The position: (CIP) is seeking a consultancy firm that can adapt and develop the existing Sweetpotato (SP) Training of Trainers (ToT) manual entitled “Everything You Wanted to Know about Sweetpotato” into a series of self‐guided e‐learning modules. The sweetpotato ToT manual is a compilation of twelve topics on sweetpotato knowledge and accompanying hands-on activities. The course is currently delivered through classroom/workshop and field-based methodologies targeted at technical experts (agriculturalists, nutritionists, marketing, and gender experts). These trainers in turn deliver a shorter version of the course to extension personnel, community-based agents, or lead farmers who finally train the end users in their communities. CIP proposes to adapt this manual into a series of self‐guided e‐learning modules targeted at different levels in this chain and delivered alone or in combination with face-to-face interactions with the goal to reach wider constituencies more cost-effectively.
The specific objectives of this consultancy include the following:
Translate the technical content into relevant, engaging e‐learning modules suitable for a diverse audience in CIP’s target countries in Africa and possibly South Asia, and which can also be translated into local languages where applicable.
Provide an effective and efficient learning experience to participants through both stand-alone e-learning and in combination with face-to-face learning events.
Create training materials and user interfaces that utilize a range of stimulating formats and technologies, drawing on existing information and knowledge products and complementing these where needed.
Provide options for CIP’s national and local partners to use this e-learning course for institutional staff development and quality control of technical competencies.
Provide delivery options for multimedia e‐learning content to audiences in regions with limited or no regular Internet connectivity.
Scope of Work
The consultant will adapt the SP manual content into e-learning modules that will include the following components;
Based on the existing ToT manual content, the consultant will design and develop blended (instructor-led and self-guided) e-learning modules that will include facilitator enablement (ToT), job aids and reference guides for participants.
The e‐learning modules developed should be relevant, engaging, and suitable for a diverse audience in CIP’s target countries in Africa and possibly South Asia, and which can also be translated into local languages where applicable.
E-learning modules developed should provide an effective and efficient learning experience to participants through both stand-alone e-learning and in combination with face-to-face learning events.
Develop e-learning experience that will also provide delivery options for multimedia e‐learning content to audiences in regions with limited or no regular Internet connectivity.
Use existing CIP videos and where there are gaps develop videos; photos audio, printed and interactive e-learning materials for the course.
Set up; configure and populate an LMS (Learning Management System) to host and deliver the course content online, track participants progress and run reports.
Advise CIP on the development of metrics to gauge the success and impact of the course and develop reports in the LMS to help track progress using key metrics.
Attached is the link of the modules to be developed
The consultancy team should include members with an advanced degree in education, agriculture & nutrition related courses, biological science, or other related fields.
At least five years’ strong track record in the development of e-learning courses, training and technical assistance materials and other capacity development products.
Experience in technical writing for international clients in the field of agriculture and nutrition.
Adult learning, instructional design and curriculum development competence.
Excellent communication and writing skills.
Experience in graphic design tools such as Formatting and software skills e.g. Word, Photoshop and Illustrator.
Good background knowledge of agriculture and nutrition.
Time Frame: The consultancy contract will be between May 2020 and December 2020
The financial proposal should contain:
Itemized consultancy fees/costs;
Acceptance to payment schedule of 40:60 being 40% upon achieving an agreed milestone and 60% upon submission of acceptable complete final report;
Itemized administrative expenses;
The financial quotations should be all inclusive.
CIP will not meet any other costs related to the assignment.
The consulting team profile should contain:
The full names of all participating consultants and their roles, including technical expertise;
References (Names, physical and email addresses and telephone numbers of three references for the consultancy organization which must relate to similar work done within the last three years, and the contact details (names, addresses and email and telephone numbers) of the persons who will be ultimately responsible and accountable for contracting the consultants for that work);
Physical address of the firm;
Telephone number(s) of the firm (if applicable) and participating consultants;
Full name and contact information of the contact person within the consulting team;
Copy of registration or other certificate, VAT and PIN;
Full names of Directors/Proprietors;
Clear and detailed work plan including a Gantt chart;
All applications received by the submission date will be reviewed by a selection committee based on pre-determined objective criteria. Upon selection, the consultant(s)/consulting firm would be invited for a discussion and requested to submit a detailed inception report and work plan prior to starting.
NB: The Technical and Financial proposals must be submitted separately:
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