Programme Specialist (Social and Human Sciences)

Under the overall authority of the Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences (SHS) and the direct supervision of the Director of the Office, the incumbent will be responsible for the design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the UNESCO Social and Human Science Programme for Eastern Africa.  S/he will ensure SHS’s contribution to the UNESCO Regional Support Strategy at the regional level, and to the UNCTs programmatic work at national level, as reflected in UNDAFs and Delivering as One exercises (within the context of UN Reform) in the countries covered by the Office (for more information please visit the website indicated above).
The incumbent in particular will:

Manage, coordinate, implement and monitor SHS programmes, both at the regional and national levels, in the countries covered by the office, in line with the UNESCO Medium Term Strategy and the approved programme and budget , the UNESCO Regional Support Strategy, the UNESCO Country Strategy Documents, the countries’ UNDAFs and other common UN strategic country instruments, particularly through capacity-building, policy advice, technical assistance, and networking of relevant stakeholders in the SHS Sector’s fields of competence.   
Provide strategic and operational advice to Governments in close cooperation with the SHS Sector at Headquarters, National Commissions, as well as international and regional organizations, institutions and universities, in SHS thematic areas such as Youth and Sport, Inclusion and Rights, Intercultural Dialogue, Bioethics and Ethics of Science and Technology, Management of Social Transformations.
Provide input, including data and statistics for the preparation of reports and briefings on the implementation of  programmes and projects.
Develop strategic partnerships and mobilize extra-budgetary resources to reinforce the Regular Programme.
Promote and strengthen partnerships and networking, as well as research and capacity-building, on SHS Sector thematic areas (as per the previous paragraph).


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