Baseline Survey on Status of Sexual and Gender Based Violence on Intellectually Challenged Women and Girls in Nairobi, Narok & Kiambu Counties Expression Of Interest FOR Pro Bono Lawyers

Project Description
COVAW with support from African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is implementing a two-year project titled ‘‘Enhancing Access to Justice for Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Victims, with Intellectual Disabilities in Nairobi, Narok and Kiambu Counties.’’ The project seeks to achieve the following objectives:

To enhance public knowledge and awareness on the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities, in relation to SGBV through legal aid clinics in Nairobi, Narok and Kiambu Counties.
To provide court representation, psychosocial care to survivors of SGBV with intellectual disabilities.
To advocate for an inclusive legal and policy SGBV framework on persons with intellectual disabilities using the evidence generated from the legal clinics and court processes;
To strengthen the capacity of criminal justice actors to respond appropriately to SGBV cases of intellectually challenged women and girls.

Project Outcomes

More women and girls are aware of and can exercise their rights to bodily integrity and freedom from violence.
Public increasingly supporting ending violence against women and girls.
Duty-bearers improve and put in place laws and policies to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls.
More women and girls access necessary support and services that respect their diverse needs and identities.

Outcome 1

# of women and girls actively engaged in advocating for end to SGBV
# of reported SGBV incidences of women and girls with intellectual disabilities

Increase in percentage of women and girls who report an improved sense of inclusion and entitlement
Outcome 2

Increased engagement of key influencers of public opinion to advocate against VAWG
Level of community involvement in addressing women’s rights violations
Increased engagement amongst target population to advocate for ending VAWG
Increased media coverage of VAWG demonstrating accurate and holistic understanding of the issue from a Human Rights perspective

Outcome 3

Change or review of policies, laws and customary practices to prevent and end VAWG
Extent to which policy commitments on ending VAWG are acted upon

Outcome 4

# of women whose rights have been violated accessing support services(legal, medical, psychosocial, economic empowerment)they need
Expansion or improvement of services for GBV survivors
# of paralegals trained providing services to women and girls with intellectual disabilities

Purpose of The Consultancy
The aim of the consultancy is to conduct a baseline survey on Status of Sexual and Gender Based Violence on Intellectually Challenged Women and Girls in Nairobi, Narok &Kiambu Counties. It will collect baseline data on the project indicators which will enable the team to establish benchmarks and set realistic performance targets in accordance with the results framework.
Justification of The Baseline Survey
COVAW is cognizant of the fact that sexual violations against women and girls are on the increase more so against women and girls with intellectual challenges who are sometimes seen as “easy prey.” COVAW also notes the fact that there is inconclusive situational data and information on the number of Intellectually Challenged women and girls who are subjected to sexual and gender based abuses and especially on the number, that accesses justice and that this data is crucial in order to inform policy and advocacy interventions. To address this gap, COVAW intends to carry out a baseline on the Status of Sexual and Gender Based Violence on Intellectually Challenged Women and Girls in Nairobi, Narok & Kiambu Counties.
Baseline Survey Objectives
The broad objective of the baseline survey is to determine the baseline values for key outcome level performance indicators in the project areas. These values will provide an information base against which to monitor and assess project progress and effectiveness during implementation and after the project is completed. These values will also be used to finalize on targeting once the baseline values are known, and will enable measurement of the change brought about by the project.
Objectives of The Baseline Survey
The objectives of the baseline are;

To establish the prevalence of sexual Gender Based violence among girls and women with intellectual disability specifically in in Nairobi, Narok and Kiambu Counties
To establish the data on how many Intellectually Challenged Women and Girls victims of SGBV access comprehensive health care services in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties;
Identify gaps/ barriers and challenges experienced in accessing justice and opportunities for legal redress by intellectually challenged Women and Girls.
To identify existing mechanisms in reporting cases and accessing justice for intellectually challenged Women and Girls.
Establish the barriers to identification, reporting and prosecution on the SGBV by the Intellectually challenged girls in the Counties
Establish whether there is data on the SGBV cases reported by intellectually challenged girls in all the counties
To provide baseline information on project indicators as highlighted above on project objective indicators

Baseline Survey Methodology
The survey methodology proposed by the consultant(s) should include a suitable sampling strategy, participatory tools and a suitable mix of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The analysis of participatory qualitative data collection should be well presented and focus on (a) how stakeholders and “beneficiaries” perceive the project and (B) how stakeholders and “beneficiaries” actually utilize the project’s inputs and the intended as well as unintended changes this may bring about the project
To adequately address the key questions raised, baseline survey will need to adopt methodologies that combine both qualitative and quantitative research techniques. The team will identify an appropriate methodology for data collection. The consultant will provide; schedule for training an appropriate data collection team, partners’ involvement plan as well as data analysis plan.
Data collection, analytical methods, and presentation of findings, conclusions, and recommendations should be sensitive to and differentiate relevant Gender, Age, Diversity dimensions and other relevant markers to allow precise analysis as to the impact on girls and boys, in different locations, and on different age groups and stakeholders throughout the studies
Deliverables and Timelines.
The required consultancy deliverables are;
i. One detailed inception report including a time bound outline of the baseline survey, detailed work plan, detailed methodology for both data collection and analysis, sample size calculations, data collection tools
ii. A comprehensive report on the findings including accurately analyzed data against the evaluation questions, lessons learned and recommendations.
iii. All typed data sets from both quantitative and qualitative data collection
The consultant will also be responsible for,
i. Holding an inception meeting (remotely if required) with COVAW staff and reviewing any relevant documentation to gather background information
ii. Drafting an inception report (as above) – Incorporating feedback on inception report into planned approach and activities
iii. Organizing the field travel in collaboration with the COVAW team
iv. Conduct training for enumerators including pretesting and prepare for fieldwork
v. Supervising and quality assuring field data collection and entry
vi. Analyzing and synthesizing both qualitative and quantitative data and preparing a report
vii. Submitting draft reports, with accompanying data analysis to COVAW contact staff for feedback
viii. Incorporating feedback and submitting a final report which provides evidence based findings that respond to the projects key objectives, as well as specific, useable and tailored recommendations which can be directly applied to COVAW’s programming
ix. Providing the typed raw data to COVAW contact staff (as above)
COVAW will be responsible for,

Preparing project documents including proposal and monitoring results framework and making it available to the consultant
Holding an inception meeting with the consultant to provide background information and to finalize the survey work-plan, timelines and expectations
Provide oversight for data collection.
Reviewing the inception report and data collection tools and providing the consultant with specific and timely feedback
Facilitating access to the respondents who will include SGBV survivors, various justice actors such as courts, prosecution, Police, Medical Practitioners, Gender Violence Recovery Centers and select community in project areas
Reviewing the draft baseline survey report and providing the consultant with specific and timely feedback
Managing and supporting the consultant throughout the survey process
Approving the final baseline survey

It is anticipated that the baseline survey will take 20 days and be concluded by the end of July 2019. Specific timelines will be agreed upon with the successful consultant.
Reporting and Dissemination plan
Baseline Report
The consultant must submit two bound copies and a soft copy of the final baseline report which is expected to be within 40 pages (without annexes) and with the following components:

Preliminary Pages (Title page, Table of Contents including a list of annexes, Acknowledgement, Executive Summary, List of Acronyms and Abbreviations, Definition of Terms and Concepts)
Introduction describing the project’s background and context
A description of the program, including the results framework and theory of change

Purpose and Objectives of Baseline

Key baseline questions or objectives and a statement of the scope of the baseline, with information on limitations and delimitations
An overview of the baseline approach, methodology and data sources
Baseline findings
Conclusion based on baseline findings
Recommendations based on baseline findings
Lessons learned and good practices based on the baseline findings

Skills and Qualifications of Consultant

A degree in Statistics or a related field, with post graduate qualifications in Monitoring and Evaluation. Experience in gender and women’s rights programming will be an added advantage.
At least 5 years’ experience in conducting baseline surveys and similar assignments.
High level of professionalism and ethics
Strong interpersonal and communication skills
Good understanding of legal and policy frameworks on SGBV and particularly the rights of women and girls in Kenya.
Sensitive to diverse cultures and socio-economic dynamics.
Proven research and report writing skills and facilitation experience.

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