REDD+ Legal Preparedness Consultant

To update the report “Integrating REDD+ provisions in key legislation under development and review in Kenya” and “The assessment of the Policies, Laws and Regulations framework governing Tenure in the context of REDD+ in Kenya” in light of the recent adoption of the Community Land Act and the Forest Management and Conservation Act; and to highlight all legal provisions which could facilitate or hinder the REDD+ process in Kenya, as well as streamline proposals for subsidiary legislation or policies based on identified gaps
Develop a policy brief on the basis of the updated report on the analysis of the integration of REDD+ provisions in key legislation under development and review in Kenya, including recommendations on next steps – including on land administration.
Disseminate the updated report and present the policy brief through a final workshop (NB: Logistical support for the workshop will be provided by the FAO-Kenya office)
Minimum requirements
Master’s degree in natural resources management, forestry, law, policy and land administration or other relevant subject