Consultancy Sevices for Development of Legal Aid Resources

The primary purpose of the consultancy is to develop:

Quality training manual for legal aid service provision by paralegals; and
Quality training guide for COVAW’s pro bono lawyers.

Broadly, the two resources should guide how gender based violence intervention should be done within the parameters of laws and policies in Kenya and as informed by international law.
The paralegal training manual should include the following key areas:

GBV protection legal framework, legal framework on domestic violence, protection vulnerable groups like the elderly and persons with disabilities with a focus on ICWGs, Anti-FGM legal framework, child trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation of children, child marriage, victim centered approach, referral pathways, reporting mechanism, effective communication and confidentiality.
The pro bono lawyers training guide should include the following key areas:
GBV protection legal framework, protection vulnerable groups like the elderly and persons with disabilities with a focus on ICWGs, victim centered approach, referral pathway, communication with ICWGs, client care, media protocol and meaning and importance of psychosocial support.
The consultant should:
Develop relevant guide and manual with study questions and tools.
Conduct desk review/research of existing laws and policies relevant to the legal aid resources.
Provide an inception document, which should espouse the Consultant’s understanding of the Terms of Reference (ToR), methodology and with a financial proposal.
Include visual aids in the in the legal aid resources.
Develop an audio version of the draft Legal aid resources for review.
Develop an audio version of the final legal aid resources
Prepare a draft and final document of the legal aid resources.
Include reference materials for trainees
Indicate all government and international law approved tools, visual aids, documents, laws and policies in Kenya or as informed by international law have been used in the training guide and manual. This information should be in respective documents and sections.
The final documents must be formatted ready for publication (in a printable final version) must submit one printed copy for each.

The selected consultant should deliver the following:

Inception documents: The inception document for each of the legal aid resources should include a review of the key areas as indicated in the scope above.
Produce Draft Documents:
1st Draft Documents. The draft documents will contain information as indicated in the scope above. It will also include sample visual aids necessary for delivery of the trainings. An audio version of the draft documents will also be submitted for review.
Timely feedback on the 1st draft will be provided by the program team. Feedback may include a pilot test of the legal aid resources with the paralegals and pro bono lawyers. The consultant is expected to be present during pilot test forums.
2nd Draft Documents- The revised documents will synthesize all information, conclusions and recommendations taking into account all comments and additions from COVAW following the submission of the 1st Draft Documents.
Validation meeting/Oral Presentation with Access to Justice team: COVAW will organize a feedback meeting. The consultant will make a presentation to the program team on the contents of the legal aid resources. The meeting will be an opportunity to clarify outstanding aspects of the legal aid resources before their finalization.
Produce final documents: The consultant will be expected to produce the final legal aid resources including the main issues discussed and all the components provided by the program team during the validation meeting. The consultant shall determine the substantive content of the resources. The pro bono lawyers training guide should be a minimum of 5 pages and maximum of 10 pages. The training manual for legal aid service provision by paralegals should be a minimum of 25 pages and maximum of 30 pages. Final legal aid resources must be formatted (edited, content layout and design) ready for publication (in a printable final version). Must submit one printed copy.
Produce audio version of the legal aid resources- After the production and acceptance by COVAW of the content of the Legal Aid Resources, the Consultant shall produce and submit an audio version of the Legal and Resources with emphasis on the legal aspects of the content of the Legal Aid Resources.
The legal aid resources are subject to final approval by COVAW in terms of whether or not the resources meet the conditions of the ToR and expected standards.


The consultant will be supervised and guided directly by COVAW throughout the period of the consultancy. The consultant will be required to meet the expected deliverables listed during the period of the consultancy.
COVAW will be responsible for the following duties:
Holding an entry meeting with the consultant.
Sharing the relevant COVAW background organizational information and provide contacts for the program team in charge.
Setting up the necessary forums for the pilot testing of the legal aid resources.
Review, discuss and improve the drafts produced from review.
Providing the consultant with specific information and feedback within the stipulated time.
Validate the final legal aid resources.

This consultancy is expected to be completed within 6 weeks. The consultant will be expected to start working immediately upon confirmation.
Master’s degree in Law, Human Rights, Legal Studies, or related field.
Required Experience and Skills

At least 3 years’ experience in the design and/or implementation of training materials with a focus on women’s rights, rights of persons with disability and legal representation in SGBV cases.
Experience or proven knowledge of human and women’s rights.
Excellent knowledge of rights of persons with disability.
Excellent knowledge on Anti-FGM law.
Excellent knowledge of women’s participation and empowerment programming.
Excellent knowledge of SGBV prevention and response.
Previous experience of delivering training on human and women rights.
Previous experience developing training materials on human and women’s rights.
Previous experience working with Civil Society Organizations.


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