Request For Proposals

Improving Social and Economic Opportunities for Youth in Northern Kenya
Subject Matter Expert- Policy Influence
Purpose of RfP
Through the Improving Social and Economic Opportunities for Youth in Northern Kenya project, the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is seeking to identify a subject matter expert in the field of policy influence to lead a series of capacity strengthening sessions with local civil society organisations in Lamu, Garissa and Mandera. The sessions will seek to strengthen the CSOs’ capacity to work with various government bodies to positively influence policy-making and planning. The sessions should focus heavily on tangible tactics, skills, tools and templates necessary to influence policy. To promote sustainability, the subject matter expert will document the content from the sessions to ensure that information, approaches and templates can be re-visited and applied on an on-going basis.
About the project
The overall objective of the Improving Social and Economic Opportunities for Youth in Northern Kenya project is to improve social and economic opportunities for vulnerable young women and men aged 15-35 in Lamu, Garissa and Mandera counties. Specifically, AKF will facilitate greater employment and income generation opportunities for youth by working with a broad range of stakeholders including TVET institutions, potential employers in the private sector, CSOs, religious leaders, school management committees, County Government as well as youth groups.
The capacity building sessions will work towards Objective 1 and 3 of the project:

Specific Objective 1 seeks to strengthen the institutional capacity of three networks of CSOs to deliver effective, inclusive socio-economic programming for youth across the three counties.
Specific Objective 3 will improve dialogue, engagement and understanding between county government, youth and various stakeholders (religious leaders, schools, CSOs) on matters affecting youth

Key tasks/deliverables

Defining the learning objectives, overall structure, and outline for capacity strengthening sessions on policy influence. Topics should include but are not limited to: A) evidence gathering from multiple stakeholders to support soft advocacy, B) engaging in public debates/campaigns through various mediums (meetings, radio, television, etc.) and C) writing policy memorandum and petitions to local and national assembly committees.
Working one-on-one with each CSO (6 in total) to guide each organisation on how to positively influence policy and decision-making
Designing tools, templates and exercises for policy influence that can be used over time
Documenting content of capacity strengthening sessions for future reference

Anticipated timeline

All deliverables are expected to be delivered between 1 September 2018 and 1 November 2018.
Selection criteria
Demonstrated expertise in working with civil society organisations in transitional advocacy, writing memorandum and petitions to county assemblies to influence policy and local decision-making
Previous experience with civil society organisations, capacity strengthening and/or trainings
Strong writing skills

Application process
Please respond to the request for proposals with the following details:

Overview of qualifications/experience
Proposed work plan with activities, timelines and budget
Samples of policy influencing tools and templates