Job description
The Kenya Country office handles an annual budget of approximately US$ 80 million of which 50% of inputs pertain to either cash transfer or supply components provided to our implementing partners. One of the main functions of this unit is to provide technical guidance and support in enterprise risk management related to cash transfers and ensure that the KCO is compliant with the requirements of the HACT guidelines. Partnership management is one of the key strategies of UNICEF Kenya. The UNICEF KCO has currently more than 125 implementing partners. The Quality Assurance Unit under Operations provides critical support to achievement of objectives related to Enterprise Risk Management, HACT, Audit and VISION Hub management. The Quality Assurance Manager directs these functions with support from the staff of the unit.
How can you make a difference?
Under the overall guidance of the Chief of Operations, the incumbent is expected to manage key functions related to Enterprise Risk Management, HACT Partnership Management, internal/external audits and management of VISION Hub, including Approva functions (ToA/Role Mapping/SoD violations) for the office.
Enterprise Risk Management
Organize office-wide consultations on risk management, provide technical guidance and support in the preparation of the annual risk profile in line with global and regional guidelines.
Provide technical advice and follow-up with Outcome Teams on developing risk management strategies and mitigation measures, evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of mitigating actions and report quarterly on progress to CMT and in accordance with global guidelines ensure that timely updates are made in the ERM component of Insight;
Identify key risks and issues emanating from audits, spot checks and all assurance activities and follow up on mitigation of identified risks;
Coordinate preparations, draft reports on and replies to internal/external audits and follow up on the recommendations for closure.
Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfer (HACT)
Based on information received from the outcome teams in in coordination with senior managers within the office, supervises development of a risk-informed HACT Assurance
Plan for the office, reviews the Plan, and communicates the plan with the full CMT to solicit review and approval and to ensure their understanding of the risks and mitigation measures;
Provide information on the scope of planned micro-assessments and audits to third-party audit firms, provide clarifications/additional information to the auditors. Based on a thorough understanding of the country programme review audit reports to identify follow up actions in collaboration with senior programme managers;
Assess capacity development needs of implementing partners and develop training plan for partners based on the outcomes of micro-assessments and audits and in coordination with the Zonal Offices. Direct implementation of capacity building activities for both staff and implementing partners;
Monitor implementation of planned spot checks, reports to CMT on a regular basis and propose corrective actions when necessary;
Develop interventions and maintain tracking tools for monitoring actions stemming from audit reports, spot check reports and micro-assessments reports, ensures communication, advocacy and follow up with the responsible Programme Managers and share updates among senior management accordingly;
Participate and contribute to the work of the inter-agency HACT Working Group under the Operations Management Team (OMT). Provide technical guidance in the area of HACT and ensure cost savings and efficiency gains among the UNDG agencies.
Manage the locally established transaction processing center (VISION Hub) and establish procedures to ensure completeness and soundness of transactions’ supporting documents in accordance with UNICEF rules and regulations prior to initiating the process in SAP/VISION system;
Develop and communicate key performance indicators on transaction workflow to ensure efficiencies are maintained and areas of concern or opportunities for additional
efficiencies are communicated with individual managers and the CMT;
Manage the APPROVA functions for the office: monitor validity and initiate updates of Table of Authority and Role Mapping. Monitor SoD violations and take required corrective actions;
Ensure that VISION role assignments are done timely and in line with the approved Table of Authority, conduct regular reconciliation to eliminate deviations from the rules;
Organize and conduct VISION/INSIGHT capacity building sessions for staff to support effective programme planning and monitoring.
Quality Assurance/technical support in partnership management to Outcome Teams and Zone Offices:
Serve as a focal point for Outcome Teams and Zone Office staff in the area of HACT/Risk Management;
Manage the Partnership Module of e-tools, provide technical guidance on partnership management (PCA/SSFAs), with focus on value for money on PCAs and adherence to the CSO procedures.
Based on a thorough understanding of the legal framework and internal workflow requirements advises management on risks and mitigation measures on partnerships .
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…
An advanced university degree (Master’s or higher) in business administration, financial management or related field(s);
A first University Degree in a relevant field combined with 2 additional years of professional experience may be accepted in lieu of an Advanced University Degree.
A minimum of eight years of relevant professional experience in quality assurance, audit, and/or finance. Experience in UN system is an asset.
Developing country work experience and/or familiarity with emergency is considered an asset.
Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) or a local language is an asset.
For every Child, you demonstrate
UNICEF’s core values of Commitment, Diversity and Integrity and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.
The Technical Competencies Required For This Post Are
Analyzing (I)
Applying technical expertise (II)
Planning and organizing (III)
Leading and Supervising (II)
Formulating Strategies and Concepts (II)