
Job Description

Introduction/ Background
Africa is increasingly becoming a key player in acquiring, generating and applying knowledge to development challenges. Yet more needs to be done to make innovation play its part in the quest for transformation and diversification of the African economies. Sustained support to help member States put in place a favorable innovation environment as well as appropriate technologies to address their pressing needs is required, such as green economy, industrialization, job and wealth creation.
As part of providing leadership and coordination in the sustainable development of the continent’s Animal Resources, African Union InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is implementing a 5-year project on “Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa – Live2Africa”, The project pioneers a coherent continental programme approach to build systemic capacity in seven livestock components, that include: Investment in Value Chains, Animal Health; Animal Production, Productivity and Ecosystem Management; Resilience Building; Technology adoption in the Value Chains to inputs, services and markets; and strengthening institutional capacities.
One of the key project’s focus areas is to enhance innovation, generation and utilization of technologies, capacities and entrepreneurship skills of livestock value chain actors. In light of this AU-IBAR will be organizing a consultative workshop that aims to provide a platform to take stock of all existing technologies and highlight their aptness to the livestock value chains in Africa with key focus on documenting their advantages and disadvantages within the African context.
Objectives of the meeting
The overall objective of the workshop is to take stock of existing technologies and highlight pros and cons with special focus on their aptness to the livestock sector in Africa.
More specifically the meeting will:

Take inventory of existing technologies and innovations used in the livestock value chain across Africa.
Undertake a SWOT analysis on the identified technologies applicability in enhancing production, productivity and profitability of priority value chains as well as environmentally and climate friendliness.
Recommended selected technologies for use within the African continent based on above criterion
Identify entry points/interventions to enable the effective adoption of the recommended technologies.

Expected outcomes of workshop

An inventory of existing technologies used across the Livestock value chains in Africa availed.
A SWOT analysis on applicability of technologies in enhancing production, productivity and profitability of priority value chains used in Africa identified the identified technologies realized.
Appropriate technologies for the livestock value chain identified.
Potential entry points/interventions to improve efficiency and uptake identified.

In the above regard AU-IBAR is through due diligence seeking to identify and engage the services of one (1) consultant to facilitate the workshop on “Taking stock of existing technologies, their suitability and profitability across livestock value chains in Africa”.
Objectives of the consultancy
The facilitator will be responsible for the smooth running of the meeting including but not restricted to:

Design and plan the process, and select the tools that best help the progress towards that desired outcome. This will include development of tools.

Develop a comprehensive online survey tool to take stock and SWOT analysis of technologies across the livestock value chains.
Develop scoring criterion to assess technologies suitability and profitability across the livestock value chains.

Lend subject matter to the specific workshop sessions through development of Terms of reference for each working session.

Facilitate the workshop and co-ordinate the day to day workshop proceedings as per the agreed upon agenda.

Produce a workshop synopsis report highlighting technologies, their profitability and suitability as per the meetings deliberations and recommendations.

Scope of work
The methodology of the meeting will include brainstorming, working sessions and plenary discussions. It will use the participatory process that allows the ideas of individuals to be tested, argued, amplified and refined through constructive discussions with others. The facilitator will undertake to perform the services with the highest standards of professional and ethical competence and integrity. The facilitator is strongly encouraged to develop highly interactive and practical outputs for this consultancy.
Expected outcomes

Facilitation of 3 days interactive meeting.
A programme for the 3-day consultative workshop.
Comprehensive online survey tool (SWOT analysis tool) to achieve the expected outcomes developed.
Scoring criterion to access technologies suitability and profitability across the livestock value chains developed.
Draft workshop synopsis report delivered within 3days of meeting end.

Competences and experience
The facilitator should have:

At least five years’ experience in technology and innovation development and transfer.
Proficiency in domestication of modern technologies in the livestock value chains in Africa.
Experience in the developing and facilitating stakeholders’ consultations. The successful facilitator should have excellent soft skills.
Possession expertise in knowledge management would be an added advantage.
Good interpersonal skills and ability to work with people of different cultures and professional backgrounds.
Fluency in English

The total duration of the service for the technical resource person is 8 days technical support in facilitation at 300 USD/day.
The assignment will be undertaken in 8 days, including 2 days preparations, 3 days of facilitation and 3 days for finalization of the workshop report. The consultancy period commences on 29th October 2018 and ends on 7th November 2018
The facilitator/trainer will work under the overall guidance and supervision of Technology, Innovations and Skill development expert.
Interested consultants are required to provide Technical and Financial Proposals taking into consideration the maximum available budget. The deadline for submission of proposals is by 18th October 2018 15:00 Nairobi, Local Time.