Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies (CHRIPS)

The Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies (CHRIPS) is an independent think tank,research and policy development centre. CHRIPS invests in the generation and dissemination of0 knowledge that facilitates the development of innovative and effective policy solutions to the pertinent security challe… read morenges in Africa. Through its work, CHRIPS seeks to advance rights and social justice.
The Centre was registered in Nairobi Kenya as a non-government organisation in 2009 and has since played a leading role in generating knowledge about Africa for effective policy responses. The Centre was founded as a response to the need for the development of African institutions that are dedicated to strengthening the infrastructure of knowledge within the region to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.Registered in 2009, the Centre is an international institution, principally working in Africa, and committed to the generation and dissemination of policy-relevant knowledge and to the development of innovative public policy solutions that also promote human rights and social justice. The Centre is an innovative and independent think tank engaged in the search for local solutions to the urgent problems of the day through local knowledge and the best of international ideas.
Over the last few years, CHRIPS has established the highest possible standards for scholarly research and has grown in expertise and experience in generating knowledge in the areas of human rights, security, terrorism and counter-terrorism, violence, crime and policing at both academic and policy levels. CHRIPS brings together experts with both academic and policy specialization and experience on issues of security, human rights and governance, political violence and transitional justice, civil conflicts and gender among others. Its research and analysis has informed ongoing policy planning processes in the fields of security sector reforms as well as human rights at national and regional levels. Through the participation of its members in various platforms, including conferences, seminars and submissions to peer reviewed publications, CHRIPS is today increasingly recognized as an important contributor to public debates and discourses of these issues.
CHRIPS has also forged research partnerships with premier research institutions in Kenya and internationally that have yielded a number of high quality research outputs. For instance, during the 2013 elections in Kenya, CHRIPS took the lead in working with the National Police Service Commission in developing guidelines for policing the elections, as a specific action towards improving civilian/police interaction during the election period. CHRIPS has also partnered with the African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum (APCOF) in implementing a project on ‘Promoting local level police accountability’ that seeks to address gaps in the local level accountability work. The Centre has also partnered with Institute for Development Studies (IDS) at University of Sussex on a research project ‘Addressing and Mitigating Violence in Kenya’s Urban Slum’ that examines the urban poor in the provision of basic services and security among the poor people living in Nairobi’s informal settlements.
In the past, CHRIPS has also partnered with the Centre for Human Rights and Peace at the University of Nairobi, French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA), British Institute for Eastern Africa (BIEA), United States International University (USIU), and the Kenya School of Government among others.
CHRIPS invests in the training and mentorship of up-and-coming scholars concentrating on the fields of security and human rights through research collaborations and fellowships.



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