Kenya Accreditation Service (KENAS)

Kenya Accreditation Service (KENAS) is the Sole National Accreditation Body (NAB) mandated to offer accreditation services in Kenya. It is established under the States Corporations Act, Cap 446; vide Legal Notice No. 55 of May 2009. It gives formal attestation that Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs… read more) are competent to carry out specific conformity assessment activities.
KENAS is a member of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and an associate member at ILAC which are umbrella organizations that oversee accreditation activities at a global level.
KENAS is mandated to: –
1. Provide accreditation to conformity assessment bodies.These conformity assessment bodies are:-
a) Certification Bodies
(i) Management Systems ISO/IEC 17021
(ii) Personnel ISO/IEC 17024
(iii) Products, processes and services ISO/IEC 17065
b) Testing and Calibration Laboratories ISO/IEC 17025
c) Medical laboratories ISO 15189
d) Inspection and Verification bodies ISO/IEC 17020
e) Proficiency Test providers ISO/IEC 17043
f) Reference Medical Laboratories ISO/IEC 15195
g) Veterinary Laboratories ISO/ IEC 17025 & OIE
2. Develop, regulate and review the criteria or requirements for accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies;
3. Open, maintain and update the register of accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies;
4. Design and issue identification numbers and certificates to all accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies;
5. Publish in the Kenya Gazette all Conformity Assessment Bodies that have been accredited within a particular year;
6. Promote the use of accreditation marks and certificates issued to accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies;
7. Promote competence and equivalence of accredited bodies;
8. Establish and nurture relations and co-operation with regional and international accreditation bodies, persons, associations and organizations that KENAS may consider desirable or appropriate, in furtherance of the objectives and purposes for which KENAS is established;
9. Promote accreditation as a means of facilitating regional and international trade and enhancing economic performance and transformation;
10.Participate in the formulation of regional and international guidelines and standards to facilitate the accreditation process;
11. Raise awareness on the importance and purpose of accreditation, and Promote KENAS as the sole National Accreditation Body in the scope of accreditation.



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