Our Client is a human rights NGO working to protect and promote health-related human rights in Kenya. They do this by providing legal services and support, training professionals on human rights, engaging in advocacy campaigns that promote awareness of human rights issues, conducting research and influencing policy that promotes evidence-based change. Our Client advocates for a holistic and rights-based system of service delivery in health and for the full enjoyment of the right to health by all, including the vulnerable, marginalized and excluded populations in four thematic areas.
For the last three (3) years, Our Client with support from AIDSFONDS International has been implementing the Brilliant Project, which aims to increase access to affordable treatment for people living with HIV through addressing intellectual property barriers at national and regional level and holding the government accountable for access to essential medicines.
This project was being implemented against the backdrop that while patents and other intellectual property (IP) rights can incentivize innovation, they can also contribute to global health in equity, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), which often lack access to affordable health products, including for global health emergencies and path-breaking new health products (such as long-acting [LA] technologies) for HIV, TB as well as non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and numerous other conditions. The aim of the implemented programme was to advocate for;
A legal environment characterized by an Intellectual Property law that prevents abuse of the patent system by pharmaceuticals
An environment where bilateral agreements do not introduce TRIPs-plus provisions
The prohibition of patent ever greening / misuse of the patent system through patent oppositions
The existing flexibilities in national laws are used
Increased access to medicines through promotion of local production
Increased access to novel HIV prevention tools including injectable long acting anti-retrovirals/therapeutics.
The specific objectives of this end of project evaluation consultancy are to;
Assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of the project.
Evaluate the extent to which the project has achieved its stated objectives.
Identify best practices, challenges, and lessons learned.
Provide recommendations to enhance future programming and advocacy efforts related to IP and access to health products.
The end of project evaluation will be guided by the following criteria;
Relevance: Alignment of the project with national and global priorities on IP and health
Effectiveness: The extent to which the project has met its objectives and expected results
Efficiency: Assessment of resource utilization, including financial and human resources
Impact: Contribution of the project to policy changes and increased access to health products
Sustainability: Prospects for the continuity of project gains beyond the funding period.
The consultant will employ a mixed-methods approach that includes;
Review of project documents and secondary literature
Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with project staff, policymakers, and advocacy partners
Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with key beneficiaries and stakeholders
Case studies to capture qualitative and quantitative data
Triangulation of findings to ensure reliability and validity.
The expected deliverables from the evaluation are as follows;
An inception report, prepared after an inception meeting, detailing the general understanding of the assignment, approach, work plan, budget, and deliverables
A final work plan with clear timelines as agreed on with Our Client
A draft and final endline evaluation report with a summary (PowerPoint presentation highlighting findings and
A best practice document.
The total number of days assigned for this consultancy is 20. The consultant shall however cost their work for a maximum period of 15 work days, aligned to their work plan. The consultant will be available for assignment closure activities which shall take 5 days. These 5 days shall be dedicated to the development of the draft Endline Evaluation report, a PowerPoint presentation on the summary of the findings, a review of the first draft of the report and the validation meeting and finalization of the assignment.
The consultant will report to the Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor and Programme Officer – HIV/TB and KAPs. Our Client shall provide overall supervisory support for the assignment as well as administrative and logistical support. These roles will be defined in more detail at the inception meeting.
An advanced Degree in Public Health, Law, Social Sciences, or related fields
At least 7 years’ relevant experience in collecting and analyzing market and patent data
At least 4 years’ consultancy experience conducting end of project evaluation
Experience documenting best practices
Interest, experience, and or academic training in HIV, TB, and public health, human rights, international development, patent law, Legal Frameworks, chemistry or related fields
Experience working with market dynamics on HIV and TB medicines, preferably in low-income and middle-income countries with coordination experience with civil society groups
Experience working in or for the nonprofit, philanthropic sector or related field is a plus
Excellent analytical, writing, and communication skills
The ability to work independently to produce high quality outputs in a timely manner while understanding and anticipating evolving client needs
Familiar with participatory approaches to data collection.
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