Job Objectives:
Strategic management of bank’s Treasury and Balance sheet to achieve optimal profitability while minimising risk exposure
Sourcing for LCY/FCY deposits and investments
Business and Product Development
Major responsibilities
Development of Hedge products for the bank and its customers
Maximize return on investments by exploring available instruments that are within the Bank’s risk exposure guidelines.
Meet customers’ foreign exchange requirements by providing a competitive price and excellent service.
Exchange Income Generation from FX trading
Currency Trading on Account of the bank’s Customers
Develop and Implement an Effective Liquidity Management Strategy
Maximize the yield from the branch’s balance sheet
Establish procedure for monitoring risks, ensure adherence to delegated/approved limits, for liquidity credit and market risk parameters and proper risk reporting.
Structure interest rate risk to protect the bank earnings against adverse rate movements, while exploiting profit opportunities incurring acceptable risk.
Build and maintain a foreign currency sales capability to service bank customer needs efficiently and profitability.
Direct the management of foreign currency positions to protect bank earnings against adverse rate fluctuations, while purchasing bank and customer currency needs in efficient amounts to acceptable rates.
Develop and operate ALCO as the primary bank senior management forum for reviewing and structuring the bank balance sheet exposures to manage risk and enhance profitability.
Implement and monitor ALCO directives
Maintain prudent liquidity in support of bank business needs, while investing excess funds effectively and profitably.
Develop two-way market capabilities for the affiliate to facilitate funding flexibility.
Ensure that all aspects of Treasury are conducted within the letter of all applicable laws, regulations and procedures.
Maintain a healthy working environment that his conducive to higher productivity.
Continuously explore ways to maximize employee benefits with least costs.
Balance sheet management
Liquidity management
Deepening existing business relationships
Maintaining good working relationship with other banks, and proactively represent the Bank
Monitor and ensure that all Treasury activities are done based on the approved procedures,
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Portfolio Size
Product development
Cost of funds
Yield on assets
Efficient Country balance sheet structure
Regulatory compliance
Accuracy of forecast of key economic indicators
Efficient monitoring of Balance Sheet triggers
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