Job Qualifications
Minimum Requirements
Should be an outstanding scholar with a proven record in promoting ethical scientific research, quality teaching/learning and community service in the University
Should be at least at the level Senior Lecturer
Should be customer oriented with a clear understanding of the University’s customers’ needs, preferences and interests.
Should have a PhD or its equivalent
Should have at least seven (7) years’ experience in senior administrative and academic leadership position
Should have outstanding organizing, people mobilization and negotiating skills
Job Responsibilities
Coordinate the ISO Core Committee
Coordinate the Quality Management Committee.
Ensure effective implementation of performance management system in the Directorate.
Ensure that Management Review Meetings are held in consultation with the Vice Chancellor and that all recommendations are implemented.
Ensure that the quality assurance evaluations are carried out and analyzed on time.
Ensure the processes needed for QMS are established, implemented and maintained.
Ensure the promotion of awareness of customer requirement throughout the organization.
Formulate plans for training and sensitization programmes for quality assurance.
Liaise with external parties on matters of quality assurance on behalf of CUEA.
Oversee budget development and implementation as the Chief Accounting Officer of the Directorate.
Oversee the implementation of internal quality assurance with the collaboration of all function heads.
Plan and direct Quality Assurance Programmes
Present regular reports to the Management Board on functioning of the CUEA Quality Assurance System and the performance of QMS; and advise on the areas of improvement.
Promote University’ Mission, Vision and Core Values.
Provision of leadership on the strategic direction for Quality Assurance for the organization
Represent the Directorate in the University Management Board, Senate and other committees.
To coordinate the inspection of academic programmes and facilities by regulating bodies such as CUE.
To ensure that CUEA policy on curriculum development is in consonance with the CUE (Commission For University Education) Guidelines for designing curriculum for University Academic Programmes.
To oversee the evaluation of Academic programmes for CUEA, Constituent Colleges and Affiliate Institutions before presentation to CUE.
To provide the link between CUEA and accreditation bodies (CUE, Inter-university council of eastern Africa) on academic programme development and harmonization of university education in the region.
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