Driven by the vision that everyone needs a decent place to live, Habitat for Humanity began in 1976 as a grassroots effort on a community farm in southern Georgia, USA. The Christian housing organization has since grown to become a leading global nonprofit working in more than 1,300 communities throughout the U.S. and in more than 70 countries. In Kenya, we have been in operation since 1982 through Habitat for Humanity Kenya (HFH Kenya), a locally registered NGO.
HFH Kenya, has worked in 250 communities across various counties, enabling over 8,300 low income families access decent and affordable houses through building, renovating and preserving homes, effectively directly serving over 58,000 individuals. Through Habitat for Humanity International market systems partners in Kenya, over 56,000 families have been able to access housing finance, resulting to over 283,000 individuals being served. HFH Kenya key focus areas include Community Support and Development Program (CSDP), Financial Inclusion, Advocacy and volunteer engagement.
HFHK invites interested and eligible consultants to submit their bids for the following service:
Consultant/Consulting firm to conduct a comprehensive Hydrogeological /Geophysical Survey and related studies for prospecting on identification of six (6) sites for drilling new boreholes and submit an accurate report to guide the drilling process.
The main objective of this project is to carry out a hydrogeological /geophysical survey with the aim to identify the aquifer system on the medium-scale, to locate drilling sites with high potential of good quality groundwater on the small-scale and finally to supervise the drilling process.
The survey shall be in two phases and should cover the following areas:
Conducting environmental and hydro-geological survey
Carrying out groundwater exploratory field geophysical investigations to identify exact drilling locations
Submit Hydro-geological and geophysical report
Obtaining necessary permit and licences from the concerned National government Ministry and local authorities
Developing contract documentation
The hydrogeological/geophysical survey will be done within Laikipia County. Details of the specific locations will be communicated at a later date.
Conduct environmental and hydro-geological survey
Compile and analyse all the available hydrogeological, geological, climatic, meteorological and topographical maps, borehole and surface water records etc of the area and its environs in order to:
Assess the groundwater potential of the project area by identifying the target aquifer(s), their types and spatial distribution
The outcomes of the geophysical investigation strategy should be presented for approval within Hydrogeological report.
Desk review and data-acquisition: review of existing data, geological hydrogeological, topographical maps, satellite images, previous existing hydrogeological/geological studies and borehole site investigations in the area, borehole and surface water records, ground water quality data etc.
Identify and describe groundwater recharge and discharge areas and processes (diffuse versus concentrated recharge) and estimate the groundwater baseline elevation (elevation below which the subsurface is assumed to be saturated): elevation of nearby spring, elevation of lake, flowing river or projected groundwater elevation from nearby wells.
Geophysical Investigation & Selection Of Drilling Sites
Carry out the geophysical investigation according to the investigation strategy and interpret results:
The proposed drilling sites shall be marked with a concrete marker, shown in topographical maps and indicated on appropriate site sketch maps.
Compile the reports into an intermediate hydrogeological/geophysical report and submit to HFHK.
Obtaining necessary permit and licences from the appropriate National government Ministries and local authorities
Select the most suitable borehole drilling sites in the project area, also considering the legal framework and the requirements of the NEMA and any other Act relating to water resources management.
A separate description of each proposed borehole site is part of the report.
Obtain permits and relevant authorization documents for the whole project sites identified
The consultant will assist in the application and follow-up of the borehole-drilling permits such as the Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA) and NEMA, for the proposed boreholes; for this purpose the consultant will also provide additional copies of the reports WRMA and NEMA requirement. The consultant should therefore provide a provisional sum for the permits and related follow-up costs.
Submit Hydro-geological and geophysical report
A conceptual hydrogeological model of the study area, clearly identifying the target aquifer types (porous, fractured or karstic), their geometrical characteristics (horizontal or vertical-steep aquifer), the recharge processes and assumed groundwater flow direction as well as a water balance of the area.
A figure illustrating the conceptual model and indicating preferential areas for groundwater prospection
Data base including the compiled geological and hydrogeological data in electronic form (Excel, MS Access, etc)
Based on the conceptual hydrogeological model detailed description of the investigation strategy and its rationale
Justification of chosen method and investigation depth (recalling target aquifer and groundwater baseline elevation) and description of calibration method (e.g. with borehole logs), description of expected geophysical response of the target aquifer (e.g. electrical resistivity range),
Compile the Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports into an intermediate hydrogeological/geophysical report and submit to HFHK. This report needs to be approved prior to the drilling process (e.g. the proposed well-design). Should the consultant delay the submission of the report and thereby induce a delay in the drilling process**, a penalty of 10% of the total cost shall** be charged
Developing contract documentation
Prepare tender package comprising of designs/drawings and outputs expected from the identified vendor/company
Tender invitation, adjudication and documentation
The consultant should be involved in the tendering process for the drilling company by assisting with technical advice and assisting the client in identifying suitable partners for the work: with particular attention to be given to the well equipment materials that can be used and mobilised.
The consultant shall represent the client on site
The consultant shall supervise all the drilling process at all times on site, including the geological borehole logging and documentation of pumping test according to standard formats.
Borehole drilling and installation Supervision
The consultant should be involved in the tendering process for the drilling company by assisting with technical advice and assisting the client in identifying suitable partners for the work
The consultant shall supervise the drilling works and ensure the boreholes are drilled and completed according to stipulated technical specifications and sound professional standards.
The consultant shall represent the client on site and document on a daily basis the drilling, development and test pumping of the proposed boreholes and hand-in a daily drilling progress report to HFHK.
Ensure that the drilling contractor do water sampling, geological logging and water quality analysis (chemical and bacteriological).
Supervise installation of screens, casings, gravel pack, impermeable seals, well-heads etc. Ensure that the recommended drilling depths, design and materials are followed and propose and carry out quality control measures upon well-completion, e.g. borehole camera inspection.
Prepare a detailed borehole completion report; with all necessary recommendations e.g. pump capacity, optimum depth of installation, periodic water quality analysis according to the standard format.
The consultant will use a systematic and holistic approach to assess the project site.
The reports all need to have the same title page, including the following details:
Name and address of Consultant
Project title
Project Phase (this refers to the labelling of the different intermediate reports and final reports, as per below description of outcomes).
The Consultant shall have available the necessary equipment and other relevant kits for the Survey to discharge the assignment successfully as required.
Due to the nature of the proposed work, the hydrogeological survey field mission is expected to take a maximum of One month.
Financial Schedule:
The consultant should draw up a detailed financial proposal, including consultant’s fees where applicable. (Quote in Kenya Shillings)
For the execution of the survey, HFHK shall ensure that the local authorities are informed of this survey. HFHK shall inform and update the consultant on the security situation, or changes therein. HFHK shall also make available the following information and facilities to the consultant:
Relevant reports, documents, maps, data at contracting authorities disposal;
Counterpart staff for necessary support in the field.
Prepare and deliver consultancy services as per the TOR
Deliver the key deliverables in time; submit a final report duly approved by HFHK after full incorporation of views and editions from the client.
Facilitate 2 debriefing sessions before and after the field mission.
The consultant and his team will make their own arrangements on transport, security and accommodation and meals during the duration of the assignment.
The key deliverable is hydrogeological & geophysical survey report, which should be submitted to HFHK. The consultant will be expected to deliver 2 hard copies with approval from HFHK using the recognized government format.
A soft copy on e-mail and 2 CDs with the final report will also be submitted to HFHK.
The consultant will also be required to deliver to HFHK all study materials:
Soft copies of all data sets both quantitative and qualitative.
The geophysical interpretation model and the graphical plot of the curve and model.
Any other non-consumable documents/items that will be used in the course of the planned consultancy.
The borehole sites identified should be clearly marked with concrete markers, shown in a picture plate and indicated on a sketch map to be included in the final report.
A Master or postgraduate degree in Hydrogeology/Geology/Geophysics or Environmental Sciences or engineering or water engineering
Must be registered by the Geological Registration Board and preferably an active member of the Geological Society of Kenya (GSK).
At least 10 years proven experience in conducting and interpreting hydrogeological/geophysical survey using diverse techniques
Proven experience in drilling supervision and borehole documentation
A reliable and effective analyst with extensive experience in conducting analyses and a proven record of delivering professional results
Excellent computer skills and desirable skills in Arc GIS and groundwater modelling software.
Excellent presentation and report writing skills.
The consultant will be under the direct supervision of the HFHK team based in Laikipia County for the duration of the contract. The consultant will maintain official communication with the HFHK Field Officers, Head of Program Operations and the National Director.
Submission Details
Capability statement, including commitment for availability for the entire assignment, demonstrable capacity to undertake the assignment and 3 referees/organizations worked for within the past 3 years carrying out hydrogeological investigations. (3 reports will be expected at the interview stage)
Detailed statement on the proposed study, clearly stating the study methodology and data collection methods.
Detailed financial proposal, the financial proposal should include daily cost per major activity.
A detailed work schedule for the study indicating activity timeline and assessment duration.
Updated curriculum vitae of the consultants who will undertake the work that clearly spells out qualifications and experience. Where more than one consultant is to be involved, clearly indicate the overall lead consultant and responsible persons.
Commitment that the consultants whose CVs are presented and interviewed will be engaged through out if the consultancy is awarded. (HFHK will not accept replacements)
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