what actions taken outside this project in Saku and Laisamis Sub Counties complemented achievements of planned outcome (e.g., by the private sector, changes in policy, etc) as well as document (and where relevant/possible, quantify) spin off effects and risks of the project.

    Is the continuation of benefits from an action after work has been completed, or the probability of continued long‐term benefits. Questions on sustainability will vary considerably with the objectives of action being evaluated as appropriate.

    Key contacts and report:

    VSF-Germany’s Country Director, Kenya will be the focal point at Nairobi level. At Field level, the consultant will work closely under supervision of the Project Manager of CAIDRR project.

    Mode of payment:

    The payment will be done according to the following plan /arrangement:
    First installment: the Consultant will be paid 40% of the quoted amount after submission of the draft report.
    Final installment: 60% of the amount agreed in the contract shall be paid upon completion of task, acceptance and approval of the final report and any other documents pertaining to this assignment.
    Consultant shall be required to provide original invoices to facilitate processing of payment.
    The payments will be made in A/C payee in form of cheques/or direct bank transfer in the name of the consultant/company named in the contract. VSF Germany will deduct with-holding tax at source as per the rules of taxation governing VSFG operations and amount will be deposited directly to custodian of such tax.
    No other benefits shall be admissible beyond what is stipulated in the contract, nor does it guarantee a regular position in VSF Germany.

    General considerations

    Required logistics support will be provided by VSF Germany as prescribed in the contract.
    All documents prepared during the assignment will be property of VSF Germany.
    Assignment will not be sub-contracted to a third party by the consultant.
    In the event that, additional time is required to complete the assignment, over and above that previously agreed to, without changing the scope of work, then it has to be agreed by VSF Germany in writing.
    Confidentiality of all the assignment will be assured at all times.

    Validation of the Proposal

    All cost should be quoted in USD and will remain valid up to fifty days (50) from the day of proposal submission.
    Confidentiality: All the outputs –Reports, data base, etc produced by this assignment will not be disseminated in part or whole without written authority from VSF-Germany.

  • Technical Specialist- Project Implementation Somalia(Ts-Pi)

    Technical Specialist- Project Implementation Somalia(Ts-Pi)

    Department: Programme
    Responsible to: Country Director
    Supervision: Project Managers
    What you will do as Technical Specialist – Project implementation (TS-PI)
    The Technical Specialist- Project Implementation (TS-PI) is responsible for providing overall technical and managerial leadership for program development and implementation, ensuring timely achievement of program goals and objectives, quality outcomes and effective use of resources.
    This position will be based in Nairobi with regular field visits to Project locations to strengthen VSFG’s presence and participation in the humanitarian community at the state and federal levels, with particular emphasis on increasing VSFG’s technical network and profile in Somalia.
    As a key VSFG technical person, TS-PI will liaise with donors, host government officials, and UN/multi-sector coordination focal points, representing VSFG in all relevant sector coordination meetings and provide feedback/advice to field program staff and the Country Director (CD).
    The TS-PI has direct responsibility for design and development of quality proposals for resource acquisition, in timely and effective manner. H/She will review concepts notes and/or proposals and project reports from project managers ensuring technical accuracy of content prior to submission to RON and donors.
    As a member of the Senior Programme Team, the TS-PI will assist the CD in shaping the strategic direction to ensure quality design and implementation VSFG program. S/he will directly supervise the technical project managers and responsible for capacity building of national staff.
    Specific keys roles

    Strengthening VSFG’s Networking and Coordination 15%

    Coordinate with stakeholders- donors, government departments, international agencies and NGOs on VSFG operations in the country.
    Attend relevant program sector technical coordination meetings
    Facilitate clear and technical linkages between Nairobi and the field ensuring adequate participation in of VSFG in coordination forums.
    Assist the CD in shaping the strategic direction of the VSFG program in Somalia, ensuring quality programs are designed and implemented.
    Support in developing a Resource Acquisition Strategy and effectively support delivery of programs.
    Assess the needs and propose potential areas of program expansion; sectors, locations, as appropriate.
    Participate in Programme Team meetings contributing to problem-solving and decision-making on strategic direction.
    Review technical project documents; narrative and financial reports, information leaflets and brochures.
    Conduct performance technical appraisals for technical programme staff.

    Program Development 20%

    With support from CD lead aspects of proposal development with staff, community and partners.
    Facilitate interactions between VSFG key program staff, to secure funding in-country donors UNOCHA, FAO, etc.
    Proactively analyze humanitarian trends and opportunities, and facilitate needs assessment in a timely manner.
    Follow up with project managers for key lessons for dissemination to relevant stakeholders and donors.
    Jointly with staff and stakeholders develop an exit strategy to ensure the sustainability of projects achievements

    Program Implementation and Accountability 25%

    Ensure programs are aligned with VSFG Country Strategy, sectoral standards and humanitarian guidelines.
    Provide guidance and support to staff/local partners to ensure quality implementation of projects.
    Monitor program implementation and prompt reporting and resolving of issues that are of concern to the programme.
    Ensure that adequate M&E tools and harmonized methodologies for monitoring and reporting are in place.
    Monitor budget with Project Managers for compliance with donor requirements and VSFG financial guidelines.
    Provide opportunities for effective learning and sharing of innovations through meetings among program teams.
    Conduct regular visits to field offices and project locations to monitor program performance.
    Provide feedback to staff on projects progress and gaps identified for improvement and capacity building.

    Reporting .

    Design and manage plans reporting for all grants and ensure contribution from staff during reporting.
    Review narrative and financial reports to ensure quality and conformity with VSFG and donor guidelines before submission to donor.
    Provide regular program updates to CD and /or HQ for submission to VSFG donors.

    Qualifications, skills and experience we are seeking

    At least a Bachelor Degree in Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Animal Production, Rangelands/Natural Resources Management, Public Health, or Social sciences. A Master’s degree qualification will confer an added advantage.
    5-7 years’ INGO experience in relief/emergency/development work with roles in program design, development, and accountability.
    Strong leadership skills, experience in planning and management of programs and ability to manage change.
    Knowledge of humanitarian response and development, programme concepts frameworks, standards and strategies.
    Proficient in developing project logical frameworks, M&E systems and implementation in community settings.
    Demonstrated experience in program design, planning and implementation using participatory methodologies.
    Proven skills in communications, presentation, inter-personal relations with fluency in written and spoken English
    Experience in implementing projects funded by donors; BMZ, EU, ECHO, UN-OCHA, FAO will be of added value.
    Experience in working and coordinating with NGOs, government agencies and local stakeholders.
    Experience working in Somalia or similar environments preferred.

  • Senior Communications Officer – DEPP Lab 

Innovations Lead – DEPP Lab 

Innovations Manager – Depp Lab

    Senior Communications Officer – DEPP Lab Innovations Lead – DEPP Lab Innovations Manager – Depp Lab

    Adeso’s Communications Team is responsible for developing and overseeing the implementation of the Adeso Communications Strategy. This includes defining and formulating key messages and proof points to broaden the understanding of Adeso’s unique, people centered and participatory program approach amongst stakeholders across the humanitarian and development sector, governments, donors and the media.
    The Senior Communications Officer will work with colleagues to support the implementation of the AIM DEPP Lab Communications Strategy and support efforts to increase the AIM DEPP Lab growth. S/he will collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to ensure that AIM communications enable and accelerate its milestones and goals.
    The Senior Communications Officer should have a breadth of knowledge in PR, social media, marketing, web and e-communications with plenty of room and interest in innovation, challenges and learning. This opportunity requires the ability to coordinate, research, and create content (i.e., social media, donor communications, impact stories, program updates, etc.) for a variety of audiences including, donors, media, the general public, internal staff, and program partners among others. The position will specifically be responsible for leading the daily management of social media and online communications and marketing activities for multiple online platforms.
    The successful candidate will have a talent for writing and a willingness to engage in projects ranging from writing, editing, proofreading, and leveraging social media and blogs-across several different publications while juggling multiple deadlines and priorities. The desired candidate will exude passion and a driving desire for excellence in all they do. The candidate will also be expected to be a strategic thinker who understands how social media is a vital part of a larger, integrated digital marketing strategy including SEO, Analytics, Email Marketing, and building a culture of constant testing and refinement.

    Increase AIM’s online visibility, voice, and influence;
    Support fundraising, business development and communication through a variety of tools, techniques and resources – including media pitching, ongoing website presence , promotional materials;
    Lead and manage social media campaigns.


    Social Media Management
    Develop and execute social media strategies to leverage editorial content across a variety of channels as well drive reader engagement
    Manage AIM’s current social media accounts;
    Assess AIM’s current social media presence and determine which new channels offer the best opportunity to increase the organization’s online presence;
    Set targets for increasing AIM’s visibility and reach via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other selected social networking sites;
    Analyze and optimize monthly social engagement analytics and ad performance on all platforms;
    Monitor monthly social performance ensuring the yearly goals are met or exceeded;
    Maintain a list of all social media accounts log-in information and always make sure HQ has the most up-to-date information; and,
    Develop and implement social media campaigns, including use of paid advertisements.Content Development and Editorial Support
    Develop and maintain overall content strategy and standards for voice and tone for digital communications;
    Provide frameworks and guidance to support colleagues in their promotional and messaging work, in line with the Communications Strategy;
    Maintain and help to evolve the voice of web communications; research, write and edit SEO-rich, grammatically accurate content for AIM’s website, e-mails and social media, taking a proactive approach to improve our communications and brand across all online channels;
    Edit and disseminate AIM case studies and success stories to maximize their use;
    Support the writing and editing of AIM’s publications;
    Promote AIM in relevant media and network spaces and manage the production and delivery of appropriate outreach material, including key publications such as the annual report.
    Beyond these specific responsibilities, the Senior Communications Officer is expected to collaborate on activities as agreed upon with the Project Director and the Director of Strategic Partnerships and Development to support the delivery of the DEPP Communications Strategy.Other
    Develop and promote communication tools and resources to use in their external activities, in order to secure a consistent external AIM message, and optimize the communications power of AIM.
    Copyediting, edit, review, and mark documents to ensure correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and usage. Impose a consistent style while querying or correcting inconsistencies, flagging and checking head levels and callouts for graphics or notes, cross-checking in-text references, and styling reference lists or bibliographies.
    Develop and maintain positive working relationships with team members, and other units across the organizations.
    Any other duty as may be assigned.


    Bachelor’s Degree in Communications/Journalism or related field;
    2-3 years’ work experience in communications and marketing;
    1-2 years professional experience with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, with proven results on impacting Key Performance Indicators of an organization;
    Expertise and experience leveraging social media communication channels to provide a compelling and inspired sense of an organization’s mission to a broad range of audiences;
    Experience with HTML coding, email distribution tools and content management systems;
    Knowledge of social media management & analytics tools such as SproutSocial, Buffer, Hootsuite, SocialBro, TweetDeck, Followerwonk, Sprinklr, Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, Pinterest Analytics, etc.;
    Experience with social media design tools such as Canva, PicMonkey, Pagemodo, Piktochart,,
    Understanding how social media plays a role within a larger digital marketing team to contribute to a unified vision of campaigns;
    Passionate learner and self-starter. You should be comfortable owning your projects and have a ‘learner focused’ mindset. You have a propensity to take action, learn from your mistakes, and bring a wealth of knowledge to the team;
    Excellent written and spoken English is essential, as well as a critical eye for editing and grammar;
    Ability to work in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with respect for diversity;
    Bonus: Experience working within a humanitarian or development context and working on international donor -funded projects.

    go to method of application »

  • Transformation Unit Manager

    Transformation Unit Manager

    The Manager shall have a sound understanding of the overall program. He/she will coordinate and supervise the implementation of activities. In doing so, he/she will work in close co-operation with the staff and different MH Departments. Specifically, he/she is responsible for the following tasks:

    Ensures the effective implementation and monitoring of the activities and results;
    Prepares and forwards to the Director weekly, monthly work plans and progress reports for all the sectors, and about the situation in the field;
    In close co-operation with Meru Herbs administration, carries out a management and organizational needs assessment;
    With other team members (and communities), identifies program gaps and suggests to the staff the mitigating actions;
    Daily coordination and supervision of Human Resources, in close co-operation with the Director of Meru Herbs;
    Executes the strategies and plans agreed with the Management of Meru Herbs (Director and Administrator);
    Performs any other action related with the position needed to achieve Meru Herbs objectives;
    Steers and participates to periodical staff meetings.

    Job Requirements

    Diploma or degree in relevant field (Business Management, Agri-Business, Marketing);
    Excellent level of English and Swahili;
    A minimum of 3 years of relevant experience in a Management or Administrative position in similar business environment;
    At least 1 year of field experience in development and rural areas;
    Excellent computer skills;
    Organizational, communication and leadership skills;
    Willingness to relocate in the surroundings of MH Base Camp, near Tunyai, Tharaka-Nithi County (accommodation within the Base Camp is available).

  • Head of Mission M/F – Kenya / Somalia

    Head of Mission M/F – Kenya / Somalia

    Mission/ Role:
    Leadership of the Country Programme

    To maintain and develop SIF presence and SIF’s strategy in Kenya and in Somalia (in remote control),
    To coordinate and manage the overall planning and direction of SIF operations in Kenya and in Somalia,
    To monitor the emergency humanitarian situation in the country and advise HQs on the appropriate course of action.

    Programme Development

    To develop SIF short and medium term strategy for the mission,
    To regularly analyze the context, risks, operational access issues and availability of resources, in relation to the program objectives,
    To assess the donor environment and opportunities for funding, and ensure concept notes and proposals are submitted in coordination with HQ’s strategy.


    To develop funding strategies and donor mapping analyses.
    To manage external communications in collaboration with the communications with the HQs. Act as the contact person with press and media.

    Staff Management / Human Resources

    To provide leadership and management to the team.
    To participate / oversee the recruitment process of national staff


    To ensure that appropriate logistic structures and procedures are established and / or are maintained in accordance with the SIF guidelines
    To oversee the timely and efficient planning and implementation of procurement and supply of items in line with project needs.
    To ensure adequate management of warehousing, compounds, transportation, goods in kind, and assets according to SIF procedures.

    Safety and Security Management
    Responsible for the safety and security of all SIF staff and visitors to Kenya and Somalia.

    To ensure that appropriate logistic structures and procedures are established and / or are maintained in accordance with the SIF guidelines
    To monitor the security context (including participating in local/national INGO/UN security meetings) and act on any deterioration in this that could affect operations and provide guidance to teams/sites as required

    Administration and Finance

    Ensure that appropriate administrative and financial guidelines and procedures are established, maintained / updated regularly and adhered to by the team as well as any basic systems required in country.

    The task list is neither exhaustive nor restrictive and is evolving according to the needs of the organization.Being an association with limited resources, versatility and flexibility are necessary in order to overcome any difficulty temporary and exceptional.
    The employee may be requested to perform other tasks in accordance with it job category, in case of need related to the functioning of the Association or to changes in its policy and it organization, and respecting the pattern of fixed-term contract.

    Minimum 5 years of previous experience in humanitarian work, including previous experiences as Country Director, or Deputy Country Director, or Chief of Party with INGOs in similar context.
    Substantial experience of strategic thinking, including identifying, analyzing, problem solving and responding to opportunities and challenges and the ability to translate these into practical plans of action.
    Extensive experience of securing substantial external funding. Evidence of understanding the challenges of donor and contract management and the implications for program management.
    Extensive knowledge and experience of project planning and budget holding; proposal and report writing.
    Knowledge and understanding of project management tools (Logical Framework analysis, project cycle management, objectives and indicators etc.)
    Strong leadership skills and a supportive management style (experience managing national and expatriate staff)
    Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English (and desirably French)

    Duration: 12 months
    Starting date:1st January 2018
    Being an association with limited means, versatility and flexibility are necessary in order to overcome any difficulty temporary and exceptional.
    The employee may be affected to perform other tasks in accordance with it job category, in case of need related to the functioning of the Association or to changes in its policy and it organization, and respecting the pattern of fixed-term contract.
    Working conditions:**

    French fixed term contract “CDD d’usage”
    Remuneration according to profile
    Monthly Per diem, Guesthouse
    Medical cover (60% cover by SIF and 40% covered by the expatriate)
    R&R every at 3 and 9 month
    Return plane ticket supported by SIF for leave at 6 month

  • Consortium Coordinator

    Consortium Coordinator

    VSF Germany, Piedmont Plaza, Off Ngong Road, 2nd Floor, P.O Box 25653, 00603 Nairobi, Kenya
    Overall Responsibilities:
    Spear head strategic management and planning of the project across all partners in the project in Ethiopia and Kenya. Quality control of the project implementation & donor reports, while providing leadership & management to the coordination team.
    Key Responsibilities:

    Project management

    Provide leadership and management for the design and implementation of project activities, in close coordination with consortium member teams
    Responsible for managing the timely and quality completion of all program technical administrative financial deliverables and reports in accordance with EU guidelines and VSFG rules
    Ensure a shared project vision amongst staff and across all implementing agencies
    Responsible for delivery, and progress against agreed targets of the project across all implementing partners
    Oversee the establishment of effective project reporting, monitoring evaluation and learning, financial management, and personnel and procurement mechanisms
    Plan and lead quarterly consortium Project Steering Committee meetings and Technical Working Group meetings.
    Manage the Project Management Unit staff

    Networking & Coordination

    Serve as the principal liaison with and build effective working relationships with the EU, PACT, IGAD, FAO and government counterparts, local partners, communities and other relevant stakeholders
    Develop partnerships in the humanitarian and development community and coordinate with authorities at Country and County/District Government levels.
    Promote sustainability of project activities with effective networking, linkages to other programmes and initiatives


    Relevant university degree (Master or Post graduate), in International Development, Social Sciences, Economics, Agriculture, Veterinary medicine or other relevant field.
    Minimum of 10 years’ of professional relevant experience
    Experience in managing cross border programming and complex activities
    Strong program design and management
    Experience in Livelihoods, Resilience, Natural Resource Management and other related fields
    Working experience in financial management of donor projects.
    Proven track record in donor relationships, specifically EU
    Communication Skills: Excellent writing and verbal skills in English.
    Adaptability and flexibility: Ability to manage a large workload and multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment with tight deadlines.

    The Consortium Coordinator refers to and works in close collaboration with the Country Directors of each of the implementing agencies but will report directly to the Regional Head of Program of VSFG.

  • Regional Head of Programs

    Regional Head of Programs

    Overall Responsibilities:
    Spear head strategic development and planning of the programs and projects for the organization in the various countries within the region. Quality control of the programs, donor relations, project implementation & donor reports, provide leadership & management to the regional program staff and is responsible for the budgets.
    Key Responsibilities:

    Projects Development

    Provide strategic direction to the projects, to ensure they work towards achieving successful implementation in a sustainable manner and responds to emergencies effectively and efficiently.
    Design programs and projects based on the Organizational Strategic Plan.
    Work with the Country Directors & Project Managers to diversify the funding base through developing existing or new relationships with donors.

    Implementation and Quality of the Program

    Make key decisions in relation to the program implementation, and offer solutions to problems that arise during the implementation of programs in the region.
    Ensure the projects meet Donor & VSF G Quality Standards and international codes of conduct in project implementation.
    Develop an Internal Monitoring and Evaluation framework.
    Manage both donor and internal reporting on project implementation.


    Motivate the regional program team and ensure they have clear objectives and receive meaningful feedback on their performance.
    Participate in HR management to ensure the achievement of program goals & objectives, including recruitment, staff development, security etc.
    Develop country development plans with Country Directors for each country in the region.

    Networking and Communication

    Strengthen & build relationships with donors and other INGOs and government institutions and other stakeholders in the Region.
    Ensure regular and effective communications are maintained within the program, regional office and donors.
    Champion the development of lesson learnt and good practice documentation from VSFG’s intervention.

    Budgetary responsibility

    Assist the program team to develop, finalize and closely monitor the program budget.
    Work closely with the Finance Department to ensure effective financial and budgetary control of the programs, according to donor & VSF G policy and procedures.
    Ensure corrective measures are taken to address over/under expenditure in the project budgets.

    Qualifications, Experience, Attributes & Skills

    Degree in relevant field especially food security related disciplined (livestock, Agriculture etc)
    Postgraduate degree in development studies, project planning, veterinary medicine or international relations as an added advantage.
    A minimum of 8 years’ experience in management of development and humanitarian projects in the Greater Horn of Africa.
    Strong knowledge of major institutional donors (EU, ECHO, OFDA, BMZ, CHF, etc) regulations and systems
    Experience in complex emergency, big consortium is requested
    Good understanding of financial management of projects is a requirement
    Proven experience in donor liaison and negotiation and organization representation
    Practical experience in proposal development & grant making for humanitarian and development projects.
    Excellent computer knowledge (MS Office, SPSS, Web based data management systems etc).
    Outstanding communication and presentation skills.
    Willing to travel extensively to field locations including for extended periods


    Senior management experience highly preferred.
    Minimum 5 years’ experience in managerial roles and donor reporting.
    Must be a strong, decisive and results oriented leader
    Understands the context within which VSF Germany operates in the respective program countries (Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan South Sudan, Somali and Uganda) and willing to take security related risks

  • Instructors


    Job Description

    Are you 20 – 26 years with a Diploma or Degree in Computer Science, IT, Education or Business?
    Do you have a C in English and Mathematics, and a C KCSE aggregate?

    The person should:

    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
    Interest in teaching first time students
    Able to work in any of our branches, Nairobi, Nakuru and Mombasa

  • Career Advisor

    Career Advisor

    Job Description

    The successful individual should be able to keep clean student records, should be self-motivated, time conscious and meticulous about his/herwork.
    Must be a team player, have integrity and be able to work with minimum supervision.
    This is also a sales position with a role similar to that of a “Receptionist” of a Front Office.
    The suitable candidate will be based in Nairobi and should:

    Be a Diploma Holder related field
    Possesses excellent interpersonal, communication skills and people skills
    Be able to work flexible hours (Up to 7p.m. in the evenings)
    Have the ability to work under pressure
    Have worked in a similar role for at least 6 Months