Company Founded: Founded in 1919

  • Technical Officer-Monitoring and Evaluation P2

    Technical Officer-Monitoring and Evaluation P2

    Description of Duties
    The incumbent will be responsible for the M&E of the Kenyan component of the project as well as for the M&E of the other Sub-Saharan African countries that will be included in the proposal later on. More specifically, in line with USDOL M&E requirements, the incumbent will be carrying out the following tasks:

    Assist USDOL-contracted External M&E Expert and/or USDOL staff M&E experts in developing the project’s Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (CMEP).
    Develop a pre-situational analysis related to the project in Kenya and in the additional Sub-Saharan African countries.
    Develop and implement the CMEP, which includes collection, reporting, and analysis of data on project-specific and USDOL-required performance indicators.
    Development of project-specific child labour and forced labour definitions as part of the CMEP work.
    Support the required performance evaluations and/or other learning/accountability activities, such as externally conducted midterm and final performance evaluations.
    Develop an end-of-project analysis of CMEP indicator data and outcomes.
    With the support from USDOL OCFT, Develop and Implement the project’s Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation Plans (CMEP) including a results framework, an activity matrix mapping activities to outcomes and a detailed M&E plan for the project, with baselines, targets and indicators.
    Consolidate inputs into the project’s CMEP and provide technical inputs to private sector in enhancing monitoring and remediation efforts of child labour, forced labour and decent work.
    Oversee the implementation and reporting of the project’s baseline survey.
    Establish/maintain close relations with national authorities and project partners, especially with respect to M&E activities.
    Support the financial management of the project budget, with developing and regularly monitoring indicators and targets and coordinate M&E of project interventions at regional & national levels.
    Prepare and deliver capacity building for project staff, stakeholders and project partners on M&E of activities.
    Prepare progress and ad hoc reports on activities, collect and analyse information on child labour, forced labour and decent work and data gaps; provide inputs and data for conferences, seminars, workshops, training sessions and meetings and support awareness raising and capacity building activities with data.
    Draft, edit in, or translate into local language(s) various documents and reports, ensuring adequate integration of relevant data and progress indicators.
    Conduct regular, as well as end-of-project final analysis on CMEP indicator data, and overall results analysis.
    Undertake any other relevant duties requested by the Project Manager.

    Required qualifications

    Advanced university degree in statistics, economics, public policy, social sciences, international development, or a related field, with substantial specialisation in quantitative analysis. Master’s degree or Bachelor plus an advanced certificate in M&E, statistics, or economics preferred.


    At least five years of progressively responsible relevant professional experience, of which at least three in a in a senior M&E position responsible for implementing M&E activities of international development projects.
    Experience working in a USDOL funded project would be an advantage, as would previous experience working in the region with projects related to child labour, forced labour and decent work.

    Excellent command of English and good working knowledge of French. Proficiency in Swahili would be an asset.

    Apply via :

  • Employment Intensive Investment Programme 

Consultancy to support refugees’ inclusion

    Employment Intensive Investment Programme Consultancy to support refugees’ inclusion

    The consultant will contribute to the broader objective of using EIIP approaches to enhance the employability of youth and women in Turkana County trough equipping local institutions (Turkana County Department of Public Works, and the Lodwar Technical and Vocational Education Training Centre with knowledge and skills on cobblestone paving technology”.
    The excol will support setting up of cobble stone skills training, and design of labor based works for the Lodwar Fresh Produce Market paving works as well as overseeing the construction of sanitation blocks.
    Scope of work

    The scope of the consultancy work includes but not limited to:
    Create cobblestone training capacity through training of Trainers selected from the Lodwar TVET centre target being 50 young women and men who will be engaged on labour intensive infrastructure development and maintenance works. Out of the above 15 will be locally based small scale contractors and their staff.
    Formulate and implement cobblestone demonstration project as part of practical training.
    Coordinate and oversee the construction of ablution blocks to be constructed in the Lodwar Fresh Produce Market


    Specific activities to be undertaken shall include:

    Output area 1: Prepare detailed cobblestone training programme and conduct training and awareness workshop.

    Draft training programme based on rapid needs assessment;
    Identify cobblestone production site and produce illustrations and bill of qualities as well as resource plan;
    Conduct training needs and competency assessment on targeted trainees;
    Prepare training modules based on existing ILO training as well as reference materials;
    Participate in conducting awareness creation workshop targeting ILO constituents, heads of departments, engineers, and other stakeholders, and
    Conduct Training of trainers for the first batch of institutions and other trainees. The training will involve at least one week of classroom and three weeks of practical training. This training involves both Chiselling and Paving, which require special skills training to prepare (cut) the stones and carry out all paving activities in accordance with the required quality specifications. The awareness and theoretical training will be conducted in collaboration with ILO EIIP specialists.
    Conduct training for selected Chisellers on quarry site. The training will include cobblestone cutting as well as life skills training including financial literacy, OSH, etc.


    Outline of the demonstration site
    Training modules and teaching material for cobblestone technology
    ToT training delivered to the beneficiaries
    Cobblestone training competency framework developed

    Output area 2: Cobblestone site demonstration and mentorship to trainees.

    Support the Project implementers (Lodwar TVET Centre) procurement units in identifying and procuring the right tools and materials necessary for the cobblestone trial project;
    Take part in the design, set out, construction and monitoring of the trial project;
    Provide technical mentorship, based on agreed training plan and monitor the progress of the trainees as they execute trial projects, and
    With the guidance from the EIIP Specialists, develop the cobblestone project procurement procedures with the district procurement unit, including bidding documents, general and special conditions of contracts, contract formats, technical requirements (including schedule of requirements, designs, specifications, bills of quantities) and additional forms and documents as necessary.


    Setting up demonstration project
    Mentorship programme developed and executed
    Procurement procedures, documents and templates for cobblestone projects developed
    Support given to the forum and the district in procuring tools (specification of tools and identification of suppliers etc.)

    Output area 3: The Lodwar TVET Centre supported in developing promotional materials on cobblestone technology.

    Provide supporting materials for developing promotional materials of cobblestone technology.


    Promotional materials developed

    Organization of and Conduct of the Consultancy
    The consultant will report to the Director ILO CO-Dar Es Salaam and works under the overall guidance of the ILO PROSPECTS team in Nairobi, Kenya, and the PROSPECTS EIIP Technical Specialist based in Addis Ababa. The consultant is further expected to work in close coordination with the ILO EIIP Senior Specialist in Pretoria.
    The Consultant will submit the following reports:

    Inception report: the consultant will prepare an inception report detailing implementation methodology, list of activities and sub-activities as well as implementation timeline, proposed consultant’s personnel deployment schedule, etc;
    Draft completion report: outlining the organization and delivery of cobblestone training, and demonstration project, mentorship as well as a recommendations relating to the improvement in training capacity for cobblestone technology.

    The consultant shall submit 3 hard copies and an electronic copy of all the documentation prepared in the course of the consultancy work to ILO within the time specified above.
    Time Frame & Input
    The assignment will be implemented over a period of five months from the time of contracting. The following are the total expertise/inputs required for the Consultancy services:
    Designation: Cobblestone Trainer and Materials Technician
    Needed qualification/expertise: Shall be a higher diploma holder in materials testing and with certificate on ToT on cobblestone works. He/she must have extensive experience in materials testing in the road sub-sector and training delivery
    Input person- days: 50
    The total estimated project input shall be about 30 person-days.
    Essential Qualification and Experience

    The prospective consultants should possess a Diploma in civil engineering or equivalent qualification.
    He /she should also possess proven experiences on training delivery, materials testing and alternative road paving technologies including Cobblestone.

    Facilities to be provided
    The Lodwar TVET Centre will provide working offices and will ensure that the Consultant is introduced to the staff of the relevant authorities in the road sector and is fully supported in carrying out its activities. The institution will also avail all the necessary and relevant documentation for use by the consultant and assign suitable staff to work with the Consultant. The ILO will share on technical and training materials related cobblestone paving technology.
    The Consultant will make his/her own arrangements regarding computer hardware and software, stationery, communication, local transport, etc.
    Terms of Payment
    The consultant’s payment will be comprised of:
    Fee: Payment to cover for the services provided to carry out this assignment as per the TOR.
    30% of fees shall be paid upon delivery of the following output 1 results within 1 week of contracting: –
    Output area 1: Prepare detailed cobblestone training programme and conduct training and awareness workshop.

    Draft training programme based on rapid needs assessment;
    Identify cobblestone production site and produce illustrations and bill of qualities as well as resource plan;
    Conduct training needs and competency assessment on targeted trainees;
    Prepare training modules based on existing ILO training as well as reference materials;
    Participate in conducting awareness creation workshop targeting ILO constituents, heads of departments, engineers, and other stakeholders,
    The balance of the agreed fees (70%) shall be upon completion of the assignment to satisfaction of the ILO
    Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA): To cover the consultant’s daily expenses when traveling to project site. DSA shall be reimbursed based on actual missions taken.
    Local travel: ILO shall reimburse all costs related local travel.

    no later than Tuesday 19th April 2022

    go to method of application »

    Interested persons should submit their expression of interest including technical and financial proposals (Max. 4 pages) and CVs to E- mail: , Quoting “The Job Tittle” the applicants will be contacted.

    Apply via :

  • Prospects Consultancy: Haba Haba extension to refugees

    Prospects Consultancy: Haba Haba extension to refugees

    Scope of Work
    Objectives of the study
    The objective of this consultancy is to conduct an assessment of Haba Haba’s design and possibilities for inclusion of refugees.
    The specific objectives are:

    Mapping and analysis (design and functioning) of social security schemes targeting informal economy workers with particular focus on NSSF Haba Haba product.
    Rapid review of barriers and challenges preventing uptake social security schemes such as the Haba Haba product by migrant workers, refugees and host communities in Nairobi and Turkana County including their ability / willingness to pay and awareness of social security products targeting workers in the informal sector.
    Recommend strategies for unlocking barriers and expanding coverage of social security schemes such as the Haba Haba product towards refugees and migrant workers.
    Support ILO in the technical preparation of a workshop with key stakeholders (NSSF, COTU, FKE, Informal economy member organizations, Government among others).
    Preparation of a concise report outlining challenges and recommendations for improvement to expand uptake.

    The consultant will conduct a desk review to understand best practices of social security extension in relation to inclusion of refugees and migrant workers at global, regional and country level. In order to establish possibilities to expand uptake of the Haba Haba scheme and to evaluate the target groups’ willingness and ability to pay into such a scheme, the consultant will further collect data from refugees and migrant workers in urban Nairobi and Kakuma through focus group discussions. In addition, few interviews of current Haba Haba contributors will inform satisfaction of current beneficiaries. The consultant will further conduct key informant interviews with key stakeholders at national and county level, as well as at the refugee camp.
    On the basis of the findings, the consultant will support ILO in the organisation of a consultative meetings / forums with key stakeholders on expansion of social security to refugees and migrants; and host communities living in Turkana county. The relevant stakeholders will include NSSF, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Public Service, Gender, Senior Citizens and Special Programmes, COTU, FKE, Attorney General, The Treasury, UNHCR, Refugee Camp Administrators among others.
    The assignment should take into account the needs of special groups to include refugees and migrant workers with disabilities and those living with HIV, as well as gender sensitivities with regard to contributory capacity and relevance of social protection services.
    The study including the consultation workshop is planned to be carried in Q2 of 2022.
    Expected Deliverables
    The consultancy will be expected to deliver the following:
    Inception Report

    Desk review of information
    Submit assignment inception report; capturing the document review, methodology & outline of assessment.

    Data Collection, Analysis

    Collect data, analyse and develop preliminary report.

    Stakeholder workshop

    Support ILO in the organization and technical preparation of a stakeholder forum.

    Final report

    Review comments and inputs from key stakeholders.
    Submit final report with recommendations.

    Required qualifications, desired competencies, technical background and experience

    Relevant advanced academic degree (Social sciences, development studies, economics or related fields ); knowledge of social protection programs; labour markets;
    Demonstrated international/local experience in working on social protection policies or schemes, assessments and studies;
    Specific experience in undertaking complex social, economic and providing authoritative analysis and guidance for policy makers.
    Experience working with NSSF, refugees and / or informal economy desirable.
    Excellent writing and communication skills in English.

    Interested applicants should submit their expression of interest including technical and financial proposals (Max. 3 pages) and CVs to to reach no later than 30th April 2022, quoting “PROSPECTS Consultancy: Haba Haba extension to refugees” in the subject.

    Apply via :

  • Consultant to Support Strategic Plan Development

    Consultant to Support Strategic Plan Development

    Scope of the work
    The consultant(s) are expected to undertake the following:
    Review relevant background documents: The consultant(s) will conduct an initial review of the existing GCSP 2014-2016, other relevant reports from the GCCI, and reports related to private sector and SME development in Garissa produced by the ILO and other relevant partners to gather an understanding of the role of the GCSP, the business environment (including for MSMEs and cooperatives) and context in Garissa County, including in the Dadaab Refugee Camp. **
    Deliver a market and institutional assessment report: Based on the initial document review, the consultants will deliver a maximum 10-page summary report describing the businesses in Garissa and the environment in which they operate. The report should identify the main challenges and opportunities for inclusive private sector development in Garissa County. The report should also highlight specific challenges and opportunities available for refugees and for women owned businesses in refugee and hosting communities. The report should also include an institutional assessment showing the strengths and weaknesses of the Garissa Chamber of Commerce.**
    Design a strategy and business plan for GCCI The consultant will consultatively design a strategy to develop the private sector actors in Garissa based on the strengths and addressing weaknesses of GCCI, maximizing identified opportunities while mitigating the challenges for private sector development in Garissa County. The strategy should follow a market-based logic that envisions both push and pull dynamics. In this sense, push interventions are those that focus on building the necessary capacities of entrepreneurs, SMEs (including cooperatives) and larger enterprises to access market opportunities and include things like business management competencies, technical skills and soft skills such as communication, risk management and negotiation. Pull interventions are those that focus on establishing business linkages and creating inclusive growth in economic sectors of importance in Garissa County. **
    The strategy and business plan is expected to deliver a clear plan on what will be delivered by who, when and the expected results, including a complete list of stakeholders to be consulted for the development of the strategy, the ways in which stakeholder dialogues and consultations will take place, a revised timeline for the development of the GCSP and any other additional methodological considerations, including key knowledge gaps. The methodological note should outline the steps that consultants will take to ensure inclusion and representation of SMEs, women and members of refugee communities in consultation processes.
    In order to ensure the ownership of the GCSP remains with the GCCI and reflects the interests of the private sector of Garissa County, the consultant will engage key stakeholders including sector representatives in the KNNC-Garissa in a series of dialogues throughout the drafting process. During these dialogues, consultants will capture key messages and priorities to be included in the strategy. **

    Deliver a draft GCSP: Consultant will deliver a draft GCSP to be reviewed by the ILO and relevant stakeholders, including the GCCI. The draft GCSDP should not exceed 30 pages and should include clear strategic points for the development of SMEs and Cooperatives, including those led by women and men in refugee and host communities. The draft GCSP should be clearly informed by the document review and stakeholder dialogues and consultations. It should also align to the National Chamber’s strategy, and Kenya’s economic blueprint as described in the Vision 2030.

    The draft GCSP should propose both push and pull strategies to support private sector development in Garissa, where push strategies aim to build the capacities of enterprises, and pull strategies aim to attractive investment and create inclusive economic growth.
    Validate the GCSP and prioritize key interventions: Once the consultant has integrated key inputs into the draft GCSP, they will facilitate a validation workshop with the GCCI and key stakeholders to present and validate the GCSP and to start discussing a concrete roadmap for its implementation.
    Deliver final GCSP: Following the validation workshop, the consultant(s) will integrate final inputs received during the validation workshop and deliver a final GCSP.
    Deliver roadmap for implementation of the GCSP: Based on the inputs received during the validation workshop and additional consultations as needed, the consultant(s) will propose a concrete roadmap for the implementation of the GCSP over a five-year period, with clear activities outlined for years 1 and 2 of implementation.
    Required competencies

    Consultant should have a masters level degree and demonstrated experience in private sector development.
    Very good knowledge of the role of the Chamber of Commerce, and membership business support institutions.,
    Demonstrated capacity to liaise and communicate efficiently
    Experience in strategy development
    Understanding of Garissa County context, and role of the refugee population in the Garissa business ecosystem will be an added advantage.

    Interested applicants should submit their expression of interest in conducting the assignment including technical and financial proposals (Max. 5 pages) and Cvs to E- mail: to reach no later than Sunday 10th April 2022, Quoting “**Garissa Chamber Strategy**

    Apply via :

  • NEA’s Labour Migration Management Information System

    NEA’s Labour Migration Management Information System

    Scope of the Consultancy

    The consultant is expected to carry out the following:

    Study the workflow of labour migration

    Analyse how NEA, State Department of Labour, Directorate of Immigration and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Embassies) execute their mandate on labour migration cycle,
    Establish how the ideal workflow set-up on labour migration in Kenya should look like
    Identify bottlenecks and other technology chronic problems on the existing information system,
    Anticipate the changes in the future and how technology needs are likely to look like

    Review existing NEA information system

    Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the existing NEA information system.
    Examine the hardware and software technology deployed considering the functionality, age and availability of spare parts.
    Record software release version, patches, and which business processes the hardware is used to support.
    Figure out how this technology affect the workflow of labour migration processes in Kenya
    Establish if Government of Kenya is utilizing the existing technology to the fullest potential

    Consider Alternative Information Systems

    Draw comparisons with other existing technologies on the market
    Guide the Government of Kenya on the best model(s) and approach to improve the existing technologies

    Assess the Resource Needs

    Estimate the financial needs of the upgrade/development and publicity of the NEA system to optimal
    Advise on the level and availability of technical expertise to support NEA in the upgrade/development the ideal information system

    The assignment is expected to be completed in a maximum of fifteen (15) consultive days from the date of signing of the contract.
    Required Competency and Qualifications

    The consultant is expected to have reputable experience in developing databases and networking of similar nature and be able to present evidence of past engagement similar to this one
    He should hold master’s degree in software engineering, computer science or similar from a reputable university.
    He should possess at least 3 years of experience and excellent knowledge of database and networking
    Ability to solve problems creatively and adapt her/his style, creativity and imagination while enjoying creative work
    Understanding and Knowledge of the subject matter (labour migration) and the target group.
    Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing, ability to accommodate feedback

    Evaluation Process and Criteria
    The evaluation process would be as shown below. In summary, the proposals will be evaluated on a weighted score of 70/30 for Technical/Financial relative score of 70/30.
    Technical proposal evaluation criteria
    In evaluating the technical proposal, the score allotted in the next table shall be used.
    Evaluation Dimension
    Consultant’s Qualification and Experience of Consultant

    Possess master’s degree in software engineering, computer science or similar from a reputable university.
    Proven reputable experience in designing developing databases of similar nature and be able to past projects
    Proven ability to communicate effectively in English both orally and in writing, ability to accommodate feedback;
    Excellent report writing skills
    Understanding and knowledge on labour migration is an added advantage**Max Score 30**

    Methodology and Approach to the Assignment

    · The proposal responds comprehensively to the TORs
    · Sound participatory methodology to the assignment
    · Well outlined implementation and management plan
    · Major risks and mitigation options identified in the proposal**Max Score 40**

    Total 70
    The minimum total score required from the technical proposal to be able to proceed for evaluating the financial proposal will be 49/70 which is an equivalent of 70%
    Evaluation of the Financial Proposal
    The financial proposal offers having passed the technical review will be considered. The financial offer will account for 30% of the final score. The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal will be allocated to the lowest priced proposal. All other price proposals receive pro-rated points according to the following formula: p = y (x/z), where: p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal x = price of the lowest priced proposal z = price of the proposal being evaluated. The proposal obtaining the overall highest score, after adding the score of the technical and the financial proposals, is the one that offers best value for money.
    The financial proposal should detail all lines of envisaged expenditure. For each line, the unit cost, the quantity of units, and the total cost should be provided.
    Technical and Financial Proposal evaluation will be based on the following percentage combination.
    Technical Proposal 70
    Financial proposal 30
    Total 100
    Deliverables with payment Schedule
    Payments upon submission to ILO satisfaction of the deliverables and in line with the following payment tranches:

    Inception report: detailed inception report explaining firm’s understanding of the ToR/assignment, methodology and work plan
    Execution and final report of the assignment

    Payment tranches

    First tranche: 30% of total contract value will be payable up on submission of the revised inception report to the satisfaction of the ILO
    70% after completion

    Time frame

    5 days
    10 days

    Note: As ILO procedure the office will not cover receiver’s side bank charges
    Management Arrangements
    The consultant will work under the direct supervision of the project Chief Technical Advisor based in Djibouti and the management of NEA based in Nairobi, Kenya. It will also get technical back stopping support from other experts in the region and Headquarters as needed. All information and assets related to the toolkit will be property of NEA.

    Interested applicants (individuals only) should submit their technical and financial proposal in a separate email with the subject to “application: Needs Assessment for NEA’s Labour Migration Management Information System – Technical Proposal” and “application: Needs Assessment for NEA’s Labour Migration Management Information System – Financial Proposal” to: latest by 27 March 2022, 5:00 pm East Africa time;

    Apply via :

  • Graphic Designer 

ICT Software Developer

    Graphic Designer ICT Software Developer

    The Automobile Association of Kenya (AAK) is the largest motoring organization in Kenya with affiliation to FIA. For over 102 years AA has played a major role in defining the Automobile industry in Kenya. Our ultimate goal is to provide a favorable work environment for talent
    development and innovation.We are seeking an innovative individual to fill the position of Graphic Designer in the PR and Marketing department. The successful candidate will drive AA Kenya Business by developing marketing materials that will improve our brand visibility and market our products and services in more creative ways.
    Key Performance areas

    Origination & ideation of designs and illustrations
    Design Output according to provided brief
    Teamwork, attitude, motivation & disposition
    Client engagement & satisfaction

    Required Knowledge and Skills

    Relevant graduate Degree
    Diploma in Graphic Design.
    Working experience of at least 1 year in graphic design and animations.
    Proven development experience in creative design, 3D animations and video production
    and editing.
    A track record of delivering creative works.

    Desirable skills

    Creative design skills
    Good organisational and time management skills
    Accuracy and attention to detail.
    Mathematical aptitude and strong problem-solving skills
    An understanding of the latest trends and their effect on a business environment.
    Teamwork skills, because most projects require input from individuals in different roles.
    Self-development skills to keep up to date with fast-changing trends.

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    To apply, please forward your cover letter, CV and your portfolio to the 3rd March 2022. Please indicate “Graphic Designer” as your subject line or deliver hardcopies to any of our branches near the 2nd March 2022. Please indicate “Software Developer” as your subject line or deliver hard copies to any of our branches near

    Apply via :

  • National Project Coordinator – Monitoring and Evaluation Officer NOB (DC)

    National Project Coordinator – Monitoring and Evaluation Officer NOB (DC)

    Reporting Lines: 
    The incumbent will work under the overall supervision of the Director of the ILO Country Office in Dar Es Salaam and the direct supervision of the Project Manager. He/She will receive technical guidance from the Senior M&E Officer of FUNDAMENTALS.
    Description of Duties

    Lead the development and implementation of the project’s Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (CMEP) including baseline, target and indicators and all stages from data collection to analysis, reporting and use towards accountability, management, and learning purposes. 
    Provide technical inputs, jointly with the project team, to private sector in enhancing monitoring and remediation efforts of child labour and  forced labour.
    Oversee the implementation and reporting of the project’s baseline studies (including survey, qualitative sub-studies, etc.)
    Conduct end-of-project final analysis on CMEP indicators data, and overall results analysis.
    Establish/maintain close relations with national authorities and project partners, especially with respect to M&E activities at data collection, analysis and use.
    coordinate all project M&E activities at regional & national levels.
    Prepare and deliver capacity building for project staff, stakeholders and project partners on M&E data collection, analysis, reporting and use.
    Prepare progress and ad hoc reports and documents on child labour, forced labour and decent work to address data gaps, disseminate project progress and learning and presentation of trends; provide inputs and data for conferences, seminars, workshops and other meetings and support awareness raising and capacity building activities with data in national and local languages as needed.
    Undertake any other relevant duties requested by the Project Manager.


    First level University degree in statistics, economics, public policy, social sciences, international development, or a related field, with substantial specialisation in quantitative analysis.


    At least three years of experience in project management, supervision, administration and implementation of grant/cooperative agreement requirements (including meeting deadlines, achieving targets, and overseeing the preparation and submission of required reports to the project donor).
    Technical requirements: Good knowledge of labour economics as well as economic developments, poverty reduction, and social policies. Knowledge of the policy making process.

    Excellent command of English and working knowledge of French. Proficiency in Swahili would be an asset.

    Strong commitment to personal and professional integrity. Proven ability to take ownership of all responsibilities, to act with integrity and transparency by maintaining social, ethical and organisational norms, and to meet all commitments within the prescribed time, cost and quality standards.
    Proven success in designing, implementing, and operating project M&E systems from project initiation to closeout stages. 
    Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation approaches for capacity-building projects. Experience in strategic planning and performance measurement, including indicator selection, target setting, reporting, and developing M&E and/performance monitoring plans. 
    Experience developing and refining data collection tools.
    Ability to facilitate and serve as project liaison for externally managed evaluations.
    Sound knowledge of Office’s policies, administrative procedures and practices. 
    Good knowledge of financial rules and regulations. 
    Ability to work effectively in a team. Excellent interpersonal skills. Tact and persuasiveness in dealing with people. 
    Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, including the ability to write accurate reports.
    Ability to train and build capacity of colleagues and partners in M&E systems. 
    Ability to work independently with minimum supervision.
    Ability to work in a multicultural environment and to demonstrate gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behaviour and attitudes. 
    Be proactive in propose innovative solutions.

    Apply via :

  • Branch Manager 

Direct Sales Representatives

    Branch Manager Direct Sales Representatives

    Reporting to: Head of Business Development
    Department: Business Development
    Job Summary
    The position holder will be responsible for coordinating all the branch activities including Business Development, People Management, Marketing, Public relations, and general administration.
    Minimum job requirements:
    For appointment to this position, one must possess:

    Degree in a Business Management Course or its equivalent.
    Experience in leading teams
    Excellent negotiation skills.
    Good presentation and communication skills.
    Strong interpersonal and relationship management skills.
    Experience in Sales and marketing will be an added advantage.

    go to method of application »

    To apply, please forward your CV to by the 26th of February 2022. Please indicate “Branch Manager”  or Direct Sales Representative as your subject line or deliver hard copies to any of our branches near you.

    Apply via :