Application Deadline: Application Deadline Jun 22, 2018

  • Fund Relations Assistant 

Data Analysis Supervisors NGO

    Fund Relations Assistant Data Analysis Supervisors NGO

    One Acre Fund’s Government Relations department is seeking to fill the position of a Local Government Relations Assistant (LGA). An officer in this position will be responsible for building effective local government relations which include participating in local government functions, producing and sharing quarterly reports, tracking local government concerns and supporting resolutions to risks that may emanate from local governments.
    The person will play an active role in coordinating our participation in internal and external field events which include input delivery field visits, harvest field visits and exhibition days among others. This is a crucial position which will determine how One Acre Fund engages with government and other stakeholders at the local level.

    Building and managing relationships with government officials at the county levels and below through meetings and organized functions
    Writing detailed reports of meetings held with stakeholders
    Tracking and participating in resolution of risks and issues affecting field-facing operations
    Coordinating One Acre Fund’s involvement in agriculture shows and other agriculture sector functions
    Planning and executing on logistics for events that the department holds in the field
    Collecting and delivering documents, reports, and invitations to officials and stakeholders
    Any other duties as may be assigned to you from time to time

    Job Requirements

    Certificate/Diploma and above from a recognized academic institution
    Public relations, community development or agriculture-related experience preferred
    Proven ability to manage relationships with government officials
    Computer skills in emailing, general internet use, and intermediate-to-advanced fluency with Microsoft Office, Excel, and PowerPoint
    Willingness to live in Kakamega, with extensive travels within Rift Valley and Western
    Strong written and oral communicator
    Fluency in Kiswahili and English; Kalenjin-speaking applicants are encouraged to apply
    Passion for serving smallholder farmers

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  • Digital Product Manager

    Digital Product Manager

    Job description
    Location: Embakasi, Nairobi
    The Digital Product manager will be responsible for the overall online product development strategy, managing and ensuring implementation of various initiatives across all digital platforms with the objective of increasing self-servicing penetration, revenue growth and customer acquisition.
    Job Requirements:

    Design, develop, test, optimize and maintain websites and applications according to current web standards and industry best practices.
    Create Vision Boards to communicate product enhancement goals, EPICs, metrics, and release priorities
    Develop and maintain the Product Backlog. Communicate release priorities, project progress and post-launch results
    Create wireframes and collaborate with 3rd party vendors to create mockups and prototypes. Solicit and negotiate design feedback from internal stakeholders.
    Lead the measurement and reporting of all ecommerce KPIs as well as conducting and presenting ad-hoc analyses and reports.
    Directly responsible for strategic and day-to-day support analytics needs around promotions and customer experience.
    Create strategy to optimize paid search and display campaigns
    Work with the agency to change bids and bid strategy with the seasons, keyword expansion, bid optimization, ad text optimization, reviewing costly keywords and evaluating negative keywords.
    Engage with technology and tools required to fuel paid search and website conversion success

    Key Requirements:

    Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in Information Systems, Computer Science, or Information technology with
    3+ years of experience in an e-commerce environment with product development, analytics and paid search.
    Thorough understanding of Internet technology and a strong understanding of how to apply internet into business strategy.
    3+ years of digital experience, including eCommerce and product management
    Working knowledge of web usability conventions, Responsive Design, Information Architecture and user testing.
    Expert in Google Analytics and Google AdWords with accompanying Google Certifications.
    Master level of understanding of paid search with experience of running paid advertising campaigns with these platforms preferable.
    Strong data analysis and problem-solving skills with sound knowledge of statistical and forecasting methods
    Strong understanding of e-commerce dashboards, web analytics, and statistics.

    Key Competencies

    Strong Commercial Orientation
    Excellent analytical skills.
    Project Management skills.
    Previous experience in managing third party vendor and internal services is essential.
    Ideally, the candidate must have worked on ancillary revenue in another airline or related business.
    Proven ability to negotiate and work within a multi-cultural environment.
    Excellent people management skills, proven negotiation and leadership capability.

  • Senior Consultant – Mid-Term Evaluation Of Eu-Ifad Grant

    Senior Consultant – Mid-Term Evaluation Of Eu-Ifad Grant

    Terms of Reference
    Mid-term Evaluation of EU-IFAD Grant
    Restoration of degraded land for food security and poverty reduction in East Africa and the Sahel: taking successes in land restoration to scale
    Period 2015-2017

    EU – European Union
    ICARDA – International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas
    ICRAF – International Centre for Research in Agroforestry
    ICRISAT – International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
    IEA – Independent Evaluation Arrangement
    IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development
    ILRI – International Livestock Research Institute
    QA – Quality Assurance
    TOR – Terms of Reference

    The International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) will commission a mid-term evaluation of the project Restoration of degraded land for food security and poverty reduction in East Africa and the Sahel: taking successes in land restoration to scale. The International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) implements the project together with ICARDA the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). This evaluation aims to provide accountability and learning to the project stakeholders.
    Context and Project Background
    Land degradation currently affects over 40% of the world’s land resources, negatively impacting ecosystems and their ability to sustain productivity. Restoration of degraded land can be a key pathway to achieving food security and exiting poverty for some of the most vulnerable people living in Africa’s drylands. In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, successful restoration efforts need to be taken to scale, both reaching a larger number of farmers and covering larger areas (millions of hectares) over the coming decade. This research aims at transformative outcomes by placing farmers at the center of land restoration efforts.
    The major challenge when scaling land restoration interventions is to adapt them to the wide range of ecological, economic, sociological and institutional contexts that exist across scales, from individual households to villages and landscapes. While specific technical interventions to restore degraded land may in themselves be simple, selecting, adapting and combining solutions to suit local contexts that will facilitate wide scale adoption, requires innovative new ways of engaging farmers and other stakeholders. This report documents significant advances in measuring performance of restoration options across contexts, revealing how appropriate, locally adapted options can impact food security and farm incomes and how different options are suitable for different farmers.
    The European Union (EU)-funded grant (2000000976), which started in May 2016, and the complementing International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)-funded grant (2000000520) that started in March 2015 aim to address these challenges.
    The overarching goal of the combined grants is to reduce food insecurity and improve livelihoods of poor people living in African drylands by restoring degraded land, and returning it to effective and sustainable tree, crop and livestock production, thereby increasing land profitability and landscape and livelihood resilience.
    This project is developing innovative ways to achieve scaling by adopting a co-learning approach that accelerates development impact by embedding research in development initiatives where research methods are applied to document and monitor the experiences of farmers and then adapt technologies to the context of the farmers. This approach puts the farmer at the center of the implementation of key innovations to restore degraded land and increase food security, income generation and nutrition.
    Through this project, over 6,000 farming households are involved in evaluating land restoration options on their farms, including options for soil and water conservation, tree establishment, post-harvest pest and disease control, community-based rangeland management and farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR) with in-situ grafting and micro-dosing of mineral and farmyard manure on their farms.
    The evaluations are done through structured co-learning amongst nested communities of practice that bring farmers, community facilitators, NGO and government extension staff, private sector actors and researchers together, to share knowledge and experience about what works, where and for whom on the ground. This represents a key change in the way development initiatives are implemented, giving a larger role to farmers in selecting and adapting options for scaling up and evaluating their performance. At the same time, structured dialogue helps development actors and researchers understand each other’s needs and expectations, leading to generation of timely research outputs that are incorporated in the development cycle. Furthermore, the project monitors interactions amongst research and development partners, allowing us to track the way research results and tools are being used by stakeholders.
    There was significant progress toward all project outputs, which is summarized in the latest technical report submitted to the Donors on March 2018.
    Rationale and objectives

    The progress documented so far and the project potential call for an independent mid-term evaluation to assess the project effectiveness and potential areas to strengths.
    The evaluation has two objectives (Accountability and Learning). This process aims to assess what has been achieved in terms of performance and effectiveness (accountability) and describe reasons behind the achieved results and consolidate lessons learnt and best practices for the remaining period of the project. The learning process should continue during the project implementation and be consolidated at the end of the project implementation.

    The evaluation should consider players in the project. The initial list presented (Annex 1) may be expanded before the interviews and focus groups.
    Project Management Unit at HQ level, first tier partners (CGIAR Centers) focal point in the implementation sites.

    Farmers (particularly women) to understand how the project succeeded in increasing their capacities and understanding. They will provide feedback in terms of success stories, failures and suggestions for improvements.
    Partners with formal or informal agreements with any of the first tier partners. This includes contacts with ongoing development projects implemented in the same locations and the relevant development partners implementing them. Linked projects are important to demonstrate the comparative advantage and synergies developed with the project. Partners include the private sector representatives.
    Project Steering Committee Members and Donors in their advisory role.


    The evaluation will focus on project performance and effectiveness of the project team including key project scientists, representatives of collaborating institutions, and a nominee from EU-IFAD.
    The evaluation will refer to the period from 2015 to 2017. While the geographical scope covers all the project areas the actual fieldwork of the consultant will be limited to few sites selected using appropriate criteria.
    Guidance documents are the IFAD Evaluation Policy and Manual[1].

    Evaluation Questions
    This document provides a set of initial evaluation questions along the IFAD evaluation criteria. The selected evaluator will refine them (based on the specific project objectives) during the inception phase.
    Rural poverty impact

    Has the initiative had the anticipated impact on the target group?
    To what extent have beneficiary incomes changed as a result of the project?
    In what way have household net assets changed due to the intervention?
    What changes have taken place in household food security and nutrition and what explains such changes?
    Project performance (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of benefits)
    Was the project design appropriate to meet the intervention’s objectives?
    Was the project adjusted during implementation to any changes in context to retain continued relevance?
    To what extent have the objectives of the project and its components been attained in quantitative and in qualitative terms?
    What changes in the overall context (e.g. policy framework, political situation, institutional set-up, economic shocks, civil unrest) have affected or are likely to affect project implementation and overall results?
    What factors in project design and implementation account for the estimated results in terms of effectiveness; are there valid alternatives?
    How does the economic rate of return at evaluation compare with that at project design?
    What are the grant costs per beneficiary (both at the time of appraisal and at the time of evaluation) and how do they compare to other IFAD-funded operations (or those of other donors) in the same country and/or other countries?
    What are the total project management costs in relation to total project costs and how do they compare with similar projects?
    Do project activities benefited from the engagement, participation and ownership of local communities, grass-roots organizations and the rural poor, and are adopted approaches technically viable?
    Is there a clear indication of government commitment after the project closing date, for example, in terms of provision of funds for selected activities, human resources availability, continuity of pro- poor policies and participatory development approaches, and institutional support?
    What are the chances that benefits generated by the project will continue after project closure and what is the likely resilience of economic activities to post-project risks?

    Gender equality and women’s empowerment

    What were the project’s achievements in terms of promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment?
    What percentage of total project resources was invested in activities to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment and how does that compare with other projects funded by IFAD?
    To what extent did the project define and monitor sex-disaggregated results to ensure that gender equality and women’s empowerment objectives were being met?
    Was the project implementation structure adequate to support effective implementation of gender equality and women’s empowerment goals?

    Innovation and scaling up

    What are the characteristics of innovation(s) promoted by the intervention?
    Are the innovations consistent with the IFAD definition of this concept?
    Are the actions in question truly innovative or are they well-established elsewhere but new to the country or project area?
    Have grants been used to promote innovation?
    What evidence was used to justify scaling up, and were successfully promoted innovations documented and shared to facilitate scaling up?
    Has IFAD proactively engaged in partnership-building and policy dialogue to facilitate the uptake of successful innovations?
    Based on the information available, have these innovations been scaled up and, if so, by whom? If not, what are the prospects at the time of evaluation that they can and will be scaled up by the government, other donors and/or the private sector? What were/are the pathways to scaling up?

    Environment and natural resources management

    To what extent did the project adopt approaches/measures for restoration or sustainable management of natural resources?
    To what extent did the project develop the capacity of community groups and institutions to manage environmental risks?
    To what extent did the project contribute to reducing the environmental vulnerability of the community and built resilience for sustainable natural resource management that contribute to poverty reduction?
    To what extent did the project contribute to long-term environmental and social sustainability; and by empowering and strengthening the capacity of community-based natural resource management groups to ensure sustainable natural resources management; and by ensuring strong stakeholder engagement, especially of vulnerable groups, in decision making affecting natural resources use?
    To what extent did the project follow required environmental and social risk assessment procedures, including meaningful consultation with affected and vulnerable communities, and have complied with applicable IFAD or national environmental and social standards or norms, to ensure any harmful impacts are avoided or managed/mitigated through, where needed, the implementation of effective environmental and social management plans, including robust monitoring and supervision?

    Adaptation to climate change

    To what extent did the project demonstrate awareness and analysis of current and future climate risks?
    What are the amounts and nature of funds allocated to adaptation to climate change-related risks?
    What were the most important factors that helped the rural poor to restore the natural resource and environment base that (may) have been affected by climate change?


    Have the governments assumed ownership and responsibility for the project? Judging by its actions and policies, has the government been fully supportive of project goals?
    During implementation did the governments and steering committee: (i) take the initiative to suitably modify the project design (if required); (ii) take prompt action to ensure the timely implementation of recommendations from supervision and implementation support missions?
    Did the M&E system generate information on performance and impact, which is useful for project managers, and has appropriate action been taken on the basis of this information?
    In what way has the Project Team facilitated the participation of NGOs and civil society, where appropriate, and what were the implications?

    Evaluation Approach

    Inception – August 2018 – (7 days)
    It aims to prepare the evaluation team and lead evaluator. It includes desk review, inception mission, briefing, consultation with stakeholders, inception report drafting (evaluation matrix, methodology and data collection tools), and fieldwork plan.
    Field work – August-September (14 days)
    It includes introduction with key organizations, interviews, focus groups and visit to selected project sites, debriefing.
    Reporting – October-November – (10 days)
    It includes the preparation of the evaluation report, QA review and finalization.

    The selected evaluator should submit planned deliverables as per table below. CGIAR Independent Evaluation Arrangement (IEA) Standards ( and formats should be followed.
    Evaluation Deliverables

    Submission Date
    Draft Inception Report -30-August-2018
    Final Inception Report -15-September-2018
    First Draft Evaluation Report – 15-October-2018
    Final Evaluation Report – 30-November-2018

    The methodology will be detailed in the inception report. It includes evaluation matrix and data collection tools. Methods, tools and sources should allow triangulation and impartiality. Comprehensive understanding will be ensured only through a full analysis of stakeholders. Field selection should be based on impartial criteria. It should consider budget and time constraints. For this reason it is not expected to analyze the entire set of activities and/or conduct extensive quantitative surveys. The desk review through available information in the project M&E system and interviews (individual and group) with key stakeholders will provide the preliminary findings while fieldwork will supply additional evidence.
    Quality Assurance
    CGIAR IEA has an Evaluation Quality Assurance (QA) framework available for all CGIAR Centers. It includes guidelines and formats. The evaluation manager will use the IEA framework to conduct the without interfering with the independence of the evaluation but only aiming to strengthen the results. Data validity, consistency and accuracy are responsibility of the evaluator.
    A reference group is defined to provide feedback to the evaluation manager and team.
    An external, independent evaluator will be recruited to ensure the credibility of the findings. The evaluator will have knowledge in evaluation methodologies and practical experience in complex evaluations. It is also expected to have experience in agriculture related fields with excellent communication skills. He will report to the evaluation manager who is responsible to draft this Terms of Reference (TOR), select the evaluator, prepare/manage contractual documents, assembling the initial documents for the desk review, support during the field mission, conduct the QA and consolidate and provide feedback on the reports.
    The field teams are responsible to provide documents, be available for and support the fieldwork and facilitate the interaction with beneficiaries.
    The evaluation report and the management responses will be presented to the Stakeholders and posted publicly on the project website. The project management team and country teams may organize follow-up workshops.
    Background Documents

    Project Proposal
    Annual Technical report 2015-2016
    Annual Technical report 2016-2017
    Annual Technical report 2017-2018

    Senior Consultant Profile
    ICARDA is looking for one Senior Consultant who will work closely with the Evaluation manager and Evaluation analyst.
    His tasks include:

    Preparation of a short inception report that presents the evaluation design building on the ToRs;
    Interviews with key stakeholders in the CGIAR Centers, donors, partners and any other institutions considered relevant;
    Field visits to centers and selected sites (as required)
    Preparation of the draft and final evaluation report;
    Presentation of the evaluation findings to key stakeholders.
    The assignment of the Senior Consultant will require 31 working days, including travel and work at home‐station, spread over a period of approximately 6 months from the preparatory phase of the evaluation.
    The tentative schedule for the evaluation with estimated time requirement for the senior consultant is presented in the TOR.


    Experience working in agricultural research for development
    Experience in evaluating research programmes
    Experience in programs and institutes targeting development outcomes
    Excellent writing skills in English and good verbal communication skills
    Excellent command of English verbal and written
    Knowledge of French is a desired qualification

  • Innovations Manager 

Business Development Manager 

Business Development Executives 

Software Development Engineer

    Innovations Manager Business Development Manager Business Development Executives Software Development Engineer

    This position reports to the Business Development Director.
    This position is for individuals who believe in pushing the boundaries, who look for solutions and new ways of doing things.
    Are you interested in driving this change while holding a big picture sense of how the broader transport landscape is evolving?

    The right fit individual for this position must be able to create new technology opportunities, new directions for the enterprise, and positive futures for Cargo movement. Must recognize and stimulate unusual business ideas with high potential impact for Quatrix.
    Ability to trigger creative process that will leapfrog the application of technology in cargo transport, by asking tough and insightful questions while restlessly challenging the status quo is a plus.
    They must provide constructive coaching and advice to projects while helping other people turn their ideas into reality; work with multiple fluid team structures which requires trust and integrity.


    Strong business acumen, excellent communication, interpersonal, influencing and relationship—building skills.
    Strong analytical depth and performance management skills, dynamic cross—functional interaction, and highly effective project management, communication, and negotiation skills.
    A bachelor’s degree from a recognized University, Master’s degree an added advantage.

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  • Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Advisor

    Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Advisor

    Job Purpose
    The role contributes to business unit success by developing, planning and executing Field communication strategies, both internal and external, that deliver positive relations with key stakeholders, ensures stakeholder awareness and understanding of Tullow Kenya activities, and enhance the reputation of Tullow in Kenya.
    Key Responsibilities

    Identifying and defining business priorities and needs in relation to communication, public relations and reputation management
    Identifying and assessing stakeholder environment and defining communications strategies that simultaneously addresses: accountability and transparency;media management; reputation management within the public domain and within Tullow Kenya BV.
    Ensure consistency of message from Tullow Kenya by working collaboratively with the Government and Public Affairs team.
    Manage Field Communications initiatives including media monitoring, community monthly newsletters and all field internal communications
    Liaise with Government and Public Affairs Team and Tullow Group to ensure that Tullow Kenya’s external communications builds and maintains brand awareness in line with the business objectives.
    Support the development and implementation of a consistent policy and approach to external corporate events including corporate sponsorships and donations etc.
    Identify media opportunities to promote awareness of Tullow’s Oil and Gas activities.
    Develop and/or review communications such as press releases, speeches, publications or events to convey the desired Tullow image.
    Compile crisis communication policy and serve as the principal contact for incoming communication from the media.

    Job Qualifications

    Degree in Business, Political Science or Communication studies
    At least 5 Years experience in corporate or public relations and/or communications
    Experience in media management
    Experience in development and utilisation of development communications
    Experience in working in a multidisciplinary and multicultural workforce in a remote location.
    Effective communication and organization skills.
    Demonstrates a high level of personal integrity
    Self motivated and uses initiative and judgment to attain the best results
    Establishes priorities and works with minimal direction
    Experience managing a field communications team

  • Trainee – Learning Advisor Humanitarian Affairs 

Trainee – M&E Learning Advisor and Business Development

    Trainee – Learning Advisor Humanitarian Affairs Trainee – M&E Learning Advisor and Business Development

    Job Description

    We seek to recruit an aggressive, confident, fluent, mature and keen to detail Humanitarian Trainee & Learning advisor to manage all communications, both internally and externally on full time basis.
    Key Roles / Responsibilities
    Training and curriculum Development

    Identify the Humanitarian training needs, plan and implement training that meets these needs.
    Coach, train, and mentor Humanitarian Officers with the aim of strengthening their technical capacity, exchanging knowledge within the Humanitarian team and providing professional development guidance in conjunction with the Training Manager.
    Co-facilitation of international trainings workshops in Humanitarian and Disaster to our corporate and NGOs clients.
    Provide feedback and suggestions on course design and materials to support any areas that need improvement. ​
    Review all course curriculums on a regular basis to be prepared to conduct any course assigned on short-notice. ​

    Business Development

    Preparing proposal and responding to related EOI and RFPs
    Following up new business opportunities and setting up meetings
    Planning and preparing presentations
    Communicating new product developments to prospective clients
    Overseeing the development of marketing literature
    Writing reports
    Providing management with feedback


    Minimum Bachelor degree in Disaster Management, Sociology, Public Health, International Development, or another relevant field,
    Sound knowledge and field experience of humanitarian relief issues and a commitment to humanitarian relief.
    Demonstrable competence in and enthusiasm for practical training methods.
    A sound appreciation of the range of personal and technical issues facing relief workers such as health, International law, quality standard, gender etc.
    Computer literacy in MS Office is essential
    Minimum of 1-2 years’ experience in a humanitarian training environment with a focus on Adult Learning.
    Knowledge of GIS is an added advantage.
    27 years and above
    Must be able to deliver under strict deadlines and handle pressure effectively.

    Remuneration: This is a Trainee position as such, successful candidate will only be provided with a living allowance of KES 30,000 per Month

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  • Registered Nurse III 

Health Records and Information Management Assistant III 

Health Records and Information Management Assistant II 

Fisheries Assistant II 

Youth Training Instructors 

Kwale Municipal Board 

Municipal Manager 

Principal Administrative Secretary

    Registered Nurse III Health Records and Information Management Assistant III Health Records and Information Management Assistant II Fisheries Assistant II Youth Training Instructors Kwale Municipal Board Municipal Manager Principal Administrative Secretary

    Duties and Responsibilities
    This is the entry and training grade for this cadre. An officer at this level will work under the guidance of a senior officer. Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail: assessing, planning, implementing nursing interventions and evaluating patient’s outcomes; providing appropriate healthcare service including Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI), immunization, PMTCT, ante-natal care and delivery, providing health education and counseling to patients/clients and community on identified health needs; referring patients and clients appropriately; facilitating patients’ admission and initiating discharge plans; maintaining records on patients/clients health condition and care; ensuring a tidy and safe clinical environment; and collecting and compiling data.
    Requirements for Appointment
    For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

    Diploma in any of the following disciplines: Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing, Kenya Registered Nursing, Kenya Registered Midwifery, Kenya Registered Nursing/Midwifery or Kenya Registered Nursing/Mental Health and Psychiatry from a recognized institution;
    Registration Certificate issued by the Nursing Council of Kenya;
    Valid practicing license from Nursing Council of Kenya; and
    Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution.

    Note: trained persons with special needs encouraged to apply

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  • Retail Sales Intern

    Retail Sales Intern

    Job Details
    Are you a leader, a motivator and up for the challenge?
    We are looking for passionate and enthusiastic candidate with the right attitude to join our Team as a sales intern in Mombasa.
    The Retail Sales Candidate is responsible for:

    Maximising sales: Inspiring the customer to buy and meeting the store’s sales targets.
    Handling all customer requests courteously and professionally.
    Being knowledgeable of and performing sales support functions related to Point of Sales (POS) procedures.
    Learning Vivo’s systems and procedures to enhance selling efficiencies and complete support duties.
    Improving the store’s Conversion rate and Basket Size.
    Promoting the Vivo Loyalty Programme.
    Establishing excellent customer service and satisfaction.
    Ensuring that goods are well displayed.
    Keeping the shop floor clean and tidy.
    Maximizing store productivity and efficiency.
    Ensuring that fitting rooms are ready for customers by promptly clearing our merchandise and returning it to the proper area of the selling floor.


    Enthusiastic, friendly, and energetic with a genuine desire to provide outstanding service.
    Dependable and a high level of integrity.
    Positive attitude and willingness to learn
    An eye for fashion and trends.
    Ability to work as part of a team and take initiative. independent of direct supervision.
    Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
    Articulate with a good command of English (speaking, reading, writing)
    Strong Reporting skills.
    Diploma/Degree in relevant field.