Chairperson – Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA)

For appointment as Chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation, a person  should: 

Hold a degree from a university or an equivalent professional qualification recognized in Kenya;
Have professional experience in financial and economic matters of at least fifteen (15) years of 
Have had a distinguished career in his/her respective field; and
Meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.

A person shall not be qualified for appointment as Chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation if the person:

is a member of Parliament or County Assembly;
is a member of a governing body of a political party;
is an undischarged bankrupt;
has been removed from public office for contravening the provisions of the Constitution or any other law; and
has not met his or her legal obligations relating to tax and other statutory obligations.


The Chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation shall be appointed for a single term of six years, shall not be eligible for re appointment and shall serve on a part-time basis.
The salary and allowances payable to the Chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation, being a state officer, shall be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission

Shortlisted candidates shall be required to present original of the following documents during the interviews:Current and Valid clearances from the following bodies:APPLICATION PROCESS “Application for Chairperson, Commission on Revenue Allocation” and addressed to:The Secretary/CEO
Public Service Commission 
P.O. Box 30095 – 00100

Apply via :