The current portfolio in Kenya includes the following programmes:
Kenya Sustainable Urban Economic Development (SUED): will support several secondary towns in Kenya to achieve climate resilient urban economic growth. This will be delivered by improving the urban economic plans of selected towns and drawing in investments for climate-resilient infrastructure and value chain projects
The Africa Clean Energy (ACE): a 4-year DFID-funded programme that aims to improve energy access for people and communities in sub-Saharan Africa currently without energy. It will do so by catalysing a market-based approach for private sector delivery of quality solar home system (SHS) products and services through a Technical Assistance Facility.
Jamii Thabiti (JT): The programme brings together DFID’s work on conflict resolution, police reform and mitigating violence against women and girls in Kenya. It is designed to respond to the opportunity presented by Kenyan Government devolution under the 2010 constitution and works at the national, county and local level to address specific drivers of violence and insecurity.
Business Advocacy Fund (BAF): Funded by DANIDA, BAF works with business membership organisations (BMOs) and civil society groups to identify policies and laws that constrain members’ businesses. It then provides funding, training and mentoring to BMOs to research the issues, develop new policies and regulatory changes that will overcome the problem, and talk to Government to advocate for these improvements.
Bids are welcomed for all lots below to join the Coffey Kenya preferred supplier list.
Description/ Specification
Proposal No.
Lot. 1 Supply of office stationery, consumables and office furniture
Batch 1: stationery and consumables
Batch 2: office furniture T/NBO//2019-001
Lot. 2 Printing services T/NBO/2019-002
Lot. 3 Provision of printer and plotter maintenance service
Batch 1: Biz Hub printer T/NBO/2019-003
Lot. 4 Supply and repair of hardware and electrical items
Batch 1: General plumbing hardware, electrical hardware
Batch 2: Provision of Rehabilitation and various works (plumbing, electrical and carpentry T/NBO/2019-004
Lot. 5 Vehicle services
Batch 1: Provision of Cab/Taxi services
Batch 2: Provision of Vehicle Rental Services T/NBO/2019-005
Lot. 6 Supply of IT accessories T/NBO/2019-006
Lot 8 Provision of travel agency services T/NBO/2019-008
Lot 9 Provision of hotels and conferencing services
Batch 1 :Accommodation (BB, HB & FB)
Batch 2: Conference Facilities T/NBO//2019-009
Lot 9 External catering services T/NBO/2019-010
Lot 10 Communications design T/NBO/2019/011
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