End of Phase Evaluation for the Emergency Response Project in Marsabit and Turkana Counties, Kenya

The evaluation
This evaluation is designed to provide documented lessons learned and promising practices which project managers of future projects can use when developing interventions towards child protection centered emergency response with a focus on TdH-NL main child exploitation thematic areas in other similar contexts. It will also serve as an important accountability purpose for TdH-NL by identifying the extent that the project objectives were achieved.
The main objective of the evaluation is to examine the extent to which the project has brought meaningful results for project beneficiaries, and identify key areas that can be replicated in similar interventions. Further, the evaluation will also focus on the programme design, implementation process, performance of the programme, organizational management systems and how these impacted on the implementation of the various projects within this programme.
The specific objectives of the evaluation include:

To examine the extent to which the project impact/outcomes (objective) have been achieved
To identify how the project benefited the beneficiaries.(include the two most significant change stories/case studies child and household in the projects locations)
To examine the unintended/unplanned effects of the project among the target beneficiaries and local communities
To examine projects components, strategies and activities that can be replicated in similar projects
To identify main lessons learnt and recommendations for future implementation child protection centered ER in Kenya and in projects designed under similar contexts.
To assess suitability of partners selected to deliver on ER activities of TdH-NL against the expected outputs.
Time period and geographical area
The proposed evaluation time frame is between February 2018 – June 2018. The evaluation will focus on the emergency response interventions undertaken in Turkana (Turkana central, Loima and Turkana South) and Marsabit (Moyale and Laisamis) counties.

For more information on the background, evaluation contents and requirements, kindly refer to the full Terms of Reference.
Expression of Interest
The consultant will submit a full technical proposal and a financial proposal. The following components must be included:
Technical proposal

The consultant’s understanding of the terms of reference
Clear and detailed work plan including a Gantt chart
A detailed evaluation methodology
Full details of proposed consultancy team members,
Sample report of end of project evaluation preferrable Emergency Response
Outline of applied DAC, and COC criteria and SHERE standards and Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability

Financial Proposal
a. The financial proposal must include the actual number of consultants/team, number of working days and the professional rates per day. It must also include a separate itemised logistic budget with accommodation, transport and stationary, communication, etc, well broken down.