Company Address: Address Kenya Medical Research Institute, Off Mbagathi Way Nairobi
We have the below vacancy in ADAPT (Adaptive Strategy for Preventing and Treating Lapses of Retention in Adult HIV Care (AdaPT-R) Study Position: Driver (1 Position) K MR/ 8 Vacancy No. FN-01-04-2021 Reports to: Study Administrator Duration: 1 Year Renewable Contract as per KEMRI Scheme of Service. The first 3 months is a probation period…
Laboratory Scientist Intern
Required Qualifications: Must possess a Bachelor’s degree (at least upper second class honours) in any of the following fields: Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology, Applied Sciences or any other equivalent qualification from a recognized institution. Below 30 years of age Terms of Engagement Appointment will be for a period of six (6) months. The successful candidate(s) will…
Social Science/Public Health Researcher
LOCATION: Eastern and Southern Africa Centre of International Parasite Control (ESACIPAC), Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), off Mbagathi Way, Nairobi REPORTING TO: Centre Director PROJECT PARTNERS: KEMRI, Eastern and Southern Africa Centre of International Parasite Control (ESACIPAC) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) ELIGIBILITY Must possess…
Laboratory Technician Performance Management, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer Planning and Strategy Officer Chef Cook Laundry Machine Operator/ Housekeeper Attendant
The KEMRI Innovation & Technology Transfer Division requires a Laboratory Technician. Key Responsibilities: Ensuring laboratory safety sample collection delivery and reception; Processing documentation and reporting Perform simple analytical and diagnostic work; Handling and disposing laboratory waste Collect, prepare and store research samples and specimen; Assist in field work Vacancy Requirements: Certificate in any of the…
Driver II Field/Community Technologist (Impact Evaluation) Clerk (Interviewer verbal autopsy – VA)
Vacancy: CGHR/187/02/21 Project description: The KEMRI/CGHR Malaria Program is a collaboration between Kenya Medical Research Institute, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. For the last 35 years, the Malaria Program has been conducting cutting-edge research and program evaluation in western Kenya to provide high quality data for…
Laboratory Technologist
Project Description: PREV_PKDL project is a collaboration between Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and the University of York, United Kingdom. The project aims to characterize host immune response and parasite related factors underlying Leishmaniasis disease development. The project is seeking to hire a Laboratory Technologist.Position: KMR/8 Reportingto: Principal Investigator Location: Centre for Clinical Research,KimalelHealth Centre,Baringo…
Clerk (Interviewer) Laboratory Interns Administrative Intern Laboratory Interns
J/G KMR 10 No of Positions: 6 Reports to: Research ScientistJob DescriptionThe Community Interviewer will report directly to the Research Scientist, he/she will be responsible for consenting study participants, collecting timely and accurate data in his/herassigned households. S/he must be flexible and work within the existing structure, in a professional and ethical manner with competence,…
Clerk (Interviewer) Data Specialist Field Supervisor Clerk (Data) Laboratory Interns Administrative Intern Administrative Assistant
Vacancy: CGHR /178/02/21 Program Description: The Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will be conducting a large community-based study of Attractive Targeted Sugar Bait (ATSB) aimed at reducing malaria transmission in western Kenya. The 3-year project is part of a larger…
Project Data Officer Data Intern Laboratory Analyst
Reports to: Data Manager JOB PURPOSE To assist in the daily running of data management systems, installation and maintenance of computer hardware, software and networks. RESPONSIBILITIES Conduct routine data quality/control audit controls on study generated data. Perform data quality and control procedures. Compile data, clean, transcribe onto database and submit data reports to research investigators.…
Clinical Research Scientist Research Administrator Research Scientist Administration and ICT (Internship Announcement) Human Resource Management Officer Office Assistant hnhn
Vacancy No.CGHR/167/01/21 Project description: The Kenya Medical Research Institute(KEMRI), Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM)and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)will be conducting a large community-based study of Attractive Targeted Sugar Bait (ATSB) aimed at reducing malaria transmission in western Kenya.The 3-year project is part of a larger international ATSB consortium involving three countries…