Technical Assistants (Agribusiness)

Reports To: Agribusiness Project Officer
Location: Kitale, Trans Nzoia County and Kapcherop, Elgeyo Marakwet County
Duration & Hours: Short term (6months) & full –time. Renewable based on performance and availability of funds.
Purpose of the Role: The purpose of the role is to offer support in agribusiness trainings that include financial literacy, budget, investments, business planning, Linkage to financial services providers, VSLA/table banking and record keeping.
Other duties are on input suppliers linkages, vegetable traders and export market follow ups, field production data and sales data collection activities to Growing Futures beneficiaries working in local and export vegetable value chain within Trans Nzoia and Elgeyo Marakwet counties where the project operates.
Key Tasks and Responsibilities
Project Implementation

Assist the Agribusiness Project Officers in coordinating all GF activities within the counties to ensure that project activities are implemented within the project timeframe.
Participate in farmer’s mobilisation all through farmer trainings, follow up on plantings, proper record keeping and clustering of groups
Validate and report on GF farmers’ farm records as may be directed by the Agribusiness Project Officer
Support M&E team in conducting field surveys (e.g. sampling, data collection and reporting) and actively participate in preparations of farmer field days and linkages forums within the county.
Train all the farmer groups on business plan development and follow through on the printing of the documents and implementing the production plans
Engage the farmers in developing production plans and work with agronomists to ensure all target crops are produced
Work with the APO on market identification and linkage to the farmer groups Train all business skill related modules as directed by the APO
Offer expertise advice to GF farmers in order for them to improve on record keeping and business plan implementation within their vegetable farms in consultation with the Agribusiness Project Officer.
Occasionally assist in data entry and analysis as may be required by the project staff.

Stakeholder liaison

Maintain good client relations with farmers, agri-input suppliers, vegetable traders and other relevant stakeholders within the County
Prepare and submit for approvals, monthly work plans and field accomplishment reports
Participate in county stakeholders forums when called upon

Networking and Reporting

Establish strong partnership relationships and work effectively to ensure smooth relations between GF and other stakeholders
Provide bi-weekly and monthly reports for field work done in a timely manner

Monitoring and Reporting

Support M&E team in conducting field surveys (e.g. sampling, data collection and reporting) and actively participate in preparations of farmer field days and linkages forums within the county.
Regular data collection and reporting according to the project monitoring and learning plan
Occasionally assist in data entry and analysis as may be required by the project staff
Document success stories on market linkages, productivity and sales
Participate in M&E meetings/sessions
Write reports on deliverables using the formats provided
Participate in community feedback sessions and take lessons for improving project delivery

Other Roles

Support the project in organising and facilitating market linkage forums and field days
To participate and represent the project and Farm Africa in relevant forums as directed by PC
Any other related duty as directed by line manager or Farm Africa management team

Person Specification
Education, qualifications & other knowledge

Degree / diploma level in Agribusiness / Agriculture / economics or any other related field
Knowledge of the agriculture sector in Kenya
Minimum 3 years relevant work experience in the agricultural crop input sector


Experience of working with commercial enterprises
Experience in working with small holder farmers
Previous experience working in the horticultural sector in Kenya


Establishing small holder schemes for vegetable production


Knowledge & practical experience of economic horticultural models

Skills & Abilities

Communication (both verbal & written)
Multi stakeholder facilitation skills
Organizational skills
Mastery Adult learning methodologies and training skills


Intercultural sensitive

Our Values

Investing in smallholder farming is the number one way to combat poverty in rural Africa.
Farm Africa is a leading NGO specialising in growing agriculture, protecting the environment and developing businesses in rural Africa.
Expert. Deep expertise and insightful evidence-based solutions are at the heart of everything Farm Africa does.
Grounded. Positive change starts with Africa’s people, so our experts work closely with local communities, engaging them in every level of decision-making.
Impactful. We take a long-term view so we can deliver lasting changes for farmers and their families.
Bold. We model innovative new approaches and are not afraid to challenge strategies that are failing.


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