Company Founded: Founded in 1941

  • Baseline Evaluation Consultant

    Baseline Evaluation Consultant

    Overview of the Project
    The overall goal of the project is to ‘Strengthening Citizens-County Government Collaboration in Water Governance for Enhanced Community Resilience in Marsabit county.
    The project will contribute to achievement of this goal by achieving the following three (3) key results/outputs:

    Increased citizen voice and participation in water governance
    Functional community level structures in water management and development of a water resource database.
    Improved county led collaboration of water sector players within the county

    Christian Aid through its partner Marsabit Indigenous Organizations’ Network (MIONET) will implement the project in 17 wards spread across 3 sub-counties namely Laisamis, Moyale & North Horr.
    The project implementation approach as well as its design is informed by the Political Economy Analysis (PEA) of Marsabit County water sector which was conducted in the month of September by Christian Aid (CA).
    Baseline: Purpose and Scope
    The baseline study will provide the project implementation team with detailed baseline data on key project indicators.
    The data will be used to establish benchmarks against which achievement of the project milestones will be monitored and evaluated throughout the life of the project.
    The baseline will be conducted in Laisamis, Moyale and North Horr sub counties
    The consultant (s) will be expected to:

    Participate in briefing and consultation meetings to discuss the assignment, become familiar with the Climate Governance Project and to collaborate with the CA project and partner staff on the development of the baseline design and implementation plan.
    Develop in collaboration with CA and partners a detailed research and analysis plan, including plans for pre-testing tools, recruitment and training of research assistants, meaningful participation of partners and community, sampling methodology, implementation of data collection in the field; qualitative and quantitative data analysis and reporting.
    Develop in collaboration with CA and partners, rigorous and robust, qualitative and quantitative data collection tools that can gather reliable and replicable data on each of the project indicators (sample tools to be developed, shared and approved by CA prior to data collection). Provide detailed indicator protocols describing the data collection methodology for each indicator.
    Lead data collection in the field including: designing and leading key informant interviews and focus group discussions; designing and leading surveys of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP); training research assistants/enumerators; monitoring and ensuring data quality and research ethics of research assistants.
    Analyze data in a rigorous, robust manner using appropriate statistical and qualitative analysis techniques.
    Draft a high-quality baseline study report. The report must be written in good quality English and must include robust and detailed analysis of data findings.
    Identify challenges and weaknesses/shortcomings with the project MEL log-frame/framework, data collection protocols and present recommendations for how data collection can be improved during the life of the project.

    The baseline will be conducted in Laisamis, Moyale and North Horr sub-counties and should use a mixed methodology approach, combining use of secondary data, primary quantitative and qualitative data. All data, both qualitative and quantitative must also be disaggregated by location, age, sex, disability etc.
    All data and analysis developed must be handed over to Christian Aid at the end of the study.
    All outputs must be in English.
    Triangulation of information gathered during the quantitative and qualitative research will be a critical aspect of this study. The analysis must provide a clear explanation of how the different data sets relate to one another and how they relate to the findings in the secondary documentation.
    The complete project documents detailing the process, output and outcome indicators will be provided to the selected consultant prior to project initiation.
    Time frame
    The consultant is expected to carry out the exercise within 25 working days with the exercise expected to commence not later than 1st May 2018 and concluding not later than 30th May 2018
    Consultant Profile
    The consultant (s)/consultancy firm must have the following qualifications and experience to be eligible for this assignment:

    The lead consultant must have a technical background in Governance, Resilience Building, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) or Climate Change Adaptation, (at a minimum of Master’s Degree level).
    The lead consultant (s) must have demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and managing baseline studies for similar projects and in delivering agreed outputs on time and within budget.
    Demonstrated experience and expertise in implementing rigorous research using Quantitative and Qualitative evaluation methodologies.
    Demonstration of good knowledge of the context in Kenya and Marsabit County is an added advantage.

    Other Tasks / Deliverables of the Consultancy
    In addition to deliverables outlined in 3.0 and 4.0 above, the consultant is expected to also undertake the following tasks:

    Develop an inception report that should include data collection tools to guide field interviews and final schedule of field work.
    Develop and submit an acceptable draft report after the analysis of data for CA staff feedback following an agreed upon format. The report should be comprehensive and provide detailed specific findings within each result area and considerations/recommendations.
    Lead the analysis and synthesis of evidence to develop key findings; Discuss findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and incorporate feedback to generate the final report.
    Develop and submit to Christian Aid offices in Nairobi 3 hard copies and a soft copy of an acceptable final report of no more than 40 pages (excluding references and annexes) following an agreed upon format.
    Summary of the findings in (MS PowerPoint) to be used for subsequent dissemination.
    Submit to CA the final cleaned data set used for analysis and production of the final report in an acceptable electronic format (Excel, SPSS, STATA). All raw data (quantitative data files, transcripts from In-depth Interviews, FGDs etc should also be submitted to Christian Aid offices in Nairobi for reference and future use.

  • End-line Evaluation Consultant

    End-line Evaluation Consultant

    Terms of Reference
    Improving Maternal and New-Born Health (MNH) Outcomes for Vulnerable Women and Babies by Increasing Demand, Access, and Uptake of Quality MNH Services in Isiolo County, Kenya
    Consultancy Overview: With funding from DFID, Christian Aid Kenya has been implementing the project entitled “Improving Maternal and New-Born Health (MNH) Outcomes for Vulnerable Women and Babies by Increasing Demand, Access, and Uptake of Quality MNH Services in Isiolo County, Kenya” (UKAM MNH/Tunza Mama na Mtoto Project).
    The three-year project (2015 – 2018) is implemented in partnership with Anglican Development Services Easter of Mt. Kenya East (ADSE MKE) which is responsible for service delivery activities; and Center for Education and Awareness (CREAW) who are responsible for advocacy and demand creation activities.
    In order to inform the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) component of this project, Christian Aid Kenya seeks to engage the services of a qualified and experienced consultant (s)/consultancy firm to implement the end-line evaluation for the project in Isiolo County.
    Overview of the Project: The overall goal of the project is to “Improve Maternal and New-Born Health (MNH) Outcomes for Vulnerable Women and Babies by Increasing Demand, Access, and Uptake of Quality MNH Services”.
    The specific objectives of the project are:

    To empower women and girls to make health MNH choices
    To remove barriers that prevent access to MNH services
    To expand the supply and quality of MNH services
    To enhance accountability at all levels

    Purpose and Scope
    The objectives of the end-line evaluation will be two-fold as follows:

     Provide a complete review of the project achievements which shall include an assessment of project progress in achievement of project outputs and outcomes as per the log-frame, and related delivery of inputs and activities and factors (internal and external) that affected overall project implementation and result achievement and
    Provide qualitative information by developing 2 case studies to back-up the end-line evaluation findings.

    The end-line will be conducted in Isiolo County. The consultant (s) will be expected to:

    Review relevant project documents including but not limited to project proposal, project log-frame, Endline survey report (February 2016); Mid-Term Evaluation Report (March 2017) and any other documents that will aid in developing a robust endline evaluation methodology.
    Participate in briefing and consultation meetings to discuss the assignment, become familiar with the UKAM MNH/Tunza Mama na Mtoto Project and collaborate with the CA project and partner staff on the development of the end-line evaluation design and implementation plan.
    Develop in collaboration with CA and partners a detailed end-line evaluation and analysis plan, including plans for pre-testing tools, recruitment and training of research assistants, meaningful participation of partners and community, sampling methodology, implementation of data collection in the field; qualitative and quantitative data analysis and reporting.
    Develop in collaboration with CA and partners, rigorous and robust, qualitative and quantitative data collection tools that can gather reliable and replicable data on each of the project indicators (sample tools to be developed, shared and approved by CA prior to data collection).
    Provide detailed indicator protocols describing the data collection methodology for each indicator.
    Lead data collection in the field including: designing and leading key informant interviews and focus group discussions; designing and leading surveys as needed; training research assistants/enumerators; monitoring and ensuring data quality and research ethics of research assistants.
    Analyze data in a rigorous, robust manner using appropriate statistical and qualitative analysis techniques.
    Draft a high-quality end-line evaluation report. The report must be written in good quality English and must include robust and detailed analysis of data findings.

    The end-line evaluation will be conducted in Isiolo County and should use a mixed methodology approach, combining use of secondary data, primary quantitative and primary qualitative data.
    The study must collect detailed demographic data on target beneficiary groups (both direct and indirect beneficiaries) in the project locations. All data, both qualitative and quantitative must also be disaggregated by location, age, sex, disability etc.
    All data and analysis developed must be handed over to Christian Aid at the end of the study.
    All outputs must be in English.
    Triangulation of information gathered during the quantitative and qualitative research will be a critical aspect of this study. The analysis must provide a clear explanation of how the different data sets relate to one another and how they relate to the findings in the secondary documentation.
    The complete project log-frame detailing the process, output and outcome indicators will be provided to the selected consultant prior to evaluation initiation.
    Time frame
    The consultant is expected to carry out the exercise within 20 working days with the exercise starting by End of March 2018 and concluding not later than Mid-April 2018.
    Consultant Profile
    The consultant (s)/consultancy firm must have the following qualifications and experience to be eligible for this assignment:

    The lead consultant must have a technical background in health or other related disciplines including Public Health, Medical Anthropology or Social Sciences, (at a minimum of Master’s Degree level).
    The lead consultant (s) must have demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and managing evaluation (end-line) studies for similar projects and in delivering agreed outputs on time and within budget.
    Demonstrated experience and expertise in implementing rigorous research using Quantitative and Qualitative evaluation methodologies.
    Demonstrated experience and expertise in evaluation of public health interventions with a focus on Maternal and Neonatal Health programs
    Demonstration of good knowledge of the context in Kenya and Isiolo County is an added advantage.

     Other Tasks / Deliverables of the Consultancy
    In addition to deliverables outlined in sections above, the consultant is expected to also undertake the following tasks:

    Develop an inception report that should include data collection tools to guide field interviews and final schedule of field work.
    Develop and submit an acceptable draft report after the analysis of data for CA staff feedback following an agreed upon format. The report should be comprehensive and provide detailed specific findings within each result area and considerations/recommendations.
    Lead the analysis and synthesis of evidence to develop key findings; Present and discuss findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and incorporatefeedback to generate the final report.
    Develop and submit to Christian Aid offices in Nairobi 3 hard copies and a soft copy of an acceptable final report of no more than 40 pages (excluding references and annexes) following an agreed upon format. The case studies (3 pages each) should be included as annexes to the final report.
    Summary of the findings in (MS PowerPoint) to be used for subsequent dissemination.
    The final cleaned data set used for analysis and production of the final report in an acceptable electronic format (Excel, SPSS, MS Word) depending on methodologies used. All raw data (quantitative data files, transcripts from In-depth Interviews, FGDs etc should also be submitted to Christian Aid offices in Nairobi for reference and future use

  • Consultancy for Research: Adolescent Nutrition Project

    Consultancy for Research: Adolescent Nutrition Project

    Terms of Reference
    Research Consultant
    Purpose and Scope
    In order to generate information that would feed into future projects design, adaptation and funding bids, Christian Aid Kenya seeks to engage the services of a qualified and experienced research consultant (s)/consultancy firm to lead and manage the planned formative research focussing on providing an in-depth analysis of the current situation facing pregnant and lactating adolescent girls (and their children) in the projects’ target locations.
    Specific objectives will include:

    Understanding the needs of pregnant and lactating adolescent girls (under 19) in Narok when accessing and utilising nutritional advice and services
    Mapping of current needs and how they are currently met
    Identification of gaps in provision and barriers to accessing information and services

    Specific Tasks

    The consultant will oversee and direct the Christian Aid’s formative research by:
    Developing in consultation with CA Program Manager, M&E Officer and other Technical Advisors a research protocol, which includes the research design and methods
    Conduct a literature review/summary of current approaches to nutrition in pregnant and lactating mothers
    Develop research data collection tools and informed consent forms
    Prepare and submit a detailed study protocol to local Ethics Review Committee for ethical approval and seek any other approval for conducting formative research within Kenya
    Participate in selection, hiring and training of field staff
    Develop a detailed work plan that clearly outlines activities and their schedule for implementation in accordance with the project timeline and in collaboration with stakeholders
    Coordinate the research activities together with CA Program staff and other partner staff
    Lead the field work including data collection, management, analysis and report writing. Presenting and discussing findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and engaging in plans of how to modify the project based on the findings and learning as needed

    The formative research will be conducted in Transmara East Sub County of Narok County. The consultancy will be divided into four phases which include study preparation, implementation, analysis and presentation.

    Phase I: Study Preparation – The consultant will develop a research protocol, which includes the research design and methods (study area, sampling methods, sample size, data collection methods, training, field supervision, data analysis plan and ethical considerations); develop data collection tools and informed consent forms and prepare for and submit a detailed study protocol to local Ethics Review Committee for ethical approval and seek any other approval for conducting formative research from relevant authorities within the ministries of health etc. The consultant will also participate in interviewing and selection of the field team and prepare to carry out training for them on tools procedures for data collection, management and research ethics.
    Phase II: Field Work/Data Collection – The consultant will direct the field work, with the help of logistics support from Christian Aid Office in Nairobi, to ensure that the field staff are carrying out the data collection in a timely and professional manner; the data notes and any other written transcripts are completed and meet expected standards; data are recorded, submitted and stored efficiently and ethically; troubleshoot any problems, inform the Christian Aid Program Officer and correct them promptly; maintain frequent communication with Christian Aid and partner staff and manage field staff. The consultant is expected to be present through-out the period of data collection.
    Phase III: Data Analysis – The consultant will conduct training for data entry staff and oversee the entry; The consultant will ensure that data is cleaned and accurate. Once all data is entered and cleaned, the consultant will be in charge of analysis of the collected data with input from Christian Aid Program Officer, M&E Officer and Research Advisor.
    Phase IV: Report Writing – The consultant will prepare and deliver an approved final report.
    Phase V: Article/Manuscript Writing – The consultant will draft an article/manuscript for publication to a reputable journal.

    Time frame
    The consultant is expected to carry out the exercise within 40 working days with the exercise starting from end of March 2018 and submitting the draft Report by 31st May 2018 and the final report not later than Mid-June 2018.
    Consultant Profile
    The consultant (s)/consultancy firm must have the following qualifications and experience to be eligible for this assignment:

    The lead consultant must have a minimum of a Master’s Degree. A technical background in public health or experience working in the field of nutrition and with a focus on adolescents is desired.
    The lead consultant (s) must have demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and managing research studies for similar projects and in delivering agreed outputs on time and within budget.
    Demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and implementing rigorous research. We are interested in innovative approaches to addressing the objectives that may include purely qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approaches.
    Demonstration of good knowledge of the context in Kenya and Narok County is an added advantage.

    Deliverables of the Consultancy

    Acceptable research protocol
    An inception report that should include Approved protocol, Data Collection Tools and Informed Consent Forms and final schedule of field work.
    An acceptable draft report after the analysis of data for CA staff feedback following an agreed upon format. The report should be comprehensive and provide detailed specific findings within each result area and considerations/recommendations.
    Lead the analysis and synthesis of evidence to develop key findings; Discuss findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and incorporate feedback to generate the final report.
    Develop and submit to Christian Aid offices in Nairobi 3 hard copies and a soft copy of an acceptable final study report
    Summary of the findings in (MS PowerPoint) to be used for subsequent dissemination.
    The final cleaned data set used for analysis and production of the final report in an acceptable electronic format (Excel, SPSS, MS Word transcripts) depending on research approaches/methodologies used.
    Draft of an article/manuscript for publication

    Ethics and Child Protection
    It is the responsibility of the consultant to demonstrate commitment to strictly adhere to Christian Aids Child Protection Policy and local context standards for handling minors related to consent, assent and confidentiality. The consultant has the responsibility to ensure that any persons hired, used or consulted during the process are made familiar with the policy and commit to abide by it during execution of this work. The consultant and associates must sign the policy prior to engagement in the assignment.

  • Administration Intern

    Administration Intern

    About the role
    The Admin Intern will assist the HR & Admin Assistant with a wide variety of projects and administrative support. In this position, the intern will get a hands-on opportunity to further develop their skills and gain knowledge necessary for a successful career in Human Resources, General Office Support function. Specific areas of focus will be in Recruitments, Selection and Onboarding processes, Provision of Administration Services, and Logistics and procurements support.
    About you

    Background in Business Management & Administration with a strong eagerness to learn and work in Administration department. An undergraduate degree is desirable.
    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills including competency in negotiation, influencing and assertiveness.
    Excellent organizational skills; great attention to detail
    Knowledge in the maintenance of HR Services, setting up meetings and taking minutes.
    Self- Motivated and ability to multitask in fast paced environment
    Able to maintain confidentiality and use of discretion where appropriate.

    Proficient MS Office skills (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook)
    Prior office experience preferred, but not required
    Further information
    This role requires applicants to have the right to work in the country where this position is based.
    We value diversity and aspire to reflect this in its workforce. We welcome applications from people from all sections of the community, irrespective of race, colour, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief.

  • Service Technician II Service Technician I Service Technician IV

    Service Technician II Service Technician I Service Technician IV

    Job description
    This position has field and workshop responsibilities depending on company and customer requirements and workload.
    The position includes working for prolonged periods away from home that may include overseas.
    The TRS Service Technician operates specialist equipment associated with the handing of OCTG in both offshore and onshore well construction at customer locations.
    Working closely with other company and 3rd party technicians as part of a team, they have limited independent authority to provide quality, professional service and customer support by performing assigned TRS operations in accordance with company’s contractual obligations, operations procedures and company’s and customer’s Health, Safety & Environmental (HS&E) policies.
    The role may also include general repair and service of TRS related equipment at company’s and customer’s facilities.
    This job description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by the employee. He or she will be required to follow any other instructions and to perform any other duties requested by his or her Manager.
    go to method of application »

  • Finance Officer

    Finance Officer

    Freedom House is seeking a Finance Officer to support our regional office that supports projects in the East and Horn of Africa to strengthen protection and promotion of human rights, to increase domestic demand and ability of citizens to hold their leaders accountable, and to enable civil society to be more effective advocates for human rights in East and Horn of Africa. The Finance Officer will be responsible for financial and administrative functions according to the regulations, policies and procedures of donors, the Kenyan government and the organization in support of Freedom House’s programs in the region.  This position will be based in Nairobi, Kenya and will report to the Regional Project Director.
    Act as liaison with Freedom House headquarters finance and program staff on finance and grant compliance issues.
    Maintain the integrity and ensure accuracy of all financial data including reviewing and posting entries to General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.
    Conduct financial analysis and prepare detailed monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports and statements.
    Assist with monitoring cash flow and managing Freedom House’s financial status.
    Ensure all accounting records and systems are in compliance with funder requirements as well as requirements of the Kenyan government.
    Ensure compliance with programmatic objectives, financial obligations and reporting requirements according to grant agreements.
    Assist with preparation of an annual audit required by local authorities.
    Assist with the effective functioning of the office support systems including negotiations with the landlord, vendors and other service providers in the most cost effective manner.
    Assist with maintaining internal controls to ensure compliance with financial policies and regulations.
    Other duties as assigned by the Regional Project Director.
    Bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, business, economics, or related field.
    Minimum 6 – 8 years of experience with grants compliance monitoring, in particular USG grants compliance.
    Strong ability to communicate effectively in English, both verbally and in writing.
    Mastery of MS Office Suite, specifically Excel and Word and QuickBooks Preferred.
    Prior experience working with NGO accounting in a fast paced finance department.
    Prior experience working with the financial and grant compliance aspect of sub-grant programs.
    Experience mentoring local organizations to build their financial and organizational capacity strongly preferred.
    Knowledge of Kenyan accounting and financial laws.
    Knowledge of USG financial and reporting requirements.
    Knowledge of all accounting principles, GAAP, and automated accounting systems.
    Ability to analyze financial information efficiently and accurately.
    Ability to effectively write reports, maintain documentation, and complete required forms
    Ability to maintain the highest degree of confidentiality regarding all aspects of work at all times.
    We invite qualified candidates to send a resume, and cover letter with salary history and desired salary .  Candidate cover letters should specifically address how their previous experience relates to the duties and qualifications listed above. Only candidates who send respond to these as well as the salary requirements will be considered for the position. Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted.
    EOE M/F/D/V

  • HR Advisor

    HR Advisor

    Job description
    Has responsibility for the administration of Human Resources practices, policies and procedures. Provides advice, direction and guidance to all levels of management on the interpretation and application of Human Resources policies and procedures to ensure consistency of application. Identifies employee relations issues and takes appropriate actions to address and resolve those issues. Acts as a liaison with the employee, manager, and health practitioners in disability management and return to work programs. Manages full cycle recruitment of various levels of staff in all product lines. Participation and guidance in performance management and employee performance improvement plans. Provides information and administration of benefit and compensation programs. Provides advice to management on matters of staff utilization and position changes. Assists the compensation team with the annual merit review program and other compensation programs when required.
    Min Diploma majoring in Human Resources Management
    5-8 years experience in an HR Generalist role.
    Strong understanding of local labour legislation.
    Computer literate with a good working knowledge of Microsoft office, especially Word and Excel
    Excellent communication skills (written, verbal & listening)
    Interpersonal skills
    Supervisory or Management ability
    Strong communications skills
    Reliable, Self-Driven & Autonomous
    Flexible and able to support and interface with people at all levels.
    Confidential, sincere and honest
    Approachable, resourceful and assertive
    Ability to multitask and prioritise numerous tasks and projects
    Recruitment: Raising & Completion of Job Openings, Sourcing, Assisting in Interviews, Screening & Selection
    On boarding & Orientation: Medical bookings, On boarding document collection, coordinating with the travel & facilities team on employee arrival and accommodation. Coordination of the employee’s relocation. Running a monthly Right Start Induction program for all new hires.
    Record Keeping: Maintain up-to-date HR records in an efficient and confidential manner to record personal details, leave, sickness and absence information allowing effective information retrieval to enable the management of employees and for statistical and audit purposes
    Support Finance in Payroll Administration: Liaise with the Payroll department to ensure all employee changes are correctly amended.
    Benefits: Coordinate all employee benefits, enrolments and changes. Be the primary contact for all benefit queries and coordination with our service providers.
    Grievance & Complaint Resolution
    Labour/Employment Legislative Compliance. Government Interaction liaison, support and comply with nationalization and expatriate quota. Provide accurate information on local labour legislation.
    HRMS: Input of personal & job data on HRM System and continually monitor accuracy thereof.(minimum 95% accuracy)
    Performance Management: Drive value-added performance management and gain buy in from Management. Assist on training and following up with employee’s & managers to meet E-Performance deadlines.
    General: Fully participate in HR initiatives and projects as directed by the HR Manager to improve the service of the department to the organisation. Any other delegated responsibilities as instructed by Line Management within the timeframe specified in a safe and efficient manner to meet business requirements, provided the instruction is reasonable and you are capable and deemed competent to fulfil these.

  • HR & Administration Officer

    HR & Administration Officer

    About Role
    The HR & Administration Officer role is critical in Human Resource management and in convening, coordination & oversight over the task teams working on different streams of HR & Operational work including procurement, office management, and travel coordination among others.
    This role will line manage and facilitate the Administrative Assistant and Driver/logistics Assistant leadership. Together,  the HR & Administration Officer and his/her team will provide the leadership that moves the country programme beyond getting basics right to quality and excellence in HR & Operational management within Christian Aid policies, systems and guidelines. 
    Doing this will ensure the following three key results are delivered: –
     Effective human resources and people management
    Well managed office with systems for health and safety, security management.
    Efficient support services including procurement, logistics and administration
    About you
    With line management from the Finance & Operations Manager, you will lead and facilitate leadership of your team working within the different task teams. You will model and promote in your role, the three key desired behaviors–self-leadership, teamwork and decisiveness. You are proactive and able to work under minimal supervision to deliver quality and excellence in related results outlined above. This is about you leading effectively individually and collaboratively in teams to deliver key outputs while exercising passion, autonomy and mutual accountability. You will challenge status quo, embrace and respect diversity of views, enable others to co-lead with you, and take action to make contributions toward achievement of the shared team goals.
    You will have the ability to think creatively to navigate the complexities and uncertainties and the ever faster pace of change in the workplace, in people management, and in the legal operating context in Kenya. You will also demonstrate ability to translate thinking and decisions into results in a timely manner.
    In doing so, you will facilitate your team’s collaboration with other internal and external teams and service providers including programmes, finance, regional teams, and HQ teams.
    Competency questions
    As part of your application you will be asked to demonstrate your suitability by giving answers to the following questions:
    Building partnership
    Tell us about a time when you had to establish and maintain relationships with a wide range of contacts and networks based on mutual rapport and respect.  What was the context?, why did you need to establish the new relationship and why was your attitude to this important? What was your task?  What outcomes were being sought? What actions did you take?  How did you take them? What was the impact of your actions?  Were you successful?
    Communicating effectively
    Tell us about a time when you handled a difficult issue with someone else with openness, honesty and respect.  What was the context? What did you have to do? What did you say and how? What was the result?  If you were successful, how did you know?
    Stewardship of resources
    Please tell us about a time when you were able to take action to end or reduce the inefficient use of resources.  Describe the context?  What was expected of you? What action(s) did you take?  What was the impact of your actions?  In what way(s) were you successful?
    Further information
    This role requires applicants to have the right to work in the country where this position is based.

  • Head of Resource Mobilisation Africa

    Head of Resource Mobilisation Africa

    About the Role
    As the Head of Resource Mobilisation Africa – Institutional Grants Acquisition and Delivery– in Programme Innovation and Funding, you will work closely with the Head of Africa Division and the senior management team to strengthen Africa’s ability to achieve its plans and objectives in support of Christian Aid’s strategy.
    Working with expert global teams, you will develop the capability to lead successful programme development initiatives and funding bids, supporting teams to deliver these programmes across Africa.
    We want you to develop our strong track record of winning and delivering with DFID, USAID and USG agencies, Global Fund, EC, ECHO, UN Agencies and other donors.
    We are looking for someone with considerable experience of US Government Funding. This post will be based in the Christian Aid Nairobi office.
    Reporting to the Global Head of Programme Funding, you will lead a team of Programme Development and Funding staff working with country programme teams to develop partnerships and programme opportunities that deliver high impact and learning. You will develop the team’s skills and knowledge and motivate them to achieve their potential.
    Working with country programmes and your team, you will co-ordinate the pipeline of propositional and open competitive opportunities in close cooperation with the Head of Africa Division, the Head of Programme Quality, and our global advisory teams.

  • Resource Mobilisation

    Resource Mobilisation

    Reporting to the Global Head of Programme Funding, you will lead a team of Programme Development and Funding staff working with country programme teams to develop partnerships and programme opportunities that deliver high impact and learning. You will develop the team’s skills and knowledge and motivate them to achieve their potential.Working with country programmes and your team, you will co-ordinate the pipeline of propositional and open competitive opportunities in close cooperation with the Head of Africa Division, the Head of Programme Quality, and our global advisory teams.
    Qualifications for the Head of Resource Mobilisation Job
    You will have a degree level qualification, together with extensive knowledge and senior level experience in the field of resource mobilisation, grant acquisition and programme delivery across development and humanitarian programmes. You will be commercially minded, highly numerate and have strong attention to detail.
    You will be able to demonstrate evidence of high level relationships and partnerships with donors and potential consortium partners across INGO, academic/think tank and private sector, as lead and sub. You will have a track record in delivering awards and supporting set up of new programmes including recruitment of senior staff up to Programme Director level. You will have the analytical skills to evaluate current and future funding opportunities.
    Please show your suitability for this post by giving answers to the following questions:
    Building Partnerships
    Describe your experiences and direct involvement of establishing external partnerships and relationships over time that resulted in ‘multi-million’ dollar funding of high impact programmes within Africa.
    Deliver results
    Please tell us about your experience in leading teams to deliver on ambitious targets for development and humanitarian funding, and where you directly delivered contract awards including the successful recruitment of a Programme Director/Chief of Party.
    Realise Potential
    Describe an example of when you coached a team member to realize their potential to take a leading role in complex programme development and/or bid management for a project team on a large grant or acquisition process.