Nakuru City Board Members (3 Positions) Molo Municipal Board Members (3 Positions) Gilgil Municipal Board Members (3 Positions) Naivasha Municipal Board Members (3 Positions) Chair, County Executive Audit Committee Member, County Executive Audit Committee (3 Positions)

Requirements for Appointment for city Board Member

Be a Kenyan citizen,
Be in a possession of at least a university degree from an institution recognized in Kenya;
has a distinguished career in a medium level management position in either the private or public sector;
holds at least five(5) years’ post qualification professional experience;
is ordinarily resident or has a permanent dwelling in the municipality;
carries on business in the municipality or has lived in the municipality for at least five (5) years
Meets the requirements of Chapter Six of the Kenya Constitution 2010 and is not disqualified for appointment to office by County Government Act or any other law.

Functions of the City Board of Nakuru

oversee the affairs of the municipality;
develop and adopt policies, plans, strategies and programmes, and set targets for delivery of services;
formulate and implement an integrated development plan;
promote and undertake infrastructural development and services within the municipality;
develop and manage schemes, including site development in collaboration with the relevant national and county agencies;
maintain a comprehensive database and information system of the administration and provide public access thereto upon payment of a nominal fee to be determined by the board;
implement applicable national and county legislation;
monitor and, where appropriate, regulate municipal services where those services are provided by the service providers other than the board of the municipality;
prepare its budget for approval by the county executive committee and administer the budget as approved; monitor the impact and effectiveness of any services, policies, programmes or plans;
establish, implement and monitor performance management systems;
Perform such other functions as may be delegated to the Board by the County Government of Nakuru or as may be approved by law.

Requirements for the Appointment as a Member of Municipal board 

holds at least a diploma from an institution recognized in Kenya;
has a distinguished career in a medium level management position in either the private or public sector;
holds at least five years’ post-qualification professional experience; and satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution;
is ordinarily resident or has a permanent dwelling in the municipality; and carries on business in the municipality or has lived in themunicipality for at least five years.The Board of the Municipality shall perform the following functions  oversee the affairs of the Municipality;
develop or adopt policies, plans, strategies and programme and set targets for service delivery;
formulate and implement an integrated development plan;
control, land sub-division, land development and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose, including industry, commerce, markets, shopping and other employment centers, residential areas, recreational areas, parks, entertainment, passenger transport, agriculture, and freight and transit stations within the framework of the spatial and master plans for the Municipality as delegated by the County Government of Nakuru;
promoting and undertaking infrastructural development and services within Municipality as delegated by the County Government of Nakuru;
developing and managing schemes, including site development in collaboration with the relevant national and county agencies;
maintaining a comprehensive database and information system of theadministration;
administering and regulating its internal affairs;
implementing applicable national and county legislation;
entering into contracts, partnerships or joint ventures as it may consider necessary for the discharge of its functions;
monitoring and, where appropriate, regulating municipal services where those services are provided by service providers other than the Board of the Municipality;
preparing and submitting its annual budget estimates to the relevant County Treasury for consideration and submission to the County Assembly for approval as part of the annual County Appropriation Bill;
collecting rates, taxes levies, duties, fees and surcharges on fees asdelegated by the County Government of Nakuru;
settling and implementing tariff, rates and tax and debt collection policies as delegated by the County Government of Nakuru;
monitoring the impact and effectiveness of any services, policies, programs or plans;
establishing, implementing and monitoring performance managementsystems;
promoting a safe and healthy environment;
facilitating and regulating public transport;
performing such other functions as may be legislated or delegated by the County Government of Nakuru or as provided by article 5 of the Charter.


Members shall be paid as per allowances and benefits as determined and reviewed by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).
All written applications, CVS, Copies of certificates, Copies of Identity card and testimonials should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the left side for the positions applied for and addressed to the undersigned on or before 28th February,2023

go to method of application »

NOTE: The County Secretary
County Government of Nakuru
Government Road/Moi Road
P.O Box 2870-20100
Nakuru, Kenya
Hand delivered to the Office of the County Secretary located at the County Headquarters opposite Kenya Power OfficesOnly shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Any form of canvassing or lobbying will lead to automatic disqualification.
The County Government of Nakuru is an equal opportunity employer; women, persons with disabilities and other disadvantaged persons who meet the specified criteria are encouraged to apply

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