Position Description
As part of SPSS, IBTCI seeks candidates for the position of Contribution Analyst for an evaluation of the Transition Initiatives for Stabilization Plus (TIS+) program. TIS+ seeks to promote stabilization in Somalia through good governance, economic growth and countering violent extremism. The purpose of the activity is to foster participatory processes that promote good governance and community cohesion. TIS+ activities will contribute to improvements in government service delivery, leading to strengthened governance and community cohesion. Communities will be supported with access to livelihoods, income generation, and basic community infrastructure.
The TIS+ task order will run from November 2016 to July 2019. This position will run from December 2016 – August 2017, with the possibility of extending for the remaining two years, and the estimated total LOE for the first year is 126 days. The work will occur in phases throughout the 3 years and most of the work will be Nairobi based with travel to Somalia.
The objectives of the TIS+ program are to:
1) Increase confidence in governance based on equitable participation in decision-making and management of community assets.
2) Empower community and government representatives to engage with the private sector and development actors in a collaborative process for community growth.
3) Increase Somali engagement in creating a more stable future.
4) Support inclusive, sustainable development by reducing gender gaps in stabilization and development.
TIS+ will use a cluster-based approach to the selection of geographic areas in which to intervene. Activities will focus on a limited set of clusters at any time, and be rolled out to new clusters as accessibility allows. This will allow the activity to respond to conditions on the ground and maximize efficiency in programming. It also allows them to move into areas as they become liberated and are most in need of stabilization programming.
The Contribution Analyst’s responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:
Participate in revision and finalization of the Theory of Change or project logic to ensure applicability of contribution analysis method;
Assess potential data sources and identify data requirement;
Contribute to design of data collection tools, including articulating cause-effect questions and ensuring their inclusion in the semi-structured questionnaire and qualitative study guides;
Contribute to the training of staff involved in the qualitative study;
Construct contribution story, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the cause-and-effect logic in light of the evidence collected, the relevance of other contributory factors and the evidence for rival explanations;
Participate in data analysis and provide insights critical to the Somalia context;
Write sections of the final baseline evaluation report incorporating contribution analysis.
The Contribution Analyst should demonstrate the following expertise:
Demonstrated, extensive experience in planning and conducting baseline assessments and mixed-method evaluations;
Experience with contribution analysis methodology, especially regarding community-based programming in insecure / fragile environments;
Strong analytical skills to report the comparative findings (across clusters) in a concise manner
Expert knowledge of the past and current status of governance in South-Central Somalia;
Knowledge of design and implementation of instrumental case studies (“Why” and “How”) and stability phenomena in the Somalia context / experience with programming focused on Countering Violent Extremism;
Advanced degree in a relevant field preferred.
No phone calls, please. Only final candidates will be contacted.