Crown Agents Ltd

Working side by side with governments and people across the world we help countries to perform better/
We are an international development company that partners with governments, aid agencies, NGOs and companies in nearly 100 countries. Taking on clients’ fundamental challenges, we make las… read moreting change to the systems and organisations that are vital for people’s well-being and prosperity.
We bring an agile and resourceful approach to complex development issues.
What we do
We help countries grow their economies, strengthen their health systems and improve financial management. We do this by providing consultancy and training in health systems strengthening, trade and growth, public private partnerships, public financial management and governance. We are one of the world’s leading experts in public procurement and supply chain management.
Local solutions
We are a stakeholder in the development and performance of the countries we work in. We have worked with many of our client countries for several decades. We have permanent offices in 22 countries and presence in another 18 through our project offices and representatives.
Our history and status
We are a limited company owned by a non-profit-making foundation. The Crown Agents Foundation is our sole shareholder and oversees our ethos and activities. The Crown Agents Board is responsible for the company’s corporate governance.
We have subsidiaries in 12 countries, including Crown Agents USA Inc, Crown Agents Japan KK.
We were founded in 1833 and operated as a British statutory corporation for many years before being privatised in 1997.
Crown Agents Limited is registered in England and Wales No. 3259922.
We’re proud to be a member of Social Enterprise UK, the membership body for UK-based social enterprises and the leading global authority on social enterprise.



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