Currently, MESPT is implementing the DANIDA Country Programme dubbed the Green Growth and Employment Programme 2016-2020 whose thematic objective is “Inclusive greener growth with higher employment” and will be achieved by focusing support on sustainable growth/jobs from investment/trade and Sustainable use of natural resources and community resilience. Under these two intervention areas, MESPT is committed in carrying out green growth initiatives in its selection value chains. Among these will be initiatives geared to promoting consistent access to irrigation water aimed at enhancing production and productivity levels.
Further, MESPT is also implementing the AGRIFI programm in Kenya whose objective is to strengthen the capacities of actors along selected value chains through the Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education Training -ATVET system approach. Activities under this will inter alia include supporting the upgrading, development and upscaling of agriculture and agri-business value chain-based training curriculums under ATVET. Under the second result area, the project will increase the capacity of private sector to implement and enforce standards on SPS. Furthermore, the project supports Counties in testing and surveillance and enforcement of Sanitary and Phyto Sanitary regulations. The approach comprises of various interrelated methodologies: market-driven approach, competitive selection of counties/beneficiaries, training of Trainers, blended Learning Methodology and use of incentives.
Background and Rationale of the assignment **
Resource mobilisation is a key MESPT corporate function with the objective to enable strategic policy and operational priorities to be implemented in a coherent, predictable and sustainable manner. This straightforward definition conceals a rather complex horizontal policy support function that touches on all aspects of the institutional business cycle: governance and policy decision-making, corporate planning and budgeting, resource allocation, programme delivery and management. As an effort towards fundraising, MESPT has aggressively being scouting for funding opportunities where calls are responded to ranging from specific strategic areas of interest ( Agriculture, Food & Nutrition, Economic Development, Livelihood, Sustainable Development among others.
Objective of the consultancy
The Consultant will take the lead, in conjunction with the Resource Mobilization Secretariat and other key stakeholders, in developing a compelling, evidence-based proposal for submission to institutional donors in accordance with Request for Proposal guidelines for submission to the opportunities; and if the concept note is selected full proposal ( Where either is applicable). The consultant will bring to the programme design process a thorough understanding of and prior experience in food security and information management systems to build a national system.
Scope of the assignment
This will require scoping, reviewing, analysing, and integrating existing plans, projects to support and inform the preparation of programme document for the implementation of the Food Security Monitoring and Surveillance System in Kenya. The Consultant will organize a series of consultations to facilitate stakeholders’ reviewing, analysing, and prioritizing of activities for the program and working out the required budget to implement these activities
Expected Deliverables
· Review of relevant secondary literature including, but not limited to Nutrition security, Health, Vocational Skills, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods, Protection, and Disaster Risk Reduction. Based on the secondary data analysis, identify gaps for primary data collection from proposed target region. This should include reviewing and compiling relevant research, evidence from prior similar interventions, best practices, and lessons learned. Major natural disaster risks should be included in all analysis.
· Provide guidance for the finalisation of primary data collection tools and methodologies to assess community-level needs throughout the programme, with regards to building resilience.
· When necessary, conduct field visits in target areas to consult with relevant internal and external stakeholders, through Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussions and Workshops
· When necessary, meet with government authorities, such as National/Provincial/District Authorities, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Welfare, academia, research institutes, and other stakeholders to explore/ develop potential collaborations on relevant activities.
· Conduct problem analysis and validation workshops where appropriate with relevant MESPT staff and if possible other relevant stakeholders.
· Based on the primary and secondary information gathered, and in accordance with guidance in the Request for Proposal, firstly a) design a programme, including logical framework (LFA), budget, and narrative concept note, and secondly b) write a full proposal should the concept note be invited to the next stage.
Outcomes of the Consultancy
A completed, comprehensive LFA for the proposed programme that is based on the primary and secondary data findings/analysis. This should be developed with involvement from staff members and other partners/stakeholders as identified during the consultancy. -Final drafts of all proposal-related documents as per identified donor requirements (including but not limited to project concept note, full proposal, and budget).
Duration/Indicative Schedule/Level of Effort
This will be informed by the time given in the call for proposals and level of effort.
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