East African Community (EAC) Partner States under Article 7 (2) of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community, have agreed to abide by the principles of good governance, including adherence to the principles of democracy, the rule of law, social justice and the maintenance of universally accepted standards of human rights.
The promotion and protection of the rights of the child is a key priority of the EAC. As emphasised in Article 120 (c) of the Treaty, Partner States undertake to closely co-operate amongst themselves in the field of social welfare with respect to the development and adoption of a common approach towards the disadvantaged and marginalized groups, including children, the youth, the elderly and persons with disabilities through rehabilitation and provision of, among others, health care, education and training.
Having been launched and adopted by partner states in 2016, the EAC Child policy seeks to ensure that approaches and standards that are geared towards the implementation of child rights in the East Africa Community are in harmony. The Policy provides an operational, regional legal, policy, and institutional framework to facilitate the development, co-ordination and strengthening of national efforts that move the agenda on promotion of children’s rights.
The EAC Child policy sets out priority areas of child rights, and defines specific strategies for the attainment of children’s rights in the EAC.
As part of the Inter-Agency Working Group for development of the EAC policy, Save the Children- East and Southern Africa Regional Office, supported the EAC technically and financially towards the development of the EAC Child Policy, which was adopted by EAC Member States in 2016. The EAC Policy is a harmonised policy document which provides a framework and suggests a regional approach to realising a vision where children’s rights and wellbeing are guaranteed as enunciated in international and regional instruments such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC).
The need for a child friendly version of the EAC Child Policy resonates from the EAC Child Policy priority area 4.10 on Child Participation, which emphasizes the need to create an enabling environment for children to be able to engage in matters concerning them. The development of the child friendly version will ensure that children understand what is provided for in the EAC Child policy, and therefore able to engage actively in its implementation. In view of this, Save the Children seeks to hire the services of a qualified consultant/s to develop the child friendly version of the EAC Child Policy.
1 Outcomes and Outputs
The Purpose of this consultancy is to develop a child friendly version of the EAC Child Policy. This will include working with a team of children to review the Policy, and agree on appropriate child friendly language to simplify the document for children. The consultant should ensure that the minimum expectations for ensuring and maintaining meaningful child participation are regarded with high standards. Once the review is completed, a validation workshop with children and adult representatives will occur. The final output will be launched during the EAC Sectoral council meeting, as well as disseminated widely either as hard copy or electronic pdf depending on funds available.
1 To build/increase the knowledge and capacity of Children to effectively engage their governments, Civil society organisations, community, among other duty bearers, in attaining their rights.
1 Review existing child friendly materials on the CRC/ACRWC and national laws or policies. 2 Consult children, child led organisations, child clubs, child assemblies as well as relevant CSO partners in EAC in the development of the guide. 3 Work closely with the EAC Secretariat focal points/ EAC Child rights coordinator in scheduling country consultations with children. 4 Prepare a background report, including methodology and materials used. 5 Prepare the first draft of the child friendly version of the EAC Child policy. 6 Facilitate a validation workshop for the child friendly version of the policy. 7 Prepare a second version of the policy which incorporates the input of children and adults representatives from the validation meeting. 8 Work with Save the Children- ESARO contracted graphic designer to prepare the child friendly version of the policy prior to the launch.
Save the Children will work with the consultant to provide guidance for the development of the child friendly version. Save the Children will also organize the validation workshop logistics and contract the graphic designer to assist with the print of the final output.
1 Competencies
Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, Public Administration or any development related field
Demonstrated knowledge and expertise in child rights, child participation methodology, child protection.
Excellent analytical skills
Experience in policy level advocacy
Excellent writing and communication skills
A rich and evident experience producing ‘child friendly’ materials and engaging children in the process of developing child friendly materials.
The consultant will be required to sign and adhere to Save the Children’s child safeguarding policy.
1 Remuneration
Daily rates will be determined after discussions with the consultant.
Save the Children will cover the cost for the consultant’s air tickets on economy class to relevant field sites, accommodation on bed and breakfast plus airport transfers. All other costs shall be borne directly by the consultant.
Remuneration is based on submission of deliverables. No payment will be made in advance.
Taxation laws for Kenya will apply.
1 Ethics, safeguarding and code of conduct
As the consultant will be working on behalf of Save the Children they will be required to sign and adhere to the Child Safeguarding Policy and ethical guidelines. Note that background checks will be undertaken on all applicants. The consultant will make clear to all participating stakeholders especially children of all ages that they are under no obligation to participate in the exercise and that it is purely voluntary. All participants will be assured that there will be no negative consequences if they choose not to participate. The consultant must obtain informed consent from all participants, including children and their care-giver if a child is to be interviewed. The consultant must receive prior permission for taking and use of visual still/ moving images for specific purposes. The consultant will assure the participants the anonymity, confidentiality and will assure the visual data is protected and used for agreed purpose only. As regards the documentation, the title rights, copyrights and all other rights of whatever nature in any materials used or generated under the provisions of this consultancy will exclusively be vested with Save the Children International East and Southern Africa Regional Office.
1 Submitting expressions of interest (maximum 5 pages)
Interested individuals must submit a technical and financial proposal of a maximum of five (5) pages, which will be assessed, based on the following criteria;
A cover letter introducing the consultant and how the skills and competencies above are met, with concrete examples as appropriate.
An outline including proposed methodology, time schedule and work plan.
A CV detailing relevant skills and experience, of East Africa with an emphasis on the Political, Social, Economic and Environmental trends affecting children, including 3 contactable referees
Proven record of experience in Developing Contextual Analysis and working on Child Rights issues in the region.
One or two examples of a final report prepared by the consultant
Reasonable budget breakdown and cost consideration
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