Impact Reporting, Videography and Photography Training (AFSC Somali Program September 2020)

Job Description
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. AFSC promotes nonviolent approaches to conflict resolution. As such, we seek to promote the transformation of cultural and societal norms, values, and behaviors to reject violence, with Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship as our values.
Somali Program
AFSC believe that young people can positively transform the prevailing context of violent conflicts in Somalia into more secure, productive and just places. Consequently, AFSC is implementing a Peacebuilding program in Somalia targeting the youth, with the approach of empowering them with peacebuilding, leadership, advocacy and livelihood skills. The livelihood skills are meant to empower them to earn incomes and avoid the vulnerability of recruitment by violent militia groups. The peacebuilding and leadership skills are to empower them to take leading roles in peace-building activities in their localities. We work with four (4) local partners in four areas of South-Central Somalia and in Dadaab refugee camp across the border in Kenya. The Dadaab Refugee camp hosts 80% of Somalia refugees in addition to other nationalities. AFSC wishes to strengthen the capacity of the partners in Somalia to on impact reporting, videography and photography aimed at improved reporting of results.
AFSC would like to conduct a VIRTUAL 4 days training on Impact reporting, Videography and photography training for the four (4) partners. The training will be held virtually and is expected to cover the following areas:

Creating a theory of Change for as the basis for framing impact for you story

Improved understanding of what a ‘theory of change’ is and how it can be used for planning and evaluation
Increased knowledge of how to develop a theory of change
Increased confidence and skills to develop a theory of change for your organization

Impact reporting

Definition of impact reporting
Understanding the concept of outcome, results and impact
understanding of characteristics/elements of impact reporting from project management tools.
developing an evaluation framework to help you assess effectiveness and impact of a programme
different methods that can be used to measure outputs, outcomes and impact

Impact reporting documentation
Other ways of impact reporting including case studies

increased understanding of how to analyze qualitative and quantitative data that captures outcomes expected.
good practice in presenting and visualizing data that will capture impact.
How to write reports that captures impact

Importance of Impact reporting Videography; Our focus here is on photos and videos will seek to highlight the different initiatives being implemented by AFSC in Somalia and how they reflect on impact on the lives of Somali’s
Impact story photos
Impact story video
Activity workplan (Based on training) for partners.

The objectives of the consultancy are as follows:

To train a team of 8 AFSC partner staff from the Somali program and 4 AFSC program staff. Specifically, the Consultant(s) is expected to develop and execute a 4-day training workshop on impact reporting, photography and videography for 12 participants
To develop effective training materials/tools for participants. The consultant is also expected to develop a package of training materials (handouts) for future reference.
The training workshop should meet the following minimum criteria;
Enable participants to be confident and competent in the delivery of training with minimal external support.
Engage participants in actual/practical delivery of sections of the training.
Engage participants in simulating relevant and realistic challenges for practicing and applying the material.
Enable participants to be able to take impact photos and videos.
Encourage participants to fully contribute using; brief presentations, live demonstrations, interactive practical exercises with feedback, coaching on the relevant skills and processes and discussion exercises.
Provide participants with set of training materials that will include; guidelines for practical exercises/handouts, an annex with a standard power point presentation, inclusive of notes for each slide and a participants’ Resource Package.

Participants and Training dates
There will be a total of 12 participants from the Four partners and four staff members of AFSC. The training will be virtual from Tuesday 8th -11th September 2020.

All interested consultants or consultancy companies are asked to submit their technical proposal, Assignment delivery plan and financial proposal showing how they wish to carry out the training, as well as the 3 references (one being on the most recent assignment) to below contacts by close of business Wednesday 19th August 2020.
The Country Representative – SomaliaP.O. Box 66448 – 00800 Nairobi, KenyaOr email: infoafrica@afsc.orgThe AFSC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

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