This is a senior technical and management position within the CHAK management hierarchy and the holder will be responsible for the overall project strategic leadership and management, operations and supervisory oversight of project implementation to ensure that the project delivers the expected outcomes within the constraints of its fiscal, organizational and policy framework and reporting requirements. The COP is a direct report of the CHAK Head of Health Programmes.
The position holder shall be expected to drive, build and coordinate functional and effective systems and relations with the project county governments and communities, working closely with the USAID and key implementing partners and stakeholders and deeply involving the county government substantive partners, building county responsibility strategically and incrementally to promote self-reliance by end of the projects.
The holder will ensure high level of liaison with County Assemblies, the county Government planning and financing institutions and senior level county and sub county-level government leaderships to impact the desired outcomes in policy and regulatory environment, county financing priorities for HIV and AIDS and OVCs and to support expansion and consolidation of HIV and AIDS intervention and accountability by the county government and health department.
Minimum Qualification Requirements:
A. Education.
Minimum of Master’s degree in Medicine, Public health, International health.
B. Experience
Minimum of 7 years of managing, coordinating and oversight of large multiyear HIV and AIDS projects of similar complexity and magnitude to the one being procured.
Experience of managing PEPFAR (USAID/CDC) supported HIV and AIDS /TB Service delivery programs in and out of Kenya.
Demonstrated ability to work effectively with government representatives, for-profit private sector entities, local community organizations, donors and other stakeholders, particularly at the sub-national level
Demonstrated outstanding leadership, strategic thinking, and organizational, team- building and representational skills.
Demonstrated experience of oversight of development and management of complete budgets and adherence to USAID donor compliance requirements.
Demonstrated experience building relationships with multiple stakeholders across all tiers of health systems County Governments, and health departments, Ministry of Health, and other stakeholders in health.
Key Functions:nterparts.
Lead overall project planning, building team structures, technical and operational approaches, infrastructure, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and feedback loops required for program delivery and success.
Lead partnerships within the project consortium and external stakeholders to enhance team work necessary for the success of the project.
Represent the project to USAID Kenya office, County government and MOH, partner representatives and stakeholders as smooth and effectively functioning program consortium.
Review, approve and contribute to major program strategies such as the M&E Plan, the Learning Plan, the collaborating, learning and adapting (CLA) approach, the Gender, AGYW Social Dynamics Strategy, technical or thematic strategies and the Sustainability and Exit Strategy within the context of the Journey to Self-reliance.
Lead annual planning processes and associated donor resource requests; monitoring implementation progress as compared to these plans.
Ensure the quality of all program deliverables, inclusive of activities, outputs, documentation and reporting.
Ensure sound program financial management and reporting.
Ensure sound program logistical and operational structures and management among others.
Ensure compliance with donor, host government and CHAK policies and procedures.
Recruit, develop and manage the program team, ensuring that adequate and appropriate capacity building plans are in place and that Human Resources policies are appropriate for team retention and high performance.
Demonstrate a commitment to gender and adolescent and young person’s integration in the programmatic and operational aspects of the activity, as well as in team composition and inclusivity.
Ensure that the program deploys an effective collaborating, learning and adapting approach, such that the activity is able to evolve in a changing context to achieve desired outcomes.
Ensure that program strategies and activities directly engage with county and local stakeholders to promote self-reliance and sustainable outcomes among the beneficiary population.
Oversee the program’s security management approach, working with country office cou
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Applications with detailed CV and names with contacts of 3 referees should be sent to CHAK by Email addressed to the contacts below;The General SecretaryP.O. Box 30690 – 00100 GPO NairobiTel. (020)4441920 / 0733-334419Email:
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