Lecturer – Agriculture, Environment and Health Sciences Senior Lecturer – Agriculture, Environment and Health Sciences

Duties and Responsibilities

Develop teaching materials, teach, and mentor both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Set, moderate, and mark examinations for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Provide supervision services to students on their projects/dissertations/theses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Participate in the development and preparation of annual faculty plans.
Participate in the development of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Initiate and participate in research projects.
Provide professional and community services.
Initiate linkages with industry players.
Organize academic trips.
Supervise educational activities/projects/theses.
Assess industrial attachments for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Attend and participate in seminars/workshops/conferences in relevant fields.
Participate in planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of curricular activities in the department.
Carry out research in the area of specialization and provide consultancy services to the community.
Participate in departmental ad-hoc committees and other activities for effective and efficient management of the department and faculty.
Carry out administrative and other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Chairman of the Department from time to time.

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this grade, a candidate: –

Should have an earned PhD degree or its equivalent from an accredited and recognized University.
Registered with the relevant professional body (where applicable)


For special cases/disciplines (Engineering, Medicine, Nursing, Public health), have a Master’s degree in the relevant field from an accredited and recognized University plus at least three (3) years of teaching experience at University level or in research /industry.
A minimum of 24 research and publication points of which 16 should be in refereed journal(s) or one (1) post-secondary school book or four(4) book chapters in relevant fields for at least undergraduate studies level.
Registered with the relevant professional body (where applicable).

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Applicants must:The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Administration, Planning and Finance
Machakos University
P. O. BOX 136 – 90100
MACHAKOSSo as to be received not later than Thursday 13th March, 2025.

Apply via :
