Consultancy: Mid-Term Review of the Supply Chain Strategic Plan 2020-2025 Innovation and Research Technical Lead

The Supply Chain Strategic Plan 2020-2025 was the first of its kind for the health products and technologies in Kenya and provides a footprint to be used by all stakeholders in supply chain space for common goals. The strategy covers all areas of health products and technologies that promote availability, access, affordability, quality, and safety as is described in the strategy vision “A sustainable, resilient and responsive health products and technologies supply chain system and mission “To provide a steady supply of quality and affordable health products and technologies through functional supply chain system”. The strategic plan has the following six key strategic pillars:

Pillar 1 – Enhance Capacity for Governance, Regulation, and Quality Assurance.
Pillar 2 – Establish and Sustain a robust HPT Product Selection, Quantification, Procurement, Distribution and Use System.
Pillar 3 – Harness collaboration and partnerships at all levels for effective resource mobilization and implementation.
Pillar 4 – Embrace and Adopt Information Communication Technology in all aspects of the supply chain for HPT.
Pillar 5 – Scale-up Capacity for Research, Local Production, and full exploitation of TRIPS flexibilities for HPT.
Pillar 6 – Strengthen Human Resource Management & Development for HPT supply chain.

Purpose of the Mid-Term Review
The Mid-Term Review of Supply Chain Strategic Plan 2020-2025 will contribute to a better understanding of the progress achieved in implementing the strategic objectives, determine whether intended transformational results were achieved, and make recommendations on improvements that will strengthen performance and accountability. The specific objectives include:

Measure progress against the Supply Chain Strategic Plan 2020-2025 implementation framework milestones i.e., measure effectiveness of the three years milestones (July 2020 to June 2023); measure progress towards meeting the two years milestones (July 2023 to June 2025); validate the effectiveness at all national and county level.
Review lessons learned from strategy implementation at national and county level, and efficiency and sustainability of existing mechanisms for implementation, including stakeholders’ engagement and alignment of support to the strategy.
Governance mechanism. Are the mechanisms in place appropriate to meet the expected goals; Are the resources allocated (funding, human, etc.) to the different mechanisms appropriate?
Review early benefits of existing mechanism and projects for strategy implementation.
How have activities implemented under the strategy contribute to major global and national (SDGs, UHC)
Bases on the assessment above, provide recommendations for areas of improvements, and to identify actions to ensure positive benefits/impacts and sustainability of the interventions.

Scope of the Review

The Strategic Plan has been under implementation for three years from July 2020 to June 2023. The review will cover the performance for the last three years and challenges, changes, opportunities, and threats that have implications for its implementation.

Principles for Conducting Mid-Term Reviews
To ensure optimal results from the MTR process, the following guiding principles which stem from the basic norms and standards should be observed.

Evidence-based: The review process should be based on verifiable and reliable data and data sources. This contributes to well informed and credible review.
Credibility: The review should make use of reliable data and data sources. The reviewers should be consistent in the procedures adopted for the review and present findings which are reasonable and reliable in decision making.
Independence: The independence of a Midterm Review is important for the reliability of findings generated. The reviewers should express findings, conclusions and recommendations without undue influence from the implementers and managers.
Impartiality: Entire MTR process from formulation of terms of reference, selection of reviewer(s), data collection, analysis, and reporting of findings should be carried out objectively, professionally and not in a biased way.
Utility: The review should be useful, timely, and beneficial to all relevant stakeholders. The review should yield satisfactory findings to the users to meet their objectives.
Participatory approach: Consultation with all stakeholders that include management, implementers (public, private, faith-based, NGO) and development and funding partners is critical for a successful review. Consultation promotes review culture based on knowledge sharing and ownership of results findings by all stakeholders.

Supply Chain Strategy Review Coordination Mechanism

The mid-term review of the Supply Chain Strategy 2020-2025 will be coordinated by a Technical Working Group (TWG) appointed the Director General, Health.


The overall objective of the consultancy is to support the process of reviewing and updating the Supply Chain Strategy 2020-2025. The consultant will be required to fast track the review process of the Supply Chain Strategic Plan 2020-2025.

The independent consultant or consultancy firm will:

Conduct an in-depth assessment of the progress of the HPT SC Strategy 2020-25 from its inception to date.
Develop tools to be used for review of the supply chain strategy.
Develop and update the supply chain strategy review tracking tool.
Identify the necessary reference materials to be used in document review.
Undertake a situational analysis and develop a report.
Coordinate gathering of information from relevant institutions on the strategy implementation status.
Set out refined priorities for the remaining period of the Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Facilitate stakeholder meetings to discuss findings and incorporate relevant feedback.
Facilitate meetings in collaboration with DHPT and key supply chain stakeholders to validate and consolidate input.
Providing periodic de-briefs/milestones with the TWG for this assignment
Develop the supply chain strategy implementation tracking tool re-aligning timeframes of activities for completion in the remaining period of the Strategy.
Preparation of final revised and costed HPT supply chain strategy 2020-2025.

Afya Ugavi will be responsible for the following:

Facilitate consultant’s fee based on submission and approval of deliverables by the Afya Ugavi Chief of Party.
Facilitate the consultant’s travel and logistical support to field activities.
Jointly with DHPT, periodically review progress, participate in official, and ad hoc review meetings.

Expected Deliverables
At the conclusion of the process, the following deliverables will be expected from the consultant:

Deliverable 1: Preliminary/Inception report on how the assignment will be done and a roadmap to achieve the final output.
Deliverable 2: Submit to the TWG a situational analysis report.
Deliverable 3: Submit a Revised HPT SC strategy 2020-2025.
Deliverable 4: Submit a costed implementation plan for the revised HPT SC strategy 2020 2025
Deliverable 5: Develop and update the supply chain strategy review tracking tool.
Deliverable 6: Develop the supply chain strategy implementation tracking tool.

The review may be done by independent consultant or personnel of the consultancy firm will be required to have the following professional and technical qualifications:

Have postgraduate degree qualifications in either Public Health, Policy & Planning, Strategy Development, Implementation and Evaluation, Pharmacy, and any other related field.
Minimum work experience of 10 years in the Kenyan public health sector.
Previous experience in the development, implementation and/or evaluation of health-related strategic plans.
Demonstrate an in depth understanding of the health products & technologies context in both public and private sector in Kenya.
Ability to communicate both orally and in written form fluently.
Good command of Microsoft applications (Word, Excel, Power point) and common internet applications will be required.
Must be able to work independently with excellent demonstrated teamwork and coordination skills.

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Qualified applicants are encouraged to submit their updated CV and cover letter via email to: by September 4, 2023.

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