Registrar Administration Registrar Academics Dean of Students

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail: –

Secretary to the University College Management Board:
Providing leadership in the formulation of strategies, policies and procedures on Human
Resource Management and General Administration to support the University’s overall business strategy.
Advising the University on all administrative matters.
Advising of the deployment and redeployment of Administrative Officers across the University College
Overseeing the sourcing and management of cleaning and security services
Ensuring maintenance of office buildings and equipment.
Ensuring administration, enforcement and service delivery in the University College
Ensuring maintenance and security of records in the University College
Ensuring security of students, staff and University College properties;
Initiating and overseeing the management of outsourced services on security and cleaning;
Overseeing transport and logistics;
Ensuring processing and dissemination of information.
Overseeing maintenance and servicing of motor vehicles and office buildings.
Ensuring timely payment of utility bills:
Reviewing work plans for the Administrative department and Liaising with the other departments/units for all administrative matters.
Overseeing the preparation and implementation of budgets, procurement plans and departmental work plans in the directorate.
Coordinating allocation and use of University College facilities;
Coordinating the development and implementation of the University College master plan:
Ensuring general cleanliness of the University College premises.
Overseeing the performance appraisals for the support staff within the Department:
Interpreting and disseminating Human Resource and Administration policies, plans, procedures and circulars:
Reviewing and submitting periodic reports on human resource and administration within the University College;
Overseeing health services in the University College;
Providing strategic leadership in development and implementation of the University’s strategy on job evaluation, job grading, salary surveys and salary structures to achieve equitable, affordable and fair remuneration in the University;
Overseeing development and implementation of reward management policies and strategies that attract, motivate and retain employees for higher productivity;
Providing advisory on all employee relations and policy matters, across the University using internal and external insight to develop and sustain cordial Employee Relations;
Providing leadership to employee relations initiatives that promote Industrial harmony in the
University College and oversee the management and implementation of employee wellness programs to promote a conducive working environment;
Facilitating efficient and effective administration services including maintenance of the University’s property, offices and provision of transport services:
Implementing Council decisions on matters relating to human resource and administration in the University College;
Overseeing the resourcing and provision of sustainable medical care for staff;
Overseeing and guiding the negotiation process of CBA’s with the union and enforce compliance with labour related statutes and regulations.

Requirements for Appointment

Be a holder of a relevant Master’s degree from an accredited and recognized university;
Must possess Bachelor’s Degree in the relevant field in Social Sciences or Business from an accredited and recognized university. (Human Resource Management, business administration, Economics, Commerce) or a relevant degree;
Certified Human Resource Professional Certificate (CHRP) or Diploma in Human Resource Management. Management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks cumulatively;
At least twelve (12) years’ relevant work experience, six (6) of which must be at
Must be registered with the relevant professional body in good standing;
Proficiency in computer applications;
Fulfil the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya management level:

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Applicants must submit seven (7) copies of application letters giving a detailed Curriculum Vitae showing their age, work experience, present post and salary attached, duly certified Academics and Professional documents, and other supporting documents.Electronic scanned copies in PDF format (as a running pdf) to be sent to, email; applications should be clearly marked with the referenced number of the advertised positionApplicants should request three referees to write and send a confidential letter of recommendation directly to the undersigned.Applications must be submitted on or before Friday, March 07, 2025 and be addressed to:THE PRINCIPALKOITALEEL SAMOEI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE
P.O BOX 5-30307MOSORIOT.So as to be received by March, 7, 2025 by 1700hrs.

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