Application Deadline: Application Deadline May 15, 2020

  • Video Journalist

    Video Journalist

    Switch TV, an engaging, positive and progressive national general entertainment channel for young adults with the vision to expand internationally is recruiting. The Vision of Switch TV is to be the most influential platform for educating and empowering the youth to solve humanitarian issues in Kenya, in Africa and the whole world. Established in 2017 we plan to operate a valuable portfolio of news, info and edutainment networks, significant television production operations.
    Switch TV is fully owned by the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS).
    Reporting to:                Broadcast Systems Technician & Field Supervisor
    Responsible for field and post-production operations while ensuring quality control.

    Assemble, prepare and set up equipment prior to filming/editing.
    In charge of a whole set of equipment assigned; ensure equipment is in good operational state by cleaning, general maintenance and repair (if need be).
    Innovate and experiment with ideas; contribute original ideas to improve the visual and journalistic content of the story and awareness of the different styles and formats.
    Offer advice on how best to shoot a scene, explain the visual impact created by particular shots and translate the same into a good edited piece.
    Shoot and edit for all platforms; Television and Digital/online.
    Quality control: Shooting video of the highest quality for either live transmission or recording, providing a representative visual and audio account of events. Check colour temperatures, exposure and luminance in order to maintain broadcast quality standards in both video and audio sequences.
    Ensure that the selected shots are well balanced on screen and relevant to the message.
    Check peak levels to ensure clarity of up-sounds/commentary/music as per set standards.
    Handle the filming & video editing equipment carefully to ensure that it is in proper working order and to report any malfunction and/or breakage to the relevant officer for resolution.
    Daily Reports.


    University Degree or Diploma in Media Technology/TV or Film Production.
    Minimum 2 years of camera operations and editing experience.
    Experience in a busy broadcasting station.
    Familiarity with broadcasting environment, practicing a range of location craft skills e.g. camerawork, lighting, editing and on- location facilities.
    Ability to visualize production scripts and other verbal or written instructions
    Systematic planner and Good Organizer
    Attention to detail.
    Thrive in a high-pressure environment.
    Team work
    Timely and proper Communication
    Flexibility to work demands
    Proper planning and organisation
    Broadcast operations knowledge
    Quick decision making

  • Rapid Socio-Economic Assessment on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkana County, Kenya

    Rapid Socio-Economic Assessment on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkana County, Kenya

    The COVID-19 pandemic has moved rapidly beyond an international health pandemic to heralding a global socio-economic crisis not seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s.[1] According to the ILO, the pandemic is devastating labour markets, creating a disproportionate impact on certain segments of the population, [2] including women and youth.[3] Forcibly displaced populations, including refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), and hosting communities will be among the hardest hit.[4] The overwhelming majority of the forcibly displaced are hosted in developing countries with limited resources and capacities to respond to such an unprecedented situation.[5]
    Kenya recorded the first case of Covid-19 on 13th March 2020, and as of 6th May 2020, 582 cases had been reported, with 26 deaths. The Government of Kenya has since enforced a raft of measures to stop the spread of the disease, including ban on international passenger travels, restriction of movement in and out of four hotspot counties including the capital Nairobi, and a 7PM to 5.00AM countrywide curfew; among other measures. Movement of goods and manufacturing has continued, albeit at a smaller scale. Key economic sectors that drive Kenya’s GDP growth and employ high numbers of workers have been gravely affected by the pandemic (tourism, horticulture, export and import). The Central Bank of Kenya has since downgraded economic growth prospects for 2020 from 6.2% to a conservative 3.4 %, in light of the pandemic, citing disruption in domestic production and reduced demand by global trade partners. The informal economy, which accounts for up to 83% of employment in Kenya and where most refugees and forcefully displaced persons work, has too experienced disruptions. Many workers in the informal economy becoming more vulnerable to joblessness and poverty.
    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, forcibly displaced persons were confronted with a range of challenges, including loss of assets and psychological trauma, limited access to rights and services including education, lack of opportunities, numerous protection risks and a lack of a planning horizon. Host communities, which tend to be among the poorest in their country, typically located in lagging regions, have had to pursue their own development efforts in an environment that has been transformed by a large inflow of newcomers.
    These populations are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19 as they face higher rates of unemployment and underemployment. Many refugee and IDP workers are either self-employed or casual workers most often in the informal economy and will be disproportionately hit as they do not have access to social protection including paid or sick leave systems, unemployment benefits amongst others. The gender dimension across these populations is especially acute as women also have less access to social protection and will bear a disproportionate burden in the care economy, in the case of closure of schools or care systems. In camp and settlement settings, these situations become heightened. Furthermore, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) among these populations, already at significant disadvantage in the labour market, will inevitably be more negatively affected by COVID-19 than others.
    The COVID-19 crisis is also threatening peaceful coexistence within countries, and this may become more pronounced between forcibly displaced and host communities. The resultant social economic impacts occasioned by differentiated access to services, livelihoods and especially health care, might lead to increased social tensions. Maintaining and further investing in social cohesion efforts will be particularly important for countries experiencing fragility resulting from forced displacement.
    Action is urgently needed to better understand the situation on the ground in the context of socio-economic impacts to be able to mitigate the plight of both forcibly displaced persons and host communities. Humanitarian assistance is of course critical, but insufficient when situations become protracted, and they need to be complemented by a development approach that is focused on the socio-economic dimensions of the crisis. The immediate short-term impacts are already placing millions of people in danger of falling into poverty,[6] and the situation will require major investment to support the recovery process, helping economies, local labour markets, societies and communities recover and ensuring that the most vulnerable are protected.
    PROSPECTS Partnership Programme
    UNICEF, UNHCR, ILO, IFC and the World Bank, in collaboration with and supported by the Government of the Netherlands, are implementing a joint and fully integrated approach to respond to the forced displacement situation in the Middle East and North Africa and the Horn of Africa by joining the partners’ efforts to develop a new paradigm in responding to forced displacement crises through the involvement of development actors.
    The PROSPECTS programme aims to help transform the way governments and other stakeholders, including the private sector, respond to forced displacement crises – and in particular:

    to enhance the enabling environment for the socio-economic inclusion of forcibly displaced persons (to mitigate their plight during years of exile and to best prepare them for their return);
    to enhance access to education and child protection for vulnerable children on the move; and
    to strengthen the resilience of host communities through inclusive socio-economic development that also benefits forcibly displaced persons.

    In this partnership, ILO brings significant expertise and experience in supporting enabling environments to underpin inclusive socio-economic growth and decent work, strengthen labour markets and promote access to improved working conditions and fundamental rights at work, including through the involvement of its tripartite national constituents. The ILO stimulates labour market demand and immediate job creation through employment-intensive investment, local economic and business development and promotion of specific value chains and market systems. It provides targeted support to labour market institutions, services and compliance and monitoring mechanisms that facilitate the integration of refugees into the labour market in accordance with its strong normative foundation of international labour standards. The ILO also brings expertise on technical and vocational education and training and on the recognition of prior learning for certifying the skills of refugees to better ensure access to the labour market, and methods for assessing labour market demand to provide the right skills to refugees needed by employers.
    Objective and scope of work
    As the impact of the crisis deepens around the world, governments, social partners, multilateral agencies, donors and other national and international stakeholders, will need support through access to relevant data on the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 at macro level. This data will be further reinforced by local impact assessments to be able to review the actual situation on the ground. In the context of the eight countries in the PROSPECTS programme, it will be crucial for national stakeholders, the PROSPECTS partners and others to have a more detailed understanding of the socio-economic situation in the targeted geographical intervention areas. To that end, the purpose of the assignment is to support the ILO specifically and national stakeholders and PROSPECTS partners more broadly through conducting rapid assessments in the intervention areas on the impacts of COVID-19 on jobs, livelihoods and key elements of the local socio-economic environment, including social cohesion.
    The assessment is expected to contribute significantly to the development of immediate responses that may contribute to repurposing Year 1 activities and at least providing evidence to better guide decision-making on future programme activities in the county. In addition, the rapid assessments are expected to assist in informing medium-term post-crisis recovery strategies for the PROSPECTS programme, supporting governments, including local governments, social partners and other stakeholders in this process. It is possible that the crisis could undermine gains made in improved policy and programmatic responses to forced displacement, further reinforcing the importance of targeted interventions to support efforts to avoid such negative impacts.
    The rapid assessments will seek to:

    Assess the current impact of the COVID-19 crisis, including government prevention and containment public health measures, on local labour markets (formal and informal) and the socio-economic environment in Turkana County; and
    Identify the needs of the targeted communities (host communities and refugees) to inform the subsequent responses that may lead to repurposing of activities and work plans and guidance on potential action in both the short and medium-term. This may include for example:

    better understanding of the delivery of WASH services to refugee, IDP and host communities to consider developing Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) responses to support these services;
    review of either existing health care facilities and infrastructure in targeted locations or gaps in availability that might require additional EIIP support to government public health responses;
    better understanding the level to which COVID-19 responses have closed down both formal and informal economic activities and what livelihoods activities might still be either functioning or possible;
    supporting public health awareness programmes in targeted communities;

    Assessing cash assistance and social protection to all communities to identify gaps and challenges that may lead refugee, IDP and host community families to adopt negative coping mechanisms.

    In relation to the point above on cash assistance and social protection, the pandemic may well create local socio-economic environments in which negative coping mechanisms, including child labour and other exploitative practices such as sexual exploitation, may appear and flourish. It may also lead to exploitation and abuse of vulnerable workers in the labour market (formal and informal). The assessments will therefore also seek information on these situations to better inform protection responses, especially in respect of the impact on women, children and PWDs.
    For the purpose of this assessment, surveys will be conducted targeting individuals, households, enterprises (formal and informal), cooperatives and other such associations; and institutions (public, private sector and non-governmental). The target population for the survey includes refugees and host communities in the County.
    Since data is lacking in terms of labour market and socio-economic impacts, it is essential that the assessment include questions that will assist in understanding changes brought about by the impact of COVID-19 on:
    Individuals or households

    Employment and self-employment (formal and informal) situation by status and sector (continuation or not of economic activities)
    Wages, incomes and needs
    Existence of coping measures to address COVID-19 in work places
    Caring responsibilities (children, elderly, PWDs) and needs
    Social cohesion between host and refugee/IDP communities (negative impact through increased social tension)
    Social protection coverage or availability of cash-based assistance programmes (and extent to which these meet actual needs)
    Access to other Covid-19 policy measures for workers and their families
    Immediate and medium-term concerns and needs

    Enterprises (including cooperatives)

    Formal (e.g. registered) or informal enterprise, including cooperatives
    Type and size of business (to establish qualification under MSME categories, including cooperatives)
    Output of enterprise and destination[7]
    Payment of wages
    Social security payments (if relevant)
    Prevention measures taken to address COVID-19 in the work place
    Operational status of business in current climate (e.g. current levels of capacity, sales, income, etc.)
    Challenges faced in continuing operations (e.g. impact of containment measures, supply chain bottlenecks, etc.)
    Access to Covid-19 measures to support enterprises including cooperatives (e.g. access to any financial relief, grants, etc.)

    Questions will also be required to ensure the availability of more qualitative data, including on quality of work and enterprise activity to identify exploitation and abuse where this exists, including situations of child labour. It is possible that social tensions may arise over the delivery of support services to the different communities which could be addressed through targeted interventions to establish equitable and inclusive service delivery that may reinforce social cohesion. Overall, this data is vitally important to identify potential short and medium-term responses that can be integrated into ILO country team work plans, in collaboration with PROSPECTS partners, central and local governments, social partners and other relevant stakeholders. Hence, the survey must also include questions to identify needs and expectations of these populations and enterprises during and in the aftermath of the crisis.
    Duties and responsibilities

    Conduct desk research to review measures introduced by the governments (national and county), including those that extend to health protection measures and economic support on both the demand- and supply-side (sample reference sources could include ILO COVID-19 country profiles[8] and other relevant international and national sources).
    Conduct mapping/review of existing or current assessments of relevant international and national organisations, in particular UNHCR and UNICEF, review measures being implemented for forcibly displaced populations, for example, closure of camps and restrictions on movement, and integrated these where relevant in the ILO rapid assessment.
    Develop surveys targeting individuals, households and enterprises. The surveys should include questions to understand the impact of COVID-19 on local labour markets and socio-economic environments, and identify needs of forcibly displaced and host community populations to inform subsequent response actions as explained above.
    Design a rapid sampling plan to determine the sample frame, size and method to use in identifying the sample in targeted intervention areas of the PROSPECTS programme. The sample must include affected populations as relevant: refugees, IDPs and host communities. Baselines may be available from concerned agencies).
    Based on the sample selection, conduct face-to-face, online or telephone surveys, collaborating with others as necessary to support this process, for example, UNHCR.
    Prepare an indicative and actionable work plan with time frame and an estimated budget for short and medium-term interventions.
    Compile raw data, clean and check these for consistency.
    Analyse data, draft an interim report based on initial analysis of data and submit for comments and inputs.
    Finalise the report based on comments and submit to the satisfaction of the ILO.

    Expected deliverables and time frame
    The rapid assessment will take a maximum of 1 month for completion from initial desk research to finalization of the report after incorporating comments from the ILO.

    Desk review, survey questions and methodology including the sampling plan

    Indicative Deadline: Within 1 week upon signature of the contract**
    Indicative Amount of Payment: 40 % of the total contract amount

    Final report: Within max. 1 months upon signature of contract

    Indicative Amount of Payment: 60% of the total contract amount

    Desired background qualifications, experience and competences
    The consultant or service company should have the following experience, expertise and competences:

    Experience in primary information gathering, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with government, private sector, multilateral agencies, and other relevant key actors;
    Capacity to write high quality, concise and analytical reports;
    Experience in conducting labour market and socio-economic assessments (supply and demand elements of labour markets), including project and programme implementation at local level;
    Experience in research activities in forced displacement settings would be an advantage, as would experience in conducting assessments in Turkana County, and the East/Horn of Africa.
    Ability to collect data in Turkana during the assignment.

    [1] “Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19”, United Nations, March 2020:…
    [3] Transcript of video message by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, 9 April 2020:
    [4] “UNHCR warns social and economic consequences of pandemic may be worse than health impact”, Euronews, 10 April 2020:…
    [5] The forced displacement crisis has increased in scale and complexity in recent years. According to UNHCR, there were about 70.8 million forcibly displaced persons in 2018, of whom about 25.9 million refugees and asylum-seekers.
    [6] Research reveals that the economic impact of COVID-19 could push a further half a billion people into poverty unless urgent action is taken:
    [7] Note: Locally, the direct effects of COVID-19 are going to be either through the virus, containment of the virus or supply chains. For example, enterprises in the construction sector in rural areas might be less affected than those in manufacturing in urban settings.
    [8] COVID-19 and the world of work, Country policy responses, ILO, Geneva, 2020:–en…

  • Communication Specialist – Temp

    Communication Specialist – Temp

    Reporting Relationship: Country Director
    Responsible for management of the Country Office communications strategy that positions and showcases a coherent message on the organization’s core intent, the country’s programs and advocacy initiatives, and enhances visibility and brand recognition. Position supports both external and internal communications.

    Country Office Communications Strategy

    Implement a comprehensive in-country communication strategy that profiles the impact of ChildFund’s work, using written and visual storytelling.
    Develop, implement and maintain an in-country online communication presence using the web and social networks.
    Lead new approaches to creating and distributing multi-media content related to ChildFund in country.

    Content Creation and Management

    Create and deliver content – stories, photos, video, quotes, and other information – that help the organization build and nurture relationships with donors and the general public, globally. Proactively share stories and visual assets with the International Office and Alliance partners. Provide high-quality English translations of all story material.
    Storyteller – visual and written. In accordance with the global content calendar, collect stories, photos and video about children and their experiences of the sponsorship relationship and ChildFund’s programs, to show impact and build donor trust as well as engagement.
    Write, edit, and oversee the production of publications such as newsletters, annual report, brochures, policy planning reports, etc.
    Coach local partner staff on capturing and sharing stories, photos and videos about children and their experiences of the sponsorship relationship and ChildFund’s programs.
    Ensure that all content deliverables comply with branding guidelines, child safeguarding standards and other controls of the organization.
    Support Program, Business Development and Advocacy teams in creation of collaterals and other published material. Ensure global awareness and access to final materials.
    Keep the International Office content contact apprised of Country Office initiatives, successes, events, holidays and other items of potential relevance to global communications, both internal and external.
    Manage rapid collection of child-focused quotes, stories, photo and video in the immediate aftermath of emergencies.
    Knowledge Management & Learning Support: Develop and/or ensure your teams develop learning and knowledge products that meet standards and enable organization-wide learning and sharing by documenting approaches, project and program designs and lessons, case studies and other knowledge products.

    Brand, Visibility/Representation

    Act as brand ambassador, responsible for in-country communications, including collateral print materials, country digital channels and for managing in-country media relations, all toward building the brand.
    Create and deliver content for public messages and branding of ChildFund in country.
    Raise awareness through media of the value and impact of major ChildFund projects in the country.
    Alert Country Office Director to potential reputation risks in country.
    Manage activities, communications, special events, workshops, meetings and conferences.

    Alliance Relationship Management

    Proactively and frequently prepare timely updates for ChildFund International website and/or members of ChildFund Alliance.
    In consultation and collaboration with Program & Sponsorship Director/Manager and Fundraising and Engagement, determine creative and innovative ways to address reporting requirements for ChildFund International programs for Alliance partners using the SMART system (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) and effective storytelling.

    Resource Mobilization

    Generate compelling marketing collateral to support ChildFund fundraising initiatives in country.

    Internal communications

    Serve as a member of the global internal communications team/network. Act as a champion for internal communications. Support development and execution of a global internal communications strategy and plan in partnership with senior leaders, based on assessment of audiences and needs. Curate, develop and edit content for a variety of internal communications mediums to promote “One ChildFund”, and deliver content across multiple channels and mediums, in multiple languages. Help select and roll out existing or new internal communications tools (in partnership with Knowledge Management & Learning and IT), and train senior leaders and staff in effective communications techniques and usage of tools. (if & when relevant) Support internal response to crisis situations which affect perception and reputation

    Child Safeguarding
    Remain alert and responsive to any child safeguarding risks, acquire relevant knowledge and skills which will enable you to promote strong safeguarding practices, understand the child safeguarding policy and procedures, and conduct yourself in a manner consistent with the Child Safeguarding Policy.


    5+ years of demonstrated work experience in journalism, marketing, public relations, media campaigns, and nonprofit communication or related area.
    Clear grasp of communications strategies and creativity in applying them to raise awareness of ChildFund’ s activities and achievements.
    Extensive event organization and promotion experience.
    Strong experience with website development and content management systems. Ability to express technical concepts in clear, simple language for diverse audiences, including the general public.
    Proficiency in use of social networking and new media tools.
    Analytical skills with knowledge and good understanding of global and national development issues.
    Proven extensive contact with editors and journalists from in-country media.
    Ability to work as part of a multi-cultural team and communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
    Excellent communications skills, written and oral; English required.
    Proficiency in Microsoft Office programs including Excel, Word and Outlook, as well as desktop and web-based publishing, photo and video editing tools.


    Bachelor’s degree or higher required in Public Relations/Journalism/Corporate Communications/Marketing Relations or related field.
    Equivalent relevant work experience maybe acceptable in lieu of degree.

    The Communication specialist can draw on the support of global team members in the development of his/her responsibilities. Preferably these global team members provide input into recruitment, performance planning and evaluation. The primary global team members for this position will be:
    Fundraising and engagement: Brand and Communications Manager
    Strategy (internal communications): Manager, Internal Communications
    ChildFund International is committed to safeguarding the interests, rights, and well-being of children with whom it is in contact and to conducting its programs and operations in a manner that is safe for children.
    Disclaimer: This job description is not an exhaustive list of the skill, effort, duties, and responsibilities associated with the position.

  • Conversion Supervisor

    Conversion Supervisor

    The ideal candidate should be highly organized and able to ensure that manufacturing remains a smooth and efficient process. The role requires ability to monitor employees and organize work flows. He must highly skilled in complex operations and able to comprehend the multifaceted nature of the manufacturing process. The ability to optimize day to day activities while minimizing costs is also essential to ensuring maximum quality and efficiency.

    Ensure all machines are well taken care of and maintained, any defects or malfunction reported immediately.
    Ensure timely completion of schedules.
    Monitor and control printing process to ensure requirements are met.
    Control and reduce machine waste to minimum levels.
    Strong knowledge of organizational work flow and ability to delegate by assigning responsibilities and formulating schedules.
    Ensure health and safety processes and procedures are adhered to and meet the highest standards.
    Reduce machine downtime and increase availability.
    Ensure compliance with ISO and other quality systems are adhered to at all times.
    Allocate and ensure efficient utilization of labour for optimum results.
    Ensure efficient utilization of utilities to minimize waste i.e. electricity.
    Ensure daily and weekly machine schedules are adhered to.
    Ensure employees under your supervision are well trained on proper housekeeping, machine safety and proper channels to report hazards.
    Ensure all employees are wearing their protective clothing at all times while at work.
    Record and report injuries as soon as they take place.
    Ability to generate and submit reports on performance and progress and requested.
    Strong coaching and training skills to onboard new employees, including instruction on safety i.e. how to safely use machinery and follow procedures.


    Diploma/Higher National Diploma in printing technology or its equivalent from a recognized institution
    10 Years of printing experience, of which, 5 should be at supervisory level.
    Experience in flexo printing technology will be an added advantage
    Experience with high speed TCY printing machines will be an added advantage.

  • Programme Consultant 

Internship with the Somalia Programme Unit

    Programme Consultant Internship with the Somalia Programme Unit

    Interpeace’s Somali programme is currently implementing a peacebuilding programme titled Talo Wadaag: Social Contract for Somalia. This is a four-year (1st July 2017-30th June 2021) programme funded by Government of Sweden and implemented by Interpeace, Academy for Peace and Development (APD) in Somaliland and Peace and Development Research Center (PDRC) in Puntland. The programme aims to contribute to sustainable peacebuilding and democratization in the Somali Region by strengthening citizen and stakeholder engagement in governance and conflict prevention and management through inclusive, participatory, citizen-centered processes and mechanisms. The programme has been working towards achieving the following outcomes: 1) Improving the understanding and capacity of citizens and civil society, particularly women and youth, to play an active role in ongoing peacebuilding and democratization processes; 2) Enabling democratization processes and policies to be more participatory, inclusive, and responsive to citizens, civil society, and other stakeholders; and 3) Enabling citizens, civil society, and decision makers  to increasingly use inclusive local infrastructures for peace to sustainably prevent, manage, and resolve conflict.
    Apart from implementing the Talo Wadaag programme, Interpeace is currently expanding its peacebuilding engagement to include new thematic areas, such as transitional justice and peace education amongst others. There is also geographic expansion to support peacebuilding processes across the different Federal Member States in Somalia by harnessing collaborations with other actors. In addition, Interpeace is in the process of developing a country strategy to guide its engagement in Somalia and Somaliland over the next five years. The consultant is expected to play a key role in supporting these efforts by working close with the Somali programme team and Somali partners.
    Scope of work
    Working as a member of the Somali Programme, under the supervision of the Country Coordinator, the Project Development and Support Consultant will provide technical expertise in advancing the work and efforts of Interpeace in the Somali region. Specifically, the Consultant will provide the following expertise:

    Identify funding opportunities and peacebuilding needs in the Somali region that the Interpeace Somali programme can explore.
    Prepare monthly analytical reports to update the Somali programme of emerging or on-going contextual issues with recommendations on the potential roles Interpeace can play.
    Provide support to the Somali programme’s on-going fundraising strategy. This will include playing a key role in developing concept notes and proposals.
    Support the development of Interpeace’s country strategy for Somalia and Somaliland.
    Review and provide technical inputs to the annual and bi-annual donor reports and programme documents for 2020.
    Lead on the development of a gender strategy for the National Independent Electoral Commission
    Provide any other additional support to the Interpeace Somali team as called upon.

    Activities, Deliverables and Timeframe
    The consultant will be engaged for an initial four months with possibility of extension.
    The consultant will be expected to produce the following deliverables:
    Find activities and deliverables here 

    A Master’s degree in Political Science, International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies, Development Studies, or related field or 8 years experience in peacebuilding and governance work in leu.
    Strong knowledge of and experience with conflict resolution, peacebuilding and reconciliation programme.
    Experience working in the Somali region and other conflict or post-conflict environments.
    Proven record of delivering professional outputs.
    Excellent English speaking and writing skills; Somali language skills are an asset.
    An ability to work within tight deadlines.

    Please note only Kenyan nationals and those with valid immigration status in the country will be considered.
    “Consultant Somali Programme” MUST BE included in the subject line of the application e-mail to be considered.

    go to method of application »

  • UI/UX Designer

    UI/UX Designer

    Principal Accountabilities

    Gather and evaluate user requirements together with the product and engineering team.
    Visualize design ideas using storyboards and conversion funnels.
    Design UI elements, mockups and prototypes.
    Prepare and present proposals to key stakeholders.
    Troubleshoot UX challenges (e.g. responsiveness).
    Conduct layout adjustments based on user feedback.
    Adhere to style standards on fonts, colors and images as per brand guideline.

    Skills & Competencies

    Strong communication skills.
    Excellent time-management.
    Ready for a challenge.


    Bachelor’s degree in design, communications, computer science, or related field.
    Familiarity with coding languages and specialized software programs.
    Proven work experience as a UI/UX Designer.
    Knowledge of wireframe tools such as InVision and design software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
    A strong portfolio of projects on both web and mobile products.

  • Vice-Chancellor


    KeMU is seeking to appoint an innovative individual with demonstrated high standards of personal and professional integrity as well as an outstanding track record in academic, research and business leadership for the position of Vice-Chancellor who will be the Chief Executive Officer of the University and expected to build a dynamic management team to execute the University’s vision and strategic direction.
    For appointment to the position of the Vice-Chancellor, a person shall:

    Be a Professor or Associate Professor, holder of an earned doctorate degree or equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya;
    Have thorough knowledge in the structural, legislative and regulatory framework for administering university education in Kenya;
    Have at least ten (10) years hands-on experience at a senior level in managing a large and complex university or equivalent institution with demonstrable leadership, and management capacity including knowledge of financial management and strategic people management;
    Be an accomplished scholar with proven track record and demonstrated evidence in formulating and managing academic programmes, supervising and mentoring Masters and PhD students;
    Have a proven track record of research as evidenced by publications in peer reviewed journals, monographs and books;
    Have demonstrable experience in networking, resource mobilization and project management;
    Be innovative visionary leader with capacity to build a dynamic management team;
    Have a demonstrable experience in transformative and strategic leadership;
    Must have good understanding of the current trends, education laws, policies and regulations governing the planning and management of Universities in Kenya; and
    Meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on leadership and integrity.

    Tenure of Office: As per the Kenya Methodist University Charter and Statutes, the Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a duration of five (5) years with the possibility of one term renewal for a further five (5) years subject to positive appraisal by Council.

  • Computer Science Teacher

    Computer Science Teacher

    The Academy is seeking to recruit a Computer Science Teacher for its Senior High Campus.
    Skills and Competence:

    B.A/B.Ed. in Computer Science.
    At least Six years demonstrable teaching experience in computer studies.
    Experience in IGCSE and GCE curriculum will be an added advantage.
    Experience in teaching A-level will be an added advantage.
    MUST be TSC registered.

    Experience and competence:

    Minimum of Five years teaching experience.
    Ability to organize and communicate effectively.
    Ability to work independently with minimal supervision.