Research on Child Trafficking and Unsafe Migration

The Purpose of the Research

The research seeks to establish the trends of child trafficking and unsafe migration in Marsabit County, including determining the specific child trafficking risks, drivers and enablers . The study will serve to determine the scale of child trafficking in Marsabit County capturing the context, push and pull factors that contribute to this phenomenon, any (changing) trends, pathways to child trafficking , demographics of children/youth, forms of exploitation related to child trafficking, common perpetrators, recruitment patterns, source, routes and destination, age, sex/gender, socio-economic background of both child victims as well as the perpetrators.
The research findings will be used by TdH NL and SND to strengthen child protection mechanisms, adopt a targeted approach in programming and advocacy in ensuring children are not exploited. The findings and evidence generated from the research will be published, disseminated and used to inform local and national level advocacy, as well regional level in case of any cross border child protection policy or practice. Moreover, findings of the research will be shared with key stakeholders (Sub County and County Government Officials), the communities and children for engagement and discussions on topical issues emanating from the research.

Research Questions:

The research will seek to answer the following questions:

What push and pull factors put children in Moyale, Marsabit County at risk of child trafficking and unsafe migration?
What are the pathways to trafficking of children i.e. recruitment, patterns, source, routes, main recruiters and destination?
What are the key risk factors, or forms of exploitation child survivors of trafficking and unsafe migrations face in Moyale in Marsabit County?
What is the capacity level of the local community to the County government in addressing or combating child trafficking and unsafe migration in Marsabit County.
What are the knowledge, attitudes, and practices in relation to child trafficking and unsafe migration in Moyale, Marsabit County among the community members, state and non state actors?
What key messaging is recommended for use in advocacy addressing Child trafficking and Unsafe Migration at Local Level in Marsabit as well National level?

Research Objectives:

The specific objectives for the research are:

To investigate the structural (formal and informal) drivers and enablers of child trafficking and unsafe migration in Marsabit County and explore demographics of children at risk and survivors.
To assess the local capacity in effectively addressing or combating child trafficking and unsafe migration in Marsabit County
To explore legislative and policy framework and reinforcement measures in place by the government in combating child trafficking and unsafe migration in Marsabit County
To conduct analysis of the knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to Sexual Exploitation of Children in general and child trafficking and unsafe migration in particular
To explore the capacity of community based child protection systems in combating child trafficking and unsafe migration in Marsabit County


The research consultant is expected to employ a participatory, trauma informed, mixed method approach to conducting this research with a cross-border angle.

Key Deliverables

The consultant will be required to successfully deliver the following:

A draft inception report which responds to the scope of work with a clear methodology, a child safeguarding and risk assessment plan, data collection instruments, detailed work plan, and budget.
A fieldwork implementation plan (to be submitted before field work begins). This field work plan should be presented to TdH NL and SND for comments and revised as necessary prior to commencing fieldwork.A fair draft research report incorporating feedback from TdH NL and SND. The fair draft report will synthesise all data, identify conclusions, and make recommendations (taking into account ALL comments and additions from TdH NL and SND following submission of the Draft Report).
Oral presentation and validation of the findings: The consultant will make a presentation to TdH NL and the partner staff of the findings of the assessment. The debriefing meeting will be an opportunity to clarify outstanding aspects of the assessment findings before finalisation of the report. Thereafter, the research findings will be validated with all key stakeholders involved in the research.
The Final Report: The consultant will be expected to produce a final report, with comments from the debriefing taken into account. While the substantive content shall be determined by the consultant, the report is subject to final approval by TdH NL in terms of whether or not the report meets the conditions of the ToR and expected standards. TdH NL will provide the reporting template and layout. Final reports submitted in a printed/publishable format and a summarised PowerPoint presentation of the assessment findings for dissemination.
Full clean data sets. The consultant will be required to submit anonymised data sets/ transcripts used for analysis, as appendices to the final report.
Dissemination Workshop: After the research report is finalised, TdH NL will organise a dissemination workshop with key stakeholders. The consultant is expected to co-facilitate the workshop and present the results of the research.

Child Safeguarding Measures

In line with the UNCRC, Terre des Hommes Netherlands strives to keep children safe in all its undertakings by keeping the principles of ‘do no harm’ and ‘best interests of the child’ top of mind. A screening and reference check of the successful individual/ firms will be conducted during the selection process to confirm their suitability of working with children. The successful applicant will be required to read, understand, and commit to abide by TdH NL’s Child Safeguarding Policies and Guidelines. The institution/firm or individual consultant will sign the policies to indicate an understanding of and commitment to follow the policy requirements. The methodologies used in this study must abide by the universally accepted ethical standards for involving children in research. These include:

Ensuring children will not be harmed by involvement in the research
Protecting children from secondary trauma
Securing informed consent
Voluntary participation of children in research
Privacy and anonymity. i.e. what locations and methods are best for respecting children’s privacy?
Protocols in place for responding to a child’s disclosure of harm or abuse

A risk assessment and mitigation plan will be developed at the onset.

Ethical Considerations

The consultant will be required to get ethical approval from a recognised body before data collection in the field. Terre des Hommes Netherlands will coordinate with the consultant to ensure this approval is provided prior to field activities.


The assignment is to be conducted and completed between 20th September 2023 2023 and 31st October 2023.

Consultant Profile:

Competencies, Experience, and Skill requirements

The consultant engaged to undertake the assignment must fulfil the following requirements:

The team for this assignment will consist of the consultant(s) who will have overall responsibility for designing, implementing, and coordinating the entire assessment guided by the ToR.

The knowledge, skills, and expertise required areas are as outlined below:

The lead consultant is required to have at least a Master’s Degree in Social Sciences, Community Development, or other related fields. A PhD will be given preference
Sound understanding of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Counter Trafficking in Person Act, Code of Conduct, and UN Global Compact.
A minimum of five years of experience working in the child rights and child exploitation prevention field
Extensive knowledge/experience in conducting research focusing on child exploitation, especially child trafficking and unsafe migration.
Has proven skills, knowledge and experience in participatory mixed method research with children and/or vulnerable groups
A strong commitment to and proven experience in utilising child participatory
Has proven experience in conducting research using various methodologies such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, household surveys etc.
Experience in working with or leading research for INGOs.
Has excellent communication skills in writing and spoken English and Kiswahili.
Excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills.
Excellent analytical and report writing skills.
Is familiar with social and cultural norms, and attitudes especially in relation to child protection/child exploitation.

Qualified and interested applicants to submit Technical and Financial proposals electronically in PDF formats, addressed to “The Selection Committee”, with subject line clearly marked TdH NL Research on Child Trafficking and unsafe Migration via email on or before Friday 1st September, 2023 at 1700 hrs (EAT) to: with the aim to select the consultant by 10th September, 2023 and start the assignment by 20th September, 2023.All applications should include the following:

Apply via :