Call For Proposal – Operational Research On Understanding And Improving Reintegration Models: A Case Study Of 7 Cci’s In Kenya

Title of Assignment : Understanding and improving of reintegration models: A case study of 7 CCI’s in Kenya
Implementing Partner: Association of charitable children institutions of Kenya (ACCIK)
Project Name: Protection of children from family separation, abuse, neglect and exploitation in 8 counties in Kenya.
Duration of the assignment: 60 work-days
Start date: From: 17/10/2018 To: 21/12/2018
Project context
Children without adequate parental care exist in every country. However, knowing exact number of such children remains problematic due to lack of data and hidden nature of abuse, neglect and exploitation. In Kenya, the government estimates that there are over 2.4m orphaned children due to various causes and 48,000 are assumed to be in formal alternative care (NPA 2015- 2022).
Vast majority of children not living with their parents are cared for under informal kinship care arrangement and Kenya is not exceptional. However, this practice is declining day by day as result of extensive economic and social changes. The formal family based care – foster care and adoption are not widely practiced in Kenya due to socio- cultural barriers that perceive them as western practices, existing myths and lack of awareness on procedures and required substantial qualified workforce to manage them among other factors. The predominant, quick and convenient child-care system for Children in Need of
Care and Protection (CNCP) in Kenya has been the institutionalization of vulnerable children at the expense of preventive assistance and support to the families at risk. It is estimated that they are over 42,000 children living in CCIs (SITAN 2014)
The international and regional legal framework on alternative care that has since been domesticated in Kenya provide for a universal acceptance that children ought to grow in family care setting in place of institutions. However, realities in Kenya show that many children continue to be separated from their families as result of increased vulnerabilities caused by various factors and many of children continue to be placed and grow up in institutional care. Publication and dissemination of operational research with information on reintegration of children is part of our activities for PCF- SANE project. The research should build up on innovative, localized approaches that are effective in reintegration of children from institutional care back to the community.
The research will focus on understanding and improving the reintegration or exit of children from institutional to families and communities based care.
Purpose of the assignment
ACCIK is seeking a qualified research consultant with prior experience in conducting qualitative operation research using a case study approach. The consultant as the principal investigator will take lead in the conducing research whose objectives are:

To increase understanding of the experiences (positive and negative) of children living in CCIs and those exited that builds or undermines the reintegration or exit through other forms of alternative care.
To increase understanding of female and male caregivers or staff’s perspectives and experiences (positive and negative) in reintegration or exit through other forms of alternative care.
To identify and analyses the extent on which the existing laws, polices and child protection systems contribute or undermine the reintegration or exit of children back into the communities.
To develop policy, practice and funding recommendations that capitalize on promising practices, addressing challenges on reintegration or exit of children within the comprehensive care and protection systems in Kenya.

Scope of the Research
Seven Charitable Children Institutions in Kenya serving distinct categories of children in need of care and protection
The researcher will adopt qualitative, participatory and exploratory methods in conducting research.
Duration and Timeline
The assignment will be for a period of two months from 16th October 2018 to 22nd December 2018. The consultant will provide a detailed timetable in his proposal specifying the distribution of tasks and duration to complete each task
Key Responsibilities

Organize inception meeting
Review of draft report and giving feedback Financing of the research.
Organizing the meeting where consultant will present final report.


Submission of a technical proposal with a budget in consideration of design, methods/ techniques, tools and work plan
Literature review, data collection, analysis and interpretation and report writing


Briefings to ACCIK
Draft research report
Final research report

ACCIK shall retain the intellectual property for the research and its publication.
Proposed work plan and Time Frame
The assignment is expected to take an estimated period of 2 months upon award of contract to the presentation of final report.
Qualifications brief and Application process Specific Technical knowledge required

Advanced university degree in the social sciences, international relations, law or other relevant field will be required.
Five years of professional work experience at national and international levels in child protection, including child protection in emergencies.
Previous professional experience in qualitative research with use of participatory methods.
Sound theoretical knowledge on child care practices and protection within the international and national standards
Strong communication skills with ability to communicate detailed concepts clearly and concisely both in writing and verbally


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