Application Deadline: Application Deadline Mar 27, 2022

  • NEA’s Labour Migration Management Information System

    NEA’s Labour Migration Management Information System

    Scope of the Consultancy

    The consultant is expected to carry out the following:

    Study the workflow of labour migration

    Analyse how NEA, State Department of Labour, Directorate of Immigration and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Embassies) execute their mandate on labour migration cycle,
    Establish how the ideal workflow set-up on labour migration in Kenya should look like
    Identify bottlenecks and other technology chronic problems on the existing information system,
    Anticipate the changes in the future and how technology needs are likely to look like

    Review existing NEA information system

    Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the existing NEA information system.
    Examine the hardware and software technology deployed considering the functionality, age and availability of spare parts.
    Record software release version, patches, and which business processes the hardware is used to support.
    Figure out how this technology affect the workflow of labour migration processes in Kenya
    Establish if Government of Kenya is utilizing the existing technology to the fullest potential

    Consider Alternative Information Systems

    Draw comparisons with other existing technologies on the market
    Guide the Government of Kenya on the best model(s) and approach to improve the existing technologies

    Assess the Resource Needs

    Estimate the financial needs of the upgrade/development and publicity of the NEA system to optimal
    Advise on the level and availability of technical expertise to support NEA in the upgrade/development the ideal information system

    The assignment is expected to be completed in a maximum of fifteen (15) consultive days from the date of signing of the contract.
    Required Competency and Qualifications

    The consultant is expected to have reputable experience in developing databases and networking of similar nature and be able to present evidence of past engagement similar to this one
    He should hold master’s degree in software engineering, computer science or similar from a reputable university.
    He should possess at least 3 years of experience and excellent knowledge of database and networking
    Ability to solve problems creatively and adapt her/his style, creativity and imagination while enjoying creative work
    Understanding and Knowledge of the subject matter (labour migration) and the target group.
    Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing, ability to accommodate feedback

    Evaluation Process and Criteria
    The evaluation process would be as shown below. In summary, the proposals will be evaluated on a weighted score of 70/30 for Technical/Financial relative score of 70/30.
    Technical proposal evaluation criteria
    In evaluating the technical proposal, the score allotted in the next table shall be used.
    Evaluation Dimension
    Consultant’s Qualification and Experience of Consultant

    Possess master’s degree in software engineering, computer science or similar from a reputable university.
    Proven reputable experience in designing developing databases of similar nature and be able to past projects
    Proven ability to communicate effectively in English both orally and in writing, ability to accommodate feedback;
    Excellent report writing skills
    Understanding and knowledge on labour migration is an added advantage**Max Score 30**

    Methodology and Approach to the Assignment

    · The proposal responds comprehensively to the TORs
    · Sound participatory methodology to the assignment
    · Well outlined implementation and management plan
    · Major risks and mitigation options identified in the proposal**Max Score 40**

    Total 70
    The minimum total score required from the technical proposal to be able to proceed for evaluating the financial proposal will be 49/70 which is an equivalent of 70%
    Evaluation of the Financial Proposal
    The financial proposal offers having passed the technical review will be considered. The financial offer will account for 30% of the final score. The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal will be allocated to the lowest priced proposal. All other price proposals receive pro-rated points according to the following formula: p = y (x/z), where: p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal x = price of the lowest priced proposal z = price of the proposal being evaluated. The proposal obtaining the overall highest score, after adding the score of the technical and the financial proposals, is the one that offers best value for money.
    The financial proposal should detail all lines of envisaged expenditure. For each line, the unit cost, the quantity of units, and the total cost should be provided.
    Technical and Financial Proposal evaluation will be based on the following percentage combination.
    Technical Proposal 70
    Financial proposal 30
    Total 100
    Deliverables with payment Schedule
    Payments upon submission to ILO satisfaction of the deliverables and in line with the following payment tranches:

    Inception report: detailed inception report explaining firm’s understanding of the ToR/assignment, methodology and work plan
    Execution and final report of the assignment

    Payment tranches

    First tranche: 30% of total contract value will be payable up on submission of the revised inception report to the satisfaction of the ILO
    70% after completion

    Time frame

    5 days
    10 days

    Note: As ILO procedure the office will not cover receiver’s side bank charges
    Management Arrangements
    The consultant will work under the direct supervision of the project Chief Technical Advisor based in Djibouti and the management of NEA based in Nairobi, Kenya. It will also get technical back stopping support from other experts in the region and Headquarters as needed. All information and assets related to the toolkit will be property of NEA.

    Interested applicants (individuals only) should submit their technical and financial proposal in a separate email with the subject to “application: Needs Assessment for NEA’s Labour Migration Management Information System – Technical Proposal” and “application: Needs Assessment for NEA’s Labour Migration Management Information System – Financial Proposal” to: latest by 27 March 2022, 5:00 pm East Africa time;

    Apply via :

  • Assistant Storekeeper

    Assistant Storekeeper

    Reference Number: OAM/ADMIN/22/01
    Oshwal Academy Mombasa is seeking to appoint an experienced Assistant Store-keeper in the Academy’s Administration Department.
    Diploma in Procurement and Supplies Management or related field.
    Experience and Competence:

    At least two year’s demonstrable procurement and store-keeping experience.
    Knowledge of procurement processes, inventory and stock management.
    Good knowledge of stock taking, stock reports and reconciliation.
    Computer literacy and proficiency in MS Office.
    Excellent written and oral communication skills.
    Excellent planning and organisation skills.
    Ability to work independently as well as part of a team.
    Cautious and keen on detail.
    Must be willing to work under pressure.

    Method of ApplicationSubmit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to the title of the position as the subject of the emailClosing Date : 27 March. 2022

    Apply via :

  • Innovation Project Lead

    Innovation Project Lead

    The Opportunity:
    In this role as the Innovation Project Lead, you will be responsible for the success and scaling of the Equality Accelerator project, as well as for promoting innovation, digital inclusion, and feminist youth activist resourcing practices and movement building across Plan International. Equality Accelerator is an online platform where young activists can access accessible, sustainable, and democratic funding and non-financial opportunities. EA also includes a world-first smart flexible fund model with an inclusive, accessible, transparent application process; an agile, participatory selection process; and automated, youth-friendly reporting.
    You will act as product owner for the website, team of designers, web developers and QA consultants to ensure EA is maintained, up-to-date and that all bugs, glitches, or content errors are fixed in a timely fashion. You will also coordinate the development of new features or languages as EA to scaled to new contexts or as the need is identified. Additionally, you will coordinate the implementation of EA (both the website and the funding mechanism) across countries where it is currently being implemented, as well as identify opportunities to scale the project to new countries. Importantly, you will be responsible for resource mobilization to ensure the continued sustainability for the project. 
    Finally, you will be an ambassador for innovation, digital inclusion, youth-friendly feminist resourcing and movement building across the organization. This includes participating in other initiatives related to youth resourcing as well as coordinating with other innovation teams to promote joint learning.
    The Person:

    You will have extensive experience in managing complex projects in international settings, as well as some experience developing inclusive digital products and in human-centered design.
    You will also have a demonstrated interest in working on gender and feminism and principles of feminist leadership and social justice. Ideally, you will have specific experience working with youth-led movements, and have an understanding of the ways in which youth organisations work and their needs and challenges.

    Apply via :