Consultancy for Task Order 50 In Business Project Endline Evaluation

Roles and responsibilities

Light for the World and TO50 Partners

The TO 50 partners, including UDPK, will be responsible for designing and validating the evaluation, establishing the research questions and approach, publishing terms of reference and selecting the best applications from external consultants to complete the evaluations. The partners will then review inception reports jointly with the consultants, agree on any suggested changes to approach and provide clarification before approving the evaluation.

During the evaluation, the partners will mobilize respondents, facilitate logistical support, and provide inclusive disability training to research assistants or translation services for respondents who are deaf or deafblind. On receipt of the finished product, the partners will provide feedback and request for alterations to the consultant before accepting the finalized piece of work. Partners will then hold a dissemination workshop.

The Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) will be involved in the development of the evaluation through to the dissemination. UDPK will support project design and be able to review the terms of reference, consultant proposals and inception reports as standard. Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) will then form part of the key informants for the evaluation. Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) will be asked to validate the findings of the evaluation and will then attend the dissemination forum where the consultant will present the findings of the evaluation.

In summary Light for the world and the TO50 partners will;

Provide the consultant with the project documents and other relevant learning materials generated.
Guide the consultant on the delivery of the assignment.
Validate and approve the consultancy deliverables as developed by the consultant.
Organize the dissemination forums as indicated in the MEL plan.
Pay the assignment fee.


The consultant will be required to submit a technical and financial proposal aligned with the posted terms of reference. The successful consultant will then submit an inception report detailing the planned evaluation. At minimum, the evaluation will provide the following, although consultants are invited to suggest additional or alternative documentation:

An Inception Report

A Draft Evaluation Report (for partner feedback)
A Final Evaluation Report with the following structure:
Executive summary
Brief project background
Detailed explanation on the evaluation methodology
Main findings relating to the evaluation questions, with clear breakdown of target themes
Lessons Learnt and Recommendations for future action.
Annexes to include, but not limited to:
Acronyms and Definitions of Terms (to ensure uniform understanding)
Bibliography of referenced sources
List of participants/meetings, interviews and focus group discussions with dates, participants and locations
Tabular format of different variable analysed e,g viable procurement chains preferably per location
A sample of success stories/ ME Case studies
A PowerPoint presentation on key summary findings of the evaluation.

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