Fee: GBP6000/Ksh780,000
Consultancy Purpose
These Terms of Reference (TOR) are for the evaluation of our Learning, Educating and Protecting (LEAP from the streets) project. This evaluation is commissioned by Chance for Childhood (CfC) and will cover the period of 1st February 2016 – 31st January 2018. This TOR was prepared by the CfC Programme Manager and initial conceptualization of evaluation ideas was contributed by project implementing partners, Kisumu Urban Apostolates Programmes (KUAP) and Yellow House Health and Outreach Services (YH). The purpose of the ToR is two-fold. Firstly, it provides key information to CfC and project partners about the impact of the project so far; and secondly, it will highlight any key gaps that need to be addressed going forward in order to achieve the set outcomes and intended impact. The midterm evaluation shall assess the evolving relevance of the programme, efficiency, effectiveness, and progress made towards achieving the planned objectives, outcomes and learning questions.