Senior Fisheries Officer to Support AU-IBAR (Consultant)

The African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), a specialized technical office of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA) of the African Union Commission (AUC), is mandated to support and coordinate the utilization of livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and wildlife as resources for both human wellbeing and economic development in the Member States of the African Union. The Vision of the AU-IBAR Strategic Plan 2018-2023 is an Africa in which animal resources contribute significantly to integration, prosperity and peace. AU-IBAR intervention in the fisheries and aquaculture sector is guided by the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for fisheries and aquaculture in Africa (PFRS) which is aimed at improving governance of the sector for increased sustainable contribution to food security, livelihoods and wealth creation. Also within the framework of the African Union 2063, the Africa Blue Economy Strategy environed an inclusive and sustainable blue economy that significantly contributes to Africa’s transformation and growth.
The first continent-wide intervention in the African fisheries and aquaculture was framed to mainly address the following challenges: poor coordination among actors, lack of coherence in governance instruments and approaches, increasing incidences of IUU fishing due to weak capacity in the AU member states, weak evidence to foster reform, generally weak capacity and inclusive governance.
Towards the implementation of the Policy framework and reform strategy for fisheries and aquaculture in Africa (PFRS), the African Union InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) implemented the EU funded Project “Strengthening institutional capacity to enhance governance of the fisheries sector in Africa, commonly called Fisheries Governance Project (FishGov 1)” between 2014 to 2018. The FishGov 1 facilitated development of synergies and coherence in fisheries management and aquaculture practices by aligning national and regional polices with PFRS; enhanced the profile of the sector as well as fostered coordination in the governance of the sector, promoted regional cooperation on key fisheries and aquaculture issues including monitoring, control and surveillance systems, regional fisheries management planning, environment management for sustainable aquaculture development among other achievements.
In a bid to consolidate gains made by FishGov 1 as well as implemented other prioritized areas of the PFRS, AU-IBAR has proposed a second phase, also with EU support, which is titled ; “Enhancing sustainable fisheries management and aquaculture development in Africa: A programme for accelerated reform of the sector (FishGov 2)” which is aimed at enhancing the contribution of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture to the achievement of the AU Agenda 2063’s objectives, notably in terms of food security, livelihoods and wealth creation. The second phase has three strategic objectives as which are as follows: i. African Union decisions on sustainable fisheries and aquaculture policies are evidence based; ii. Fisheries and aquaculture policies in Africa are coherent with the PFRS and other AU priorities and coordinated at continental, regional and national levels and iii. Africa is adequately represented and effectively participates in international fisheries and aquaculture fora and ably domesticates relevant global instruments.
The Africa Blue Economy Strategy has recently been endorsed at the highest political level of the continent. The Strategy incorporates the main critical vectors for promoting blue economy development of the continent, including fisheries, aquaculture and ecosystem conservation; shipping, maritime safety and trade; climate change, environmental sustainability and ecotourism; sustainable energy and extractive mineral resources; governance, institutions and job creation. AU-IBAR has been tasked with the responsibility to oversee the implementation of this Strategy. Also the support of the African Union member states to fisheries and aquaculture development is increasing becoming evident. Also, being the lead implementation AU agency for the PFRS, AU-IBAR was also entrusted with the responsibility to spearhead the implementation of Africa blue economy strategy. The Aquaculture Network for Africa, comprising of AU member states, now has a Secretariat at AU-IBAR.
In consequence thereof, due to the multiple initiatives, AU-IBAR seeks the services of a Consultant, Senior Fisheries Officer – evidently well versed in fisheries management issues, with national, regional, continental and global experience and outlook, qualified fisheries scientist with proven expertise in ocean governance issues, large marine ecosystems, fresh water ecosystems, aquaculture, policies, institutions and governance The consultant will provide technical backstopping to AU-IBAR, RECs and Member States aimed at enhancing fisheries governance, aquaculture development amongst other actions. The Consultant will also provide specific technical support to selected Member States to implement prioritized activities in the PFRS and the Africa Blue Economy Strategy.
For the implementation of these various initiatives, AU-IBAR seeks the services of a Senior Fisheries Management Expert to support the implementation of these initiatives.
The objective of the consultancy is to support AU-IBAR to enhance the implementation of the specified activities in the projects and programmes in fisheries and aquaculture, support implementation of PFRS and the Africa Blue Economy Strategy by AU member states and Regional Economic Communities.

Provide support to the implementation of fisheries and aquaculture or related projects at the AU
Support to the implementation of AU High level (e.g. Ministerial) decisions
Facilitate coordination and regional cooperation in the governance of the sector
Support AU member states and regional institutions in the implementation of relevant continental (PFRS, Blue economy strategy etc) and global instruments related to fisheries and aquaculture
Strengthen capacity of stakeholders through formulation and dissemination of lessons learnt, best practices and advocacy papers for informed and rational interventions in the fisheries and aquaculture sector;
Provide technical support to strengthen Non-State Actors including regional and continental networks and platforms for inclusive fisheries and aquaculture sector governance
Support capacity development for evidence-based decision making in the sector, including utilizing African Union Centers of Excellence in fisheries and aquaculture or related disciplines
Contribute to the convening of high level regional and continental events on fisheries and aquaculture or elated disciplines
Review and editing and clearance of technical reports submitted by commissioned consultants and their dissemination.
Support increased coherent African voice and common positions in regional and global fisheries and aquaculture related fora

Expected Outputs and Deliverables

An inception report outlining detailed the methodology, including the work plan, to undertake the tasks
Implementation of fisheries and aquaculture projects supported
Mechanisms developed and validated to facilitate implementation of Africa Blue Economy Strategy by AU member states and regional institutions
At least 5 Policy briefs, information and advocacy notes on best practices on key issues in fisheries and aquaculture developed
African common positions supported in at least one global forum
The operationalization of AFRM as a mechanism for coordination and coherence supported
The operationalization of AU centres of excellence in fisheries and aquaculture, other networks and platforms facilitated
A comprehensive report on the consultancy produced

The incumbent should have an advanced University degree in Fisheries Science, Fisheries Biology or Fisheries Management. A PhD degree will be an added advantage.
General Experience

At least 10 years working experience in the African fisheries sector and evidence of attainment of senior management and advisory positions in government, inter-governmental, regional and continental institutions for fisheries development
At least 8 years of experience working on related fields in African Union institution
At least 5 years’ combined working experience in donor funded projects in fisheries research, development and management with particular reference to FAO/UN, GTZ, EU and GEF- World Bank funded projects
Extensive experience in fisheries and aquaculture policy, strategy formulation at national, continental, regional and continental levels
Proven record of assessment of institutions for the rationalization as well as capacity and strength for enhancing their effective role and support in the governance of the sector
Experience in enhancing capacity development of institutions, stakeholders platforms, networks or associations in broad range of fisheries and aquaculture disciplines
Proven record of formulation of projects in relevant fields at continental

Specific Experience

Proven record in coordinating the technical implementation of and proficiency in management of national, regional and continental fisheries projects
Good experience and record of working in a multi-disciplinary team to conduct research and enhance governance of freshwater ecosystems for sustainable exploitation of living resources
Experience in capacity buildings of AU member states and other stakeholders on integrated ecosystems management in Africa large marine ecosystems
Proven record of practical knowledge on blue economy concept and articulating the key drivers in Africa
Experience in planning, implementing and facilitating stakeholders’ consultative meetings and production of reports
Record of ability to synthesize and package reports into policy briefs, information leaflets wider dissemination and to facilitate uptake by AU member states and regional institutions
Proven record of promoting evidence-based fisheries and aquaculture management in Africa
Good experiencing in facilitating intra-regional fish trade on the continent

Skills and Competencies

Diplomacy and good interactive skills necessary for dealing with senior
officials in Government, Regional Organizations, and donor/development organizations;
Good networking skills and ability to maintain positive and constructive
dialogue and relationships with key institutions operating in the regions;
Self-starter with the ability to strategically plan own work and follow-up on implementation;
Sector related project development, management and implementation skills at national, regional and continental levels
Very strong writing, analytical and communication skills are necessary.
Demonstrated ability to provide strong leadership and foster team environment
is required.

Gender Mainstreaming
The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Duty Stations
The consultants will be stationed in Nairobi with travel on specific assignments agreed with the AU-IBAR Management
The duration of this assignment is 6 months. The selected candidate should be available to undertake this assignment with minimum delay.
The remuneration for this Consultancy is a fixed amount of USD8, 300 per month. Expenses for missions will be covered separately in accordance with the applicable African Union Commission rules and regulations.
Evaluation Criteria
The applications will be evaluated on the basis of the relevant technical qualifications, experience and competence of the candidates.
Application Deadline
The deadline for submission of proposals is 23 April 2020, 15.00 hours, Nairobi Local Time.


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