Internal Audit Officer


Responsible for performing objective, independent, and reliable assessments of the effectiveness of the bank’s risk management activities, its compliance with applicable regulations, and its internal control-environment.  Execution of audit duties in the planning, scheduling, coordinating, reviewing and reporting in line with professional auditing standards and bank audit requirements.


Audit Planning 
Audit Execution / Performance
Audit Reporting, Monitoring & Follow-up 
Personal Leadership & Development
Risk & Compliance


Audit Planning

Plan and conduct risk based & compliance audits in line with the work plan. Prepare audit plans for individual assignments as per the work plan allocations. 
Review and develop audit programs and testing procedures relevant to risk, compliance and audit objectives for audits allocated.
Monitor and evaluate key processes as identified in the risk assessment during assignment planning.
Identify internal controls issues for key risk processes during planning to adequately test controls and processes. 

Audit Execution / Performance

Perform audit procedures to verify the implementation and effectiveness of controls through testing and interacting with the relevant staff.
Ensure successful completion of assigned/planned audit engagements, from start to finish, inclusive of preplanning, fieldwork and wrap up activities.
Discuss audit findings and recommendations with the directors and departmental heads; identify and communicate control issues noted, offering practical solutions relevant to business and related risks.
Use audit project management tools to record and track an audit project progress.
Prepare of audit files for assignments allocated and ensure proper sign-off & filing of working papers.
Carry out spot checks on keys areas such as cash count etc.

Audit Reporting, Monitoring & Follow-up 

Prepare and submit timely, quality audit reports; engage in meetings with management and departmental heads and advise on improvements.
Constantly monitor if the audit recommendations have been implemented by the management by way of tracking and follow- up audits and report on any gaps observed.
Develop and maintain productive client and staff relationships.
Assess, evaluate and advise management on how to achieve statutory/ legal compliance;
Conduct ad-hoc/ special investigations and reviews as requested by management/ BARC
Update the Internal Audit Manager on regular basis; on execution and progress on assigned tasks and any arising significant internal control issues
Undertake any other tasks as assigned by Internal Audit Manager from time to time

Personal Leadership & Development:

Manage self by showing drive and motivation, an ability to self-reflect and a commitment to learning.
Communicate effectively communicate clearly, actively listen to others, and respond with understanding and respect.

Commit to Customer Service: provide, customer-focused services in line with banking sector and organizational objectives – adherence to the bank customer service charter and ensure personal accountability so as to meet the laid down Service Level Agreements (SLA) and work within stipulated Turn Around Time (TAT).

Work Collaboratively Collaborate with others and value their contribution.
Deliver Results Achieve results through the efficient use of resources and a commitment to quality outcomes.
Think and solve problems, analyze and consider the broader context to develop practical.
Keeping abreast with staff communications, attending staff meetings – morning huddles and weekly progress meetings.
Responsible for own career within the bank and preparing an annual Personal Development Plan (PDP) and ensuring its actualization.
Adherence to the banks policies and procedures, dress code, code of conduct, HR policies and procedures and follows laid down grievance and disciplinary procedure to ensure a conducive work environment.
Closure of identified deficiencies from concluded audits, correction within stipulated timelines, and ensure no repeat findings.
Live the brand values as a Sidian Bank brand ambassador and always project the right image of the bank to both staff and customers.

Risk & Compliance

Attend training and maintain knowledge of and comply with all bank policies and procedures including Anti Money Laundering/Countering Financing of Terrorism/Countering Proliferation Financing laws, rules and regulations.
Participate or undertake Anti Money Laundering/Countering Financing of Terrorism/Countering Proliferation Financing bank programs on a regular basis e.g. taking attestations, self-assessment tests, filling in compliance questionnaires as required
Comply and not to knowingly participate or assist in any violation of Anti Money Laundering/Countering Financing of Terrorism/Countering Proliferation Financing laws, rules, regulations or internal policies, procedure and guidelines.
Report suspected money laundering cases to their respective heads of units or to the Money Laundering Reporting Officer as soon as such incidents occur immediately with a clear basis of suspicion   
Avoid Misrepresentation and Malicious Reporting – knowingly making a false, fictitious or fraudulent representation e.g. statement, report, document.
Avoid Tipping Off customers being investigated so as not to knowingly prejudice an investigation by disclosing information.
Not provide advice or other assistance to individuals who attempt to violate or avoid Anti Money Laundering/Countering Financing of Terrorism/Countering Proliferation Financing laws, rules, regulations or corporate policies.
Respond to all AML/CFT/CPF queries when requested by Compliance Unit to allow the bank to comply with the requirements of The Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism Amendment Act
Co – operate fully with regulators and law enforcement agents and make available required documents and information.


This position reports to the Internal Audit Manager 

Decisions for this job are restricted audits allocated to the position as per the work plan. 

Risk classification of an audit observation. i.e. whether High, Medium or Low
Determine if an audit observation has been satisfactorily closed based on action taken, observation and management comments 

The Internal Auditor makes recommendations to the Manager on actions to be taken. Actions will only be taken upon approval of the recommendations.  

In making the recommendations, the Internal Auditor will be guided by;   

Bank’s approved policies and standard operating procedures 
Relevant and applicable Acts such as the Banking Act of Kenya, POCAMLA, etc. 
Regulation – Prudential guidelines, Risk Management Guidelines 
Professional standards from ICPAK, IIA 


Must have an undergraduate or graduate degree in finance or a business management related field. An accounting/finance degree is preferred.


Must have a minimum of 3 years of experience in auditing or a minimum of 5 years operations experience in a bank


Strong interpersonal skills 
Analytical skills
Team player 
Report writing and general communication skills
Ability to frequently travel for long periods and on short notice


CPA and/or CIA and/or CISA.

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